Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1502406-Music-of-a-Heightened-Passion
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Animal · #1502406
This is a short story I did for a friend of mine, a cougar named Elrabin.
Screams. Screams all around them as the two felines hustled away backstage. Applause, whistles, calls, and screams. These were the sounds Kitten and Elrabin were used to after every performance. It felt like the same old routine now. Go out on stage. Elrabin, with his delicate and graceful paws, sitting at the nine-foot long stage grand piano; Kitten, bedazzled in a shimmering sequined evening gown, standing by the piano, one paw on its edge. Then the two of them would begin. They were adored the world over by musicians and average folk alike, being known as “Carnegie’s Couple.”

And who could blame them? They were, after all, recently married, and still direly and desperately in love with one another. It’s what made them all the more press-worthy. The media ate up the cuteness and romance of their relationship, and, like with all famous couples, the media also tried to find any dirt they could expose on them. But the two of them were clean. They had talent, they had charming looks, they had romance, and they had innocence. They were the newest thing to top the charts in a good while—everything else had just been by well-established performers.

They laughed at the screams as they made their way back to their dressing room. They always laughed at the screams, laughing at the idea of being idolized.

“It gives me a sort of rush, you know,” Kitten said to her husband as they trotted down the narrow corridor and up to a rather plain-looking door that was marked only by a small, drab sign that read “Dressing Room 5.” Kitten opened the door, and the two of them rushed inside, quickly shutting—almost slamming—the door behind them, pushing the little button on the knob to lock it.

Instantly after the door was secured, the two of them embraced each other firmly and passionately, kissing and groping one another hotly. They always banged each other right after a concert. They had told the papers that the music gave them a sort of high, but that was just a cover story. They both knew better. It was the fans—the millions and millions of adoring fans, cheering and screaming—that drove them wild. Their liquor was the idolization of their talents, their aphrodisiac the idea of being treated as god and goddess united.

Kitten tore off her husband’s tuxedo eagerly. She delicately let her clawtips brush over Elrabin’s thick, white chest fur. Elrabin was panting as he quickly finished the job the shorter housecat standing before him had begun. His tall, toned cougar form freed itself from its clothes and stood proudly naked, his reddish-tan fur ruffled from the eagerness of it all.

Kitten slinked slowly and sensuously out of her dark blue gown to reveal an entirely chocolate-colored coat of fur. Her bosom heaved as she panted and purred, her average-sized but voluptuous breasts swinging delicately. Elrabin didn’t need another cue—he simply dove down and started licking his lover’s firm nipple. Kitten cried out in lust as she felt her milk begin to flow. Her head thrashed around—and suddenly stopped.

She had seen something on the dresser that neither of them had seen when they came in, being too preoccupied with their lust. “Um…love?” she said, her delicate voice ringing in the air, and the cougar paused to look up at her. She was still looking at the dresser, so he followed her gaze and saw it for himself: a small vial containing a blue liquid was sitting on the dresser on top of a couple pieces of paper.

Elrabin got up and wandered over to the dresser. He picked up the vial, beheld it. It looked like a small bottle of perfume or cologne—one of the old-fashioned ones without a spray nozzle. He looked down at the papers and saw a letter sitting on top of an open magazine. He picked up the letter first and read it aloud, his deep soft voice contrasting with his lover’s in that it had no resonance at all.

“I heard about your problems and thought that this might help. One sip each. Signed, A Fan.” He looked puzzledly at the letter, then to his wife, who was looking just as perplexed. He flipped the piece of paper over, hoping to find some sort of address, but there was nothing. No address, no name, not even an inkblot. He looked down at the magazine and saw that it was open to an article about him and his wife. There was a small paragraph circled in red, with a sentence highlighted. Elrabin read it silently to himself, his puzzled expression turning to one of disgust before he handed the magazine to Kitten. Kitten’s face went slack-jawed as she, too, read the slandering statement:

“…But an exclusive insider report for us from a close friend of Carnegie’s Couple told us that they reportedly were unhappy with their sex life, both saying that the others’ genitalia was too small.”

“They can’t print that!” Kitten cried out in disgust. “Can they?”

“I don’t know…” Elrabin answered cautiously. “They said a friend of ours said it. If the friend said it, then they can print it…I think. We might be able to sue for libel.” Kitten mrumphed and threw herself naked self onto the couch, casting her eyes to the floor. “I think you’re beautiful,” Elrabin said earnestly, gazing at her.

Kitten looked up smiled faintly. “I love you,” she said. “I think you’re beautiful, too. And there’s no way in hell that 11 inches long and 5 inches wide is too small!” She laughed a bit. “Not unless I was 20 feet tall or something!”

Elrabin chuckled, grinning warmly at her. “Well, what do you want to do?”

Kitten turned to the front page of the magazine. “It’s just a supermarket tabloid. Anyone who believes in that rubbish needs to get a life.”

“Alright,” Elrabin grinned. “Now what about this gift?” He held up the odd little vial, watching as the light reflected through it. He saw then that the liquid was not just blue, but an array of colors that seemed to flow in and out with the light, though blue was the most prevalent. He was almost mesmerized by it, his mind seeming to slip away from him, when Kitten responded.

“I say we try it. What harm could it do? I wouldn’t mind having bigger breasts, anyway, you know.” She winked at him, smiling a sly smile that cleared Elrabin’s mind of any doubt. Anything for his lady, he thought to himself, as he popped the top off the vial and put it to his lips, draining half the vial in a single sip.

“Tastes like strawberries,” he said, grinning.

“Oh, how sexy!” Kitten giggled and took the vial, emptying the vial into her maw almost greedily. “Hmm, you’re right! It DOES taste like strawberries!” she said as she eyed her lover’s sheath. Elrabin had already been staring at Kitten’s bosom, almost unwillingly and instinctively. He watched eagerly at her beautiful breasts jiggling a bit, her nipples hardening again. Kitten watched just as eagerly as Elrabin’s huge meaty organ rose slowly out of its sheath.

Simultaneously, they ran across the small room towards each other and embraced again, kissing one another passionately. Elrabin worked Kitten’s breasts in his paws as their tongues wrestled between their mouths. Kitten reached down and spread herself wide to take in Elrabin’s full length. They both moaned, grunted, and purred as Elrabin’s thick shaft drove slowly into Kitten’s hot, wet tunnel. She was used to accommodating for his thickness now, and quite proud of herself for it, too—not just any femme fur could fit in a five-inch thick cock.

They heard the screams again, rising outside, nearing their corridor as the fans rushed to meet them. Kitten threw her head back and laughed in ecstasy as she rode her lover. She felt like a goddess with all her idolizers—a goddess making love to her passionate god, and it drove her into a lustful frenzy. She felt powerful, oh so powerful, as her cunt squeezed and played Elrabin’s cock inside of her. She didn’t even notice that the two of them were changing.

At least, not until Elrabin cried out as something hard hit his head. He looked up to see the ceiling bearing down on him, then looked around and finally realized with Kitten that they were doing something absurdly impossible. They were growing! Or was the room just shrinking…? Elrabin bent over, exposing his upper back and neck to the ceiling and shielding Kitten. He didn’t know why, exactly, but the thought of growing was making him hornier, so he just continued to pound his meat into Kitten as he pushed up with his might against the ceiling.

The ceiling broke, and Elrabin stuck his head up to see the floor above him—some sort of storage loft for props and costumes. He gazed back down at Kitten, who was looking up at him with wide, curious eyes. She was still horny herself, if not hornier, and she continued to grind her hips against his own in slow, meaningful thrusts. Still, they grew, pushing up towards the roof of the building. The scores of furs hanging around witnessed the disaster—the miracle—of this impossibility before them. The screams of adoring fans had died down as wonder struck the couple’s audience. Then, as more and more furs regained rational thought, the screams arose again—this time fueled by panic.

Kitten groaned, closing her eyes, relishing still in the sound of the screams. She knew why they screamed so, and she giggled at it, laughing sexily at the fear and pandemonium she and her lover were invoking upon everyone. The ceiling fell closer to Elrabin’s head. He tore his eyes momentarily away from Kitten’s and looked up, grinning a bit as the two of them soared ever higher, until at last, they were able to punch through the ceiling.

It was much easier this time, Elrabin noted; it was more like breaking through somewhat thick, burnt paper crisps instead of brittle plastic. Kitten lost herself in the moment, mewing loudly as she climaxed hotly, squeezing her cunt muscles hard around Elrabin’s shaft, now the size of a city bus. Elrabin himself felt close to orgasm, his increasing passion only fueling their lust, fueling their growth. They shot up, the concert hall collapsing beneath their paws, killing off the couple dozen furs who hadn’t gotten out in time.

Finally, after hundreds of feet of growth, the skyscraper-sized cougar came hard into his mate. He roared loudly, splitting the eardrums of the few furs still left behind and causing some weaker buildings to collapse entirely onto themselves. Elrabin pumped countless gallons of his seen into Kitten, causing her to orgasm again with a glass-shattering shriek as she peaked a second time.

The afterglow was long and luxurious. The god and goddess simply laid down, inadvertently crushing a few blocks of trees, homes, cars, and furs, and they cuddled together, purring loudly at one another. They kissed tenderly, holding each other for some time. With arms wrapped around each other, they fell asleep to the soothing sounds of the screams around the chaos they caused.

“They’re still growing, sir,” the young equine Marine reported to his superior. “Slowly, but surely.” The decorated aging husky looked gravely at the young soldier standing before him. This was his time to shine again, his time to remind everyone why he was so decorated. With no recent action, his troops had begun to lose their credibility and even their interest in him recently. But now, Sgt. Kowalski was in his element once again, ready and able to make the strategic decisions he used to be so well known for.

The city had already been evacuated; it was like a ghost town now, save for the occasional looter. Now all that was left to do was to figure out how to subdue the slumbering monsters that had caused this pandemonium. Sgt. Kowalski had ordered his men to simply try shooting the beasts, but their massive bodies proved to be unsusceptible to even their toughest weapons. Nay, they couldn’t even rouse their deep sleep; they just continued to purr gently as they both dreamed happily.

“Bring out the big guns,” Kowalski ordered heavily, and quicker than quick, a nuclear missile was put into a plane. I can’t believe I’m about to fucking nuke New York City, the sergeant mulled quietly as he got into his jeep.

“Are you sure this is wise, sir?” Kowalski’s right-hand fur asked, sitting behind the wheel. Kowalski let the young officer start the engine before answering.

“The damage has already been done to the city, lieutenant,” the husky replied. “What’s left is to make sure nothing else happens.”

The two of them drove off, joining the caravan of camouflaged jeeps heading west. 15 minutes later, once they were all a safe distance away, the husky gave the order gravely. His face seemed stern and resolute as he gazed far away to the metropolis, but behind his plastered eyes was buried deep an old officer: tired, weary, and afraid. He knew his duties—he was just having a hard time realizing them.

The plane soared miles high, releasing the missile over the two large felines, now each just over one thousand feet tall. Kowalski watched as the missile fell slowly…slowly…it was torture, tracing its path down to the earth. Each second it spent in the air felt like an eternity. And the noise…Kowalski knew that scream all too well: It was no different from the screams of the victims of war he had seen and heard in the past, crying for humanity and peace, when none could be found.

The screams…Kowalski broke, unable to bear it any longer, just before the missile hit the city. He doubled over, squeezing his eyes shut and slamming his paws over his ears. He waited for the muffled roar of the explosion to hit him, but he heard nothing. Hours seemed to pass, and still nothing, except a tap on his shoulder.

It didn’t work, he realized, feeling his heart skip a beat. He looked up tentatively, and saw a nightmare…

The missile had landed squarely on the growing kitties and had exploded, but what happened next was as impossible as the beasts the army was trying to destroy. The force of the explosion—all that heat and energy—was being sucked into the two huge furs, only stimulating their growth. What’s more, the furs had woken up, stirred by the screech of the approaching missile. They were awake to feel the exhilarating rush of a fresh charge of growth.

They rose, growing all the while, passing the mile mark. Elrabin seemed to figure out that their growth rate itself was increasing, causing them to zoom up at an exponential rate. He grinned wickedly, gazing at the diminishing ruined city before him, then at Kitten, her luscious body glowing as it absorbed the heat and energy from the failed missile. They embraced, kissing each other passionately.

“Ooh, look, Elrabin!” Kitty cried after they pulled away, pointing towards the curve of the earth. “Isn’t it gorgeous?” She began walking, her massive paws leaving ruinous craters where towns, fields, and people once stood. The earth trembled and quaked under the colossal feline’s weight, cracking and breaking, causing cries of chaos to rise vaguely heard to the ears of the giantess.

…Somewhere in the world, a fur was praying to his gods that the potion he sent to his favorite musicians would work well. He would soon be kicking himself for having tried such a thing…

Elrabin followed his love, his gargantuan steps only ruining the land even more. The two didn’t care, though—they were already too large to feel the countless buildings, trees, and victims crunch smoothly beneath their feet. Somehow, though, the two could still sense the screams of terror being flung at them with each new town they encountered ad destroyed. It only fed their lust, though.

The 20-mile tall cougar laid his Kitten down, her huge furry form wiping out an entire county, and he took her once again, impaling his long, hard shaft into her soft, open body. Their bodies expanded even more rapidly, growing at an exponential rate as the god and goddess made love again. Whole states began to disappear beneath the two bodies, the earth’s crust buckling as the two rolled from one edge of the continent to the other in hot passion. Eventually, the two lifted off the earth’s surface, their massive frames floating in space.

They didn’t need to breathe—the potion they had taken had granted them life beyond breath. As the broken planet diminished by them, Kitten wanted to try one last thing—one last gift for her adoring, screaming fans. She allowed Elrabin to pull out of her, and then she grabbed earth, her paw landing roughly in the oceans, washing tsunamis over a couple continents. She stuffed the paw-sized planet into her hot pussy, drowning it in her flowing juices.

Elrabin rammed his member back into her hot cunt, his cockhead brushing against the planet with each deadly stroke. They both felt the cries of terror, the unanswered prayers of the last few survivors in that dying world, until finally… They both came, simultaneously, their hot juices mixing together, crushing the earth into a pulp of rock, death, decay, and lustful slime. Kitten yelled into the endless night, her cry unheard in the vacuum of space.

After the two peaks of lust withered away, they realized guiltily what they had done. They had just let their passion overcome their rational senses—they just destroyed what they shouldn’t have destroyed. They didn’t feel guilty about the death they caused—just that they had done away with their fans. How would they get that rush back ever again? There were no more fans to admire them… There were no more screams.
© Copyright 2008 malcolmthebear (malcolmthebear at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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