Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1501637-My-Testimony
by Chosen
Rated: E · Assignment · Spiritual · #1501637
"By Mercy and Truth Iniquity is Purged" Proverbs 16:6
Growing up I was molested by my older cousins which brought in the spirit of incest. I was also molested at the age of four by an older cousin. I had been raped several times. I battled with the homosexual spirits, the lustful spirits, stealing spirits and the spirits of inccubus and succubus. I had a lot of anger and hate because I didn't trust anyone. I was invovled in alot of illegal things as well, because I had no trust. I trusted those on the streets than I did my own family. I told lies and I had the spirits of munipulation. I dated a guy whose father praticed witchcraft. I really never liked going around my family because I was told to keep secrets. I battled with a lot of perverse spirits, I thought real love was suppose to hurt. I always thought that if I pretended to be good or be good to others it would make me feel okay (I was so wrong) I dressed half naked (I had a strong spirit of Lust) and smoked weed, went to clubs on Saturday and turn around and go to church on Sunday ( I had the spirit of Hypocrisy). I thought I was okay as long as I repented. I believed that I was the blame for everything to the point I became insecure, depressed, stressed, and worried myself straight to the emergency room. It was an iniquity that led me to be friends with certain people and even to my husband. (Iniquity calls unto inquity even though we were ordained to be together). I had so much rage and revenge in my heart because of lack of trust. I was rebellious because I thought my dad never really cared about me. I would stay out all night and didn't have respect for him at all. I had an unforgiving heart, I had self-righteousness, religious spirit, denial of truth, and reverse rebellion an caught S.T.D's. I loved doing the very things that I hated. That's because I was in agreement with it. Lying to myself and others pretending like I was okay and I wasn't. I used to want to be a stripper and model in lingerie. I never really cared that much about life because I always thought that it was the person who hurt me but the truth was it was the demon not the individual. I was very cunning and had no faith. I trusted those who were no good for me than those who were good to me because of the fatherless spirits that were in my father. The suicidal spirit would tempt me to kill myself. I thought beautiful was cosmetic when the truth is beauty comes from the heart. I used to want to be like those girls in the videos. Wanting men to be attracted to me by what I wore and not by who I was. I wanted to have a child because of the situation I was because of the lack of respect I would receive as a wife and a mother in which I battled with the fact that my son wasn't mine. I never liked people who thought they were better than me. Infact I hated them (it was the anger and hurt demon not them) I became very jealous of women who had a coca cola shaped body and I also became insecure because of it to. I committed fornication, drunkeness, idolatry, arrogance, deceitfulness, self importance, too religious, always pointed the finger at someone else so that my flaws were not seen. I watched porn videos and was exposed to them at a young age. I cursed a lot and have had a few one night stands. When I got older I battled with the spirits of lust. I had a very poor mentality thinking that I could never be more than what I could be. I became so independent that my heart became cold, I didn't like being around anyone who didn't approve of me even in my sins. I had a controling spirit and a pitiful spirit. (Wondering why me why is it always me?) Not knowing that it was a demon! I also became jealous of women whose hair was longer than mine ( I cutt mine when I was younger) so I would buy it just to look the part. I also played the lottery a few times. I would allow people to use me knowing in the back of my mind I was being used only to feel loved. I didn't like my appearance because I thought I was suppose to look like the women in the videos. Every iniquity I can think of I had and even those I can't think of I had because my father or mother never really told me in details what they struggled with so here I am I come into the world like this (It's not there fault either they did the best that they could, it was because of the iniquity why things happened that's why we must forgive according to Lev 26:40-42). I didn't ask to have a taste for drugs and alcohol. I didn't ask to be molested or to be raped as a child and teenager. Do you think we woke up wanting all these bad things to happen to us. It was the iniquity and the generational curses passed down to us from our forefathers. However I am here to expose the devil and to encourage others. Please understand that when these things happen to us it is not our fault but it is our responsiblity to break covenant with every iniquity. By mercy and truth iniquity is purged. According to Psalms 51:5 It says Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me. In order for me to have received true salvation I had to depart from iniquity (2 Timothy 2:19) Nevertheless the foundation of God Standeth Sure, Having this Seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his, And Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from Iniquity. I stay in conviction of truth that's why I am not ashamed. If it wasn't for God allowing me to stumble into Holy Spirit Filled Ministries in Luthersville Ga all these demons would still be inside of me. Now I have the right knowledge, true deliverance, and Power and Authority over all Devils. According to Luke 9:1 ( God gave us power and authority over all devils to heal and cure diseases!) Jesus healed and casted out demons and so should I. Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

Many people have not heard the teachings on Inquity (it's not their fault) but the mind has to be open to receive it and willing to let go of the old ways. Many of us know it is the truth when we hear it and some reject it because the pride demon says it's not true because it's not the so called "today Christianity" Where in some churches you can go with demons and leave with demons because the teacher or preacher are unable to discern what is in the atmosphere. Jesus knew it was a demon every time he healed the sick and he raised the dead. So if he left us the Holy Spirit why is death, being sick, angry, confused, lustful, homosexual, bitter, idolatry, drunkeness, poverty, munipulation, pride, selfishness, etc, acceptable in the church? Shouldn't we as Christians be able to discern the demons or curses that is on that particular person. Cast it out so that they can be healed? Yes! Jesus said "ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4) Who is in the world? The devil! Well Jesus said "I've already overcome the world". So there is nothing we cannot do with Jesus Spirit living inside of us but in order to be born of his spirit the inquity has to be purged according to 2 Timothy 2:19.

Mark 16:9
Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.
Mark 16:17
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The devil want us to blame each other for everything when the truth was it is Satan who tempts us not us tempting him. Inquity calls unto Iniquity.

Romans 6:19
I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness.

Before I received salvation I use to think that as long as I looked pure I was pure. I was so Wroooooooooong!!!!!!

Matthew 23:28
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

For God gets all the glory!

Shan Cunningham
Holy Spirit Filled Ministries
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