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Rated: · Other · Psychology · #1501095
In my brief time here I will talk about sanity and insanity Adam Phillips 'Going Sane'
I read Going Sane by Adam Phillips. He defined sanity as an acceptable level of madness -- as I see it.

I do like wordplay, because words lack visual reality -- unless you give it to them.

The true problem Adam did not touch. The problem is that we worship power as the means to achieve results and get the physical and emotional results we want in work and in sex.
That is, we think we can be happy if we put enough mental or physical or emotional intensity into what we do.

But since our attention focuses on amount of power and quality of precision in anything we do, then exclusive and intense focus and trust in power necessarily means we ignore or try to ignore the power of precision in our lives.

Our lives lack quality and meaning because we suppose only effort can meet our needs and that deceision makes us put less attention on the quality of precision in our lives.

Our love of power means we see precision as a necessary but almost useless thing we have to pay attention to sometimes, like a nuisance almost.

So our madness is to try and ignore precision in our emotional and mental and physical lives. In work and in sex we crave the manifestation of power known as excitement and we fear depression and boredom, thus in both we try to obliterate any sense that high precision exists by trying to "lose ourself" in the extreme intensity of sexual or (for example) sporting moments.

Our madness is to suppose we are in control of our own destinies and that by sheer effort we will forge out our futures and gain rewards and pleasures.
Nothing could be more insane than this notion that effort produces results.

It is the 'absolute' or 'sheer' reliance on power that is the cause of madness. It is the failure to accept all power is guided by precision that is the root cause of all humanities problems.

So in reality, precision is better than power because unguided power is useless and impotent no matter how powerful.

What people worship is sheer power, and that is the madness in us all trying to destroy us.

The worship of sheer or absolute precision is the only sanity that can save us.

Because poorly guided applications of power, we can easily see, are behind all the pollution in the world and all the rapes and wars and all diseases and accidents as well. You can use an atom bomb to kill a rat in the cellar, but there will be a bit of "collateral damage". And that exaggerated illustration, is what is wrong with us.

The two worst things we do in relationships with the opposite sex are: 1 avoid friendship to create sexual lust and 2 avoid hot sexual intimacy to create wildness.

Relationships could be sane if we could ALLOW sex to be whatever it is, and if we could ALLOW friendship between us to be whatever that naturally is. But our love for power and craving for instant results means we cannot allow the natural to rule in our relationship.

If sex is passionately hot then the challenge is to tame it with high precision. But we stupidly see the intensity of sex as a chance to "have fun".

In the same way the intensity of emotions of the self have to be tamed by incredibly high focus on being precise. You must absolutely fanatically or religgiously love precision to bottle the wild emotions of your life and make them useful: like an engineer tames burning fuel by making a jet engine or a car.

In sex you must avoid ejaculation and orgasm as if your life depended on it, for example -- it does.

Cancer is not an unfortunate accident that happens to you, cancer is caused because you refuse to be friends with your spouse -- in short.

Similarly Diabetes and AIDS are caused because you refuse to try and control hot sex.

You stupid idiots, when will you ever wake up!?

When a UFO lands people either get afraid or get angry or both, because they fear the power of precision that the visitors have and instinctively feel threatened. So the reason they are more advanced than us is because we are neanderthals who can't work or make love without doing stupid things due to our inane love for excitement. They cannot say hello to IDIOTS (speaking for you not me) who keep rejecting the precision on which the universe is sustained and by which it exists and is powered.

You people are fakes. Your actors and actresses who only pretend to live. like the players who scream when they score goal or a touchdown -- that is acting, inreality their bodies and souls don't give a fig that they did a dumb act like catch a ball or put it down; but by the stupid way they act you would swear they are having the greatest feelings of their lives.

And a woman screaming yes yes yes in the bedroom is the total fake and total actress -- all your lives are bullshit.

There are increasingly more crop circles because the countdown to the end has begun -- the universe cannot hack your stupid fake lives anymore.

So the message is:
learn to love precision or die.

The harder you work and play the LESS real your lives become.

'The meek shall inherit the earth' because they are more precise than dolts who worship power.

See my website andjesus before the end of febuary next year when it may be deleted. Also see 'helium-where knowledge rules' where my pename is 'precision'.

There is little time left. If you do not understand ask yourself questions until they are answered.

The full message the aliens left in a crop circle was: beware the bearers of broken promises and false gifts, much pain but there is still time, beleive there is good out there, we oppose deceit, the conduit is closing and the bell is tolling.

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