Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1500892-Charming-Lord-Chambers-Chapters-1---2
by Duckie
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1500892
Regency romance, country house visits are always delicate affairs. Novel in progress.
Chapter One

“And so it is over,” thought Lucinda as she sighed.
“What in heaven is the matter dearest?” said the lady beside her. This lady happened to be her dearest and oldest friend.
Lucy shook her head at Elizabeth, “Nothing Liza, really, nothing at all. I am young and happy, why on earth do I need a husband?”
Liza gave her a knowing smile which set Lucy to blushing. Ever since they were girls they had a pact that whichever of them would marry first would share the unspeakable secrets of the wedding night with the other, so at least one of them would know what to expect. Sharing is definitely what Liza did, and not just the wedding night. It caused a pang in Lucy’s heart that she would most likely never find a man who her aunt approved of enough for her to marry, she would die an old virginal spinster without knowing the joy of sharing such a wonderful moment with a beloved husband and trusting a single being with her heart and soul, again she sighed.
“Enough” said Liza firmly, “I will not have you moping around sighing for lost loves you have never even met, and you are supposed to be making this tedium bearable for me. You know I can never stand any of dear William’s friends, but this is his best childhood friend and he says he cannot go any longer without us being introduced and has a fantastical idea that we’re going to get along tremendously.”
Liza’s eyes brightened suddenly
“Oh no,” exclaimed Lucy “you’ve gone and gotten an idea into your head and I’m terribly sure I do not want to have a clue of it.”
“Oh, don’t be silly Lucy. You know whenever I get an idea in mind for you it’s always for the best”
“Of course dearest Elizabeth, just like the time you were sure that Lord Halitosis and I would make a wonderful match, so you made me dance with him at a plethora of balls all season, just to find out he was promised to Louisa Danhope”
“Why must you be sarcastic Lucy, it’s not becoming of a young lady and if any one other than I finds out how scathing you can be then it will not be the best for you. As for Lord Fielding, I have no idea why you call him ‘halitosis’, he was one of the most hansom men in London this season”
“You would certainly know why if you had danced with him as much as I have done”
“Well fine I’ll allow you that one, but I will find you a man, and maybe this Edward Chambers will be the one for you.”
Lucy gave a start, “Edward Chambers, you mean the Edward Chambers that all of the ton knows and disapproves?”
“They only disapprove if they are not young widows or sad lonely wives” Liza giggled, “but I really am not sure, I hope it is not, though it may make for an eventful visit if it is him”

Their carriage was just entering the large grounds of the Deveraux home, Lucy looked out the window as she marveled at her friends fortune of marrying for love and money both, this house was certainly one of the most beautiful she’d seen. She was very glad she liked it since she was to stay there for an uncertain amount of time. Her aunt had all but pushed her out of the house saying that she wasn’t to return until she has made her mind about marrying or not. She loved her aunt Isabelle dearly, as much as a mother, since it was her aunt that had raised her and her brother after her parents had both died. Lucy had been very young at the time. Her brother, since he was of age, was sent away to school. Though her aunt also had another reason to see him out of the house, she had a dislike for all men no matter their age, this was something Lucy had wondered about for such a long time until she concluded that she’d never find the true reason behind it.

“Here we are finally” said Liza, pulling Lucy from her memories of the past.
“William said he would be home in time for dinner but no sooner since he had business to attend to before he and Edward started the trip. At least you will have time to settle and wash before you meet my William and his friend.”


“Oh damn Edward stop being so peevish will you, I’m the one that has to put up with Liza’s machinations not you, you have nothing to worry about”
“You would say that William she’s your wife, it does you credit to defend her but I still think she’s a scheming woman, and I have a great fear of visiting your house while one of her friends is there. What if she gets an idea into her head? I really don’t want to end up in some imagined engagement with a feather head.”
“I love you like a brother and I would never let anything like that happen to you under my roof Ed. Anyway, if you haven’t gotten yourself into any understanding with the way you’ve been carrying on about town I’m very sure you can survive a week or two at my country estate without getting into trouble.”
That just showed how much William knew because Ed was very capable of getting into trouble wherever he went. People knew of his reputation and they would always imagine an insult where there was none or just assume one or more terrible things about him or his character. He couldn’t even go to a ball without the society mamas moving their girls to cover when all he did was glance at them to admire a pretty face or figure, they must think him a terrible rogue indeed to go to such lengths especially with him as heir to the Chambers estates and titles. But it mattered not at all to him since if they didn’t want him he certainly didn’t want them. These new little debutantes were absolutely ridiculous anyway, with their feathers and “fan talk” and other silly notions. What was a man to think when a young lady wiggled her fan at him? He didn’t have a clue, not that it mattered because when a lady was interested in him they didn’t usually use a fan to let him know, the woman that normally wanted his attentions probably knew no more about the damned fan talk than he did himself. Maybe he could get this Miss Lucinda Cunningham to teach him some of the elusive language, it might make for some interesting and harmless flirtation. The carriage drove on as he continued to imagine ways to ease his boredom over the time ahead, the carriage rocked gently as they moved on and Ed started to feel the effects of his late night the night before. He was just wondering if Miss Lucinda would be pretty when he dropped off to sleep swaying in time with the movements of the carriage.

Edward shrugged off the hand that was shaking him and promptly uttered a curse at the person trying to rouse him.
“Wake up you big lout” Said William, “we’re late for dinner already and you are not helping the situation”
“Why didn’t you mention food? That is worth waking up for, especially with a cook like yours.”, With a roguish half grin, he stepped out of the coach and tried to straighten his hair and coat. His hair was dark, thick and trimmed in a fashionable style and under the coat he was every valets dream with no need for padding at the shoulders, and the ladies especially appreciated the new tight fitting style of the trousers while he was wearing them, much to the dismay of fathers and husbands throughout his acquaintance.
“Hurry man Liza will have my head for being late as it is without your damned preening.”
“Calm down William, if she is as madly in love with you as you are with her then I’m sure she’ll forgive you. After all, she has you home with minimal business to transact for at least a week”
“Fine, but come along and mind you don’t cause any distress with my lady and her friend, for Elizabeth surely will have my head for that, and yours too I might add.”

“Where are those men?” Liza said as she paced the drawing room, “I wouldn’t dream of starting without them of course, but it is frightfully rude of them to keep us waiting.”
“I’m sure they will be here as soon as they can, maybe Lord Deveraux was detained longer than he meant to be.”
Lucy turned to the window at the sound of horses, which was followed by a commotion in the entrance of the house.
“See there, I’m sure it is them” she gave her friend a reassuring smile.
“Of course it’s them we don’t expect anybody else,” said Liza peevishly “who in heavens name could make more noise entering a house than my husband?” queried Liza moving toward the door. She was about to open it to see what the commotion was about when her husband stepped though and gave her a smile that could make a statue blush, this smile was mirrored on the face of  Lord Deveraux’s friend who at that precise moment was staring at Lucinda, and she of course not being a statue proceeded to blush like a rose.
“Such a pretty blush too,” Edward was thinking, “well maybe this visit doesn’t have to be such a bore after all, I have a pretty face to make blush and a luscious figure to admire, maybe I can even waltz with her a time or two while I’m here.” His grin grew more devilish and Lucinda had not a clue why, she had done nothing but blush after all. Maybe it was just her imagination of what she would of liked to see on a handsome face that was obviously admiring her, he was the most gorgeous specimen of a male she had ever beheld, filled out in all the right places and his stride as he entered the room was so predatory she had almost taken a step back from him. Now here was a man she could see herself growing attached to, but there was something else, a warning in the back of her head to be careful, she thought about her aunt Belle’s favorite saying , ‘when things seemed to good to be true they usually are’.
After catching the looks that crossed Edward and Lucy’s faces Liza promptly gave a discreet signal for her husband to introduce them. “Edward I don’t think you’ve had the pleasure of meeting my wife Elizabeth and her friend Miss Lucinda Cunningham”
“Delighted to make your acquaintance Lady Elizabeth, Miss Cunningham. Please do call me Edward” he said with another of his devastating smiles while he bent over Lucy’s hand. Lucy felt her cheeks warm a little and said with a small nod of her head “A pleasure Mr. Chambers”
“Now that we all know each other let us go in to dinner” said Liza taking her husbands arm and forcing Lucy to take the arm of Mr. Chambers into dinner.
After the introduction to Mr. Chambers or Edward, as he wanted them to call him, Lucy had no doubt in her mind that he was indeed the gentleman that she had feared spending the next few weeks with. He was a rogue and a scoundrel, and that of course explained away how he made her feel, he was doing it on purpose trying to sway her to accept his company. Well she would definitely ignore his delicious mouth and how it kept grinning that devilish half smile at her and the way his predatory walk drew her gaze to those long muscular legs. “What am I thinking? I must stop myself from noticing those things,”. Lucy thought to herself during dinner. “It will do no good towards my ignoring him if I am admiring him whenever he passes by, and of course he will eventually see me admiring him and may think it acceptable for him to admire me and that must not happen. The last thing I want is a man such as Mr. Chambers trying to court my attention. Ah if only he could have a twin that got all the goodness while this Mr. Chambers had all the badness, but then again nice men are never handsome and handsome men are never nice. You must pick whichever is important to you and so I must marry and lay with a very ugly man,” she giggled to herself drawing a strange glance from her friend. “Aunt Belle was right. This trip is good for me I have finally decided I won’t marry and it’s all thanks to Mr. Edward Chambers. I can never love an unkind man and I could never share a bed with an ugly one, yes I know I am superficial, but we all have our vices, I will end up a rich old maid surrounded by handsome rogues whom I refuse to ‘entertain’” Lucy was very susceptible to these random mental ramblings, she thought it showed a good sense of reasoning when one didn’t need a friend around to have these kinds of silly conversations, and also it kept the risk of some of her most silly notions from ever being known by anybody, not even dear Liza had a clue most of the time.
Just as a yawn escaped from Lucy’s lips Elizabeth broke the slowly extending silence
“Shall we retire to the drawing room?”
“Actually” said Lucy, “I am feeling tiered after our journey today, I think I will retire early”
“Very well my dear, we shall see you in the morning, and I have something I would have you help me with if it pleases you” said Liza cryptically.
“Very well Liza, goodnight” turning to the gentlemen and avoiding eye contact with Mr. Chambers she bid them goodnight too and left the room for her bed.
In the dining room another yawn, this time from Edward, broke the silence that was left by Lucy’s departure.
“Well I think I should head off to bed myself” said Edward standing up from the table.
“As our company has seen fit to desert us so early I think we should retire too my love” said William with a wink to his wife.
“Very well my dear, Lucy and I have a lot to do tomorrow so maybe it is best”
And with that they all departed the dining room and made their way to bed.

After a few hours of tossing and turning in her bed Lucy decided she might as well write a letter to Aunt Belle, again she started the ‘mental ramblings’ she was so fond of “at least dear aunt Belle has gotten something out of this visit, I shall tell her that I have decided never to marry and she will be very pleased with my decision I dare say.” Poking the fire in her room to life again she started looking about for the writing things that should be in her room, “just my luck I have pens enough to write a novel but my paper is all gone, well I will take my chances and hope I don’t wake anybody” she picked up her candlestick and quietly opened her door, the house was still and silent as she made her way down stairs and into hallway leading to the library. The library door opened smoothly on well oiled hinges and closed with a slight click as Lucy entered the room and approached the desk.
“Well Miss. Cunningham, you keep odd hours I must say” said the deep masculine voice of Edward.
“My goodness Mr. Chambers you startled me, why are you in here?” Lucy silently kicked herself, he had as much right as her to be sneaking around in the middle of the night, maybe more so because of his reputation and she realized she was in no place to demand an explanation. He gave her one of his charming lop sided smiles and chuckled. “Don’t jump to any wrong conclusions now Miss. Chambers, I am merely looking for a book since I can’t sleep” he indicated the chosen book in his hand, “I am guessing you are here for the same reasons?”
“No sir, I ran out of paper in my rooms and wanted to write a letter to my Aunt Isabelle” she walked up to the desk and took a few sheets in hand before turning to the door “goodnight Mr. Chambers I hope you enjoy your book”.
By the time Lucy had made it back upstairs she was quite cold and decided to get back into bed and leave her letter for the morning, no sooner had she gotten back under her warm covers did she fall asleep.

Back down in the library Edward was left in awe of Lucinda’s beauty, she was not an exotic beauty like he preferred normally but more of a classic beauty, with her hair down and in her plain night shirt with bare feet she looked more like a nymph or fairy than a lady of society, he remembered the way her candle cast shadows through her nightdress as she walked around the desk and thought of the perfection of her shape, damn it for being so cold for once her saw her pert and taught nipples in that shadow it was all he could do not to reach out for her, he would have to be careful if she was going to temp him that much, and yet he didn’t think she’d done it on purpose like many so called ladies may of, well he may as well make himself comfortable in his rooms than sit here and freeze though he would get little sleep tonight with that image of Lucy running around in his head.

As Lucy entered the breakfast room the next morning she was wondering what Liza’s scheme was “o ’lord please, I hope she hasn’t gotten any ideas into her head about Edward, I mean Mr. Chambers of course, and myself. How will I put her of if she has?”
“You’re very distracted today Miss. Cunningham”
Lucy jumped and turned to find herself unexpectedly in the company of Edward again as he was seated at the table enjoying his breakfast.
“Good morning Mr. Chambers you’re surprised me again, I will start to think you do it intentionally. I expected to be alone for a little while at least, but I see you are an early riser too” she said taking her seat opposite him.
“Now Miss. Cunningham” Edward said reprovingly “I have asked you to call me Edward please. I didn’t mean to shock you out of your solitary thoughts, you just looked so pensive and it made me incredibly curious as to what is worrying you.” Actually it was not his curiosity as to what she was thinking but his astonishment that she could think at all so strongly, normally the beautiful ladies he met were only ever thinking of one thing and that thing was fashion, be it fashionable people or clothes, so Edward was incredibly surprised to see a look so pensive on a face so equally beautiful.
“Nothing is worrying me Mr. Ch… Edward, only I find I do my best thinking early in the morning”
“I must agree with you Miss. Cun . . . May I not call you Lucinda or Lucy as Elizabeth does? I hate the stuffiness of formalities myself and we are going to be staying together here for some weeks”
“You may if you feel you can address me no other way comfortably, but only my closest friends and family call me Lucy”
“Alright then, Lucinda it is. I will leave you to your morning thinking,” he said with a cheeky smile and a wink while getting up to leave, “I believe Elizabeth will be looking for you once she has broken her own fast so I suggest you take the time you have to think, who knows when your next opportunity will arise. I have heard it from William that when she puts people to task they get little rest”

Chapter Two

As Lucy again tried to write the letter to her aunt she was interrupted as Liza came into the drawing room and sat down next to her, “now my dear Lucy I must tell you my plan and then you may help me with it” Lucy sighed inwardly but smiled outwardly.
“Now my dear, I need your full attention so please save your sarcasm until I’m done. I know you will want to tease me for my blatant attempt to curry favor with my new neighbors and William’s friends, but I plan to host a ball. My first ball as Lady Deveraux must go perfectly. I will need you help in planning and arranging, so to thank you for helping me I will buy you a beautiful outfit for the ball, Slippers and all. What do you say?”
“Oh Liza, what a wonderful idea” inwardly she was squirming in discomfort, she had never been an elegant dancer and now she was going to have to attend a ball as the particular friend of the hostess and that of course would mean dancing almost all the dances. The thought of teasing her friend left her mind and was replaced with a single thought. “Oh Lord, I am going to have to waltz.” She fought hard but couldn’t completely keep the look of dismay from her angelic features.
“Honestly my dear, by the look on your face it’s like I’ve told you some distressing news. What is the matter?”
“It’s nothing Liza”
“Oh yes, it sounds like nothing,” this time it was Liza’s turn for some sarcasm. “Come now Lucy, there is nothing that you cannot tell me, you know I will never make fun of you.”
Lucy sighed “Alright I will tell you. I can’t waltz, I know the steps but I always stumble.”
Liza chuckled “Is that all? You just need practice and I’m sure William or Edward will be perfectly happy to assist you, as of course will I.”
This time Lucy managed to keep her feelings to herself. “Please don’t make me dance with Edward,” she thought “for then I definitely won’t be able to concentrate”
“Now lets concentrate on the harder things that need doing. You are good at making lists so I need you to help me with that.”
Lucy’s morning progressed in a blur of list making for the ball; guest lists, dance lists, lists of  possible menus, who to arrange the music, flowers, extra cleaning before the ball, and many other inconsequential things. While in the front of Lucy’s mind was just one thought drumming a march in her head, Waltz.
She left Liza looking over the lists she had just written out and felt the need for some fresh air. She decided that the rose garden would be a perfect spot for her walk. She had but a few weeks to prepare for the ball, and though it would be wonderful to have a new ball gown, she wasn’t sure it was worth the price of a waltz in front of a hall full of people. Not just any people but people of the ton. She barely noticed Edward before he arose from a bench amid the flowers, his book held open in his hand. “Mr. Cunningham” she said as she dipped her head in greeting.
“Miss Lucy, it seems I have interrupted your solitary thinking again, and I asked you to call me Edward please. I do not want to have to remind you again” he said with that same devastating devilish grin
“Not in the least Edward, it was I that disturbed you this time. I will leave you to finish your book, it seems you are almost finished so I assume it is a good book.” She gave her own smile. Not a devilish smile at all but a sweet innocent smile and it had the strangest affect on Edward. It sent a shiver down his spine that even the sultriest minx found hard to accomplish with this seasoned rouge.
“It is an old favorite I know it by heart. May I walk with you?”
“Of course,” Lucy started to walk on feeling a little self-conscious to have this tall lithe gentleman next to her. He was so obviously balanced and poised he would have no problem waltzing she was sure.
“Why do you look at me in that way Lucinda?” he asked with a sly grin. Goodness, had she been looking at him? She could hardly have noticed where here eyes were when her mind was so obviously somewhere else entirely.
“I was merely thinking that you are very balanced and must be a wonderful dancer.” Did she really just say that? She was going to get herself into trouble with Edward if she couldn’t keep her mind straight before she said or did anything around him.
“Thank you Lucy” His voice was suddenly like a warning in her mind, but for some reason deep down. She wanted to ignore this warning.
Edward was used to being noticed for his grace of movement and beautiful godlike features, and it never bothered him before since it had only served his purpose. Now for some reason he with this one strange, beautiful woman, it mattered greatly that she only saw his body and not his actual self. In fact it greatly bothered him.
“All is not lost,” he said to himself. “She appreciates my physique so at least I have a starting place. By the time Lucy leaves this house she will be in love with me.”
He was right in his first concern about this visit to William. He was going to get himself into trouble and it would be no fault but his own.

That fleeting look that Edward gave Lucy gave her pause for thought, it was again that same feeling of being hunted by a great predator. Before she could dissuade herself from her chosen course of action she jumped in head first. After all since she had decided never to marry, and therefore couldn’t fall in love, she had nothing to worry about.
“Elizabeth is planning to hold a ball, I was admiring your poise and balance with an air of jealously actually.”
“Why would you be jealous? You seem perfectly elegant, balanced and generally perfect in appearance.”
The last statement was uttered with a devilish grin that Lucy was becoming very used to, along with the blush that promptly followed.
Lucy continued self-consciously with the blush still burning on her cherubic face.
“Elizabeth is going to ask a favor of you but I would much rather ask my own favors. I waltz like an elephant and normally stumble either myself or my partner, and as such have great room for improvement but very few partners willing to endure the abuse the practice will bring them. With this warning in mind I must ask either you or William to assist me and refine my technique.”
“Well as a matter of fact Lucinda it is I that taught William. Liza will tell you herself that he has two left feet. So I accept your challenge,” he said with a wink. “And nobody will be the wiser about your shortfall.”
“Again with that damned devilish smile of his,” she thought. “I’m sure he could convince a convent of nuns to do almost anything.”
“That is most kind of you,” she said aloud. “Liza will be very happy not to have to worry about my dancing the waltz at the ball. She has so much to worry plan and think of as it is.”
“Don’t mention it Lucy, it will be my pleasure. I am going to look forward to our private lessons together. I do so like dancing with beautiful young ladies."
“I’m glad you won’t view it as the torture that some people have referred to it as”
By now they had walked through the rose garden to the secluded spot at the end of the beautiful gardens where the gazebo was located.
“hmm, I wonder…” Edward mused. “Miss Lucy, would you object if I suggest this particular spot for our lessons?”
Lucy paused for a short moment while contemplating. On one hand it was secluded and nobody would see if she made any monumental mistakes, but on the other hand the gazebo was quite far from the house and after all Edward had a terrible reputation. After a quick, silent argument her better judgment lost the battle and she gave in.
“It is rather a secluded spot Edward, and you do have a reputation,” she thought he looked slightly crest fallen. “But if you promise to behave yourself, yes this will do perfectly. I don’t want anybody to see my pathetic attempts at waltzing” she flashing him a quick shy smile, she wasn’t sure she should be smiling at him at all. Considering the way he kept looking at her, he might consider it a reciprocation of attraction. But if it wasn’t an attraction she felt towards him then what was it? She certainly thought him alluring.

“What are you thinking Lucinda? Your face has a certain look of longing in it. Let me guess, you are thinking of what you shall wear to the ball?”
Lucy took the lifeline that had been offered to her, if she had to tell Edward that she was thinking he was alluring then she would die of embarrassment.
“Yes, I suppose I was. Liza has promised me a new gown and dancing slippers in thanks for my help. Honestly I think she doesn’t like my current ball gowns, and has been looking for a chance to replace them.” She smiled to herself. When she looked up Edward was smiling at her but not the usual roguish smile she was used to, this smile made him look almost boyish.
“I think Elizabeth would find any reason to spoil her favorite companion now she has the Deveraux fortune at her finger tips,” said Edward still with his youthful smile. “And I don’t think she could bestow her favor on anybody more deserving. Just from the short time I’ve been in your acquaintance I can see you love to please others more than yourself and will go out of your way to help the ones you call friends. I think it would be a great honor to be known as a friend to you Lucy.”
Lucy didn’t know what to say she was so flattered; nobody had ever described her so succinctly and accurately before. Especially nobody she had only known for barely two days. It quite unnerved her that Edward had been observing her in such a way, she became very shy. Did rogues normally observe their ‘prey’ in such a way? To be perfectly honest with herself she found it a little exciting, a thrill ran through her body.
“I think we should be getting back now Edward, it will be time for luncheon soon. Somebody might miss us, and I still have my reputation to consider”
“Of course Lucy,” He offered her his arm and she took it, though a little reluctantly, and started walking back towards the house. “When we come here to practice your waltzing I shall make sure both William and Liza know of our whereabouts so as not to raise suspicions. I am sure Elizabeth would use one of Williams riffles on me if dared act ungentlemanly towards you.” He said with a chuckle and a smile.
It made Lucy feel a little better but she was still feeling a little unstrung by his earlier observations. What was she to think? Did he view her as a conquest to be made or as something different? If something different then what? A friend, future bride, or worse, future mistress? She forced herself to stop that path or thought, it might lead to something that she didn’t like at all, or maybe worse, something she liked a bit too much.

Thankfully they reached the house just as her mind was starting to wander. She managed to excuse herself to change for lunch without any problems. Lunch proceeded as usual with nothing to mention except Lucy’s treacherous thoughts of what Edward might have in mind for her. Poor Lucy felt like she was a traitor to her own mind, she had firmly decided never to fall in love. She was slowly starting to like Edward, though these feeling were far from love they were still unwelcome. It had gotten to the point where she was imagining herself and Edward in some very compromising situations. As a matter of fact she was no longer thinking of her waltz lessons with dread but more of a thrill. She was enthralled by wondering how strong and muscled he really was under his jacket. If his top half was as impressive as his bottom half then it would be a delight for the female eye to feast upon. “Oh lord,” thought Lucy. “I’m turning into a wanton. What will come next, thoughts of us entwined?” She paused, “What a delicious thought, being entwined with that muscular god. Maybe Liza has a point when she says that joinings can be pleasurable as well, and not just a way to make an heir like Aunt Belle says.” She stopped, she was entering very dangerous territory.
It was at this point she got up from the lunch table and began to exit the room. Edward came striding into the room radiating a masculine confidence that set Lucy on edge a little, she even took a small step backwards. Edward noticed this involuntary action and in an effort to make Lucy feel more at ease gave her a wink.
“Hello again Lucy, I was about to take a ride. Would you like to join me? I can get a groom to accompany us.”
“Do you plan to ride far? If we stay in view of the house I don’t think we need a groom with us.”
“Well in that case we shall stay close to the house. I much prefer our conversations when you are not editing your thoughts, for others close by.” He flashed his boyish smile again. What had happened to the roguish grin? Certainly she preferred the boyish smile, it didn’t seem practiced and put on, she was sure that when he used that smile he was being genuine.
“Let me change into my riding dress, I won’t be a moment” She smiled back at him. So many smiles anybody would think they were simple, simpering and smiling as they were.
If any of Edwards London friends saw him now they would give him a ribbing for trailing after this girl like a puppy. It was then that Edward realized what he was doing, he was chasing after her like a love sick puppy, how shocking. He’d have to be on his guard as much as possible around Lucy. He didn’t want to end up like some of his unfortunate acquaintances of the ton.

Lucy was back down stairs and ready very quickly when you consider she had to change her whole outfit. Edward not being used to riding with many women was becoming impatient and didn’t know what was taking her so long. Once they were together in the vestibule they made there way out to the courtyard where a groom had saddled two very hansom horses. The smaller obviously for Lucy was a bay and next to the mare was a huge dapple grey.
“My word, What a phenomenal animal” exclaimed Lucy. “Is he yours Edward?”
Lucy was so mesmerized by the beautiful beast that she hardly realized she had just called Edward by his given name. She turned back to see Edward with a proud smile on his face.
“Yes, he’s mine. His name is Rupert, come say hello. He looks intimidating but he’s really a gentle giant.”
Edward held out a piece of carrot for Rupert who chomped it up right away and nuzzled Edward’s cheek with his soft velvet nose.
“Here why don’t you say hello properly” Said Edward, while holding a second piece of carrot for Lucy to give.
“O, I’ve never fed a horse before. I have much smaller hands than you I feel he might miss the carrot and get me” she giggled.
Edward slowly reached for her hand, Lucy didn’t know how to react and she knew Edward would never do anything in front of the groom holding the horses so she allowed him to put the carrot in her palm tuck her fingers together and put her hand out towards Rupert.
As Rupert bent his head to pluck the carrot from her palm she felt the soft velvet of his nose.
It was then that she realized Edward hadn’t let go of her wrist yet.
“You really do have tiny hands” he smiled his boyish grin at her. “Let’s go riding before it gets any later.”
Lucy went to the bay and was helped into her side saddle by a groom. She turned to look at Edward and was struck by the sight she saw. The beautiful man, who she though couldn’t look any better, was managing to look amazing on his beautiful steed. He bought her back from her examination of him into the present.
“Come on Lucy lets see what your little bay can do.”
With that he took of on Rupert like lightning. Lucy who was a fair rider managed to keep up but she knew Edward was just allowing her to do that. If he wanted to Edward could of left her in the dust.
Edward slowed to a gentler pace and allowed Lucy to catch up to him.
“You are a good rider Lucy”
“I would say you are a great rider but I believe it was Rupert doing all the work so I’ll say no such thing” She giggled a little breathlessly, it had been hard work keeping up and she was slightly winded.
Edward was pleasantly surprised by Lucy’s wit. He realized she was in need of a rest.
“I’m not going to deny it, Rupert is the best mount I’ve ever had.. Let us rest over here.” Edward steered Rupert off to a tree. He dismounted and moved to help Lucy down.
Lucy Steeled herself against his touch but as his hands moved around her waist to help her dismount. She couldn’t help but shiver, she hoped Edward didn’t notice.
Edward did notice and gained some satisfaction that he affected her in that way.

Lucy sat on the shaded grass under the tree and spread out her old riding dress. She gazed out across the gardens and land adjacent to the house. Closing her eyes she enjoyed the feel of a breeze play across her hot skin, and took a deep breath. “I love riding but its difficult riding side saddle and galloping”. She glanced up at Edward who was leaning nonchalantly against the tree. He looked down at her with a genuine smile, “I often wonder how you ladies manage to go on the hunts without falling off when you jump over the hedges”.
“Well I’ve never been on a hunt for that exact reason. My Aunt is very protective over me and hates the idea of me chancing an injury just for the tail of a fox”
Edward came and sat next to her on the grass, “I am inclined to agree with your aunt, the injury of any beautiful young lady is not worth a fox’s tail.”
Lucy glanced at Edward for a moment with a questioning look. “Can you keep a secret Edward?”
Edward was slightly taken aback at the question. Did Lucy intend to take him into her confidence? “Yes, I have a good many of my own” he said with a wink. “You can trust me Lucy, I may jest but I would never betray the trust of such an honest person as you.”
Lucy sat silent for a few moments then she just blurted it out as quickly as her tongue would let her.
“One of my aunt’s stable boys taught me how to ride like a gentleman, I even own a pair of britches and when everybody is asleep I sometimes sneak out riding.” She blushed and bit her lip while she looked at Edward waiting for a reaction.
He burst out laughing. He laughed until his eyes watered. Still chuckling he wiped his eyes and looked at Lucy, who was blushing. “Your secret is safe with me Miss Lucy. In fact I applaud you for not conforming, I find you a very original young lady.” But sadly now I feel we should return to the house, we’ll take a slower pace then the one we used to get here. Edward stood up and reached to take Lucy’s hand to help her up, before she could get on her feet he bowed over her hand kissed it softly. “Thank you for trusting me with your secret Lucy, it means a lot to me that you shared it with me. Maybe from now on I may call you friend and not acquaintance?”
Lucy still seated on the ground was taken by surprise by the kiss and the question, for some unknown reason she got the feeling that this man would never do her any intentional harm. “But that doesn’t make any sense, just look at the reputation that precedes him” she said to herself, “yet I find I can’t bring myself to say no it feels so strange”.
“Yes Edward” she said almost with a sense of wonder, “I believe you are my friend truly”. She let him help her up from her seat. They wandered over to where the horses were cropping the grass. Edward turned Lucy to face him. She didn’t realize he was so close. She was looking up right into his eyes, beautiful eyes the color of chocolate. Her breath caught in her chest. She involuntarily licked her lips, her eyes moving over his face and coming to rest on his lips. She closed her eyes, felt his warn breath on her skin. Then she was lifted and placed in her saddle by him, she wasn’t expecting that at all. She opened her eyes to see him mounting his horse. It was when he reached for his reins she saw his hands were shaking slightly. Did she just do that to him?
“Come Lucy” he said huskily, “we must get you home.”
They were quiet on the way back to the house. This was good since it gave Lucy time to think of what had just happened.
“I offered myself to him and he refused” she thought, “that could mean two things, either he doesn’t view me in a romantic way or possibly he could view me in a totally different light. Maybe he likes me so much he is trying desperately hard to be a gentleman. I find it hard to believe a gentleman like Edward would see me as anything more than just an item to be used for his amusement, but then why didn’t he kiss me when he had the chance? Maybe he loves somebody else and he was so desperately trying to be faithful to her. That could have been why his hands were shaking. It would boost my ego more to find out that he was restraining his passion for me and not for somebody else” She thought this last part with a small sigh as she assumed it was a case of the latter an not the former.

They entered the courtyard again and Edward let one of the grooms help Lucy to dismount. Edward gave a cursory bow and smile to Lucy then excused himself. Lucy was left in the courtyard alone, she wandered into the house and went to change.

© Copyright 2008 Duckie (joy_of_books at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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