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Rated: · Editorial · Experience · #1500867
I review Microsoft Vista
This is a review of the operating system Vista by Microsoft Corp.

let me start with the fact that my office manager has Vista on his home computer and has had no problems with it.

My issues.

I am using a 2.8GHz computer with 4GB of ram so hardware is not an issue. I have had this computer for a week. All anit-virus and spyware software are up to date.

This software seems to be very intrusive. I need to give it approval several times before opening anything.

Office 2007 crashes just as often with Vista as it does with XP

Vista came preloaded with my computer, as did Office 2007.

So far, the following programs have crashed on my computer: PowerPoint, Excel, Word, HP mediasmart, Adobe, Firefox and Thunderbird.

Windows explorer is very hard to get use to in Vista.

I give this a typical D- rating. The only Microsoft product worse than this is Office 2007.

Note: My business partner, as an experiment, has installed Linux on a new desktop and is using open source software instead of Office 2007. If these work out, I will make the switch and become nearly free of Microsoft.
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