Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1500440-Raven
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1500440
This just came to me one day.
         I sit here sipping my cappuccino as the full moon hangs low in the sky, the hot stuff that keeps the world going well at least the people that I know. The sound of animals’ howling to the full moon sends such feelings throughout my being that words cannot express and do them justice. I look down at my black shoes and smile, they feel so good; I know that I should feel bad that these Nikes are mad by some poor  kid in a  third world country but needless to say I don’t., I guess I wont win any points with the nice people of the world.. The tight but nimble dark blue gym shorts caress me legs. My favorite tight sports bra, it makes sure that the girls are where they are supposed to be from the beginning of the run until the end. My almost glowing ivory skin looks simply vampiric in the full moon light. My favorite pentacle above the Egyptian Aunk hangs atop my bosom giving them an edge of danger. Raven black hair flows down almost to my waist, the greatness of Irish heritage. Some people think that all Irish people have green eyes and red hair. I have the green eyes but the red hair well my father’s Brazilian heritage won out on the hair color and the texture which is a blessing. I have my daggers in a rigged up ipod carrying pouch which keeps the dagger nice and close but makes it great to run with and not stab myself and easy to get to. I fondle the engraving, the engraving is said to have been made by the Tuatha De Dannan (Children of Danu) the race of Gods or Sidhe.  The engraving is in old Irish and it reads:

Lady of Hallowed hunt, Queen Huntress, Raven Sorceress, Great Battle Goddess.

Phantom Queen. Morrigan and Queen of Battle Meave, whom even the Greatest kings feared on the battlefield. Protect and of the blood whom wield you.

Hail to sisters of the dark.

So shall it be.

Enchanted with the blood of slain Gods.

So mote it be

I pull my hair back from my face and put it behind my ear, I always wondered if there is some truth behind that story or if it is just that a very nice story to tell children., well no matter I have to get up and go for a run because getting fat in my profession is simply not a option. My job hinges on my physical power and my abilities not only to keep up with the boys but to beat some of them but lets keep that to ourselves. The reason for the dagger is that I am a bit uneasy with running at night but it seems like the only time that I can, last fall I was attacked by a vampire while running with a friend, she was killed in front of my damn near ripped into pieces I even had blood all over the front of my body, now I hunt them not because of I want to pay them back but because they scar me.

Bloods night.

The whole night starts off as it usually does with Rachel meeting me at my house in her running get up. She has just got from her meeting with the Archbishop and talking about donating something to the church to build a children’s classroom. To each their own I guess we do live in the land of the free, freedom of religion that is the one thing that we don’t talk about. I pull my hair back from my face into a tight braid and even lace my shoes up like they shoe you in the magazines. Rachel grabs her favorite water out of the fridge and we head out.  We start running out usual route which is up Tamaris .st and around to the next block which works the best for me. The moon is no where in sight but we live in a safe neighborhood, I push my ipod all the way up as Rachel begins to zone out into her music. I grind my feet into the ground as the beats of the most talked about Britney Spears beats out a Rhythm driven balled. We turn the corner; we have affectingly named this corner darkness because if there is no moon there is no light what so ever but a car passing.  A shadow seems to hang around us; it could be just my imagination playing tricks on me. I have been feeling like somebody is watching us as we came around the corner.  I tell Rachel to take the  side away from where I have seen the shadow and I grab the small knife that I always bring with me just to scary off the weirdo more that to actually do harm. I flash it around a little bit and a shadow flows passed me in a blur of speed. I drop to the ground and try to bring Rachel with me but she is grabbed by the beast. I look on in horror for the next thing to happen is that my best friend is ripped from piece to piece there isn’t even enough blood to be licked up off the floor. The vampire comes at me and is almost on top of me when, I reach my foot out and trip it and then bring my foot down onto of its chest. The vampire lands on a broken pole, thus going through its head. Well who says that there is no such thing as luck, I feel nothing as I look at the bloody mess that use to be my friend. I am in shock, I have to be. There is no way that I should be the calm, I think to myself. My skin is cold and clammy and I feel the need to throw up, All I can do is to pound into the dead vampire as if by doing so I will bring back my friend. I just keep on kicking and pouncing I see nothing else but my best friends killer. I poor all of my anger into this corpse and just keep on pounding and pounding at him until all I can see is a bloody mess, that use to be a vampire.

I hunt vampires for a living, when ever a city calls me and tells me that they have some bad vampires I come and kill them. I am a witch and a psychic we are always recruited to be vampire hunters because we have a natural resistance to their mind tricks and most o f there powers all but there sheer strength. Thus I am wearing my amulet of protection and I have my daggers that have killed many vampires. The daggers are made to take down Gods thus vampires are nothing to the blades. I pull my jacket off of the bedroom door hook and head out towards my car. I am going to feel so weird if it turns out to be just a sex club or something a bit more human, notice I didn’t say normal. I gave up on the idea of normal a while ago, it seems that people that think they are normal are simply in the closet about their own weirdness that or they are serial killers. I had down to my brand new black BMW. I got it as a gift from a friend, well more like my father who was never in my life. I guess he figures this is his way of making up for it, well if that makes him feel better I will continue to take the gifts.

© Copyright 2008 LD Raven (jrobinson0478 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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