Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1500344-ETERNITY
Rated: E · Other · Spiritual · #1500344
I believe that eternity is in the mind of the beholder.

One morning I found myself walking down a long dusty road. Both sides of the road were lined with morning glories and honeysuckle vines and a heavenly smell permeated the clean morning breeze. Hummingbirds darted back and forth and a host of other birds sang a beautiful symphony of uplifting tunes.

The road brought back memories of one I used to walk when I was a youngster, narrow and curving with delightful surprises around each turn that produced a heightened feeling of adventures to come, yet also a comfortable feeling that it was truly great to be alive.

I continued to walk for mile after mile, the soft clay splaying between my toes and I felt as if I could go on walking forever. Suddenly I begin to notice small side roads branching off with rather peculiar signs bearing odd names such as, Purgatory Road, Hell's Lane, Bridge to Valhalla, Broadway to Heaven, and many other bewildering titles. I eventually came to a small path, overgrown with grass, leading off the main road with a sign that read, "Fame's Eternal Camping Ground."

"Strange," I muttered under my breath. "That sounds rather familiar?" The idea of leaving the safety and comfort of the main road did not appeal to me, however, I decided to take this seldom-used path for a short time to satiate my curiosity.

As I topped a small hill I suddenly stopped and looked with awe at the incredible scene spread before me. Beyond a weather worn gate with a sign that read, "Welcome to Fame's Eternal Camping Ground," tents were pitched as far as the eye could see with thousands upon thousands of soldiers standing in parade formation.

As I slowly scanned the endless ranks and files, I noticed that the soldiers were dressed in uniforms representing the entire history of my country, the Regulars of the Revolutionary War, the Blue and the Gray of our Civil War, Native American Warriors, Rough Riders, Dough Boys, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and many more.

My jaw dropped in further awe as suddenly recognized who was standing near the gate.

Robert E. Lee, George S. Patton, Joshua Chamberlain, Sergeant York, U. S. Grant, Chief Joseph, Cochise, my buddies from Vietnam, and all my favorite military heroes.

As I slowly walked to the small assembly, General Lee brought the men to attention and said. "Sir, the men are prepared for your inspection."

He pointed to the massive camp, to the endless neat rows of soldiers standing at attention, and to the grinning faces of my Vietnam buddies trying their awkward best to stand at attention.

It was then that I noticed women and children and pets idling near the silent tents, all looking and smiling in my direction. Among them my mother, my aunts and all the people and pets I have loved and cherished throughout my life.

"The men await you sir," General Grant said, breaking the wonderful spell that had come over me. "Welcome home."

"These brave soldiers have volunteered to be your Guard of Honor," General Patton added, pointing to a platoon of North Vietnamese soldiers, the proud enemy I had met on the field of battle.

As I looked down, I was no longer barefoot. I saw my spit-shined paratrooper boots, an immaculate uniform, and parked to one side, a jeep waiting to take me to review the troops. Driving the jeep was my Uncle George wearing his old Seventh Cavalry uniform.

"How?" I asked my uncle, for I was completely flabbergasted, totally shocked, unable to grasp what was happening.

"The Commander-In-Chief will explain it to you son," my uncle replied with a proud grin, pointing to a small white tent setting off to one side. Standing next to the tent in a robe of purest white was my hero of heroes, my Lord Jesus Christ.

© Copyright 2008 Oldwarrior (oldwarrior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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