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This is an old poem I dug out..circa 2006. Dark age poem- please forgive |
Chinese Magic Pink petals strewn Across floors of stone A rose’s thorns gently prick The white doves have all flown Bare toes, slipping across the coldness Dark eyes misted with thought To enter this temple is an act of boldness A risky action, without plot A glittering symbol Appears overhead ‘Come hither, my child ‘For the stones soon will be stained red.’ Clawed fingers entice Pale as long grains of rice The smoke overhead Curls into a silhouette of dread ‘Now, black-haired one, Beloved of Shining Jade Kneel before your ancestors As you near the grave.’ Small hands form a prayer Dust rises up around the robe Red lips to sing dare Hot incense warms the earlobe Fragrant smoke around the flared nostrils curl Twisting into the shape of a hand A single tear drifts; a lucid pearl The emotions come; raw; unmanned The shining forehead Is touched to the cold stone floor In a single act of kowtowing humility Respect is paid, but nothing more ‘Do you love your ancestors?’ Breathes the sibilant voice ‘If you did, you would bring a sacrifice to us As it is, you have no choice.’ Great Exalted Dragon, You who guard my gate I call upon you this night, O Dragon Release me from my fate My most revered ancestors You who have no warmth Relinquish your hold upon me Before The Dragon comes forth ‘You frighten us not,” The icy voices hiss ‘You were promised to us! When, upon Fa Chang your mother called, She fulfilled what was due and just! ‘Her firstborn child you are, pretty one And to us alone you belong Shining Jade, with fevered brow Rang the relinquishment gong! And so your guardian Dragon heard As did the gods of the air They listened to your mother yield you up To interfere with such The Dragon does not dare!’ What of the guardian Cat, then? What of the guardian Dog? Will they not aid me against you? As the flames against the incense log? ‘No! they will not come! No! they will not save you! No! they are as nothing to us No! to the grave with you! The cold stole into her chest Wrapped its talons around her heart And chilled her limbs until blue tinged the blush The acid of Death stung her tongue; tart I summon the ancestral gods ‘We are the ancestral gods!’ I invoke the power of the Sun’s Fire Rod ‘Against us, the Sun is no God!’ Then let me send for my grandfather’s spirit Unless he has joined your leagues And if he has, then let me call All the souls of the leaves And all the humanity of the butterflies And the clock in the eye of the Cat And the magic in the stripes of my guardian Tiger And the bark of the Dog and the squeak of the Rat Let me evoke the magic of Nature And the new life that around us is born Let me summon the power of the Circle And the magic in the mud that stains the horn ‘We despise this ancient power That you have conjured up Perhaps you think that you have defeated us But you fail to mention love.’ ‘Did you not know that it was us who raised you? While your mother spread her wings? Free of the burden of a child Of her many consorts the songbirds do sing! If that be the case Then allow me To call upon the Night Alongside his partner, Day ‘But the Moon and the Sun have already taken flight!’ Yes, but do you not remember? I failed to mention love So permit me to summon Yin and Yang Black as your hearts; white as the dove Yang is the masculine essence But yet he still holds Yin She is the feminine quintessence Yet Yang is held within If Yang is the fire and earth Then Yin is the air and the sea But both essences were needed To create the Goddess; me Yes, that is true! Cower where you are! The little girl you dared to destroy Is more powerful than you by far! And then She rose up Out of the ancestors’ grasp She smote the evil ones left and right Alongside the butterflies, the cats, and the rats Flee far from this place! While behind you My Sacred Tiger leaps You will make haste from My silk lands And at your heels My Great Rats will creep! The curling spirits of the ancestors Did flee, and flee indeed With The Tiger pouncing behind them In tune with The Rat’s angered squeaks In Her wrath, the Goddess shattered The plaques of the ancestors evil She cast their offerings from the temple And turned their incense burner into a weevil Then hallowed grains of rice Took the Goddess To purify the shrine She cast them about the rose-petalled floor Upon which the good and just ancestors dined The Dragon then appeared to her She stroked his noble brow He presented her with three teardrop pearls ‘I apologize for not appearing until now.’ The slant-eyed beautiful deity Patted his broad shoulder and said, My Grand and Exalted One, Do not trouble your head Bright red mists then swallowed them Hiding them from view And in their place there appeared a butterfly With gold-edged stripes of blue And to this day That shrine still stands And in it the rose petals still lie If you have any questions about the Goddess Ask Nature She has not died |