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by calsan
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1498369
girl and vampire.
It can't be normal, wanting something so impossible, touching that impossibility and finding it in the center of your world. It is not a normal teenage wanting, like wanting to be prom queen but not having the chance in the world because you're one of the weird and ugly kids at school that nobody likes. This want is the desire of your heart, everything you wish you could be. Climbing this endless staircase is getting old. Walking forever to the light that you see ahead but never reaching it. You wish that you could just reach out and grab that light. The end of the staircase, the truth.Becoming what I want and not being able to grasp the fantasy of my heart. The desire that controls me, vampires.

The more and more I think about it, the more the desire controls me. It is a broken record of my dark dreams repeating in my head. It's like a magnetic pull. Instead of being repulsed by drinking blood and being a vampire, I live for it. It has always confused me why people think vampires are so bad. They are not real, what is to despise? I need to make this lust for something I can never have go away. It's tearing at my heart, making it bleed.

Waking up for school is one of the hardest things I have to do. It seems like such a waste to go to school when you know that you are already graduating. Seniors have two more weeks before they are released to their own life. It is not something that I am looking forward to. I am tired of keeping up appearances, which is what seems to be the only thing school is worth anymore. I wish I didn't care, but being one of the popular girls in school, it was required. I swung my legs off the bed and walked over to my dresser. I opened the second drawer and pulled out a pair of skinny Armani jeans and slipped them on. As I walked over to my closet, I grabbed my juicy Courture espadrilles and Chanel sunglasses. When I got to my closet I debated on what I wanted to wear and ended up grabbing a cute black halter-top and yellow jacket.

On the way to leave I stopped and stared at myself in the mirror. I didn't really like what I saw. Five foot five, slender, straight brown hair that fell a couple inches below my shoulders, green eyes defined by black eyeliner and mascara, perfect eyebrows, flawless tanned skin, a perfect mouth, and a nose that was just right for my face. Tearing myself away from my image in the mirror I ran down the stairs and to my car, knowing I was going to be late.

I walked into homeroom about three minutes late. As I walked to the back of the room to sit by my best friend Meagan, my teacher stared me down.

"Well, good morning to you sleepy head, that is the third time this week you have been late, what's up?"

"Just tired, not getting enough sleep, I have been cramming for finals. How was your night with Brendon?"

As Meagan chatted away about her night I was focusing elsewhere. I was getting lost in my own head, something to which I have only started doing recently. I felt the need to change myself. Change my style of clothing to clothes that better reflected who I really was. My thoughts went bitter as I thought about popularity and what the point of it was. Once you choose who you want to be, you can't change.

"Kaylee, are you even listening to me?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah sorry, I'm listening."

Meagen continued on with her story and I made sure that I paid enough attention to respond to what she was saying, even as my thoughts started focusing elsewhere again. The bell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts, and I walked to first period.

As I walked into first period, I realized there was a new kid. Not just any new kid either, he was gorgeous. While the teacher was calling out for attendance I studied him. When the Mrs. Cobens called out a name, he replied, Rory was his name, sexy, and very uncommon. I could not tell how tall he was for the basic fact that he was sitting down. He looked like he was around six foot two. He had a square shaped face, prominent cheekbones, and a straight nose that looked perfect on him. His dark brown hair, almost black, was shaggy and fell halfway between his eyes, swept to one side. His eyes were a bright icy blue. It was hard to drag my own eyes away from his, which were staring right back. This was one of the times that I actually appreciated being popular and pretty. I realized that my mouth was open and I closed it, feeling exceedingly stupid.

"Kaylee Richards?"


Rory kept looking at me, there was something in his eyes that I couldn't read. It was almost like he was being tortured. He raised his perfectly shaped eyebrows at me, then looked away. For the rest of pre-calc I tried to not look at him and found that it was harder than having to get out of bed this morning. I was attracted to him yet there was no reason to be except for his looks. It was so much more than that though. My desire was turned up full notch, my secret desire turned into hope. Rory Duncansone had a vibe, a vibe that I liked very, very much.

The rest of the day flew by quickly, every class that I walked into I searched around for Rory. He was not in any other of my classes so far. Thankful that it was the last period of the day i started to loose focus as I did in homeroom. This time though I was thinking about him, what I wish he was, and my dark desire. If anyone found out about this desire of mine, they would laugh and tell me to stop telling jokes, but I would not have been telling jokes for was the complete truth, the truth that made me lose reality and enter a word in my head of fantasy and fiction.

The door opened and everybody turned around to see who was walking in. He was late to class, and apologized to the teacher in his deep sexy voice. He sat down in the empty seat, right next to mine. Again, I found myself staring into his icy blue eyes that seemed to hold mine captive.

"Hey, my names Kaylee."

"Rory. Nice to meet you."

He held out his hand, and I took it. An electric vibe ran up my arm and all through my body, making me pull my hand away and look at him curiously. He just smiled and turned away like he knew a secret that nobody else had been let in on.
© Copyright 2008 calsan (abock17 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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