Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1498021-Angel-of-death
Rated: E · Short Story · Supernatural · #1498021
my first short story. It's about an angel, who is with the people when they're dying
I'm sorry for the poor English, it's my first try to write in English so please tell me all my mistakes.
Thanks :)

My name is Jonah. I am an angel. An angel of death. No, no, a lot of people will say now. Angel and death, that doesn’t fit. Demon and death, yes, but no angel. Angels don’t bring the death. That’s right. And wrong at the same time. Right is, I am an angel of death, wrong is, I don’t bring the death. I’m with people when they’re dying and sometimes – when they know that they’ll die – I join them on their way to death.
I am an angel of death, the angel, who joins people when they’re dying.
Let me explain that to you with an example. Let’s take little Julian. He was six years old, went to school in summer. Everybody was sure, he’ll have a wonderful long life. That changed when Julian went out for a swim on a sunny hot weekend. His new red bath short wearing, he ran into the water, ready to play with his friends. His parents were on the shore, they watched their only child. How he played in the water with friends, threw balls and simply was a child. Everything was alright. Until they suddenly didn’t see his red shorts anymore. Instead of that, a blond hair head was drifting in the water. Lifeless. Lifeguards ran into the scene, pulled the lifeless body out of the water and started to try bringing him back to life.
Now it’s my time. Julian hadn’t left his body, parts of him were still trying to stay. I sat next to him while he was taking down to hospital with sirens. His parents, the paramedics and me. I was the only one, who could talk to him.
“I’m afraid”, he said to me.
“You don’t have to be afraid, I’m with you. I take care of you.”
“Are you an angel?”
“Why don’t you have wings?”
“There’re many kinds of angels, some of us have wings, some don’t.”
“What kind of angel are you?”
“I am an angel of death.”
“Do you take care of me when I’m dying?” Children ask simply question. And they don’t doubt of things, that don’t make sense to adults.
“I’ll be with you that you’re not alone. There’s no reason to take care of you, nothing will happens to you.”
“Mum and dad are crying. It must have happened something. It’s not good when you’re dying. It makes people sad, they cry.”
“It isn’t easy for people to accept, that people they love, die. It’s difficult to let things go, that are important for you, that you love.”
“Do mum and dad have an angel who takes care of them as well? Who will calm them?”
“Yes, they have.”
“So why do they cry?”
“They don’t hear him. They’re too sad. You need some time untill you hear the voice of your angel. They’ll cry a long time, they’ll be a long time sad. Then they’ll start to listen to their angel and the pain will leave them.”
“Why do people have to die?”
“Everything that lives, dies. If nobody would die, the world would be full of creatures. Everything would be old. People die, new people get born. Nothing is for forever.”
“Why not?”
“If nothing would change, there would be nothing new. Your parents would’ve never got you, their parents never them. We can just welcome new life on earth, when we let old ones go.”
“It’s like with toys. You have to give away old stuff to get new ones.”
“Exactly.” And I have to smile because children understand. It’s strange, adults don’t talk with children about themes like death, because they think, it’s hard for children and they can’t understand it. The truth is, children understand very good. They understand better than adults. They’ve got simple examples for difficult things.
“I’ve got a teddy, which I own since I was born. I never want to give it away. I don’t want to habe another one.”
“I understand what you mean. Your favorite toy. One day you would have let go of it. You might have put him in a cupboard, had a look a him now and then, but you would have replaced it.”
“Will my parents replace me?”
“No, they won’t replace you. You can’t replace anybody. They’ll always love you, just like you would’ve loved the teddy. But they’ll learn to be happy again. They’ll give the love, they gave to you, give something else. That won’t be the same, but simular.
“How is it being an angel? Do you have to die with many people?”
“Aren’t you sad because of that?”
“I’m sad when the people are sad. That’s why I’m with them. To take some of their sorrow. To calm them, take care of them.”
“How can you become an angel?”
“You’re born as an angel.”
“How is it to be dead?”
“It will be like you imagine it.”
“Mum says, when you die and you were a good human, you come to heaven. God opens the gate of heaven and you meet Jesus and all his friends.”
“People have different ideas about the death. There’re people, who think, you’ll resurrection. You die and than you become another human, an animal oder a plant.”
“That means, I can go back to my parents?”
“They might won’t notice it, but just because you’ll lose your body, you won’t lose your soul.”
“Can I tell my parents, they don’t have to be sad anymore, because I’m there.”
“I won’t resurrection?”
“I don’t know.”
“You are the angel of death.”
“Yes, I am the angel of death. All I can do, is join you that you’re not alone when you’re dying. I can’t tell you hiw it will be, when you’re dead. You’ll leave me before.”
“Am I alone then?”
“You’ll never be alone. There’ll always be someone, who will take care of you.”
“Like you?”
“Like I do.” And the little boy took my hand ans smiled.
The paramedics turned of the sirens, there was no need to hurry anymore. At the moment, the boy took my hand, he died. All computers, they had connected to the little boy, showed them. He was dead and there was nothing left, they could do.
The last steps Julian went with me, Jonah. The angel of death.

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