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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1496389
fanfiction of harry potter and my own characters.
Disclaimer I own only the things not recognizable as Harry potter

/dragon tongue/

It was Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry and Professor McGonagall was having a heated discussion with the headmaster Albus Dumbledore. 'ALBUS SURELY YOU’RE NOT SIRIOUSLY THINKING OF DOING THIS TO OUR WORLDS ONLY HOPE OF DEAFEATING YOU-KNOW-WHO!' Shouted McGonagall angrily, 'would you like a lemon drop?' replied Albus calmly, the twinkle in his clear blue eyes turned up full blast, 'no I would not Albus, now would you kindly answer my question?' said McGonagall with barely restrained anger. 'I most certainly will Minerva. The reason that I’m sending Harry and his friends to a muggle school is because I have recently come across a new prophecy that says

‘The four heirs of the founders Gordric Gryffindor,
Salazar Slitherin, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw
will come to rid all the worlds magical and
Muggle alike from Lord Voldemort's grip...’

It is my belief that Harry and Hermione will find these heirs and train them in magical fighting and so forth. I am going to send them when they are in their seventh year, but if anything should happen to me between now and then I want you to swear a wizards oath that you will send them, do I have your oath Minerva?’ ' Yes I suppose you do Albus' and with that Minerva McGonagall swore a wizards oath that if anything happened to him she would take over his role as mentor to the children.

We now fast forward two years to when Harry and Hermione are in their seventh year and five months have past since the Headmistress McGonagall had sent them to a muggle high school...


In Western Australia, one beautiful day, there was one very important girl. Little did she know when she turned 17 she would journey to and save the world. Anyway her name was Lilly or if you knew her really well Shadow.
Lilly's appearance was most astounding, her hair was the color of fire with places that looked like steel, her eyes shone like gold with flecks of emerald green, she was tall and well built for her age.
Now she was 2 weeks away from turning 17, her mother had brought her a necklace and matching bracelet that had the finest gold weaving and the most beautiful pure Rubies encased in the Pearl pendants.

It was now Lilly’s birthday so her parents gave her, the presents. After she had opened the presents, her parents told her to go and ride her horse in field around the house. Before she went riding Lilly went up to her room to get her capped stave her two swords and cloak. The design on the hilt of one of the swords was amazing it had one set of black and gold spiral initials; the set of initials was D.D. The sheath and the sword had the same design the other sword and sheath was plain black. The cloak was white, had a hood and a picture of a gold dragon holding and breathing fire over a sliver sword (her parents didn’t know that she had these things).

Now Lilly didn't know how she got these things but she had had them for as long as she could remember. So Lilly put on her cloak, strapped both sheaths over her cloak picked up her stave then she mounted her horse. She then spent the next hour racing through the fields without a care in the world. She decided to go to the stream by the large ancient oak tree at the edge of the property.
Dismounting, she stretched to the sky. The wind rose to a gale, the sky went dark with clouds; thunder and lightening rolled and flashed through out the sky. Then there was a bright flash of white, gold and black light that was centered on Lilly. As her cloak billowed around her, a gateway appeared in front of her. Lilly's horse stayed close by her, she was blown away by the scene before her. As she stood there she looked into the stream and saw her reflection, it was like looking into the future. There she stood on the back of dragon, bathed in blood not her own, then as quickly as it came it was gone. So she stood there bathed in the white, gold and black light and in one hand she held the sword with the initials on it.

Chapter 2

Lilly said in a voice full of wonder ''yeah this is the gateway into my home, no wonder I haven't felt whole in a long time, I now feel almost whole.’’ Then Lilly walked through, sword still in hand she said’ this is it my real home''.

the fall seemed to last for hours but in reality it was only a minute long. Falling out of the gateway, she landed in a strange place where there were unicorns of all colors, furry things, gnomes, goblins, Pegasus’s, phoenixes and centaurs were jumping, running and flying around. "This is my home, Avalon!''

As she eyed this new strange place a gallant stranger which turned out to be a young women who looked to be about 21 or 22 years old. She also had a necklace and bracelet that looked exactly like the girls necklaces and bracelets, she said to no-one in particular 'the prophesy foretold that one day the four heirs of the founders Gordric Gryffindor, Salazar Slitherin, Helga Hufflepuff, and Rowena Ravenclaw would come to rid all the worlds magical and muggle alike from Lord Voldemort's grip...' ''Oh! Is someone there?'' ‘‘Yes, well then my name is Sarah Stars''.


Then all of the sudden out of the sky spiraled a beautiful Pegasus who was most of the colors of the rainbow, then to the gangs astonishment there was a tremendously loud''SCREECH''that made the all jump except for Sarah, who just laughed and said'' don't worry that’s only the best playmate that Rome has ever had''.''Who's Rome?'' said Red Panda''Romes my stead that I use to journey places''. The Pegasus flew faster and faster towards the medium sized bird, the bird trying to heal the Pegasus blew a jet of hot, bright red, orange flame towards the gorgeous horse like creature. Who to Sarah looked hurt and she said''Meercat and Red Panda help my graceful stead, say your healing power chant''.''What chant Sarah, I don't know what your talking about''. But what Meerkat and Red Panda didn't know was that in a secret place inside of Meerkat, Red Panda and Seal was an unusual gift given to each of them by the trickster god Kyprioth of a strange power called magick. ''You know well what chant I mean you two, your calming/healing chant''. ''Oh you mean our calming song'',''yes if that’s what you call it, now hurry please''. Then Red Panda and Meerkat went into a hypnotic trance and started singing in high and low tones of voice''

Wiccan magick hear our pleas,
Our hearts are yours.
Your power we call upon to us now.
Calm our bodies and our minds,
Our friends’ bodies and minds,
Help us, help us help us.

Then after a while of just standing there Meerkat and Red Panda woke up from their hypnotic trance. Shadow stood stunned at what she had just witnessed two of her best friends do, but before Shadow could ask what had just happened, Rome soared down to nuzzle Sarah. Rome started to wicker and after a small couple of wickers Shadow started to wicker back ''hi my name's Shadow, what’s yours?’ and Rome answered back ''hi Shadow my name's Rome, I didn't know that humans could speak Pegasus'' Sarah said'' my lady you have the lovely gift of tongues''. So now Meerkat and Red Panda had found out about their gift from the god, the only one who didn't have their gift was Seal. Shadow had found out about one of her gifts that she had inherited from her father.
Then the three girls disappeared forever and ever never to be seen again.

Chapter 3

Mean while back in town, a boy with jet black and strips of rusty red hair that stuck up all over the place, a lightning bolt scar and sparkling emerald green eyes. This boy's name was Harry, he had recently turned 17 and had received a neckband from his guardian, and it looked like a surfboard on the waves. The rubies were the waves, the pearl pendant in the shape of a surfboard was sitting on one different jewel and that jewel was a hunk of sapphire. He had also received two swords a blank tattered piece of parchment, a 13 inch mahogany piece of wood and a long white flowing cloak with a griffin clutching a sword on it. Now Harry knew that Lilly would be at home for the party. So he grab the presents that he had brought for her, placed the gifts in his backpack, put on his cloak, placed the parchment and piece of wood in the pocket that he found on the cloak, strapped the sheathes and swords on over his cloak, pulled up the hood, slung the pack over his shoulder and headed out the door.

As he set off for Lilly's house he remembered back to the day when his life was changed forever, although he was only one year old at the time he still remembered the details very clearly.

It was a stormy night in Gordric's hollow the wind was howling the clouds were dark, lightning flashed and rain came down thick and fast. Of coarse the muggles didn’t know that the storm was caused by lord Voldemort. Wormtail (once best friends with James potter) cowered before lord Voldemort 'm-m-master the p-potters live here' a cold high pitched voice that sent shivers down anybody’s spine seamed to hiss 'now Wormtail you had better not have failed me or the consequences will be all the worse for you.'

Meanwhile inside the house James (Harry's father) was telling his wife Lilly to grab Harry and run while he held Voldemort off, but Lilly being Lilly went up to the nursery and instead of grabbing Harry and running she went to other crib (that held a child that wasn't hers or James) and placed on the sleeping girl with eyes like gold and her own green flecks a spell that would protect her against some curses, she then banished the child to a prearranged hiding place where none but her and James could find her. After she had banished the child she picked up Harry and weaved a complicated spell of love and protection, just as she finished the spell Voldemort burst into the nursery.

'Step aside Lilly I don't want to have to kill you' Lilly with her face set into a grim smile of determination replied 'then tom you will have to kill me but please leave Harry out of this because this is between you and me.' Voldemort was fuming that this woman dared to use his real name and to ask him to spare one of the children that was prophesied to kill him, 'now Lilly think about this if you let me kill your son you can live' 'no tom you’ll have to kill me first' 'goodbye then Lilly' and with that Voldemort pointed his wand at Lilly and said those fatal words that had killed so many people 'AVADA KEDAVRA!' and with that spell a flash of green light shot out of the wand, struck Lilly and Lilly breathed her last, the light fading from her sparkling emerald green eyes. Voldemort then turned his attention towards the crying infant that was tugging at his mothers clothes telling her to wake up, Voldemort hissed 'she isn't going to wake my little serpent because she is dead and you shall now join her Avada Kedavra!' but the spell that was meant to kill the one year child rebounded upon its caster, reducing Voldemort to nothing more than a wisp of smoke.

Harry was broken out of his musings by a familiar voice shouting 'Harry over here!' ' Hermione what are you doing here?' 'Well McGonagall said we could come and get you because she wants to talk to us about something' 'okay but I have got to take some things to a friend do you want to come with me? And after we have done that we'll go and see her okay?' 'Yeah that should be fine.' As they went they talked about what they’d done that summer and their hopes for their last year of Hogwarts. Suddenly Harry stopped to clutch at his forehead, Hermione could see the pain that he was in but asked anyway concern lacing her voice 'Harry are you all right?' 'AAAARRRHHHH!!!! I'LL BE DAMED IF HE DOES THAT THERE IS NO WAY THAT IM LETING HIM KILL THAT FEMALE DRAGON!!!!!' Harry's eyes took on a blazing glint that made him look like a male Hungarian horn tail, his breathing was like he was climbing a high altitude mountain, shallow and fast, his voice was now deeper with some unforeseen force and there was an under tone of a snake hiss in there as well.’ Harry quiet down the muggles are looking and it doesn't help that you've got swords and a cloak on.'

Meanwhile In some unplotable location....
'There, now that should keep the Potter brat busy. MALFOY I want you to go and follow him and see what he does, I then want you come back to report to me' ' yes master I shall do your bidding.' 'Don’t forget Malfoy that your sisters’ life is on the line and if you fail me then she will suffer the consequences.' With that Voldemort sent the young Malfoy on his way to spy on Potter and his friends.

Draco's memory.

He was ten and sitting in his room playing with his younger sister, when his father Luscious Malfoy burst into the room. Draco remembered seeing his father stun his sister and take her away and from that day draco vowed as seriously as any ten year old could that he would try and save her. He tried to quite a few times but each time his father would beat him without mercy, so he made a deal that if he did what his father wanted him to do in return for seeing his sister, his father agreed but threatened that if he didn’t do it his sister would get hurt and suffer.

Draco shook his head he couldn't think about that now.

In Avalon, near the Unicorn glade....
Lilly was a little bit hot so she took off her cloak, sword and placed her stave on the ground next to a tree and went for a swim. With that she went for a swim. When she climbed out, Lilly picked up her cloak and a memory flashed through her mind at the same time that the boy she had shared a crib with for a year had a flash of his own memory.

Everywhere people were screaming, running and there were flashes of different colored light. Lilly new that something was wrong. Just as she had thought that she fell asleep in her crib amidst the fighting. There was smoke and chaos everywhere three males and two females fought side by side two of them wielding swords and all of them wielding long elegant but deadly wands while the third man was fighting with a snake at his other side and a wand that was just as deadly. Suddenly out of seemingly nowhere a dragon burst through the fighting to land near the man who was wearing a white fighting cloak just like the one she had now, he was also fighting with a sword just like her own it even had the same initials on it, he had flaming red hair and golden eyes like that of the dragon. The man that the dragon had landed near didn’t even flinch but instead gave off a series of grunts and howls that Lilly found she could understand. The man had said /'My dear you should know that right now is not the best time to be visiting me'/ /' yes, yes I know that but tonight our daughter shall arrive.'/ said the dragon. The man replied with /' well then my dear will you help me fight these bad people who want to get rid of our school?'/ and as a reply the female dragon gave a blood chilling roar that shook the very foundations of the school that they were defending.
There was so much blood shed that Lilly couldn't stand to watch, so she turned her one year old transparent body away from the scene only to be met by an ancient dragon who’s color was fading he said (in English) ' young heir to the Draconis line What you are witnessing is your creation.’ But sir how is that possible this is just a dream and even if this was real it would be over one thousand years ago' 'a ha but that is where you are wrong this is both a memory and a dream all in one, so you are therefore at lest three thousand dragon years old.' 'Ancient one I’m sorry to inform you but no matter how much I wish that what you say about me being a dragon was true it can't be because as you can see I’m human.' 'You are wrong again young one, can you guess how you are wrong this time?' replied the ancient dragon. 'Yes I think that I can, this is just a guess but that female dragon is my mother and the man she spoke to is my father? So in truth I am really a dragon with human blood running through my veins and therefore I should be able to change my shape into that of a dragon, but I can't do it, why?' replied Lilly, 'well you see as the only heir to the Draconis line you must meet with the only heir of the Gryffindor line, the only heir of the Ravenclaw line, Hufflepuff line and the only heir of the Slitherin line and no the heir to Slitherin is not Tom Marvolo Riddle the heir to this line is someone that the heir of Gryffindor constantly fights with at school, the heir of all these lines are school kids the heir to Ravenclaw is a female like you, but without the dragon blood, the rest are males and that is all I am allowed to tell you about them. As to why you must meet with these heirs is quite simple only together you and only you can defeat the one who calls himself Lord Voldemort. Now I must return you to your own time now goodbye my young dragon, you will remember this when the time to act approaches goodbye...'

'What the hell was that? Exclaimed Lilly.

Back in town...
'So Harry where are we going?' asked Hermione, 'WILL YOU SHUT UP PLEASE!' shouted Harry who had had enough of her constant nagging for just over six years now, 'and if you don't then ill hex you' he whispered deadly. 'To answer your question of were we are going we are here. Sure enough they had arrived at a beautiful country mansion.
Harry walked up to the front door Ron and Hermione following him, Harry knocked on the door, a lady wearing jeans and a tank top opened the door, the thing that made Harry suspicious was that she had bubble gum pink hair. Ron cried out in shock' Tonks what are you doing here?' 'Wotcher Ron, Harry Hermione what are you guys doing here?’ Just then a weak voice called out 'Tonks who is it?' the person who had called out walked slowly to the front door, Harry said in shock 'S-S-Sirius b-b-but I saw you fall through the veil in the department of mysteries'.......... 'NO I WON'T BELIVE IT, YOUR DEAD! JUST ANOTHER TRICK OF VOLDEMORT'S TO TRY TO LURE ME SO HE CAN KILL ME. WELL ITS NOT GOING TO WORK!!!!!' and with that Harry through down the presents he had brought, tears streaming down his face he brought out his wand and apperated away. Hermione looked to Tonks her voice shaking with fear and worry for Harry 'Tonks where would he have gone?' 'Last time he came here he okay but the place that he seemed to like was the old oak tree in the last field' answered Tonks 'thanks Tonks' said Ron and Hermione in unison and prepared to aperate where Harry was, 'wait I want to came to' said Sirius. Just as they were about to leave Remus said quietly 'where do you think your going to just now?’ they all jumped 'we were going to see if Harry is alright, do you want to come professor? Answered Hermione ' I think I had better come anyway to make sure you four don't get into trouble'. With that Remus grabbed Sirius, Ron and Hermione's hands to do a sidelong aperation, the aperation worked and they apperated into some bushes near the old oak tree.

When they looked up from the ground they saw Draco Malfoy and Harry talking witch they all found strange because they usually were fighting, just then Harry roared with the same anger that made Ron and Hermione to cower in fear 'He did what? How dare he. I am so going to kill him a hundred times over.' Harry continued so loudly that they all thought that if he yelled any louder Voldemort himself would have heard.' SO YOU’RE DOING THIS AGAINST YOUR WISHES? YOU ONLY FIGHT WITH ME BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T HE'LL PUNISH YOUR SISTER!!!!' they saw Draco trying to calm Harry down by sneering 'don't worry about it Potter I will deal with it', just then Draco spotted them 'did you enjoy spying on us weasel and mudblood' sneered Draco 'Draco be nice please', 'fine but only cause you asked nicely Potter' Ron came up to Harry and asked 'Harry mate please don't tell me you and Malfoy are going out!' 'Ron doesn’t be stupid I don't swing that way' replied Harry hotly. Then after a moments pause Hermione said 'okay that was awkward, anyway what's that?' she said pointing at the gateway to Avalon, ' I honestly don't know Hermione why don't we go in and do some really rash thing to find out?’ and with that he drew his sword and wand everyone else did the same, but only for their wands, they lined up behind Harry, Sirius going last, Harry then stepped through the gateway, the others following, then they were in Avalon....

Chapter 4

Back in Avalon
Lilly was taking Dancer on gallop through Avalon's beautiful scenery when suddenly she felt something within her brake, she immediately rained Dancer in and snarled ' Someone's came in with out my permission, by doing so they challenge me to a fight so lets go!' and with that she wheeled Dancer around and set off at a break neck gallop, she drew her sword with one hand, placed the rains in to the battle clip, and as she got nearer to the portal she adjusted her grip on the sword and stave and got ready to fight. Now Harry was looking around in amazement when he heard the sound of hoof beats pounding the ground he looked up just in time to sheath his wand and raise his sword in defense, the person riding the horse or so he first thought it was landed lightly in front of him and began to attack him relentless, as he then began his own attack he heard shouting behind him someone shouting ‘ GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I SPEAR YOU' then he heard a barrage of spells in reply, someone then shouted presumably Hermione 'STUFEY!' at the person Harry was fighting, the person immediately froze, the horse no on closer inspection unicorn wheeled and shouted 'MILADY MOVE MILADY!' the unicorn plunged and reared again, surged towards the person, then there was screaming, when Harry looked up he saw three people he knew and one he didn't the three people he knew shouted 'LILLY ARE YOU OKAY, LILLY PLEASE ANSWER THIS AIN'T FUNNY!' Harry then unsheathed his wand and pulled back his hood, Ron and Hermione stepped forward and also raised their wands but Harry said the counter spell to the stufey spell that Hermione cast and waited.

Shadow was so stunned to see Harry standing there that she stood there staring open mouthed until Draco sneered ' well, well, well what do we have here a muggle that is so stupid that all it can do is stare' it was a natural instinct with out thinking she roared ' SALAZAR BLOODY SLITHERIN. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU GET OFF ON? IF YOU SAY ONE MORE FOWL WORD I WILL FORCE FEED YOU TO YOUR OWN BLOODY BASKILIS! AND YOU KNOW THAT I CAN. SO DON'T THINK I CAN'T.’ After her rant she said to Harry 'Gordric your not looking well' then it clicked in her head that wasn't their real names, these were the heirs to the people who were fighting a long side her father, she snarled with venom ' Voldemort you traveled back in time and killed my father and mother I will kill you no matter what.' After she had sneered and ranted, she dropped her dragon caped stave, sheathed her sword, to step forward & grip Harry in vice like grip around his back & greeted him. The next thing that Shadow knew she was being pried of him by strong hawk like claws some where around her legs.

When Shadow looked down there was a dragonet looking up at her & in her mind the dragonet said that her name was Ruby & that she wanted to be hugged like the man, with that Shadow let go of Harry, bent down, said out loud ' Hi Ruby, your cute' & then scratched one scaled eyelid. Sarah awed, said’ I never knew that dragonets could be impressed, what I don't get is why this happens now.'' The dragonets appearance was something that Sarah had never seen before in dragons, its body was long & sleek, it's head was long & streamline with a white & gold beard, it’s legs had the same sort of beard behind the calves & underneath the deadly spiked tail also its wings were long and large but golden black in color, with sharp claws at the tips, all in all Ruby was a baby female Emperor Hungarian horn tail. Then as Harry heard a snake ask him if he could be his familiar, a sharp stinging pain that felt like a thousand knives being stabbed into his brain, shot though his lighting bolt scar. Lilly felt and saw his aura flaring in pain, she told the baby dragon Ruby to come with her and see if there was anything that they could do to help. Then as Lilly walked towards Harry a beautiful flaming red phoenix flamed in front of Harry with a letter in its claws. Harry, through his pain managed to read the precise slanting scrawl of the letter, it said.


This is very important I need you to find Draco Malfoy for me, and yes I know very well that you two are enemies and constantly fight whenever you can, please try to get along it is important. I also need you to find me someone called Lilly, I’m so sorry Harry I don’t have a last name for you. Can you also bring Ron and Hermione with you? Once you have these two people Fawkes will flame you to my office where I will explain as much as I can to you. Yes Fawkes will be staying with you until you find these people.

Good luck,
Minerva McGonagall

Harry was so stunned; he had managed to find the two people that he was meant to find without even trying. He stretched and stood up, ‘Ron, Hermione, Draco, and Lilly we have to go now, everyone else please return to your homes.’ Everyone else ‘We would if we knew how’ Lilly ‘here I will send you home’ and with that she sent everyone that Harry didn’t want there away. ‘Come on everyone gather round’ asked Harry, so they all gathered around Harry, Lilly with Sundancer behind her and Ruby on her shoulder. ‘Everyone this is Fawkes, he is going to take us to the Headmistress McGonagall’s office at Hogwarts, please touch the person next to you and don’t let go’. So before they flamed away Harry replied to the snake coiled around his arm /certainly you can be my familiar/ the magic around Harry and the snake named Artic flared. They then all touched one another and flamed to the head office in Hogwarts.

Chapter 5

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall had had a very miserable day. First of all peeves the poltergeist had ruined her transfiguration classroom, second the caretaker Filch had asked her permission to use the cane and so forth on any misbehaving children this year, and last Severus Snape had to go to a Death Eater meeting to spy on Voldemort, and came back with some very distressing news, Voldemort had learned of the second prophesy concerning Harry and his friends and that Snape was a spy, he was lucky to escape with his life. McGonagall’s desk was covered with letters from parents who were going to pull their children out of school because after another attack on the school following Dumbledore's death the parents no longer believed that Hogwarts was a safe place for their children to learn, all the letter were the same.

Dear Headmistress,

I am sorry to inform you that my child/children will no longer be attending Hogwarts any more
due to the war and Hogwarts apparent lack of security.

Sincerest apologies,
Whoever wrote the letter

Then as she was replying to a letter from both the Wesley’s’ and the Grangers’ saying that they wouldn't be pulling any of their children out of Hogwarts and that they supported her all the way, a torrent of flame appeared in the middle of the office. The headmistress jumped and screamed loudly, pulling out her wand and she fired a multiple stunning spell. Ruby sensed the danger to her mistress; she baited on Lilly’s shoulder, flared her wings and blew a small fiery shield around the group absorbing the spells. Shadow started to try and calm Ruby by saying soothing words in the draconic langue, while this was happening Artic had moved from his restful position curled around Harry’s arm. He hissed /master the human shall not hurt you/, /no Artic leave the human alone she doesn’t know it’s me if she new she wouldn’t hurt me/, /if you say so master/.
“Mr. Potter is that really you?” “Hello Professor, you did say that when I had found Dray (hey don’t call me Dray for the last time!) Here and the girl that Fawkes would bring us all here.” “Yes well I didn’t expect you be here so quickly. Now I have something important to tell you and it concerns all of you, please sit down.” So with that they all chose

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