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Rated: 13+ · Other · None · #1496317
One girl's wild ride with Death himself, Short story.
    Biting her lip, Amanda leaned forward and kissed him. Her first kiss was like nothing she'd been suspecting. There was a great crash all around her like the mightiest of cymbals. Her body surged with feeling as if she was being torn in two and after a moment of pain, she felt stretched in the most delicious way. If she had only known what she'd been missing out on she wouldn't have waited nineteen years for this single most glorious experience. Amanda sighed and opened her eyes only to close them again in confusion. She counted to ten in her head, opened her eyes again and screamed.

    "Wow, talk about a cruel fate." Staring her right in the eyes and talking to her in a beautiful tenor tone was a skeleton. Amanda screamed again.

    Taking deep gulps of the chilly spring air, Amanda closed her eyes and told herself to be rational. This was one of Josh's pranks. That was the only logical explanation; it was one of his stupid friends dressed up in a big black cape with a Halloween mask on. "What the hell? What kind of a stupid joke is this?" Amanda growled low in her throat. She opened her eyes and pushed the stupid teenager with her finger and gasped as her finger slipped past something hard and the black fabric pushed in by the pressure of her finger through two rib bones. In shock, she fell against Death. Skeletal arms wrapped around her and cold, literally bony fingers grasped her by the shoulders.

    "Woah there tiger! Its alright, I know this is a little disorienting, but you'll be alright." The voice came out of the skull and yes, she was close enough to know now that this was no costume. She would have fainted but it was so kind and gentle. Slowly, Death turned her around and in horror Amanda stared at the wreck before her eyes. The lovely bench in the park was now under a mid-sized SUV who's driver had passed out over the steering wheel. From underneath the car, Amanda could see a pair of shapely legs clad in tight blue jeans and wearing her shoes.

    Amanda gulped against the rising nausea and started looking for Josh. "He's over there on the sidewalk." Death's voice kindly pointed the teen out and gave her a gentle push in the right direction. "But you better make this snappy, I've got an appointment in Buenos Aires. I need to get to it as soon as possible." Amanda rushed to the sidewalk and knelt by Josh's side. He was just stumbling to his feet as Amanda reached him and she gagged at the sight of all the blood down the front of his designer clothes.

    "Josh? Are you OK?" Amanda whimpered as she reached Josh's side and reached out to him. Josh walked right by her and knelt by the side of the car, crying. A sigh from behind her had Amanda spinning around to look at Death.

    "Look, I'm on a schedule and I apologize for this but I've got to get you on your way now. What's your belief system?" Amanda gasped as Death reached into his robe and pulled out a clipboard. "Hey I'm no stranger to the fact that fate's a bitch. All three of them actually, but we really need to get you going," Death was at her shoulder as she stared at the crumpled corpse that Josh had managed to pull out from under the car. Josh was sobbing and Amanda was in shock as she looked down at her own face twisted in death. "Really I can't deal with this right now, I'm sorry." A skeletal hand clapped around Amanda's wrist and the scene in front of her just washed away before her eyes. 

    Opening her eyes and telling herself sternly to snap out of it, Amanda realized that, no, this wasn't some horrid nightmare. She was still dead and in the custody of Death himself. Amanda watched as Death put his sickle up against a wall; funny she didn't remember him having that at the park. With care in his every movement, he knelt down beside a small cot and took from a woman's arms her obviously newborn baby.

    "Put that kid back! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Out of respect for the exhausted mother, Amanda kept her voice to a whisper but it was a challenge not to yell and scream and kick at the injustice she was watching in front of her eyes. Death turned to her and looked her in the eye, then made a cross over the baby's heart and she watched as the child vanished. "What did you do?" The words were choked from her throat as she felt tears start to fall out of her eyes.

    "I did my job, look little sheltered Princess." His voice was no longer kind, Amanda realized with shock as she took a step back from his imposing figure. "Do you think this is easy? Before I came to collect you I had to sort out a bus bombing outside of Baghdad and before that there was an earthquake in Turkey. Come on, I've got other appointments to make. Why don't you tell me whether you would like to go to heaven or if you would prefer reincarnation."

    Amanda stuck her chin out and folded her arms. "I don't believe in any after-life." Death raised an eyebrow, at least that was the impression the skull gave to her, it was very disconcerting to watch a skeleton look so alive.

    "Technically this is an after-life for you since you're dead." He sighed and reached for her wrist again. "Well great, do you realize that until you make a decision as to where you want to go I have to cart you around with me?" He grinned and Amanda gasped but he had already taken a firm hold on her and the scene around her was misting away again. In terror she closed her eyes firmly.

    Biting her lip in terror she refused to open her lids again lest she see something even more horrid. Cold bony fingers lifted her chin and Death's voice, soft again, spoke to her. "You can open your eyes. We're in Purgatory." Her eyes flew open at the unfamiliar word and she clutched her hand over her mouth as nausea curled itself into her stomach. She had seen enough of the madness in front of her. Her eyes closed again and colors flashed behind her eyelids, imprinted onto her iris from her brief glimpse of the vortex. She heard Death sigh in frustration and then took her hand to guide her.

    "I forgot, I'm sorry. Look it can be a little confusing at first but you'll get used to it. I have a little time off. If you can refer to time here, which you realistically can't. Open your eyes now, you're alright." Amanda felt him drop her hand and with a deep breath she peeled one eye open. Incredulous with disbelief she opened her eyes to find herself in a grand foyer. "This is the Hall of legendary figures. There are a lot of us here and most stay here full-time, with a few exceptions. Follow me."

    Her stomach still churning, Amanda followed Death. Noting with horror that he had pushed back the hood of his cloak. To save herself the disgrace of losing her stomach in such a fancy place she looked everywhere but at Death. Opulent hallways branched off of the foyer, but Death led her up a staircase and off to the left side. Amanda barely had time to note how understated the decor of this mansion was. it was so classy, she thought with a fading sigh. It was so far beyond anything she had ever known.

    Death pulled her with him into a room and cleared his throat. Amanda looked at him in shock, but the sound had definitely emanated from him. He didn't have a throat! How could he have, but she wasn't allowed to complete her thought process as Death caught her off to speak. "Father Christmas, I have someone I would like for you to meet." His tone was respectful and Amanda thought for a moment if that voice only didn't belong to a skeleton, she could be very attracted to it.

    "What's that?" A energetic voice from the room drew Amanda's gaze from Death's visage. Staring at her through a pair of glasses was an old man that didn't match the voice that had spoken, so Amanda continued to gaze around the comfortably cozy living room. "Kapziel? Is that you, you old psychopomp?" Her jaw dropped open as the man in red strode forward with more vigor in his steps than she had been expecting.

    "This is Amanda, she is in my charge for the time being. I thought she would like to meet you." Death's voice was respectful, but Amanda thought she heard a bit of humor hidden in his rich voice. She smiled respectfully and held out her hand.

    "It's nice to meet you sir." He chuckled and shook her hand. She shouldn't have been so surprised when it was firmer than she had been expecting, but she was anyway.

    "Oh, I know you very well Amanda Holcome. On the nice list except for your fifth year when you flushed your brother's favorite stuffed bear down the toilet. And never apologized either, I might add." He chuckled warmly and took her hand to lead her to a seat on the overly stuffed couch. "The Mrs. is out and I didn't ask where she was going to save myself from knowing." He winked gaily at Death and offered Amanda a plate of cookies adding with another soft chuckle that all he had was milk.

    "Uhm, how did you?" Amanda took another breath and shook her head. Maybe she had fallen into a fever and these were dreams? Very real-feeling terrifying dreams full of slightly plump elder gentlemen with snowy white beards and twinkling blue eyes. Not to mention the skeleton that was sitting on a chair across from her and had politely refused the refreshments.

    "Well because I'm Father Christmas." He winked at her open-mouthed stare. "Or if you would prefer St. Nicholas, Kris Kringle or if you really must you may call me Santa." He shuddered demurely, "That used to be one of my favorite names but recently it has become far too commercialized." He smiled and patted Amanda kindly on the arm. "Are you alright? This must all be a little shocking to you." Amanda nodded mutely in disbelief. She was sitting in a warm living room sharing cookies with Santa Claus and Death. She had gone insane.

    As if sensing her apprehension, Santa didn't ask her to contribute much to the conversation and allowed her to sit still for the first time in what felt like forever and process what was happening to her. She was dead, unfortunately she was pretty sure that had actually happened. The image of her own body was forever imprinted in gruesome detail on her retina. Death had come to collect her soul and had even offered her a choice as to what she wanted to do, Heaven or reincarnation. With a blink and a gulp she realized that no one had mentioned the opposite end of the spectrum.

    "What about Hell?" She interrupted their conversation with her rude question and the stare she received from both her companions lead her to blush and look down at the uneaten cookie in her lap. "You asked me if I wanted to go to Heaven but what if I wasn't good enough to get in? What would you do then?"

    "Trust me, if there's any mortal who deserves the rest of Heaven it would be you." Santa's kind voice spoke before Death could. "Amanda, believe me when I say that of all the girls on my nice list you're one of the nicest." She looked up into his face and smiled. Something unlocked in her heart and with a bit of confusion she realized that she had started to cry. Santa held his arms open and Amanda went to sit on his lap, burying her face in his shoulder. It was the nicest, warmest feeling in the world. Like having her father back. "Oh, Amanda. It's alright now, don't worry. Everything's going to be alright now."

    "I'm glad I decided to bring her to you." Death said softly after Amanda had cried her heart out on Santa's shoulder.

    "You do have a knack for knowing what these lost souls need, Azriel." Santa spoke softly, hoping not to disturb the child, it felt as though she had fallen asleep. "This girl is a saint, there hasn't been her equal in some time, you know." His calloused hand stroked her hair softly.

    "I'm not sure why I didn't just send her on, she belongs in Heaven even if she doesn't know she believes in it." Amanda, safely snuggled away in Santa's arms thought about speaking but she was so content and so comfortable that she couldn't quite bring herself to speak up. "You're right she is something special." Amanda heard Death sigh and then say self-consciously; "I never thought I liked blonds. I didn't used to."

    "How does she see you, Thanatos?" Santa asked softly, almost as if he couldn't quite hold in his curiosity.

    "She sees me as Death." Death replied, and Amanda almost stirred at the note of pain in his voice. "I wish she would see me as Thanatos but I don't know that she's studied much Greek mythology." He laughed softly and Amanda searched the sound for some real humor but couldn't find any.

      "Pity, I think I like you most as Thanatos. Quite handsome you are, the wings might be a bit much though." Santa sighed then shifted softly under Amanda, "why don't you take her on to your apartments? Mrs. Claus will be home soon."

    In a moment, Amanda felt herself lifted from Santa's arms into a pair brawny arms and with a gasp of shock, her eyes flew open. She fell from the youth's arms and landed in a heap on the floor. She struggled to right herself and back away from the toga-clad youth. Could Adonis have wandered in during the discussion and stolen her from Santa's arms? Where was Death?

    "Interesting." Was all Santa said as Amanda stared around the room frantically for Death.

    "Its me, apparently you're open to the power of persuasion." The youth had spoken, with Death's voice. Amanda looked at him with shock showing openly in her eyes. He shrugged and smiled charmingly at her, trying to put her at ease, Amanda thought to herself.

    "But you were a skeleton." She accused as she backed away from the dark-haired Greek.

    "Which is how your culture most often portrays me. But when Father Christmas mentioned my Thanatos incarnation, I suspect your view of me changed. It doesn't happen often, but you're not sure what you believe so I guess you can be swayed easily." He shrugged again and Amanda felt a curious feeling somewhere in the vicinity of her heart as she looked at Death. It was new and felt quite like her heart was growing in size. This was a face to match the voice she had been hearing.

    "Oh," Amanda said ingenuously.

    "Father Christmas, I think we have imposed upon your hospitality long enough." As Death turned to face his old friend, Amanda noticed with a shock a pair of folded wings on his back. White and full of the softest looking feathers, Amanda smiled to see them, and only just managed to hold her hand back from stroking them. She bit her lip and held her hands tight to her chest.

      Santa nodded and smiled, and Death took her hand in his and led her back out into the corridor. "Come on, I'll show you to my rooms, its just down the hall. I moved here to this wing a couple centuries ago, got tired of the wing my family inhabits." She noticed that the decorations were still simple and light, full of life. "How are you coping? Made a decision yet?" His questions were kind and Amanda bit her lip because she was in the middle of making a decision, or rather her heart was making it for her. The only problem was that she wasn't sure that this choice was actually open to her.

    "I'm alright. Meeting Santa helped. I hated the day that my mother told me Santa Claus didn't exist, it was only two weeks after I lost my dad." Amanda admitted slowly as Death opened another door and gestured her inside. The living room was more understated than Santa's had been. With a collection of mismatched chairs around the fireplace and a lounge-chair by the window that was currently looking out over a winter wonderland. "I thought it was spring." She whispered as she walked to the large bay window to touch her fingertips against the windowpane.

    "It is, at least the time line you were on was. I like the winter. Everything is asleep but there is the promise and the potential there for so much life. Besides, I'm still Death." He chuckled and came to stand behind her.

    "If I went to Heaven, I would get to see my father again, wouldn't I?" Amanda couldn't turn to look at him, it took all of her courage to keep talking and all she was looking at was a sleeping oak.

    "Yes." His voice was soft from behind her. Amanda bit her lip and thought of embracing her loving father one more time. She shook her head slowly.

    "What if I stay here?" Her voice was soft from fear but the words managed to come out past her fear of rejection.

    "I don't think anyone has ever chosen to stay in Purgatory, Amanda."

    Turning to face him she looked him in the eye and firmed her chin. "Of my choices, could I stay here, specifically with you?" His jaw dropped open and he took a step back.

    "Why would you want to do that?" His voice was full of skepticism, and disbelief. Amanda shoved it aside and stepped closer, watching him hungrily with her eyes.

    "Never mind, is it an option?" With both feet and without a conscious decision, Amanda had fallen head over heels in love with Death himself and she needed to know the answer to her question before she fell into a puddle of confusion.

      "I'm not sure if you can choose to remain in purgatory, but as long as you never choose another afterlife than you have to stay with me, because I gave you that choice." His tone was rough as he, too, searched her eyes. She looked down for a moment, thinking of all she was giving up and then with a gulp she took another step forward and put her hand in his.

    "I choose you, I choose purgatory." With a yell that startled her, he picked her up and swung her around managing to land one messy kiss on her lips. She laughed when he put her on her feet again.

    "I'm glad you decided to wait to do that until I didn't see you as a skeleton."

    "Me, too!" He laughed and drew his arms tight around her, giving her a much more satisfying kiss and Amanda sighed. This time when she opened her eyes, Death was still staring at her but his eyes were twinkling and her heart was singing.

    "Oh good, you found her." An unbelievably beautiful voice said from somewhere over Death's shoulder.

    "Cousin?" Death turned to face the woman and Amanda blinked in confusion. The vision standing in front of them was like no one she had ever seen. Dressed in a tight sweater that her large breasts pushed against and tight black pants, the woman in front of her was so beautiful Amanda was squinting.

    "I'm sorry for meddling." The vision murmured but she didn't really sound sorry. Death threw a poisoned glance her way as he paced away from Amanda leaving her arms crying out for him. "Oh OK, I'm not sorry for meddling. The girl would have been wasted on the mortals, she deserved you and if you would stop beating yourself up over your job requirements you would realize you need her, too." The woman danced up to Amanda and handed her a pair of rose colored sunglasses. "Here, these will help with the Goddess-haze." She said simply before waiting expectantly for Amanda to slip them on.

    As the world around her turned various shades of pink, Amanda looked at the woman again and found herself looking at a much dialed down version of the beauty. She didn't have to squint anymore at least. "I'm Venus," the woman supplied helpfully. "Aphrodite," she continued when Amanda only stared at her in confusion. "I'm the goddess of love, chickadee!" She clucked and frowned a little, Amanda noted that the woman managed to look even more beautiful when frowning. "No one gets a classical education anymore, its a shame. Well now that you're joining the family I'm sure you'll brush up on your Greek, or Roman. I'm not particular." The woman smiled and enfolded Amanda in her fragrant embrace, rather than cloying her perfume was the perfect blend of smells. Amanda found herself liking the woman in spite of her extravagant beauty.

    Death was behind her again, "Aphrodite give us some time, please?" The goddess nodded and floated away with a giggle and a wave at Amanda. "Are you still sure you want to be with me?" Death took her gently by the shoulders and turned her to face him, his face equal parts, pleading and doubt. Amanda nodded and Death sighed and took her in his arms again.

    "This is where I belong, here with you."

© Copyright 2008 Daine Winters (daine_blue at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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