Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1496074-My-Shadow-a-Disaster-on-Legs-PT2
Rated: E · Fiction · Comedy · #1496074
Read part 1 first
We will rejoin Tom as he arrives home to find some... ... minor problems. Tom comes within sight of his house. And sees half his car on the roof of his house. After seeing this his first reaction is NOT to wonder where the front half is, but complete shock. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CAR!!" Tom screams. After gaping at the fact half his car is missing, and the other is somehow on his roof. He cautiously approaches his home. Upon reaching the door he first reaches for his keys then remembers they are missing. He just opens the door, but doesn't react fast enough when something flies at him. "Aaarrrrgghh me matey be trespassing be ye. This landlubber don't like trespassing box people." The mystery guy states. "One. This is MY HOUSE! Two. I'm not a box person. And three. GET OFF ME!!" Tom replies. "Arrr ye be a smooth talking lubber... ye be. Aye I shall move as ye not mutiny... id... ed... be good." Mystery guy answers. As the mystery guy gets off of Tom, Tom swiftly gets up and slams his door in the mystery guy's face. "Attention soldier. This is treason and treason might be dealt with harshly or... mildly or... somewhere in between. BUT IT WILL BE DEALT WITH! Sooner or later maybe somewhere in between those words. Or-" Mystery guy's rant gets cut off as Tom shouts at him from a window. "LEAVE ME ALONE! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS... AND WHY IS THE FRONT HALF OF MY CAR IN MY BATHROOM!!! HOW DID YOU DO THIS. THERE ARE NO HOLES IN THE WALLS ITS NOT EVEN SCRATCHED!!!" And not even waiting for a reply slams his window shut. "What is his problem?" Tom asks himself as he turns around and finds himself face to face with... you guessed it the mystery guy. "Treason be close to mutiny and mutiny be a bad thing box lubber." mystery guy says. "How did you... you where... but that's not pos-" Tom tries to reason until he is interrupted by mystery guy. "Be ye mutiny... in... er.. lily livering uhhhhh. Line!... ... ... What I'm not good enough for you?! I'll be in my trailer." Mystery guy says then goes to the window and climbs out. Then closes the window and pulls a curtain over the window. "Wait how in the..." Tom questions as he opens the window and pushes the curtain aside and finds the interior of a trailer. "You think you can break in to my home. Well I say no you can not." Says mystery guy as he points a straw towards Tom. "What is that going to do?" Asks Tom before the straw goes off like it were a rifle and puts a large hole in the wall next to Tom. "WHAT IN THE!!" Tom says very surprised gaping at the hole until a (CH-CHINK) sound brings his attention back to the mystery guy holding a "reloaded" straw. "Oh is the thief scared." Taunts the mystery guy. "V-v-very I'll be leaving this um trailer and um boarding up that window and hole." Replies Tom as he slowly closes the window and backs away also slowly. "Go and do that soldier this commander shall retire until... 32:00 hours now goodnight private... um soldier." Says the mystery guy. "Right I will um do that." Replies Tom as he leaves his bedroom. "Maybe this is just a dream... yeah it's just a dream." Mutters Tom as he lies down on his couch muttering "just a dream" till he falls asleep.
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