Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1496031-DEATH--DOES--NOT--BOW---part-1
Rated: GC · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1496031
read as a detective must use the past and present to over come life, love, and death
It started as a regular day jack (the hero/detective) went to work found criminals and put them to jail but one case from a few days ago was still the one on everyones mind when they looked at him he caught 89% of the seifer gang and sent each one in prison for many years, the leader though escaped and everyone was expecting the leader seifer to take revenge. The detective got home and checked his answering machine one of the messages was from a girl he met on a case and fell in love with but they could have never been together, on the message she told him to come to her house that she was in danger so he left and headed for her house as fast as possible when he got there she was already gone but a note had been left "go to the abandoned construction site at 11:00 if you ever want to see your little girlfriend again
P.S. we have eyes on you if you even head towards the police office we'll be gone and your girl will be dead so I hope you rethink your actions see you later". SEIFEERRR!! you will pay for this I will hunt you down if it's the last thing I do.

meanwhile at the construction site
let go of me help someone help!!!!

SHUT UP!! hey boss what do you want us to do with her?

string her up of course so high that if old jackky doesn't show up we cut the line and when she falls she'll land right in her grave hahahahaha. Now everyone else get in position when he gets here he won't know what hit him and girly if he gets here on time I may spare you at least untill I get bored playing with you HAHAHA!!!

You sick bastard you'll never get away with this!

haha what are you gonna do about it bitch look around you Jack won't be able to save you we have him outnumbered we have more firepower and we have you we can't lose so give up now while you still can.

10:58 jacks car arrives at the site the first thing he sees is a giant unfinished tower (at the phase where you only see the red metal beams) and four floors up is seifer.

Seifer let her go!

Why would I do that you're not the boss of me and if I remember correctly you're the reason my boys are in jail so I don't see why I should listen to you.

If you don't let her go I'll kill you.

oh really I don't think you're in a position to make threats everyone fire!

all the remaining members started fireing at jack it looked like the game was over as soon as it began jack was shot over and over and as he laid on the ground dieing time froze and jack seen an ominous character jack asks who he is and the strangers reply was death but he also says he did not come here for jacks soul but to offer him a deal jack must choose either live and posess a mighty power that has existed before time but will only be givin to 18 warriors 16 have already been found and if jack dies in his new form his soul will belong to hell, while in the form his soul will be temporarily tourtured in hell and each time he uses the power it will do great damage to jacks enemies and jacks body or jack can decline the offer and die right there so what does he do he took the deal. A mighty and dark energy flows through jacks body transforming him into a monster while this happens time starts moveing again everyone sees jack in this hellish form with what looks like black flames on his body and smoke for hair the starts fireing again in fear of what he will do to them but he moves faster than they can see he starts tearing them apart and every time a shoot hits jack it doesn't have an effect it appears as if he is immortal has kills them one by one with ease soon the only ones left are seifer, jack and sarah jack slowly looks up at seifer and says I told you I'd kill you.

oh FUCK YOU lets see is killing me more important than saveing the girl

seifer then takes out a knife and throws it so it cuts the rope that is holding her so far above the ground and as she falls seifer gets on his motorcycle and drives off the tower and over the fence and he gets away laughing but at least the girl is safe for now.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1496031-DEATH--DOES--NOT--BOW---part-1