Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1495359-Sixteen-going-on-30
Rated: 18+ · Other · Comedy · #1495359
Funny satircal piece about kids acting old
Scratched id’s and reality tv,
Short skirts long jackets, and cell phones with new beats.
Walkin down that road like you own it all,
Maybe we’d take you seriously if you didn’t stand 5feet tall
You dress the part, you act the part,
and now you believe you are the part.
But there’s more to age than grub staches and spray on tans,
you are barely a woman, and you are barely a man.
But you’ve built yourself, fabricated yourself, to look like this.
And it’s for this exact reason the elders don’t take our shit.
When will you grow up? When will you act your age?
Questions we face daily, filling us with rage.
But just look at yourself, take a good hard look.
hardly a teenager, and already acting like you wrote the books.
Why? Why can’t anyone be comfortable for who they are,
and act their age, dress their age, and just play their part.
We hate parents, we hate authority, and we hate rules,
yet here we are dressing up so that we can look like those fools.
Maturity is nothing but a scapegoat, to explain the whys and why nots.
You can drink a beer, can’t buy one though, you have a fake, but no balls, afraid you’ll get caught.
I’ve seen the most immature old men, and the most mature little bitches.
The old man’s been through it all, so i’d take him as a role model....so what if he twitches...
He’s real, down to earth, and knows what is what.
You are a fake, living in your own world, and playing this role up.
The young act old, but the old act young. But we think we’re bad ass.
But we know nothing of the future, they know everything about the past.
They go for a beer.
we go for twenty.
They have box socials,
we throw raging parties.
They fight because they think theyre right,
we fight for our right.
And what right is that?
The right to enjoy ourselves during our teenage years.
So quit acting like a fuckin idiot,
quit talkin like you know what is what,
and sit down and look around.
You are younger than everyone.
You haven't even lived or experienced.
Enjoy it while you can before the day comes
where you actually have to play that role.
Because that day, judgement day, will be the one where you realize
you had it made has a kid and you wasted it all being something your not.
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