Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1494545-Chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1494545
A man gets thrown into another dimension that's filled with demons of all kinds.
It was a pale white room. I guess it could have been a light gray. It seems to me that pale white would have been how I pictured it in my head (had I gotten the chance to picture it before I saw it, that is) so that is quite possibly why I remember the pale white as opposed to the light gray. Nevertheless, it was a pale white room. In the middle there was a pale white desk. Which, of course, could have been light gray; but that's not the point. Next to the desk sat a pale white chair. I know, I was thinking the same thing you are, when I first walked into that room (which could have been 'got dropped' into that room, but I would have walked in had I gotten the chance to walk in before I was unknowingly, and suddenly, dropped in): What's with all the pale white? But, back to the point. The room was rectangular in shape. I distinctly remember thinking that I could have fit a car in there, but why I think about such things, I'll never know. It had what looked like a trap door in the ground next to the wall to the right. I could barely make out the outline, so it could very well have just been one small tile in the middle of the floor (well, not the 'middle of the floor' as in the 'center of the floor', but 'middle' as in 'somewhere amidst the floor'), but I assumed it was a trap door. Ahead, against the far wall, was a door the height of the room. This was obviously a door, for it came nowhere near the level of obscurity to it's identity as the could-be trap door had. It had some kind of elegant-looking drawing that covered it's face, with pictures of people-- beautiful people, a few flying creatures that looked like angels or something (could have been huge birds had I the chance to really lok at it, but it had such a bright white glow that I couldn't stand to look at it for long), and no doorknob. With such a bright glow, I couldn't, for the life of me (or death? maybe I was dead? I didn't have the chance to find out), understand why the brightness of the door didn't touch any of the pale white walls, door, desk, chair, or the trap door. I couldn't really understand much about how I got there, why I was there or what was going on now that I was there. Nevertheless, this pale white room changed my life forever.
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