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tragic story, about a man that fell in love and lost that love |
yes not my fav story and i need to edit it but i had nothing to do so here it is tell me what you think The Tragic Story of John Smith It was march 1st, 2008 and John Smith a middle-aged man of Irish decent a resident of Leger ,new jersey, a small suburban town with a population of only 1200 and he was just waking up to the loud sound of his alarm clock going off. The day started off like any other day for Mr. Smith. He was going to get up, take his shower, brush his teeth, put on his clothes and eat his breakfast. But, unlike every other day, today he would not be going to his job as the C.E.O. for a major legal firm, no. Today, he was going to be the president of the great United States , but only for one day. How he of all people was getting this great honor you might ask? He won it; yes he did indeed win. You see, with so many people afraid of the banks, due, to the credit crises, the economy went to an all time low, even lower then it was in the 1930’s. So to raise money the government came up with a brilliant plan, if I do say so myself, that they would do a national lottery but instead of getting money like they do every other time you would get to become president for one day. You see, the people thought that its not like some random person could do any worse then the president we have anyway. So that is how our tragic story began At precisely 5:20 A.M., John Smith left his home and headed west for the airport where the legendry Air Force One was waiting to pick him up. Now you see Mr. Smith had his whole day planed out, for that is what he always did, he would make strict outlines for what he needed to do for the day and that would be what he did, he would not let any thing get in his way, not friends not family and definitely not girls. He was as ambitious as they came, hard working, and lived for his job, that is what led him to being CEO of his firm in just five years. He had no friends, no family, no one, just him and his work, and he loved it that way. But anyone that knew him would tell you that he was a lonely man although he did not think so. He had money a nice house, and great job people would kill for his life or so he told him self. So there he was pulling up to the airport to be put on the greatest plane ever made. After getting out of the car and making his way to the line he was stopped by two men in black suites. They have to be my guards, Mr. Smith thought to himself. The two men took him to the lot where he saw the plane for the first time. It was grand, the inside was nicer than his home, and that is not something you saw very often. So there he sat on his seat on the plane going over his plan. He was going to save the economy crisis and become renowned. People all over the world would love him. He would go down in history; his name was going to be next to great name, such as George Washington, he was going to be great At 7:00 A.M. the plane landed, and he took a helicopter to the White House. After landing on top of the building five men where waiting to take him to the oval office. So there he sat at the grand desk of the presidents office getting ready to make history. He got out his papers that had all his plans for the day. His list of people he wanted to talk to and other such things. He was set, he had every thing he needed it was time to make history. Then he saw her. She had long black that was pulled back in a bun she had a nice body but it was modestly covered in a black shirt and buckled skirt. If you were to ask any normal person they would tell you that she looked like a bithcy librarian, but to John Smith she was the most beautiful thin she asked as she waved her had in front of his face. “What? Oh it seems that I faded out there a minute ago. Surry about what did you say?” Mr. Smith asked. Coming out of his daze “Oh I was just saying that my name is Alice and I’m your secretary and if you need any thing just ask” she replied. She had a look in her eye that said that it might just have been a stupid idea to just pick some random man to run the county even if just for a day. “Well ok then ill just go out to my table” Alice said as she walked away. It was ten minutes later when she walked back inside the office to tell him that the economist a man named Christopher Bunt was there to talk. As Mr. Bunt talked about his plan for the economy Mr. Smith just kept thinking about Alice he did not hear a word Bunt said all he knew was that he had to ask Alice on a date. After saying goodbye to Mr. Bunt, John walked out of his office and into the next room. As he walked in he saw Alice talking on the phone with someone. So he stood there polity waiting for her to be done. After about fifteen minutes she put down the phone “So Mr. President want can I do for you.” She asked “well first off enough with the formality as I’m only going to be president for one more hour you may call me John and I was wandering if you would like to go out sometime?” Mr. Smith asked “well I do not go out with people I work with.” She replied with a smile on her face “well then you would be happy to know then that in one hour I will not work with you” shot back Mr. Smith “well if that is the case then yes I would be happy to go out with you” Alice said laughing so there he set all work long forgotten just talking with Alice before he knew it it was time to leave. He walked Alice back to her car before turning to go find a ride to a local Holiday Inn for the night. He had only knew Alice for ten hours but yet it felt like a life time he was in love with her yes he knew that he just met her but he could not stop how he felt. He never thought he would ever find someone that he would love more then work but now he did and foundered how he was ever able to live before he met her. Just as he was about to leave the garage he heard a gun shot go off and seen a man run past him. He knew something bad had happened so he want to investigate but what he found shocked him so bad he passed out. There on the ground dead was his exquisiteness beauty Alice. After waking up an hour later he found himself surrounded by cops all wanting to know what happened. So he told them what he seen and heard as quickly as he could before excusing himself and making his way to her office. He set at her desk looking throw her things in one of desk draws he found a picture oh her that looked like it was taken not all that long a ago he took the picture and put it in his pocket. And set down to right a letter. After finishing the letter he left it on the desk and went up the steps to the top of the white house he closed his eyes and grabbed the pitcher in his hand in lead forward he felt the wind on his face the coldness on his skin his heart was fast beating waiting for what was to come and then nothing. It was hours later when the gardener found his body soaked in a puddle of his own blood. It took days for anyone to find the letter What is the point of me living when the only thing I ever loved is gone life seems so meaningless now every thing I ever thought was impotent means nothing anymore I hate life. I hate that I was so in love with money that stopped living I hate that I throw away my family and stopped having friends just so I can work I hate that when I body is found no one is going to care cause to anyone that was ever truly important to me would tell you I dead a long time ago and I think they are right life should be beautiful but I turned mine into nothing and the fucked up thing is no one is going to care and why should they so to all of you in this cold hard world goodbye From No One Coincidentally, because of me the narrator telling you this tragic yet true story, about a man that became president fell in love lost that love and killed himself all in one day, he got his wish he will go down in history maybe not next to people like George Washington but it is still history. |