Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1494333-Moving-On
Rated: E · Other · Personal · #1494333
Feel free to ask. It's more sporadic thoughts than real poetry.
Do you miss me now
will you send your love now that mine is not enough
Do you think of me
Am I on your mind all of the time now that I’m gone
It’s so easy to
Just forget
But you’ll never know….
I loved you every day that you were gone
I crossed off each day on the calendar
Till there were no more empty boxes
Unsealed envelopes
If you tell me it gets easier at least I could try to believe
If you let me fall all the way, I’d finally be free
If you came to me in the pouring rain…
And I said you seem different
I’d tell you my story
You’d tell me your sorry
With no reasons why
And I’d reach for your hand
Sit with me and cry
You’d look in my eye’s and
See something painfully familiar
Of the night you left
Pages ago
And we’d wake up
And the light would come in
And I’d stretch my arms
To the window
And go outside 
I meant every word
I wasn’t trying to keep you
But time isn’t merciful
To love that is frail
it’s over now and I found your sunrise in the Thunder
And the thunder is more
The thunder found me…
Subtle and strong,
If there’s ever a day
That I cross your mind
And you find yourself lonely
Wishing you had someone of your own
Remember me, go into the dark
And let the thunder find you too.
I love you
We’ll be fine
When it rains
© Copyright 2008 C. Kenneth (ckenneth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1494333-Moving-On