Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1493433-Relief
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1493433
about a girl who deals with her problems and gets her relief.
Samantha sits at her desk so beautiful and tall. She is the girl every guy wants to get with. She's the girl that all the girls wants be like. She has long blond hair. Its styled perfectly every day. She was beautiful. Her clothes are the expensive name brand that hardly anyone can afford. She's always put together like out of a magazine. She's the popular girl in school. Everyone knows her name and everyone wants to be around her. She's always been snotty though. She never has a boyfriend. She never goes out with anyone. More and more she wears long sleeves even though its 90 degrees outside. Of course everyone else thinks its just a fashion statement and they never suspect. She goes home all alone to not be seen. She goes into her room and locks the door. She starts to dig around for her supplies. She finds what she needs and goes into her bathroom. She locks the door and takes off her shirt. She sits on the ground and looks at the perfect scabbed over lines all on her arms and stomach. She sighs as she takes out her tools. She starts her ritual of laying her tools out in order before she begins. She starts to take the razor and drag it over her skin. She sucks in a breath at the sight of her blood. There's not much of it. She knows that she its not enough to release her. She goes back for a new razor. She decides that she isn't happy with the location of the cuts. She gets up and takes off her shorts. She looks at her thighs. She can't believe that the cuts have all healed up with almost no scars. She takes the razor and viciously starts to drag it over her thighs. She is now getting the results that she wanted. The crimson blood is flowing down her legs beautifully. She's finally able to cry. She lets it all go. She's able to breathe. The weights been taken off of her shoulders finally. For a little while anyway. She knows that it won't last but at least she'd be able to relax for the night and maybe she could get him to stay out of her room tonight. She shuddered at the thought. How could her mom allow it? How could she be so blind? How was it possible for her to sleep int the same bed, let alone sleep with the man that was raping her daughter? She heard a door downstairs and she knew that it was time to act like everything was perfect again. She got all her stuff picked up and put back in its hiding place. They couldn't ever know where she kept it. It was her only release. She needed it and craved it. She went downstairs to help out with dinner. It was expected of her. She would get a far worse punishment if she didn't help. It was her mother. She was looking really mad."Mom, What's wrong?" "YOu have to ask, you little bitch! You know what you were doing! How dare you try to fuck Ted!!! He's MY husband!!!! He told me how when I work late that you go around wearing these little skimpy outfits and how you were trying to suck his dick! He said that you were mad that he turned you down!" "No, mom, he's been trying to fuck me! He won't leave me alone!" Her mother cut her off,"Samantha!"her mother said it so sharply that Samantha turned to her and stared at her. "You are no daughter of mine!' her mother slapped her Samantha "I don't know what to do with you! You disgust me! I think that you need to go to your room while I figure all of this out. GO NOW!!!" Just as she said that Ted walked in. "What's with all the yelling, Sue? Is this about what I told you? You don't gotta worry about it. She's not going to get nothing out of me." He turned and winked at Samantha. Samantha just stood there with her mouth hung open looking at her mother with questioning eyes. How could her own mother believe that sack of shit? She turned around and went back up to her room. She heard Ted say "I'll go up and talk to her while you go for a drive and cool off Why don't we order out tonight? You've worked too hard to have to deal with this." Sam heard her mother sigh. "Your probably right" she said "I'll go get some chinese. I know that's your favorite. Just stay away from her for a little while. I overreacted and I want her to calm down." Samantha had heard all of this and as she turned to go to her room, Ted had stopped her and said to her "Tonight will be the best night for us, you'd better be ready for it." Then he went in the living room and flipped on the t.v. Samantha knew that she didn't have much time before her mom returned. She knew where they'd kept the gun. So she went to Ted's side of the bed and grabbed the 45. She took it into her room and hid it under her pillow. She then sat down to finish her homework. She didn't realize what time it was until she heard a knock at the door downstairs. She looked at her clock and saw that it was 8:35 p.m. Her mother should have been home by now. She went down to see who it was. Ted had opened the door to two uniformed police officers. One of the officers was an older gray haired man that looked like her father. The other one looked at Samantha and she realized that she knew him. He was the boy that lived next door. He'd been a coupe years older than she was. He had just gotten back from Iraq and had started to work at the department. The older officer, Officer Ramirez stepped forward and said "We regret to inform you that there was an accident on the highway. A head on collision with a drunk driver. There were no survivors. I;m so sorry for your loss." Ted looked at him and started to go outside with Officer Ramirez. The other officer was named Kyle Richards. He came inside and sat down with Samantha and spoke to her softly "I'm really sorry, Sam. I know that she was the only one left." Sam looked up at Kyle. She said to him with tears in her eyes, "You can't leave me here, you don't know what he'll do to me if she's gone and we're left alone. He won't stop now. You have to stop him." Kyle looked into Sam's eyes and saw her sincerity." I can't do anything right now because of the news we just gave you. It would be your word against his. Everyone would just believe that you were upset by your mother's death. But I can come back tonight and if I you want." Sam sighed and agreed. She had been afraid of that. Then Ted came inside and Kyle got up and left. Later that night, Ted had came into her room with a weird little smirk on his face. "Now we don't have to worry about anything!" he said. Samantha had had enough. She pulled the gun out, took the safety off and pulled the trigger. Ted was laying on the ground with his blood all over the wall behind him. Samantha smiled. It was only a matter of time before she had done this. She went to her dresser and opened her top drawer. There was a letter inside for Samantha. Her mother had written her a letter knowing what was happening and how she couldn't live with her self knowing what happened and how she was so sorry about everything. Sam was sitting rocking on the ground with the letter in her hands when the police found her. Officer Richards had shown up and was sorry that he didn't do anything more. Samantha was handcuffed and taken out of her house. She was finally free! She had her relief!
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