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blond with black hair under the blond messing people up and fucking me then killing me |
as i was walking threw the city i hurd a booming sound in the distance then screams from all around and people running. i stopped a woman to see what in the hell was going on all she would do is scream and yell "run! get out of here, before its to late!" then she ran off with most other people. all i could think is what is she talking about. as i kept walking up the street i sal a man running backwords screaming, he then tripped over the edge of the sidewalk, his arms raised up and he was screaming like a mad man. suddenly, BOOM! .... i couldnt believe what i was seeing a massive foot and and tanned leg had just just smashed him into the ground. then another leg came around the corner. i followed the legs up to a giant cloth mini skirt that looked like it was made out of an old sail boats sail, then to a beautiful stomach, then to a set of large uncovered breasts to an even more beautiful face. she was a huge blond bombshell. her wavey blond and black hair trailing down her shoulders. a stood frozen in fear and excitment as she started walking towards me each step shaking my insides like a toddlers rattle. she stopped right over top of me as i looked up i could see her massive woman area and great ass. she backed up 1 huge step, to me at least, and in a booming but sweet voice said "i dont give free shows little man. your mine now, and ill do what ever i see fit with you." with that she bent down and snached me up off the street annd brought me up to her big green eyes inspecting me. "your somewhat cute. i wonder how you taste." she said as she dangled me by my feet above her open mouth. "please dont eat me!" i screamed. but it was no use. she lowered me into her mouth never letting go of my feet. to my suprise she didnt eat me, but i had become a human lollipop for this massive beauty. she kept walking sucking on my body and lashing me with her soft pink tounge, moaning slightly as she did so. after what seemed like forever she stopped ad pulled me out with a massive nd mighty "shlurp!" i was covered in her saliva. she looked at me and in a sexy tone said "you where so tasty little man, but i want more of you lets go somewhere private where you can get to know me better." with wink she tucked me into her make shift skirt and started to head out of the city crushing cars with her feet and every now and the stopping to scoop up someone off the street and drop them into her mouth and gulp them down. just before we got out of the city she got down on her hands and knees right behind a group of fleeing people lowered her head to the street stuck out her tounge and licked them up right off the ground nd with one massive gulp they where gone forever. she then picked up the last remaining woman and placed her between her breast and pressed them togeather. the woman scream and strugled..... then there was silence. my massive captor giggled as she wipped the blood up with one finger then placed it in her mouth and let out a suductive "mmmmm" then proceeded on. as we got out of the city she spotted a lake and went and sat buy it, and removed me from my place at her waist. she help me in her hand and said "well now what can i do with you little one? ... i know"she then place me on the ground and turn around. all i could see was the great ass coming down on me. this is it i thought this is how im going to die,under this beautiful goddesses ample ass. it was warn and soft but she didnt press down with her full wight. she then rubbed me into the ground turning me over and over. grass,soft warm ass, grass,soft warm ass. over and over. she stopped and i was nestled in her crack. to fingers removed me and she brought me around to her large breasts rubbing my head into her nipple untill it ws hard then the other. the then brought me to her face and said in a voice sweet as candy "im ready for you." i couldnt figure out what she ment she then sucked on me again with one big "slurp!" then lifted the front of her sail skirt and used me as a toy for her pleasure. at first slowly pulling me in and out, in and out. i started to squirm around to giver her more pleasure i could hear her moaning and her muscles tense up and the walls of her vagina close in on me. she then started to go faster, in, out, in, out. a huge rush of her cum flowed ll around me but she didnt stop she just went little faster, in out in out in out. i could hear her moaning more and more louder and louder i was hit with another rush of cum and the walls of my soft wet prison grew tighter and tigher every second but she still didnt stop inoutinoutinout. the walls got tighter and tighter, i started to scream with pain another rush of cum came and filled my mouth then she stopped and the walls loosened a bit. she liad there brething heavly and twisting me around inside her as her walls slowly throbbed back down. after she came a few times she pulled me out and sucked her juices off of my body. the in low out of breath moan said "that was wonderful." she laid with me between her breast while she cought her breath. i liadthere wondering how i surived that and contemplating if this was all a dream. after bout a minute she picked me up and said "sense you where so good to me ill let you chose how im going to get rid off you but sense you took care of me im going to take care of you she then put me in her mouth and some how managed to suck off all my cloths then her giant tounge started to go to work on my crotch area. this felt amazing her warm breath and soft warm tounge. if only i could live like this forever after while i finished on her tounge. she pulled it back like monster slinking into a cave and let out a massive "gulp!" after a minute or two she finally spoke "well my little lover, it was fun but i hve blood lust i need to fill... sorry, but how do you want to do this?" she ask. i explained how i would love to be eaten by her but that would be slow and painful so i much rather die under her great ass. she agreed and placed me on the ground. i watched as her massive ss cheak lowered down then, it was dark, then... nothing. she stood up wipped the blood stain from her ass with her finger and brought it to her mouth and licked it clean "mmmmm" she cooed, "hes ws even sweet on the inside." |