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Katana Fujin Guide to 12Sky Players

Welcome to Thepowerlevel.com. As a new 12Sky playres, you may be seeking for 12Sky guides. Now i gather this Katana Fujin Guide for 12sky players. This guide is from aeriagames forum by xdarkness. OK, let's start now...

For some reason, you've selected the Katana over the Lute Fujin. The Katanas lack the Lutes' Evasion and Speed, but make up for this in their insane attack power. Since there is a lakc of Katana guides on this forum, also because of public demand, I've decided to begin a Katana Guide. Time to head down the Path of the Katana.

NOTE: I KNOW I KNOW, this is the same text layout as my Double Blade guide. But keep in mind that the purpose is to give you a quality Katana Stat and Skill build, not present you with new wording.

Level 1: You appear in Padsong Fortress's town. Head south and kill some Zombie Soldiers. Each hit hives you ridiculous amounts of EXP, this shouldn't take you very long.

NOTE: If you mess up that stats, DON’T SWEAT IT. Elder Sangwan in Padsong Fortress can reset your stat points as long as you’re under level 30 and it's free.

Level 2: Excellent, level 2. Hit the hotkey “C” to access the stat window. Every time you level, you are awarded 5 Stat Points to distribute between 4 Stats, Vitality (VIT that gives HP), Chi (CHI that gives mana to use skills), Strength (STR gives attack power), and Dexterity (DEX that increases accuracy and avoidability). Right now, we want to be able to kill Zombie Soldiers in 1-2 hits, so dump all 5 Stat points into STR.

NOTE: Be careful when putting in SKILL points. Although Stat points can be reset, skill points CANNOT BE RESET (there is one way but it involves a Book of Clear Fog which is QUITE expensive.

Level 3: Dump all 5 Stat points into STR again; you should be able to kill Zombie Soldiers in 1 hit now. Before we start killing again, let’s take a visit to Katana Trainer Jeong. Double click him and select the option “Teach”. Now under the General tab, select the skill “Traceless Steps” and learn it. Hit the Hotkey “R” and open up the skill window. It should show Traceless Steps at mastery (2/2), meaning it took 2 skill points to learn. Left Click it once, press Bind, and drag it to once of your hotkeys. Now, every time you press that hotkey, you will activate traceless steps, which allows you to run at the expense of Chi. To turn it off, simply press the hotkey again. Now, run south of town and kill some more Zombies.

Level 4: Put all 5 stat points into DEX. Go back to Katana Trainer Jeong and learn your second skill, 5 Star Peak. By activating this skill, you are able to regenerating Chi faster at no cost! Go back to grinding Zombie Soldiers.

Level 5: Put 5 points into DEX again. Go back to Katana Trainer Jeong (again) and learn your primary attack skill for now, Assassins Blade. To use it, target a monster and press the hotkey for your Assassins Blade.

Level 6: By now, you should be able to kill Hunchbacks a little more south of your hunting spot. Put 4 points into VIT and 1 into DEX. Go back to Katana Trainer Jeong (probably the last time in a while) and learn your offensive buff skill, Soaring Power. Once activated, it will provide you extra offense that will help a GREAT deal while dealing with monsters later.

Level 7: Put 4 points into CHI and 1 into DEX. It is time to upgrade your Assassins Blade. To start, open your skill window and click the skill you wish to upgrade and press “Upgrade”. Voila, you’ve upgraded your first skill! Now, every time you upgrade a skill, you must rebind it to your hotkeys. To do this, simply right-click drag your hotkey skill to your skill window and Bind the new skill back into the hotkey.

NOTE: You can adjust the power of the skill you want to bind by pressing the up and down arrows by your skill.


Level 8: Put all 5 points into STR. Upgrade your Assassins Blade again. Keep grinding on those Hunchbacks.

Level 9: Put 5 points into STR. Upgrade your Assassins Blade. You may move on to Copper Zombies now if you feel ready, but be forewarned that that pack quite a punch.

Level 10: You’ve hit the double digits! 5 points into DEX Upgrade your Assassins Blade, buy yourself some better equips, keep grinding .

VIT- 5 CHI- 5 STR- 16 DEX- 23

Level 11: 5 Points into DEX. Assassins Blade.

Level 12: 5 Points into STR. Assassins Blade.

Level 13: 5 Points into DEX. Upgrade Assassins Blade. You may choose to move to Yellow Flag Goblins and Red Bandits now.

Level 14: 5 Points into VIT. Upgrade Assassins Blade. By now, you are able to do your first Mission. Go to the Herb Master in town and press "Quest". He will ask you to go deliver a medicine to the Blacksmith. Do so. There is also another quest that Elder Sangwan gives you, to kill Zombie Soldier Engubak. Since he IS reasonably strong, I would suggest getting help from a fellow Fujin, just remember that you have to get the last hit to complete the mission. Once you do this, you get 1 free skill point, so spend it on Assassins Blade. Since there are missions every two levels, I won't list them all here. Since Brayer is such a nice guy, he did so on the link provided.

Level 15: 5 Points into CHI. It's time to learn a new skill, Deadly Palms. This is the Fujin's AOE (area of effect) skill to hit with splash damage. To use this skill effectively, lure 5-10 monsters into a group, activate Deadly Palms and click so you spin and strike all the monsters. Repeat until all monsters die. The reason I ask you to learn this skill so early is for you to get used to the skill so you don't screw up killing monsters later at the expense of your EXP points.

NOTE: I will stop telling which skills to get at every level, as the skill order is as follows:

1) Assassins Blade LVL 14
2) MAX Soaring Power
3) MAX Assassins Blade
4) MAX Heavenly Finger
5) MAX Death's Finger
5) Level 10 Traceless Steps
6) Learn Pegasus Sprint by lvl 52
7) MAX Traceless Steps

NOTE: Due to popular demand, Death's Finger may be maxed first before Heavenly Finger

Level 16: Add 5 STR.

Level 17: Add 5 STR.

Level 18: Add 5 DEX. You may choose to move up to Wounded Spear Soldiers and Bandits now.

Level 19: Add 5 STR.

Level 20: Add 2 STR 3 DEX.

VIT- 10 CHI- 10 STR- 43 DEX- 36

Level 21: 5 points into STR. You may consider moving to Bloody Hunchbacks on the next map (Manpok Falls).

Level 22: 5 Points into DEX

Level 23: 5 Points into STR

Level 24: 5 Points into DEX. You may move on to Deity Squad Leaders (Twin Sickles).

Level 25: 5 Points into STR

Level 26: 5 Points into DEX. Move onto Red Flag Goblins.

Level 27: 5 Points into STR

Level 28: 5 Points into DEX. Move on to Vagabonds.

Level 29: 5 Points into CHI. Keep going! You're almost there!

Level 30: Good job, level 30! 5 Points into VIT.

VIT- 15 CHI- 15 STR- 63 DEX- 56

This is where you'll start going to Amhang Valley, or the RvR wars. I think you've noticed before notices in the bottom right corner informing you about when Amhang Valley will open, correct? Amhang Valley will start 20 minutes after Beogong Formation closes, so [5] minutes [Beogong Formation] will close. means 25 minutes till Amhang. Amhang Valley is found near the middle of the east wall of Manpok Falls. If you win the war, you will have access to Osada Hall (Beogong Formation) where the monsters are aggro and drop Superior Tablets (2X EXP). In short, follow
your team leader and you should be just fine.

Level 31: Add 5 STR. You should be training in Osada Hall's aggro monsters. The type of monster is up to you, as long as they don't kill you too fast. Gather them up, AOE away. Use pills as necessary.

Level 32: Add 5 DEX.

Level 33: Add 5 STR.

Level 34: Add 5 DEX.

Level 35: Add 5 STR.

Level 36: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 37: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 38: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 39: Add 3 CHI 2 VIT.

Level 40: Add 3 VIT 2 CHI.

Level 41: Add 5 STR.

Level 42: Add 5 DEX.

Level 43: Add 5 STR.

Level 44: Add 5 DEX.

Level 45: Add 5 STR.

Level 46: Add 3 CHI 2 VIT.

Level 47: Add 3 VIT 2 CHI.

Level 48: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 49: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

VIT- 25 CHI- 25 STR- 108 DEX- 86

Level 50: 5 into STR.

The time has come to move on to the next war, Samji Island. The time is now, don't stay at Amhang it's just not worth it. The reason: TICKETS. These babies have about the same drop rate as Superior Tabs in Amhang but instead of 2X EXP... it gives you 100-500K. No that wasn't a mistype. What are you waiting for?! It's Samji time!


1) Assassins Blade LVL 14
2) MAX Soaring Power
3) MAX Assassins Blade
4) MAX Heavenly Finger
5) MAX Death's Finger
5) Level 10 Traceless Steps
6) Learn Pegasus Sprint by lvl 52
7) MAX Traceless Steps

Take your choice in MAXing Pegasus Sprint, Invisible Arrows, 5 Star Peak. It doesn't really matter because they all get maxed eventually.

Level 51: Add 5 DEX.

Level 52: Add 5 STR.

Level 53: Add 5 DEX.

Level 54: Add 5 STR.

Level 55: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 56: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 57: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 58: Add 3 CHI 2 VIT.

Level 59: Add 3 VIT 2 CHI.

Level 60: Add 5 STR.

Once you've been in Samji a couple times and have gathered up a couple tickets, I recommend getting Book of Clear Fog to clear Assassins Blade and to learn Dark Fist (level 60 Multi-Hit). If you are rich enough (we’re talking 30mill), you can consider buying Heavenly Shield (HS). Yes, HS, the Samji-sitter’s dream skill. HS allows you to BLOCK 150% of your health in non-elemental damage. So if you had 1000 health, your HS would last you 1500 HP. So it’s a good thing to have while killing people, but you can still
a) Get hit by shadow/light/dark damage
b) Have your shield broken
c) Get owned by Elder Sangwan. In one hit. Still.

Level 61: Add 5 DEX.

Level 62: Add 5 STR.

Level 63: Add 5 DEX.

Level 64: Add 5 STR.

Level 65: Add 3 CHI 2 VIT.

Level 66: Add 3 VIT 2 CHI.

Level 67: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 68: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 69: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

VIT- 35 CHI- 35 STR- 156 DEX- 118

1) Assassins Blade LVL 14
2) MAX Soaring Power
3) MAX Assassins Blade
4) MAX Heavenly Finger
5) MAX Death's Finger
5) Level 10 Traceless Steps
6) Learn Pegasus Sprint by lvl 52
7) MAX Traceless Steps
9) Five-Star Peak/Invisible Arrows/Pegasus Sprint
10) Heavenly Shield (optional)
11) Heavenly Repulsion/ Heavenly Destruction(explained at level 80)

With an EXP pot, Turbo, 25% Butterfly, and your hopefully good Samji gear, you should be able to shoot up in levels like insane. I'm talking 69 to 89 in 3-4 hours. Or less. If you want, you can Book of Clear Fog your Heavenly Finger temporarily to get some extra points into AOE. Crazy leveling.

Level 70: Add 5 STR.

You are now qualified to enter Wargo Valley! Wargo is your standard war, almost identical to Samji and Amhang, except the monsters in the reward cave drop gift boxes. Gift Boxes give you Uniques and enchant materials when you open them!

1) Yanggok is the border map for all the factions: Guanyin and Jinong can come here anytime. Also, if you smash their guardian shields, you can go into their maps! And kill their noobs! (noob must be at least level 70)

2)Every THREE HOURS the Yongpok Formation Battle Starts, and the faction with the formation has to DEFEND the circle from the other two factions!

3) Remember that purple buff “10%”? It gives a 10% EXP multiplier to ALL FUJIN. It’s obtained by your faction winning Yongpok Formation.

4)If your faction wins, you can go into the reward cave, which is good training for levels 70-105!

Level 71: Add 5 DEX.

Level 72: Add 5 STR.

Level 73: Add 5 DEX.

Level 74: Add 5 STR.

Level 75: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 76: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 77: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 78: Add 3 CHI 2 VIT.

Level 79: Add 3 VIT 2 CHI.

Level 80: Add 5 STR.

Please allow me to explain your choices of level 80 skills, Heavenly Repulsion (HR) and Heavenly Destruction (HD).
HR at MAX LEVEL allows you a 10% chance to reflect all non elemental damage back at the attacker. This does not apply to monsters and NPCs.
HD at MAX level allows each of your attacks a 10% chance to REMOVE an enemy’s Heavenly Shield (HS). In one hit.

Level 81: Add 5 DEX.

Level 82: Add 5 STR.

Level 83: Add 5 DEX.

Level 84: Add 5 STR.

Level 85: Add 3 CHI 2 VIT.

Level 86: Add 3 VIT 2 CHI.

Level 87: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 88: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

Level 89: Add 2 DEX 3 STR.

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