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by words
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1493010
concept Sci-Fi "horror" story. EDIT: Is to be removed!
FOREWORD: So this is a simple short concept Scifi/Horror story about a man waking up deep in the sub levels of a large space vessel. It's a work in progress and much is still to be done. I also have a sequel under construction for this story which is turning out to be much longer, explaining much of the questions raised in this one. There are very few visual details (and details in general). Sort of did this partly on purpose to leave a lot of it up the imagination of the reader, also partly because this IS a only a concept.

I'd love some feedback. I can't see any 'comments' tab for the note, but u can message me.


VOICE LOG – Larmen Croel

::: ENTRY #21 - 235 hrs -

I just woke up. Somewhere...downstairs...so to speak. I fell several floors. Felt like minutes. But maybe that just was the adrenaline...
I hear machinery, so it's definitely not one of the upper, "cleaner" decks...where I came from.
I've been out for about four hours. Headache, headache... Bleeding. No severe injuries.
Better take a look around...

::: ENTRY #22 – 242 hrs -

Ehm… It’s very silent here except for the machinery… Where are all the maintenance guys? Found some blood in a small office area. Someone got hurt pretty bad. Maybe that’s why there’s no-one here… All his buddies took him to the medical… Yeah, right…

::: ENTRY #23 – 317 hrs -

Where the hell is everyone? I've been roaming around in a maintenance area looking for people but there's no-one here. there were people upstairs, everywhere. But here everyone’s gone! Did they abandon the ship? Leaving me here? Someone HAD to notice the elevator hit the floor. It was smack in the middle of the workshop for crying out loud…

::: ENTRY #24 – 352 hrs –

I am freaking out! There’s something in the walls, or… I don’t know… I’m in this tight…

::: ENTRY #25 – 359 hrs –

Had to get out of there… I was in this tight maintenance tunnel for the workshop machinery. Why? Because the fucking fire doors are sealed. Every fucking single one of them! I was trying to override the console that controls them but they’re all locked and sealed permanently. Who designs the “safety” for these ships!? I was hoping to get through the maintenance tunnels into the living quarters for the engineers but…
That place freaks me out. I hear these noises… Voices… In the walls or… I don’t know. I heard SOMETHING. It’s probably in my head… I hit my head pretty hard, that could explain it.
Moving on…

::: ENTRY #26 – 433 hrs –

This place is complete hell!! I saw something… Alive, something that… It’s…
Maybe they found aliens or something… I don’t know… It was so… not human. Definitely not human or anything from earth…

::: ENTRY #27 – 458 hrs –

Quote: “Not ghosts. Gas” :End quote.


::: ENTRY #28 – 512 hrs –

I think I’m safe here. Found myself a lift taking me up to deck 14 after crawling around in the maintenance tunnels. I realized it was pretty much the only way out. A sign says “Sector A-5 Security Offices”. I haven’t got a good look at the creature I saw earlier. I’ve heard it. I’ve definitely heard it, like it’s stalking me. I am freaking out! I can’t take this!
I’ve found blood several times. People are getting hurt here… Some kind of an invasion or... ? I can only guess.
I found this security key, a level C clearance, lying around in a corridor in a puddle of blood… I was going to ask who would drop a Level C Clearance key on the floor but… I’ve been running around almost for three hours and seen no one. They left me! They’ve all gone! I found this PDA that most people have here saying “Not ghosts. Gas”. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

::: ENTRY #29 – 532 hrs –

Ok. This is me now...again. I have been able to get inside the security office complex. I have got a hold of a handgun and a shotgun from a dead Security officer. Have limited amount of ammo though… But I am armed. I found these pills that soldiers take in battle that helps me cope with the things I see and hear. Keeps my head straight...sort of. The pills are known to give side effects, especially when over consumed, but I figured they might come in handy... Whatever is going on around here is a lot worse than any fucking side effect...
I had to avoid some…things again to get here. Now I’ve seen them. They’re human…sort of. They are clothed with regular clothes. One of them had a fucking clown suite… I think something is infecting people here, or taking over, invading… I mean they’re not completely human, they move slow… Zombies… It’s like they have something inside of them. I saw a corpse of an…accountant... office worker... or something sit in a chair… Well, at first I thought it was alive since he was moving. I hailed him, “Sir?”, not getting an answer I walked up to him and suddenly saw a reflection of his face in the window ahead of him… It was only briefly but I think something went into him right under his cheek, into his throat…
I stopped (freaked out "a bit") and tried to investigate from a distance… He wasn’t alive-looking, bloody and half of his face teared to… But still moving… Unnaturally moving, like something inside him was moving…
I locked him up inside that office. I’m on the other side of the window that I saw his reflection in, having the lights on in his room and faded in where I am… I want to know what happens to him. Everything in me opposes it but I want to see it. Even though I have a feeling it’s gonna’ make me vomit or something… I just HAVE to see what it is...
These pills are keeping me sane… I hope.
I still haven’t seen the thing I saw first. It was smaller than a human, taller than a dog… I only got a glimpse of its’ silhouette…

Well now ...standing by for a freak show...

::: ENTRY #30 – 545 hrs –

He’s gone! I went away to the back room looking for something to eat and when I got back he was gone from his seat… I see a shadow moving behind the shelf… Going to take a look. Hopefully my weapons are working…

::: ENTRY #31 – 557 hrs –

He… It’s dead… Not moving. I was right… Something was living inside of him. He didn’t speak, just made this…noise.
I went into the room, shotgun ready and all… Aimed at the shelf. Threw a stapler into a corner ahead of me, behind…it. He reacted and …groaned… turned and looked at me. It’s hideous! I don’t know how to… It wasn’t fast at all and I just made sure to take it down, not aiming wasting at least three shells on him. I think the first shot did kill it but I panicked… (so much for the pills)
Freak show… That’s what this is. A freak show.

::: ENTRY #32 – 608 hrs –

This is me now. Everything I used to be is gone.

::: ENTRY #33 – 632 hrs –

I now see where the clown-zombie came from. I just passed through this office complex and there where balloons and serpents everywhere… Someone turned 34. And they had a clown…for a 34 year old?

::: ENTRY #34 – 645 hrs –

Found another PDA; “Dennis, You have to get to the Power station for the cells! It’s important! Get the power up! If the power is down it’s just a matter of time before all hell breaks loose! – T”

::: ENTRY #35 – 657 hrs –

I was able to hack into one of these SEC computer terminals that pretty much has access to everything. The problem is, ‘everything’ seems to be down. I took a look at the PDA entries, put in a search word for ‘Dennis’ and found this.
I can’t find the damn code-card! Do you know where it is? I just got an alarm from the Cell-Block. We’re all screwed if I think is happening just happened… Who the hell came up with this key-keeping system? There's no order at all!

What’s happening? I tried to call you through the comm-system, hell, I tried to call everyone over there! What the fuck is going on! I sent securities over, told them to go in a decent number with decent guns. They sent two over! Two!
Boyle won't let me sound a major alarm unless anything is confirmed.
The code for the weapon locker in the armory is #12489#. Remember the “#”!! Just get there, lock yourself up and wait it out!

This is me now. I don’t live as I used to anymore.

What?? Did you get the weapons? I tried calling again but the line is down. I’m coming over myself. Just stay safe.
:End quote.

::: ENTRY #36 – 709 hrs –

It has all changed.

::: ENTRY #37 – 746 hrs –

I’m in war. In a war against hordes of zombies. Human flesh controlled by something…evil. A note to self: Do NOT go out on the streets! They seem to be swarming there for some reason. Not that it feels like they’re any fewer inside the complexes. Damn it! I was supposed to… no, I am not going to say one of those “I’m-going-to-die-and-say-something-ironic-just-before-I-do” –lines. I’m just working overtime.
I ran out of Uncle Sam’s “encouragement” pills a while ago, but they still seem to have effect (every now and then). I don’t feel the fear I did at first. I don’t…care really. It’s like I am adapting. Getting used to it. Thrown into hell and getting used to it…
I’ve seen faster moving zombies now. They still move slowly but they can give you a good surprise in tight spaces. I’ve also seen the things I saw in the very beginning of this nightmare. I’ve seen several and THEY are fast! One of them jumped me, attached his teeth to my arm. Hurts like hell. It seems like they used to be dogs, or some animal with four legs anyway… And teeth.
I found myself in an armory full of... well, still plenty of guns and ammo. I am only able to carry a limited amount though. The shotgun is a safe bet. It kills them off with one blast. They seem to be pretty easy to kill. Except for the bigger ones which seems be just a bigger grown people. But they are much stronger than a man. Much stronger.
Have to find my way to the rescue pods and just get the hell out of here. I might die trying, but I WILL die staying here, so… I checked the EVAC log and noticed that no Evacuation alarm has went off. A few rescue pods have been launched though...
It’s 7:53 AM… I’m really tired. Going to sleep.

::: ENTRY #38 – 840 hrs –

This is not me. This is someone else.


::: ENTRY #39 – 1015 hrs –

Just woke up. I locked myself up in this armory. Nothing will come through that door. Slept for only about two hours…

::: ENTRY #40 – 1022 hrs –

Ok, so it’s…the same day… Doesn’t feel like I’ve slept at all. Still have a headache. Still… Lights…
I had the worst dream. I was running in the dark. It was pitch black. Still I knew... No, something was leading me... pulling me in the dark, forcing my steps forward. I looked behind me as I was running and saw the creatures behind me. First I thought I was running away from them, but they weren't chasing me. They were just there. I got a sense of them... telling me, somehow to go, to run... I felt them. I knew them. They were point their fingers at me, in a twisted, kind of mocking way, but still like they were trying to show me the way... Then this voice; not human; not machine... It was just... darkness. The sound of it can't be described. It was not low, not high... not completely monotone. Unnatural. It said, "You flesh is me. I am you. We are. The meat is Us. The motion, the blood and bones. Cells in a body." I saw flashes of these creatures. Several types, many of them I haven't seen. They were eating each other, people, animals... children. They were merging with each other. Two became one, but in a twisted, wrong way. Two, still two but in one... no, two bodies stuck together, but working for the same cause. I saw the pain. I saw the dark, the cold. It was not freedom. It was hell. Still something inside me was craving for it. Something wanted it. This feeling is still pulsing inside me, at the same time I resent it. I hate it. I'd rather die.
I will never go to sleep again.

I found a writing on the wall written with a black marker; “It will all change”. Whoever wrote it was right. Everything has changed to a fucking mess around here. I am going to take a crap somewhere and then find something to eat. I’ve been eating crackers and cheese for hours and I need something more… anything but meat. Lots of meat around here.

::: ENTRY #41 – 1047 hrs –

Got hold of food. Almost ran out of ammo. Had to cross the freaking street to get over to the food court. I found someone’s PDA in the kitchen…
“I am not me”
:End quote.
The PDA belongs to Frank Reilly. That name sounds familiar. I remember a Frank on the convention deck. But what would he be doing down here? And what does my questions about that have anything to do with anything?
Sometimes I feel like I am loosing it, even though I thought I dealt with the situation I am in. Sometimes it’s like I want it to happen, like I’m…
Yep, I am loosing it!
Loading up on what ammo is left in the armory. Thought there was plenty at first but whoever was here before me seems to have had use of most of it.

::: ENTRY #42 – 1105 hrs –

I think I’ll try to find my way to the front end of this sector. The rescue pods are that way. And MAYBE (just maybe) I could get some answers from the Control Command. Not that I’m gonna’ go through too much trouble getting answers…
I don’t know if the ship’s moving or just drifting around in space. Can’t feel it in such a big vessel. Perhaps they’ve survived in Command Control? It’s a pretty secure area and a long way from all the mess. The labs. I was going to say the labs. It comes from the labs, this chaos… My gut is telling me.

::: ENTRY #43 – 1208 hrs –

One hour ago I felt different. No… I feel different now. My headache is turning to something else…something… I can feel the things around me. The things…inside.

::: ENTRY #44 – 1223 hrs –

Ok… I need to get to the labs. I found a code-card that says ‘Lab Section C5’. I wonder if this is the one Dennis was looking for… I don’t really know what it does but I bet it’s important. Holding on to it for now.

::: ENTRY #45 – 1249 hrs –

Found a note in the lab offices.

Do not enter the airlock in D3 Specimen Complex, you know what I mean. Keep it locked!! Just make your way through the south check point. The only way is through the central access (DO NOT use the lifts!). The streets would be another way but you might find yourself wishing you took the other way... Once you get down to the labs, make sure you cut the power to the test chamber and start up ‘Willy’. Do this now! I couldn’t get a hold of you through the comms. I’m going to get the C-card for the shut down procedure.

- Frank
:End quote.

Apparently I found the card. Last thing known is that Frank, probably Reilly, was going to get it. I found it lying around on the floor in a kitchenette. This note was stuck on a wall, just like that…in the middle of a corridor. Easy to miss. I didn’t.

::: ENTRY #46 – 1254 hrs –

I have no idea where I am! I fell through the floor at Level14… I am so confused right now. I had a map in this PDA. Where did it go? I need to find a console in order to download a new one…

::: ENTRY #47 – 1307 hrs –

What shit’s going on… I’ve been fighting. Battling. Struggling. Almost out of ammo. Two shells left. One and a half clip of 8mm. Still don’t know where I am. It’s dark. And I’ve used the flashlight on my handgun a lot and I’m almost out of batteries. My shotgun has a flashlight too but it doesn’t work anymore. I hate the dark. I hate the sounds. I am freaking out again. I can feel the fear inside me again. I thought I’d dealt with it. I thought I was changed… This fucking mess! This fucking ship! If I somehow find myself in the engine control, I’ll overcharge the cores and blow this entire fucking piece of scrap-metal to pieces! Just if SOMEHOW I end up in ENGCTRL. Who knows, I might FALL there…


::: ENTRY #48 – 1356 hrs –

Finally found my way out from that hell hole. I was in pump Machinery on level 12, still on level 12. Apparently I fell two floors. At least I figured out why my headache won’t go away; I keep getting beat up by dead people and hitting my head in metal pipes. Need to rest again… Just rest. Found a small office with a lunch box with untouched food. A decent meal.

::: ENTRY #49 – 1523 hrs –

I am not me. I have been here. I come from here. I come from what is to come. Self is dead.

::: ENTRY #50 – 1632 hrs –

I am seriously going to loose my mind any minute. I checked my entries in my log…well…look for yourself (whoever might read this). I found weird entries and it’s freaking me out. Someone has to remotely hack into my PDA…

Just checked the link… There is none.

::: ENTRY #51 – 1647 hrs –

I don’t know. I don’t remember putting in these entries myself. And I don’t… Why would I do that? Am I infected? By what?

::: ENTRY #52 – 1723 hrs –

I want to go to the labs. I want to find out. I want to know.
I also want to leave, just go. But there’s this need for knowledge. A certain craving for knowing. It’s almost like I have to get the science behind this. I have to understand. I have to!
I’m going to the labs.

::: ENTRY #53 – 1812 hrs –

I will find you.

::: ENTRY #54 – 1823 hrs –

I’m back on Level 14. Don’t know exactly where. I’ve been able to fight off or avoid several…critters and things probably by luck. Haven’t been able to fight too much actually. I’m out of ammo completely now… No, I still have five rounds in my pistol. Five. When I only have one left, I’ll use that one on myself.

::: ENTRY #55 – 1829 hrs –

Entry #53. I did NOT put that in! It wasn’t me!

::: ENTRY #56 – 1835 hrs –

I’m in the Living Quarters of Sector 7 on level 14. Had to do a lot of sneaking and puzzling to get here. Why I wanted here; Did NOT want to go back to the dark. This was pretty much the only way. Now I’m hiding in a toilet. Listening to the sounds of the dead outside. I’m planning my advance, well trying to. Found another shotgun, thank God. Only four shells but it’s better than five 8mm rounds. I think I saw a door to a small security office. There has to be some weapons in there.

::: ENTRY #57 – 1850 hrs –

Managed to make my way to the security office without wasting ammo. One of the security monitors are still working. I noticed the monitors where offline earlier in sector A-5. The monitor here is showing a corridor with a jammed fire door… which is strange. Fire doors don’t get jammed.
And now I have more ammo. There was a box of 12 gauge shells here containing a few more shells. Also found a couple of clips for an SMG but I don’t have an SMG…
I want to go through the open fire door.

::: ENTRY #58 – 1910 hrs –

I am new now.
I am who I am.
I is in reign of this.

::: ENTRY #59 – 1953 hrs –

Something is seriously wrong with me!! I must have blacked out or something… I woke up, standing in the middle of the corridor that I saw through the monitor… right in front of the jammed Fire door… It’s…dark again… further into the corridor is dark. A light flashes deeper inside, in the black. I want to go in there. I don’t but I do… Can’t find myself… Can’t help but laugh at myself.

::: ENTRY #60 – 1955 hrs –

I’m freaking out. Fuck this!

::: ENTRY #61 – 1959 hrs –

Tried to put a bullet to my head. Tried to squeeze. Tried to end it but it won’t let me. I have to know first! I need to know it, feel it, be it…

::: ENTRY #62 – 2023 hrs –

So this is me. I am a soldier now. My hands… I am covered in others blood. The blood of dead things. The blood of… I can taste the dark, burning in the cold…
My head is messed up. My psychology is dying. My sanity is gone. I want to get out. I want to go home, but I must know. I must know. Must know…

::: ENTRY #63 – 2103 hrs –

I have never killed. They were all dead already.
I have never taken anything. It was already taken from them.
All I did was to liberate them from the dead thing inside them.

::: ENTRY #64 – 2117 hrs –

A number on the wall; 0002. Why did I pay attention to it? Why does it matter to me?

::: ENTRY #65 – 2120 hrs –

Another number; 67. It also matters.

::: ENTRY #66 – 2125 hrs –

I have to find my way to the lab offices again, where all the professors keep their notes. I saw another writing on the wall, written in blood, “Really” . And it matters. It’s important for me to know. I don’t know why. But I have to know that. So I’m taking notes about it. I have a feeling that something is coming. Something bigger than me. Something… But I have to stop it. I have to accept that I am me and that I have to know. I do accept that, I do.
I sent a message to an address I don’t even know. It went through. To a j.t@interc.it/hts342s5.en.
J.T? I remember a Mr Truman from Last night. A moment before I fell. The ‘sent messages’ –folder has the content of the message; “I am not what I used to be. I am something else. Soon. Very soon, things will change and you, also, will be free.”
Things are getting less and less clear. What I speak, what I hear and feel. What I think. I’m like in this… drunkenness that keeps me sleeping…awake… Sleeping awake.
I know something is taking over. I remember the entry “Not ghosts. Gas”. Gas, fucking gas! Labs, gas, experiments. I had a feeling all the time. This is a lab ship, a military transport with high level security. With advanced labs on board! They do these experiments and now they messed up! It’s some kind of a virus or something. A parasite that they somehow developed. It’s happened before… That has to be it…

New Things

::: ENTRY #67 – 0002 hrs –

I am new. I am Self. This is the new, the changed, the different. Everything is clear. Everything. Finally I know. Finally I see that knowledge always can grow. There is always more to see, more to know. I must know. I must.

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