Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1492999-A-Boy-and-a-Girl-revised
by kyp
Rated: E · Short Story · Mystery · #1492999
A short story I wrote
                          A Boy and a Girl

         “Yes, it’s true.” said the young man to his female companion. 

         He was a well dressed lad, wearing a three-piece suit with white pin stripes.  Black hair flowed from his head slicked perfectly back.  Head hanging low, he held his brief case with limp arms in front of him.  On his right middle finger he wore a breath taking article.  A large golden ring with a diamond letter B set on the top.

         The ring was the boys most valued possession.  It was a gift from his father when he had graduated high school.  The ring has never left his finger since the day it was given to him.

         The girl thrust her face into her palms and fell to her knees.  She sobbed uncontrollably as the tips of her long blonde hair tickled the grass.  She was such a beautiful girl, but at the time resembled an abandoned kitten, huddled in a ball, defenseless, betrayed.

         “I’m sorry.” muttered the boy.

         She glared up, a face of tear soaked crimson, with a look of disgust and utter hatred.  Jumping to her feet she grabbed the boy by his jacket.  With tears still dripping from her chin she shook him violently screaming-

         “Why?  Eight years!”

         The boy just closed his eves and hung his head even lower in shame, realizing they were drawing the attention of others.

         The girl pulled her arm back and slapped the boy across the face with all her might.  She spun around on her heel and stormed away, only turning around once to yell-

         “This is the last mistake you’ll ever make!”  With that she stomped away, leaving the boy to hold his face and pout to himself.

         It’s a shame that such a gloomy event had to occur on such a beautiful day.  The sky was blue, without a cloud in sight.  It was a warm day, but there was a friendly breeze.  The wonderful smell of wild flowers even filled the air.

         The two had been the small towns’ most aspiring citizens.  Both graduated with the highest of honors in high school and college.  They were looked up to and literally considered as heroes by the adults of the community.

         The boy was the owner of a very successful law firm, which employed several upper class citizens of the town.  He had plans to run for mayor as well. 

         The girl was a published author with hundreds of well known novels and poem which could be found in any bookstore in American.  She also ran a small bookstore in the center of the town.  She found it very hard to have a conversation with anyone in the town without them being star struck.

         After the incident, the girl locked herself in her home for weeks crying at all hours. With all her shades drawn and covered with sheets, it got to the point where she couldn’t distinguish day from night.

         The boy carried on with his life, but in a permanent state of depression.  He no longer had any enthusiasm in anything that he did.  He wouldn’t do anything after work or on the weekends. He headed straight home every day after work and didn’t leave or answer the phone until the next day of work.

         Two months had passed since that day.  Two months of this same routine.  But one day the boy did not show up for work.  His absence was hardly noticed. 

         Very quickly, the one day off turned into two weeks that he hadn’t been seen or heard from.  Friends and co workers went to his home to look into this unexplained absence.  He was nowhere to be found.  No one knew where the young man could be. 

         The police were informed and an investigation was initiated.  The police went to the girls’ house to interrogate her, but she, like the boy, was also nowhere to be found.  The police staged a state wide search for the two, but seeing as how neither had living relatives the search was quickly given up. 

         Ten years passed and the two were forgotten.  Yes there was a panic in the town when they first went missing, but after such a long time the community came up with its own solutions.

         One was created by the few people who witnessed the fight.  They speculated that the girl went mad with revenge and murdered the young man.  This theory was quickly rejected.  The most accepted excuse for their disappearance was that they had caved under all the pressure put on them by the towns people and simply ran away with each other.  They were, of course, engaged to one another.


         Now this entire event has been long forgotten in the small town.  Every one that knew the couple are very much deceased or senile.  The law firm is no more, and the girls books are lucky to be found in a flee market.  But this is a bout to change very quickly. 

         A small child is playing in the park on a warm spring day.  His name is steven and he loves to build things.  Steven builds structures with blocks, sticks, boxes, and anything else he can get his hands on.  It will be no surprise to any one if he grows up to become an architect. 

         Today steven is modeling a castle with his plastic shovel and toy dump truck.  He thrusts his shovel into the dirt and strikes something hard.  He pulls out the load of dirt and starts digging around the object with his fingers.  When he finally got it loose he pulls the object out.  Holding it in his palm he stares at it, and then gasps in disbelief of the treasure he holds.  A solid gold ring with a diamond letter B set in it.

         He runs home to proudly show his mother.  She is just as excited as he is about the ring and asks to see where it was found.  They both dig deeper and find a trash bag with two lumps inside it.  The mother rips open the bag expecting more treasures.  Two decayed skulls roll out of the bag.

         The police identify the heads as two people who once lived in the town.  A successful lawyer, and one of his secretaries.  As you can imagine every news station in the country covers the story.

         Across the nation, in a cozy little home, a small elderly lady reads this story in the paper.  A smile creeps onto her face and suddenly she bursts into laughter.  She folds the paper up and sets it down next to her library of books

© Copyright 2008 kyp (hossmann at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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