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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1491842
I got this idea from a dream so I'm turning it into a story.

The country was called Lamar, a peaceful empire by the desert Gallon. It had existed for over 700 years. The family named Lamas had ruled fairly for the past five generations, when the current Emperor, a man named Garth, seemed to go mad after the death of his wife in giving birth to their first child and heir. The empire had shared his grief, but when the keepers, soldiers charged with enforcing the laws, became vandals and mage seekers, they destroyed homes and lives for their own causes. When appealing the the emperor changed nothing, the people began to form mobs and riots, trying to stop the keepers.

The result was the army called into action. Hundreds died and thousands suffered. Any further attempts to stop the harsh actions of the keepers was halted. The cost had risen to high. Cruel taxes to pay for the army's inference appeared. Keepers forced themselves on inn's and homes, stealing valuables and magic users. Unable to refuse, the people were burdened with plague, beautiful daughters and strong sons 'conscripted' for the keepers use.

In a attempt to protect the people, mages and witches of all kinds hid their gifts or left the country, rather than be used against the people. Then the keepers where trained to find those in hiding thru various ways. More magic wielders fled the country. Any who were found in Lamar where drafted into the army or the keepers. Those who hid successfully worked from the sidelines to improve the lives of those around them.

Times where bad. Until the heir, now a year old, was kidnapped. After this loss, the Emperor lost all reason. Trade was put under heavy scrutiny, taxes were increased to the point of impossible, keepers randomly attacked houses, looting and destroying. Families that failed to pay taxes were sold as slaves. Even the rich felt the weight, as robbers and thieves ran free, so long as they did not get caught. The well off now struggled to hold onto their lives and their families, and tried to help if they had the means.

Then the emperor's mage, a highly trained and skilled magician, committed suicide after the loss of his entire family to unknown circumstances. Because he had been fighting for the people since the death of the emperors wife five years previous, it was felt deeply by the people, who felt the last hope fade out with him. With each new law, the burden of living got heavier and heavier. The keepers took advantage of any girl who caught their fancy, and the army was paraded around to keep them on their toes.

Chapter one

Fifteen years later.....

“Troy! Come quick!” The young man, bent over in a vegetable garden, straightened. Shading his eyes, he made out a tall figure waving at him from the house where he lived. Although Troy, as he was called, was currently twenty years old, he still lived at home, along with his younger twin brother, Side. The house belonged to Issac and his wife Karin, well-known cloth weavers in Leeside, the town where they lived. Leeside was named such because it was next to Gallon, but sheltered from it by a wide mountain known to the locals as Bearcall. During sandstorms a loud bear-like roar was heard, and gave the mountain it's name. Issac's house was at the foot of the mountain, where the soil is best protected from the sand. The garden supported them when taxes made flour and other foods unavailable.

Troy sighed as he headed back to the house. The only possible reason for the urgency was that Nathan, the town's doctor, needed his help. Nobody dared tell the keepers, but Troy was a untrained magic user that could mend plants and people. Nathan secretly helped him hone his skill with people, using the excuse that Troy was his student. But if some one was severely injured, Nathan called for Troy. Otherwise he did not want to risk the young man's discovery. Having saved more than one person's life in the village, they all turned a blind eye to the fact that he used magic.

“Nathan needs your help.” Issac told him as he came closer. “A snake spooked Planter's herds and his youngest was trampled.” Troy turned his walk into a dash for Nathan's home. Horse's hooves were deadly if they hit a vital area. Planter raised horses for the army. His youngest child was only seven and weak, because of a early birth. Troy saw a crowd had gathered as he approached Nathans home. It was thick enough that Troy had to shove his way to the door.

Nathan was bent over the boy lying on his doctor bed. When he heard Troy approach, he looked over at the young man. “This isn't good. I think one of his lungs collapsed.”
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