Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1491277-so-close-yet-so-far-tough-love-ch-1
by alison
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1491277
a girl, a vamp, and a love story to get the blood pumping.
chapter 1: The meeting.
Dawn crept through the window, stretching to cover the sleeping body that lay amongst the cotton sheets. The room its self was dark and quiet, empty, except for boxes stacked against the far wall. The body continued to sleep as the light crept over her face. Her skin glistened in the sunlight, her brown hair swept across her face, her eyes began to flutter. 'Hmm' she sighed, pulling herself from the bed she yawned.
Last night was a killer, she thought as she gazed around the room. She really had to unpack, but ever since moving she'd been run off her feet working. Or trying to work, it wasn't easy to find work here let alone keep it. Currently she was working in a night club that had unusual hours,instead of your run of the mill night time opening it was open most the day until evening when her shift ended. I guess it should be called a day club. Ha! That made her smirk. It wasn't so bad working there, the pay was good, the customers kind.
She gazed at her watch 7.30, she knew she shouldn't have agreed to go drinking last night. As she got out of her bed her head thumped. 'Ow' she cried out. Geez her head felt like it was going to explode. She wondered through the small apartment to the kitchen where she grabbed the pain killer from the cupboard and swallowed. Yuk! she hated having to take tablets but on this occasion it was her own fault. She turned on her heel and headed for the shower, time to get ready for work she thought.

Dawn. A light which threaten to make him thirst, he hurried into the shade. Walking along the side walk beneath the canapé of the shops until he reached the alley way, then he turned and hurried into a shabby looking club. Inside the club which had once been painted red was fading in the dim light. Following the hall and descending the stairs he called out 'joe?'
'Jacob, Jay how are you man?' answered tall dark man, his hair falling to his shoulders, he beckoned jacob forwards to the bar that was now in sight. 'what can i do you for, your rather late aren't you?' asked joe.
'I need to crash, the suns up, i'm low on food and i need to crash just until it gets darker and i can find some food' Jacob snapped.
'Woo hey man, chill you can use the back room and there should be a least a bag or two in the fridge' he gestured to a door behind the bar. Jacob moved off towards the door, he twisted the door knob and before closing he turned to joe 'Im sorry, hungry, grumpy' and with that he closed the door behind him. I'l head to the fridge first and then crash he thought. He made his was to the very back of the store room to another door. To most this door was not visible it blended into the wall, inside was a bed and the small hand held fridge. Opening it he removed to bottles a drink, quickly downing both he collapsed on the bed and closed his eyes.

Stumbling through the clubs door she heard her name called. 'Sam. your late'. Damn! She knew that, and with her head the way it was being shouted at wasn't what sam needed. Still put on a happy face and wlak with confidence. 'I know joe im so sorry, late night see and you know i just...' she trailed off.
'It's alright sam i know it's been hard for you and all go on hurry and get behind the bar ill open up' he said, making his way up the stairs she came from.
Turning she headed for the back room to put her belonging and grab her company t-shirt. Although she had only been working here for 2 months she had grown to like the place, much more than any other place she worked. Joe, her boss always took such good care of her to. Hearing her story one night after work he'd become very fatherly towards her and often looked out for sam. Things were finally settling down, she had a few friends, mainly female customers. I guess there were more like associates, sam didn't do friends she more the alone type. She hadn't had a boyfriend since collage and ever since her parents died two years ago she'd been completely alone. With no siblings and no home she decided to move to Michigan where she currently resided. Who knew maybe this place was full of new beginning and such.
Sam put her stuff in the locker and pulle don her t-shirt and head back out front to the bar. Her first costumer was already sat waiting.
'Hi sam' the man spoke.
'Hello what can i get 'cha?' she said smiling.
'Ah well the usual please, have you found yourself a man yet sweetheart, pretty girl like you needs a man to keep you safe' he asked as she pored him his drink, he was a regular, one the older business men. They always seemed to feel she needed a man in her life, like she needed protecting! Pfftt like that will ever happen. Sam was a strong willed girl, didn't need anyone, didnt want anyone. Some times she wished they jst butt out!
'Ah you know me I'm to busy for men, besides who'd have me?' she shrugged and placed his drink in front of him and turned back to cleaning the bar.
As the day went on more and more costumer filtered in and out of the bar. It was amazing how many people knew bout the place never mind actually coming during it's odd opening hours. The day was drawing to a close and sam decided to start packing away and counting up todays intakes.
'It's o.k sam ill finish up, you've over worked to day any way your should get some sleep' nudging her out the way joe took over from counting the money.
She giggles 'your too nice to me but i wish you'd open at night i prefer to sleep in the day, well i'll get my stuff and go' she turned and went into the back room closing the door behind her. She pulled off her t-shirt and through it into her locker and pulled out her bag slamming the locker shut. She screamed, but her scream was muffled by a pair of lips covering hers. eyes widening with a alarm she pushed the man before her away and ran for the door.

Shit! Why did she have to scream, if she hadn't screamed he wouldn't of had to kiss her and if hadn't of kissed her he wouldn't be chasing after her. Had she seen, is that what made her scream. He had to find her and wipe her mind. 'Oi, wait!' he shouted after as she disappeared out the door. Following he tried to delve into her mind to force her to stop, but there was nothing, blank he couldn't reach her. 'I said STOP' he shouted in fustration as she turned the corner and out of site.
ARG! he rubbing his face in agitation, he made his way back into the club to joe.
'What the hell was that?' joe bellowed.
'That was me trying to stop your worker form telling the world i have fangs' he bit back.
'is that why she screamed?'
'Yes, well i think i do not know i couldn't get in her mind to check, i might of just made her jump but er..'
'But err what jacob, what did you do to her?'
'Well i might o kissed her, i was just trying to shut her up, i didn't know the time didn't want the costumers disturbed'
'Geez jacob, you find HER then scare her half to death! Honestly, though i spose you wont have to worry about her telling anyone'
'Huh? what you mean?'
'Well she not exactly normal herself, she'd never tell but iv read her mind - when she gets really scared she can produced a power to protect herself or other around her'
'But just them she never...'
'No she wouldn't, not since her parents died, she tried really hard to protect them but instead the car went up in flames, she survived but blames herself'
'Right so what should i do, i have to talk to her, seeing as she well mine in a sense' jacob trailed off.
'look man here's her address go apologies, she should have calmed down and invite her for a drink, she like the night life so your fine there'  joe passed him a piece of paper.
'Thanks man' he turned and head for the door. He had to get her to listen, it wasn't everyday a vampire met his lif mate.
© Copyright 2008 alison (karexdarkxkiss at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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