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by peace
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1490976
Chapter 9 - Looking Back
"We have to act our way into a new way of thinking rather than think our way into a new way of acting." –Anonymous

As Douglas parked in the lot behind the Center and plugged it in to the nearest outlet, Louis grabbed the journal and made his way to the rear entrance. It was only a few hours ago, he remembered, he was overflowing with excitement about his discoveries. As he strode for the door his gait was now measured and tentative unlike when he first arrived from his long journey. Knowledge, and the responsibility that accompanied it, seemed to have added a few more pounds to his slender frame. Something inside him yearned for the childlike glee that had been driving him the last few days. It was a little sad to embrace the need for restraint.

Douglas paused outside to indulge in a little nostalgic reflection. Even though there were only twelve cars to service 155 people the vehicles were seldom used. Most everything was in walking or cycling distance so heading out of town was more of a bother to most.
He recalled how Louis loved the cars when he was a teen. He would wash and wax them, clean out the interiors, check out the tires and motors then take each one for a test drive. He would be up before the crack of dawn so that he could be alone with them before some other kid got the idea to do any routine maintenance. As he grew older Louis' interest elevated to more philosophical pursuits but he still remained the straw boss of the fleet.

He knew this recollection was triggered by a fragment of his last 'dream' about the time before day one. In this dream, there was much concern about the 'rate of unemployment'. The phenomenon of ‘unemployment’ was an issue in the prehistoric, in Idyll it was more of an honorary ascension. Now there were more people to do things then there were things that needed to be done. To contribute to the general welfare was viewed as a competition to see who could do it first and more efficiently. By the time one reached their forties this competitive urge evolved into a more hedonistic frame of mind, the younger folks claimed the honors of maintenance and true public service while we geezers waxed philosophically and mentored the children just as the proctors had mentored us.

In the beginning, the proctors had taught the children well. As the village population expanded, the need for more food, energy and housing had been calculated and manifested long before any idea of shortage could be contemplated. The current resources of the village could accommodate thrice the present population if need be, the potential was virtually unlimited.

His mental meanderings were interrupted by Louis barging out the door, "Dad, come quick, something’s happened to Mom and Kenya!" Douglas bolted through the door to find his Marissa gently weeping in her mother’s arms. They all looked at Douglas as he sat on the bench next to them and Marissa flowed into his calming embrace.

"They're just gone Grampa, gone." She looked up at her grandfather wistfully, hoping to discover some sense of hope in his stalwart character. She was not disappointed, his embrace filled her with comfort. Within a couple of minutes she was able to reiterate the events of the abduction. The fiend had only a ten minute head start.

"Louis, get the cars ready, anybody interested in coming with me is more than welcome. We cannot let them get too for away." He looked at his eldest offspring in a way that was as distinct and meaningful as it was rare. It was a look that said; let's get this show on the road'.

"I'll round up everyone, just find Mom!" Liz motioned him towards the door.
"Take care of my baby", he gave Marissa a bear hug before he released her then bolted out as fast as he came in.

Louis was in the lot. "Eleven cars fully charged, Buford here is still sucking the nipple."

"These will do." Within a matter of seconds, twenty two people in eleven cars rolled down Main Street in an unprecedented black parade.
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