Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1490659-Untittled-Story
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Military · #1490659
A kid with multiple personalities faces off against a gang that shoots up his school.

Aaron Salazar walked down the street onto the sidewalk as the stench of dead skunk contaminated the breeze. The street lights were limited but lit enough so that he could see where he was going. Most of the lights were vandalized by street gangs that had been appearing around Pueblo for the last six months. The worst of them was a gang called the Iron Eagle.

Drug trades, hostages, bank robberies, cop killing, they’ve done it all. They killed twenty two police officers just last week and even though police or the city didn’t like to admit it, they had no leads.

A buzzing sound scratched at the air as a fly buzzed past his ears and landed on his head daring Aaron to strike it. Aaron kept walking, reaching his hand up slowly through his reddish hair and being careful not to alert the fly. He waited a second then snapped his hand out a few inches above the fly, in its attempt to escape, the fly flew onto Aaron's palm and would've been crushed to its doom

But Aaron released the fly and with his brown eyes watched it scurry away in panic. Salazar was about fourteen, not the biggest kid around but for what he lacked in size he made up for with speed. He was the fasted runner in his class, but can’t run long; he was only good in short quick sprints.

He looked up and past 19th street as he turned the corner. The clouds covered the sky and the odor of the dead skunk mixed with the smell of the rain filled the air. He went into a daze, almost like a pre-programmed drone walked the usual way back to his house.

Unfortunately he wasn’t paying attention to where he was going and walked down the wrong alley. Suddenly the shovel slammed him in the face sending him flinging to the ground.

“Get up kid.”

He got up quickly, swung a punch at the guy, but was too dizzy from the blow. The punch was countered as the mysterious gang member smacked Salazar again, but this time, the gang member lost control of the shovel and nearly dropped it.

As he fell to the ground again he counted at least four of them, he also recognized the Iron Eagle insignia on their jackets.

“Get up kid!” The man shouted again, this time pulling out a 9mm Berretta pistol and fired a shot into the air. Aaron looked at the gun shocked. The gunshot rang in his ears for what seemed like forever then machine gunfire erupted, artillery shells exploded, that sent men exploding into the air, he was in a trench with forty other German soldiers all fighting the advancing British troops that attempted to swarm the German position.

“Get this message to the artillery position behind us!” A German Officer shouted at him. “Tell them to switch their fire to here!”

“Yes sir!” Aaron shouted back.

All of a sudden Aaron’s facial expression changed, he looked at the gun as if seeing it for the first time. Salazar moved forward throwing a solid punch at the first Eagle and as the gangster blocked he did a spin and a strafe and was behind the man now. He slammed the back of the man’s neck with his fist and shoved him to the ground. He scanned the enemy soldier’s positions first realizing that none of them had weapons, the only one holding a weapon was the one he had killed. He had to kill these men quickly and get this message to the artillery position. He aimed his rifle at the British troops but realized he didn’t have it. He’d figure that out later he thought. The first British soldier came at him flurrying his fist at him. He kicked the troop in the face and then tripped him. The next Gangster did a jump kick. Salazar grabbed his foot and for only a second he was in mid air, then Aaron sent him hurtling toward the ground, breaking his neck. The other two enemy soldiers came at him at the same time. Salazar did a quick punch at the one on the left’s nose and killed him instantly. The other British troop tackled him and they both went to the ground. The German soldier rolled him off quickly and got to the American’s pistol, he fired a shot that went straight through the British troop’s head as he fell to the ground.

“Freut mich Sie zu sehen.” Aaron said triumphantly to the dead British soldier.

He continued on his way to deliver the message when red and blue lights flashed across the trench, a strange tank appeared with an American in a blue uniform stepping out with a light. Aaron climbed the trench and took cover as the American checked the bodies then took out a radio.

Strange he thought, a radio that works without wires, within minutes more Americans arrived and took the bodies and secured the area. Aaron snuck past the Americans and snuck off into the night running into several more of the strange tanks.

The Americans are everywhere! He thought as he stayed hidden from another platoon of tanks with those flashing lights at the top.

Aaron Salazar turned on his computer as he sat down for class. The teacher Mr. Gomez wrote the assignment on the board. He was supposed to be writing a report on World war one.

He clicked the computer and looked up stuff on the war; World War One was the first war that used tanks, mustard gas and also the war where new tactics were developed, such as shelling an area seconds before troops swarm it and the first time when troops, tanks, artillery and aircraft worked in cooperation to overwhelm the enemy trenches. There were many war heroes he read about but what surprised him most was the fact that Adolph Hitler fought in World war one, he was a runner, the most dangerous job in the war. But before he could read more the bell rang.

Salazar hurried to put away his computer and rushed to the next class. With the passing periods at this school, he thought, I’m surprised we’re not all track stars; he looked around at the hundreds of students crowding the hallways. After a minute the hallway almost cleared.

As Aaron walked into class a student rushed into him on his way out and nearly knocked the computer out of his hands, he didn’t even stop. He sat down at the desk and said to Natasha, “What’s Yuri’s problem?”

“I don’t know,” She said. “Everyone’s acting all weird today.”

Natasha was bit taller than Aaron, blond hair and green eyes, looked like she could probably run a few miles without stopping.

Mr. Griggs began class by talking about negative and positive atoms. Aaron wasn’t really interested in that kind of stuff. Besides he had this week and next week’s homework done already, he just drew some pictures under his fake notes and pretended to pay attention.

Yuri Harriet loaded his AK-47 and snapped the clip in place; he put on the ski mask and the Iron Eagles Jacket then motioned for the thirty gang members behind him to follow. They left the bathroom and stormed the office killing some people but taking most hostages. Yuri ordered three other groups of thirty Eagles to take control of the school.

Yuri and seven Eagles rushed toward science class and shot open the door.

“Get down!”

“Get down now!” The men shouted miscellaneously.

Yuri aimed his AK-47 at a kid and fired a shot. The kid crashed against the chair as if he had been stapled to it as the gun shot rang through Aaron’s ears.

Aaron was surprised to find himself in an American prison camp; fifteen enemy soldiers guarded the room full of about twenty or thirty prisoners. He assessed the situation, about fifteen guarding this cell, about fifty outside and most likely hundreds more American soldiers outside. The prison walls were steadily built; must not be in Germany, he thought.

An American was on a phone, “If you come in here they all die!”

Aaron had absolutely no idea what the American was saying but he was either talking to a lower officer who had done something wrong or a German general. The American was still babbling on. Aaron checked his pockets for a knife or anything, surprised to find that the Americans forgot to check his pockets for weapons Aaron kept the knife stored in his front pocket. The cell was a large room filled with desks, must be where they interrogate prisoners he thought.

Seven of the troops went in and out of the room every room making shifts. However that annoying man on the phone shouted, “We’ll kill a hostage every ten minutes if you don’t cooperate.” The American was so annoying he didn’t even wish he knew what he was saying. He waited in that cell for ten minutes when gunshots went off nearby.

A breakout! Aaron thought, as seven of the men walked out of the room. The German soldier jumped up from his chair and covered one of the American’s mouth as he slit his throat. It was silent enough so that none of the guards turned their heads. Aaron looked down at the strange weapon and assumed it was a rifle; he picked it up and hid down making sure no one had seen the dead body yet.

Good they were in one place; he pulled the gun back and fired one shot, surprised to find that it sent an automatic burst that sent all of them to the ground. The students that were alive, quickly got up off their chairs and picked up the Eagle’s weapons.

“Good job Aaron,” Natasha told Aaron loading one of the guard’s pistols. Aaron still had no idea what they were saying. These must be prisoners from another country, he thought.

Aaron aimed the Ak-47 and slowly peered outside of the room. Sparks went off the wall as bullets ricocheted, Aaron pulled back then fired a burst, he kept pinned down as the students pulled up behind him and fired their weapons. As the students fire kept them pinned down Salazar flanked the corner and finished seven of them off.

Yuri fired seven shots at Aaron and the approaching crowd of fourteen students that rose to twenty one as some unarmed kids picked up the gang member’s weapons.

“What the hell is going on?” One of them shouted.

“The kids got hold of weapons.” Yuri answered almost taking a bullet to the face; he shot off two bullets and ran back.

Outside S.W.A.T teams heard the gunfire and moved in to attack the gang members. Yuri saw this and shouted to one of the Eagles. “Get the detonator!”

“Got it!” He ran through the spray of gunfire and into the office room nearly running into the S.W.A.T line of fire. Bob picked up the detonator and pressed it. The front of the school burst into fire as explosives buried beneath the dirt went off sending dozens of S.W.A.T teams bursting into the air. Ambulances and police officers rushed forward to either shoot at the school or pull the S.W.A.T back.

The gang members fired outside as Aaron ran room to room evacuating the prisoners.

(Still writing) (To be continued)
© Copyright 2008 Emvalle (e.m.j.v at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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