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Rated: E · Chapter · War · #1490657
A twelve year old and his Private Army take on African Dictators
Chapter One

“There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” -Alexander the Great

5-20-08 13:23

Pueblo, Colorado


The sunlight beat down on the field as the clouds moved away. Shots flew as the people blurred by firing.

“Click.click.click…click...Click” The guns fired rapidly.

Herman Vasen ducked as two more shots were fired over him, he reloaded and returned fire. “Take left flank,” Herman said to two next to him. They ran around the corner as he told another kid. “Toss a grenade, then give cover fire.” He said as he fired two more shots. “You follow me.” Herman said to three kids and they followed him as he charged the enemy position. A paintball brushed through his black hair as he dropped down to the ground on his belly and returned fire on the other team. The water balloon full of paint splashed the enemy and they were out. They groaned and walked off the field as Herman’s team rushed over tagging each player without losing a single person. The whistle was blown and the umpire stopped the game.

“Whoooooooooooo!” Brian celebrated. “Ha! Outnumbered three to one and we still win!”

Henry lowered his paintball gun and shouted to the other team. “How about ten to one next game,” He shouted. “You’re on Henry!”

Herman Henry and Brian walked out of the paintball field and stopped by a McDonalds. They had a few cheeseburgers as they watched the T.V. It was something about Zimbabwe, and other African countries that were committing genocide and forcing people including children to fight for them.

T.A.F trucks drove past the McDonalds. The Tea and Food Company, which Herman owned, it was constantly growing and joining with other companies. Basically it owned the medical industries, the trash companies, most of the publishing and media companies, most of the banks, and would soon take over the law enforcement. It was a multimillion dollar company that was spread out across the States.

Herman and Henry both looked very similar; both had black hair and brown eyes except Henry was about eleven months older. Brian had blond hair and blue eyes.

Pueblo was a small town about a hundred thousand people, completely invulnerable to tornados thanks to the mountains. Herman left his brother and his friend at the restraunt and walked down the street, no one but the highest CEOs of TAF knew he owned the company; this was to prevent accusations of Monopoly and he had to make it appear like the company was split or the government or some jack-sses would try to shut him down. Eventually he would get caught, maybe in a few weeks or maybe in a few years but eventually he would get caught, he also had to keep his spending low or people would know.

After he had walked a few blocks from the McDonalds a TAF truck stopped next to him and he got in. The truck drove him to a building, he got out and walked in, the windows were tinted and the guards were armed with 9mm pistols. These were the Wolf Security Squadron, they guarded important buildings and are highly loyal to the company, and they would probably shoot at cops if ordered. He walked upstairs and joined the higher CEOs in a business meeting, he joined the table and listened as they talked about how they took over the companies that made guns and body armor, and were moving to take over the airport and law enforcement agencies. He listened and sometimes joined in; he sat there for hours as they discussed the company expansion and after it was over he discreetly left the building and went home.

His parents were out and Henry was probably with that gang again. He turned on the T.V and saw a news report of the Zimbabwe dictator Heidi Kuna, and how he was using his armies to commit genocide and kidnapping children for his army. “-it is sheer terror” the news reporter said. Herman watched the report for fifteen minutes. “There are people without food, and there is likely no chance of them receiving any help anytime soon.” Herman watched the T.V till the report ended and he went to bed.

The next day he went through school without talking except for when a teacher asked him for an answer or when apologized for bumping into someone. His brother Henry went to a different school, Herman never bothered to find out where. He finished the school day without a word and then got home to do his homework, again his parents weren’t home and neither was Henry. He rarely saw them anymore. Herman turned on the T.V and listened to the news report, they were talking about Heidi Kuna again and the genocides he was committing. He listened to this for hours before falling asleep.

6-1-08 20:00

Pueblo, Colorado


Grey clouds hung over the sky and cats scurried from the scene as firefighters and police arrived on the spot. Firefighters got ready to rush in but ducked as the entire building exploded. The building collapsed as the firefighters abandoned their attempt to get inside the building mostly due to the fact there was no building anymore. They extinguished the flames and searched the rubble but all that was left was wood and ash, the bodies of the orphans were nowhere to be found only the people that worked there had made it out.

6-2-08 15:07

Pueblo, Colorado

Pueblo News

“The only survivors of a terrible fire at the orphanage” The news anchor said. “Were the workers who claimed the children were gone before they left the building, no bodies were found and the workers were brought in for questioning.”

6-3-08 08:27


T.A.F Company jet

Josh Lara sat down as Herman was explaining what was going on while the waiters served them food. “Now what do you think?” He said after he was finished. “Okay,” Josh sat upright in his chair trying to keep his green eyes level with Herman’s. “-So you want us to go into Africa and beat the shit out of a guy and help some kids when we can’t help ourselves, you want us to help some orphans, when we can’t get parents ourselves. And these kids we are trying to help will most likely be shooting at us? One question, Are you f-cking insane?”

“I’ll pay you, and I’ll find you parents, but there, kids are in a lot worse situation than you are, well except for the fact everyone thinks you died in the fire and I could easily dispose of you with no problem at all.” He gave a longer speech about the Zimbabwe country and Heidi Kuna killing innocent people, after he was finished with the speech Herman waited for a response. It was silent for a moment until finally Josh broke the silence. “How much are you paying us?”

Herman looked up and said. “Under successful completion of the mission you will be paid two hundred thousand dollars for your services.”

“Okay” He shrugged. “I’m in” The other twenty two orphans agreed as well. “What about the younger ones, who can’t fight, what will happen to them?”

“They will have their memories wiped of what happened and they will be found a few blocks down by police.” Herman said. “Your basic training will start tomorrow.”

6-4-08 03:45

Pueblo, Colorado

TAF owned land (Herman’s boot camp)

“Alright your first task will be to run through this crap” Herman said referring to the ropes, mud and a field with some haystacks, a little further away from the field was ten TAF guards with some paintball guns. “If you get hit go back and start again, if you make it over the climbing wall start over and go again, keep this up till I tell you to stop.”

“Sir yes Sir!” They said and started through the mud ready to avoid the paintballs, Herman got into the chopper that had brought them there and shouted. “See you in twelve hours!”

“Twelve hours!” They exclaimed then were simultaneously and immediately gunned down by the paintballs. They shouted in pain as they fell to the ground. Josh was hit in the back of the head then was shot in the back of the ankle making him slip backwards. Lying on the ground in surprise and pain he looked up at the sky as the T.A.F guards shouted “Start over!”

“What the f-ck did I get myself into?”

6-20-08 09:20

Pueblo, Colorado

(Herman’s boot camp)

The T.A.F has added law enforcement to their business empire and was able to take some prisoners from the prison and was able to add them to Herman’s army bolstering his troops up to ninety.

They joined the orphans in running back and forth across the obstacle course. They had been doing this every day for about two weeks now and had been getting used to it. Running for twelve hours each day for two weeks was getting easier so Herman added more obstacles to push the troops further. Gunfire went up into the air as T.A.F guards fired off blanks from M-16s as the soldiers in training rushed through the mud and climbed up the steep hill as motors landed splashing paint all over the place. The ones who were hit played dead and slid down the hill. Seventy of them made it to the top and immediately fired paintballs toward Herman and seven T.A.F guards. The Soldiers in training were immediately gunned down by the guards wave by wave as they reached the top.

The ninety soldiers that hadn’t climbed up the hill did after the whistle was blown and Herman’s drill sergeants gave them another lecture about if they can’t fight seven soldiers how can they expect to fight thousands. They repeated the exercise twenty more times till they were able to overwhelm Herman’s position but they took heavy losses. Herman himself took down forty of them, before they could.

Herman stopped the exercises and called them all in formation. “Alright,” he said. “Since you are unable to assault a single bunker without losing half your army, you will learn to operate in three man squads.”

So they separated into thirty separate squads and ran into the woods. “Alright guards follow them in and take them down.” Herman said five minutes after they went in. A hundred T.A.F guards ran into the woods and separated into platoons and spread out to search for the soldiers. Josh Lara and two squad mates ran one way while two more squads spread out and climbed into trees.

The T.A.F guards scanned the area but they didn’t see any of the groups, Josh waited for one platoon to leave and the other to pass his tree before motioning to another squad, then the two squads blasted the TAF guards before they knew what hit em. The others heard the exchange, (well not really an exchange) and came running all eighty of them running up and taking cover. They fired into Josh’s tree as him and his squad mates jumped out and tried to bunker down behind it. Then as they were about overwhelm the position the other squads seemed to come out of nowhere and completely took down the TAF guards, it took a little time but the guards were down without casualties.

Herman watched on hidden cameras as the squads and the beaten TAF came back. They would be ready soon, hopefully, he needed to go down to Africa during the summer and be out before it ends. He could tell his parents he went to camp, they wouldn’t care.

He turned and walked out of the chopper.

7-5-08 00:00

Africa, Zimbabwe

TAF Cargo jet

“Ok, we drop in five minutes!” Herman shouted over the wind flowing into the open plane, the night sky masked the jungle below. “The plan is we will land at the LZ! From there we will head toward the camp and take Heidi Kuna while he sleeps.” Two more cargo planes flew behind Herman’s plane, each one filled with thirty soldiers. “Equipment check!” Herman shouted over the wind. “MR-5s!” “Check!” The company said in unison. “Pistol!” “Check!” “GPS!” “Check!” “Camping equip!” “Check!” “And the other crap!” “Check!”

A flash of light streaked behind the plane, “What the?”

The plane stalled as a flash of red light blasted away the front of the plane throwing three men and boy out of the plane. “We’re going down!” “Exit the plane! Go! Go! Go!” The troops jumped out of the plane as quickly as they could as the ground came closer. “Impact!”

Men shouting in a foreign language approached firing their weapons; Herman pulled himself from the wreckage, dragged out his MR-5 machine gun and struggled to fire it at the approaching Zimbabweans. No moon light to light up the sky along with Herman’s black uniform made him practically invisible to the Zimbabweans troops, that and the plane was painted dark black so he was surprised that they even spotted him at all, he couldn’t believe they were able could spot the plane at all.

A bullet cracked past his head, the shots ended up further away as they kept firing, an RPG shot blasted the cockpit. They don’t see me. He thought.

(To be continued)
© Copyright 2008 Emvalle (e.m.j.v at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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