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Rated: 13+ · Interview · Other · #1490094
Adriana A to Z is a brief look at my writing partner. Written for the Angel Buddy Contest.
Adriana A to Z!
Adriana Noir

Adriana has been my friend, sister, terror twin and writing partner for over seven years now, The Angel Army just made it official. This is my poor attempt at giving you a peek at the Princess.

A ~ Artistic, not only in her unique use of the written word, but she is a graphic goddess!

B ~ Bitch…*Smirk*…errr…I meant Brat. *Wink*s to my Terror Twin.

C ~ Creative…she has a gift for telling a story…be it for entertainment or to wheedle her way out of trouble.

D ~ Dangerous…Never mind the little girl “coot” exterior…back this one into a corner…she comes out fighting.

E ~ Exotic…though most will find her hidden in baggy PJ bottoms and a T three sizes too big…underneath is a woman of striking beauty.

F ~ Frank…You will never wonder where you stand.

G ~ Generous…to a fault. Adriana will always put those she loves above herself.

H ~ Horror...Adriana likes the psychological horror. She has a gift for what I call the villain next door, the type of sick bastard that can live just down the street or hold the highest of offices in our safe little community. See her contest "A MidSummer Night's Scream

I ~ Intuitive…sometimes I think she reads my mind.

J ~ Jealous…as generous as she is with WHAT is hers, not so much with the WHO’S.

K ~ Kitchen…Adriana is an amazing cook with the dream of culinary school one day.

L ~ Loyal…I know that she would walk through the fires of Hell with me.

M ~ Moody

N ~ Naughty! LOL Adriana has more than a touch of the imp in her.

O ~ Obsessive Compulsive…sweet Jesus, the cleaning sprees! 

P ~ Princess! I even bought her a tiara for Christmas. *Wink*

Q ~ Quiet…she does not like to talk of herself. It has taken me over seven years to get to know her as I do…I hope this helps the rest of you.

R ~ Restless…always fidgeting, she can’t sit still.

S ~ Snarky…and yes people it is a word. LOL Even good ol’ Merriam-Webster has finally recognized it. It should have a picture of Adriana. 
2 : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner <snarky lyrics>
— snark•i•ly  \-kə-lē\ adverb

T ~ Talent and equally Truth. Her truthfulness makes Adriana an invaluable writing partner as well as best friend. As to her talent…visit her portfolio and see for yourself.

U ~ Unique. There were so many times I thought I was alone in being different, “Unique” my mother said, *eye roll*  and then I met Adriana.

V ~ Vengeful…It has to be that Irish blood.

W ~ Whirling…If Adriana has a down fall as a writer it is that her mind is forever whirling. Being bombarded with clamorous muses and new ideas can make it difficult to follow one project to completion.

X ~ X factor…what ever it is that makes a writer great, Adriana has it.

Y ~ Young in age, Adriana is old in experience. She has been through a lot in her twenty-nine years.

Z ~  Zest…We share a passion for the written word, be it writing or reading. It is what brought us together in the beginning and something I pray we never lose.

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