Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1489866-Medea---A-Greek-Tale
Rated: E · Chapter · History · #1489866
Prologue: The Greek tale of Medea the heroine of Jason and the Argonauts.

The Colchian King paced the floor and wrung his hands as he waited for the news. The screams that issued from the room that the king paced outside pierced his heart and he stopped pacing. Turning to his advisor the king coughed softly. “Go inside and find out what is happening.” The King’s voice was strained with emotion. The advisor nodded and entered the archway into the room. King Aeetes of Colchis listened to the hushed voices inside and waited his hands unable to rest at his side.

The advisor quickly appeared again smiling happily, “You’ve a beautiful girl your highness!” The advisor motioned to the archway, but the gesture wasn’t needed for the King was already at the arch peering into the incensed room. Inside his pale wife lay on plush cushions made from the finest fabric. In her hands she held their child. Aeetes sprung forwards his old worn out blue eyes sparkling. Queen Idyia sat up and received the kiss that he placed on her cheek.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” Idyia asked her calm marsh green eyes looked into her husband’s questioningly. She knew how much he yearned for a son and so far all she had brought him was daughter’s. Idyia had desperately hoped that this time she would give life to a boy, but the goddess had not meant it to be. In vain Idyia had prayed and sacrificed to Eileithyia the goddess of childbirth. Not being able to produce a son and heir to Aeetes’ throne scared Idyia for she feared that her incapability would drive her husband into another’s arms. 

“She is!” The King simply replied his eyes fixed on the child wrapped in silken cloth. The child’s wide green eyes looked right at him. She was beautiful beyond belief, she was a spitting image of her mother and she was still a beauty even at the age of 42. Aeetes couldn’t say much he was disappointed he had wanted a son so much but on seeing his daughter he had forgotten that feeling. It had been just like it had been with his first child. She was now married to Phrixus and had bore him many children. Phrixus was a good son-in-law he loved Circe and had in fact brought Aeetes the treasure that the king loved above all gold. The golden fleece of the ram that Phrixus had been brought to Colchis on.

Idyia smiled at the way her husband stared at their daughter, he looked so lost like he had no idea what he should do, but he was the best father that any child could have, he’d know what to do. She expected no more from her husband so she closed her eyes and let herself float into a deep and exhausted sleep, leaving Aeetes to get to know his daughter. 

King Aeetes placed a finger on his child’s cheek, the girl quickly wrapped her small fingers round the king’s and stared at him. Aeetes chuckled softly at how alert she was, he knew that she would be a great woman one day and that she would accomplish many things in her life time. Little did he know of the betrayals she would cause, or the heart break she'd feel.

© Copyright 2008 Charlie King (clw14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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