Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1489581-Climbing-To-The-Top-Of-The-Mountain
by lorna1
Rated: ASR · Article · Other · #1489581
It seems that no matter how much climbing we do it always seems there’s more
It seems that no matter how much climbing we do it always seems there’s more climbing to do to get to the top.  Today times are much harder then it was 20 or 30 years ago.  Things were much cheaper, the towns were much safer and the kids were just kids.  Now things are not so easy anymore.  The richer get richer and the poorer get poorer.  We have to work twice as hard to accomplish our goals and sometimes it leads to nowhere.  I always have faith that one day all of my dreams are going to come true, no matter how hard it gets and how many down falls I have to overcome.  If you really want to be successful deep down in your soul it’ll happen, it might not happen when you want it to, but like my momma always say and I quote “ It always comes right on time” 

I love a challenge, it makes me want to work harder and I don’t like anything if it’s too easy there’s no fun in it.  I’ve been climbing trying to reach the top of the mountain for years and there’s always something trying to push me down, but I won’t let it.  I’ve had down falls in my business, tragedy in my family, losing my home, money, and was on the verge of losing my sanity.  The devil almost had me.  The only thing that keeps my going is looking at my children’s faces and seeing all that innocence and joy in them.  With all the craziness going on in this world, kids are always happy and always can make you realize the good in this messed up world.  I’m still climbing to my dreams, I’m still facing obstacles that gets in my way, but I never give up.  I dedicate myself to be all that I can be and to be to show my kids a good example of getting what you want, nothing comes easy.  Take a breather, it’s ok to rest as long as you don’t give up you’ve got to reach to the top of that mountain.

It’s hard I know, think about what’s best for you.  Whether you’re in a abusive relationship, lost a job, or lost a loved one in death or with drugs. it’s up to you to turn your faith around and make it better for you, no one else just you.  When we pray and our prayers does not get answered, I know the question that comes to mind is, Did God here me?  If he loves me why am I still suffering?  He heard you he carries you through all of the storms. You just haven’t realized it yet.

Remember the Footprints saying? This is what god says.

Footprints: My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.  During your times of trial and suffering.  When you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.  He’s always there when you least expect it.  Always have faith and faith will carry you.  Climbing to the top of the mountain isn’t as hard as it seems.  You’re there already because you have family, hope, love, and most of all God.  How does it feel to be at the top of that mountain?  I’m there and I feel like there’s no stopping me, get out of my way or you’ll  get ran over.  I have faith, I have love, I have success because I am loved and I’ve finally climbed to the top of my mountain.

Lorna Darden

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