Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1488982-9829Deathly-Love9829
Rated: 18+ · Other · Dark · #1488982
One girl. One culture. One Boy. Two Vampires.
    I wandered through the packed hallways of my high school. It was almost Autum break, the hype of a holiday mingled with the exhaustion of homework was in every person that walked by me. I could feel their feelings. Some were good others weren't. Mischevious and sensible. Hope and betryal. They all mixed in this one corridor.
    I knew that he wouldn't be here, he never was. He'd turn up for his exams and then leave, I knew that was the path he was going to take. He didn't need education, he was tall, strong handsome, and though some doubted it, he was intelligent beyond compare. His mother had taught him all he knew from a young age. Made him read books that were older than his time, but taught him many things that this high school didn't.

    I was besoted with him. Blaise. His name meant fire and he burned through me like it on gasoline. I knew he knew who I was, I'd felt him watching me, studying me to see if I would look back at him. I never did. I didn't want him to look into my eyes and see the love I held for him. I knew he would if I did.

    What attracted me to him was the fact that he was the only person in school I couldn't get feelings from. He knew how to lock them away and not let them get out until he needed them to.

    I was wrong, he was walking through the double doors right now. Headed for me. I turned to my locker and slid my books onto the shelf. I should tell you about me; every guy knows who I am, they all watch me in hopes I'll cast a glance their way, they don't intrigue me like Blaise does, but I do it anyway. I'm something they would fear. A vampire, 16 years old, 5 ft 7, slim frame, long brunette hair, which fell down to my slender waist in loose ringlets, porcelain skin, big, emerald green eyes, which always shone and lips of a soft red. He came closer until he stopped just as I scooped my english book from the bottom of my locker. I turned to face him. Meeting his gaze for the first time in 4 years, I couldn't forget those eyes, deep brown, you could get lost in them for hours, he was tall, 6 ft 8, athletic build, brown wavey hair that came just above his jaw line.

    "Can I help you?" I asked, tearing my eyes away from his.

    "Yeah, you can." he answered, pointedly.

    "With what exactly?" I said, Jesus, he was irritating. "Cause I have class, and I'm guessing you do too."

    "Well lets walk to class then and I can tell you" Blaise said.

      We turned and walked back through the double doors, the crowds were thinning as everyone disappeared to their next class.

    We were in a completely empty corridor before he spoke again.

    "Why do you do this?" he asked suddenly, I looked at him blankly inviting him to elaborate. "You come to school, you don't need to, you know all there is to know."

    How did he know this, of course I knew all there was to know I was over a century old, but he didn't know that. I tired to get a feeling from him. I did, which scared me, it was curiosity and knowledge.

    "Why do you ask that, Blaise?" I asked innocently.

    "Because, well how do I put this blatantly with out scaring you..."he paused, took a breath and stopped walking, I slowed, stopping and turning around to face him, we were stood feet away from each other. I looked straight into his eyes, my emotions were locked inside of me, my eyes held no emotion and he knew that I was doing so."I know what you are" he mumbled, fear spread through my but I managed to keep it at bay.
    "How...?" it came out as a whisper.

    "Because...I'm one too." he managed to say before casting a glance around the corridor. I was shocked and confused. How long had he known? Why hadn't he said anything sooner? My heart was racing it was like adrenaline now, knowing I wasn't the only one with a secret, not weird and frightening.

    "How...How long have you known?" i asked my confidence returning.
    "A year, maybe more, I wasn't sure at first, but then I realised you were the only person I didn't get emotions from, which I thought was strange, as I believed I was the only one at this high school." he said casually leaning against the lockers.
    "So what made you tell me today?" i asked suddenly.
    "I don’t know, just did, guessed that, seeing as it's the holidays, we could hang out, chill, whatever. Just never thought I'd meet another vampire." he said quietly.
      I couldn't believe that all this time we'd practically been the same and never knew, never noticed, it was strange. Usually vampires know each other, through family or whatever. However, being in school with one and never realising was way different.
      "Hanging out sounds cool, I guess" I grinned at him, my teeth small and pure white, a dazzling smile.
      "Yeah it does." Blaise agreed, grinning back.
      "Come on, Ms McKenzie's going to screw, we're like five whole minutes late" I joked rolling my eyes.

                                       * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      The last bell sounded through the school and everyone stood from their desks cheering and running for the door. I picked up my books, making my way to my locker; I grabbed my book bag, stuffing more books and the contents of my locker into it, before leaving the building.
      Blaise was stood on the school steps leaning casually against a pillar, he motioned me over, I smiled at him shyly.
      "You need a ride home?" Blaise inquired. I put my bag down shrugging on my jack over a plain body hugging black shirt and low rise jeans.
      "Sure if you don't mind that is." I mumbled grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.
      "If I minded, I wouldn't of waited for you and asked" he retorted. I blushed slightly but ducked my head down so he couldn't see. My emotions were locked away, I made sure of that.
      "Well that’s a good point" i joked. He laughed lightly then walked across the parking lot. He was definitely the hottest guy in school, girls swooned around him all the time and now he was waiting for me to ask if I wanted a ride home. I could feel cold stares on my back as I fell in step with him, guys were watching my every move as i stood at the side of Blaise's black Nissan Warrior, when he'd unlocked it I slid into the passenger seat, protected with the blacked out windows. Blaise slid behind the wheel and we were speeding down the motor way before I even realised.
      "So, if you live in Greensville, why do you come to a high school so far away. It must take you an hour to get there each morning, and you don't drive?" he said, making conversation.
      "I do drive, but I just haven't got a car yet, I want to find the perfect one. You're forgetting that I live on the edge of Greensville, so it only takes about 45 minutes to get to school." I pointed out.
    "Whoa, sorry, all of 15 minutes difference." he rolled his eyes I giggled.
    "Am I not under the impression that you also live in Greensville, Blaise?" I teased.
    "Well, yeah, but I have a car." He stated. We pulled off the motorway and into Harper Valley, one of the suburban towns of Greensville.
    “I will have a car by the end of this week.” I laughed Blaise did too.
    “So, seeing as we live in the same town, we might as well catch a film tonight,” he suggested coolly, turning onto my estate.
    “Yeah, since when did you live in Harper Valley?” I asked curiously.
    “Since about three months ago. I live in a flat, it’s good.” Blaise said as he drove down my street, stopping outside my house and killing the engine. He shifted in his seat and looked at me. I let a small smile play on my lips. Being a vampire was strangely enjoyable. You aged so slowly, and you were never without anything that you wanted, one thing for sure was that Vampires definitely had a lot of spare cash. If I didn’t want to be caught out but the media, I’d be a millionaire, but the chances are people would realise that you weren’t ageing properly. That’s something I couldn’t risk; for my sake and others.
      “You know, even if you weren’t a vampire, I would of spoke to you today anyway.” Blaise said softly, I looked in his direction, my eyes found his instantly, they were shifting slightly, becoming a soft brown but his iris’ still looked like deep pools.
    “How did you turn?” I asked quietly, the question had been in my mind since he had told me he was a vampire.
    “My parents; they turned me into what I am now,” he snared resentfully. “They got slayed. I couldn’t keep them at bay when their lust started.” I gasped. A vampire’s weakest state of mind was when they were in a blood lust. We’re not like what you read about in fairy tales. We don’t smoke and turn to dust when you hold a crucifix in front of our faces, chances are we’ll laugh at you if you did that. Garlic does not affect us; it just does not smell nice. Holy water and wooden stakes are a load of bollocks to us. The only thing that can slay a vampire is another vampire. When the lust is upon us and we can’t fight it, a vampire can sense it. Human’s fear us, naturally, though most of us don’t select humans as prey anymore, but animals such as cows and so forth; they hold less chance of being a suspicious kill; and Greensville is full of fields of cows, sheep and other agricultural animals.

    "You know I never thought I would meet another one of us, I mean, I've lived in so many different places, been to so many different schools. Never have I met another vampire and not realised. I met a girl once, she was older than me, well she was older than me when she can turned anyway, 18, and absolutely stunning, we were friends for a while, back in 1954. After than, a string of other vampire friends followed but I hadn't met one in all my years at Greensville." I almost whispered. Talking about the past isn't as easy as it seems, for a vampire talking about the past brings back memories you don't really want to see or think about again. Angelica, the girl back in 1954, had died to save me, I was under lust, still young, in vampire times, I hadn't known what I was doing, she was sort of my guide through the whole thing. We were good friends for almost 20 years, then in 1972, we both moved to L.A. seeking a better live. I didn't find it. Not there, without her, I felt like nothing.

    "Your still hurting." Blaise said suddenly I remembered where I was and who I was with. Turning to him, emotions were once again on lock down. "Why do you hide away from me? For one moment then I thought I was with you there, I saw what you saw, it wasn't the nicest thing I can say that at least. But the past doesn't matter. We have to find a way to get through all of this. Maybe together. I don't know." He said his lack of emotion was weird but I realised that what he said was truth even if I didn't know how he meant it.

    I sighed and looked again into his eyes. "I know. I'm sorry I don't let you in on my emotions but I can't. I've always been this way. It's like an insecurity to be honest and I wish it would go away." Well I was being honest at least, if he didn't like it then that wasn't really my problem.

    The dark drapes in my living room window moved and I could see my foster mother looking out at the car suspisciously, I was about to wave and then remembered the blacked out windows and didn't want to make myself look like a fool. Ella, my foster mother, was a very nice person though some times I think of her more of a sister than an parental guardian. Not that I was complaining, before I was turned I was an only child and for 16 years I'd always wished for a younger or older sibling to be there for or for them to be there for me.

    "Is that your sister?" Asked Blaise curiously. I almost nodded but stopped my self with a laugh.

    "No, that's Ella. My foster mum." I stated. "She's basically like a sister to me though, I don't even think of her as a mum. We're close." I continued, I would tell him that much, but any more information he would have to wait for.

    "Oh," he looked shocked that someone that looked so young could possibly be anything parental. "Maybe you should get in and get changed. I'll be be back to pick you up at 6:30 to pick you, make sure your ready." He said with a gleam in his eye that I couldn't quite place.

    So I grinned and said "Yeah okay then. See you at 6:30." To my surprise, as I lent to pick my bag off the floor, Blaise took my hand and pressed it to his lips. I almost let all emotion slipp from my cover but I caught it all at last minute.
© Copyright 2008 LittleMissMalfoy (abbie_joy17 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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