Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1488799-The-Sunsetters-Nightmares
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1488799
8 Teenagers go on a journey through life with eachother.
The Sunsetters:  Nightmares


         Swirling, suffocating, and surrounding blue darkness loomed over my tense body.  Water was filling into my lungs, cutting off my breathing as my heart started to slow to an almost silent thump thump, thump thump.  With every second I was getting pulled farther over the edge of life and death.  not everybody will feel this edge...at least not until they're older.  But I was feeling it NOW.  At only 15, I was feeling this death pulling at me, luring me to it.

         Around the outside of my vision it started to get fuzzy and black.  There was this little white light tunneling through the black outline.  I was struggling to stay awake, trying to live although death wanted me so bad it seemed.

         The aching pain in my lungs started to recede and I could feel breath flow into my body as I remained fully conscious.  My mind was swarming with hope and I wondered, "Why am I still alive?"

         Then suddenly, my question was answered.  Among the swirling blue water still surrounding me, as if in a dreamland, a person appeared.  As soon as I could tell who the person was, I felt my emotions shut down.  Curling my hands into fists at my sides, my eyes wandered up and down the figure standing before me.  And surprising even myself, I asked, "What are you doing here?"

         At first, it seemed as if he was mute.  But soon enough, after looking at him closely, I could tell by the way his eyes jumped back and forth look from me to the darkness surrounding me, that he was contemplating his answer.

         Taking a small step towards me, he put a smile on his face, making me melt inside.  years ago, when I had first met this boy I had called everything from a friend to a foe and a boyfriend to a brother, he had figured out that seeing him smile could make me melt.  My heart held so much love for him that I could never stay mad at him as long as he smiled that special smile that I cherished. 

         So, sensing my defeat, he started to speak, the words rolling off his tongue like soft velvet, sounding as sweet as honey.  "Aubrey, I just want to talk to you.  I don't want to hurt you at all."

         Not knowing what to do or what to say, I just stood there.  Or, that is, until he started to take a few more tentative steps towarts me.  Once he started doing that, I wanted to turn and run away and never look back.  But I couldn't.  There was no way I could turn my back on him like he did to me...no way.

         Tremors flooded my body as he continued to close the few feet between us quickly, using his long legs to take swift strides.  Since I could no longer protest, when he reched out and grabbed my face between his hands and made me look at him, I had no choice BUT to look at him. 

         His eyes held memories I had long since forgotten and his eyes, and what was held there, brought sadness to me. But these memories could make anybody forgive a person with so many wrongdoings.

         Pulling together all the strength my heart could hold, I gripped my hands on his arms, pulling them off my face.  "I do'nt want to talk to you Colby...you were my friend...you hurt me...and I don't talk to traitors."
© Copyright 2008 aubrey1511 (aubrey1511 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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