Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/148859-Kiss-Of-Death-2
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Horror/Scary · #148859
An alluring girl shows up is she what she seems?
Kiss of Death
Chapter Two

This story is co-written by {user:The StoryWizard}

Max walked around her kitchen working on dinner trying to get it done before Brendan showed up at her house. "I hope he likes his steak medium well," Max said to herself.
Brendan walked up to the door all dressed up and holding flowers. He was nervous and was acting like he was going on a date when it was just simple dinner. He finally built up enough confidence to ring the doorbell.
Max jumped at the sound of her doorbell. She didn't expect him so soon. "Dang he is early." Max walked to the door and opened it. "Hey Brendan you're early I am just finishing dinner up come on in and have a seat."
Brendan handed the flowers to Max. He was kind of nervous and nodded when offered a seat. "I'm sorry for being so early."
"Oh how sweet you brought me flowers," Max said then put them in a vase, "It's ok, thank you for the flowers."
"You're very welcome," replied Brendan. He took a seat and immediately offered his assistance. "Do you need any help?"
"No it's almost done," Max, said then she went into the kitchen and finished dinner. When everything was done she put everything on the table. "Dinner is ready,” she told Brendan.
Brendan sat down at the table and prepared to eat the delicious meal in front of him.
"I hope you like your steak medium well because that's how I cooked yours," she told him.
"That is great," replied Brendan. He was not paying much attention to her words but he was more interested in her.
Max continued to eat not really tasting her food, "So what did your jock friend say about you having dinner with me?"
"He doesn't know about it and I would like to keep it that way," said Brendan smiling.
"I can imagine what he'll say when if he finds out,” she said laughing.
"Enough about him," laughed Brendan. He was cutting his meat when his knife slipped cutting his finger.
"Are you ok?" she asked him.
"No, I cut my finger with my knife," he said, "Do you have a band-aid?"
"Here let me kiss it and make it better" she said grabbing his finger and sucking the blood from it and accidentally letting her fangs sink into his finger lightly.
Brendan felt a little pain for a second but he was soon lost in thoughts as his finger was getting kissed.
"There your finger should be better now," said Max sitting back down in her chair.
"Thank you," said Brendan looking at his finger.
"There's a really good movie playing at the theatre you wanna go see it?" she asked.
"Sure I would love to go with you and watch it," said Brendan with excitement. The simple dinner was turning out to be more than that.
"Ok lets go," she grabbed her jacket and headed towards the door. "The movie starts in about 10 minutes whose car do you want to take?"
Brendan realized that Max loved to make quick decisions since they had not finished their meal yet. "Why don't we walk? It's a nice night."
"Ok. That’s fine with me," she said.
The two walked towards the movie theatre when who else but Vincent drove up in his car.
"Well look it here, have you two shagged each other silly yet?" laughed Vincent.
"Shut up jock boy, you're just mad because you don't have some girl you can screw tonight," Max spat at him.
Vincent wiped his face off and laughed. "Oh come on, it was all in good fun," he laughed, "I was just joking around."
"You are going to far Vince. I think you should mind your own business and let us enjoy ourselves in peace with your recent stupidity clouding our good time."
"You need to learn the meaning of fun," Max said, "Come on Brendan before I do something I may regret."
Brendan stared at Vincent until he rolled up his window and drove off. "Vincent has been acting funny recently. I don't understand it."
"Who knows all it may be because of the blue moon this month," she said.
"It could possibly be because of the blue moon," laughed Brendan as snowflakes started to fall. "Do you still want to go to see the movie or go for some skating in the park?"
"Lets go skating, I haven't done that before," she said.
The two headed to the park, rented skates and headed for the ice but while Brendan got on the ice he noticed that Max was not getting onto the ice. "Do you know how to skate?" asked Brendan.
"No I have never learned how to," she told him looking questionably at the ice.
"Well I'll have to show you," said Brendan. He held out his hand to Max, "If you can trust me I could show you what I know which isn't too much."
"Ok," she got up and grabbed his hand.
Brendan guided Max along the ice. She was not skating too well and looked like she was about to fall.
Max suddenly fell on her butt right in the middle of the ice.
Brendan laughed for a moment at Max until she tripped him and he fell down onto the ice right next to her.
"That will teach you to laugh at me,” she told him while trying to hold back her laughter.
Brendan laughed and got up off the ice and then offered his hand for Max. "Don't worry Max, you'll get the nag of it."
Max grabbed his hand and pulled herself up. "Ok now how do we do this?" she asked.
"Well Max, skating is not that hard. What you have to do slide on one foot with one in front of the other," he said showing her, "Let's let you get used to the ice first." He grabbed both of her arms with his and while she tried to skate he held on to her hands.
Max slipped along the ice trying not to fall again. "Are you sure I'm doing this right?" she asked.
"You seem to be doing fine so far," said Brendan, "I'm not the best of teachers, that's for sure!"
"You're doing far better than me,” she said.
"Well I used to skate a lot when I was younger. Did they not have anywhere to skate in Ireland?"
"I never had time with running the tavern,” she said as she unknowingly began to skate by herself.
Brendan let go of Max's hands slowly as she began to skate by herself. She had not gotten skating down too well yet, but enough for her to do on her own.
Max finally realized she was skating by herself and began to wobble.
Brendan grabbed her hands again. "You were doing fine. You just need balance."
"Well I have balance just not on ice," she said as she began to bask in his touch.
Brendan smiled and became lost in Max's emerald green eyes.
Max looked up at Brendan and caught him staring at her. They stood there staring at each other as the snow feel around them.
Brendan was so lost in Max's eyes that he began to lean towards her without knowing it. His lips lightly touched hers waiting for her reaction.
Max slowly began to react. She was surprised at first she didn't expect him to kiss her. She gradually wrapped her arms around his neck and began to deepen the kiss.
The kiss was disturbed though by a loud laugh at the edge of the rink. Brendan broke from the kiss and looked over at the edge of the ring to see Vincent laughing and pointing at them.
"Oh no," Max moaned and struggled to get off the ice.
Brendan helped Max get off the ice and then walked over to Vincent with his skates and punched him in the face. "I'm tired of your crap Vince."
Vince didn't budge much and yelled back at Brendan, "Calm down man."
"How could I be calm when you are acting like a fool!" yelled back Brendan.
Brendan expected an apology but never got one, instead he got laughs.
Max walked up and punched Vincent right in the nose. "I would watch what you say buddy."
Brendan turned to Max and was surprised. He turned back to Vincent and saw him holding his nose, trying to stop the blood. Brendan laughed, "Look who is laughing now!"
"I wouldn't laugh at me from now on you, may not know what will happen," Max told Vincent.
Vincent walked off cursing.
Brendan shook his head. "He does not know when to quit."
"I just found that out," said Max, "Lets head back to my house, there is something I want to show you."

view chapter "Kiss of Death 3
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