Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1488560-McCoy-and-the-Old-Town-of-Terror
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1488560
Finally done! Please excuse my spelling and grammar, its my first story!!!
McCoy and the Old Town of Terror

         *Many years ago in an old western town…..

Cowboy1: Hey bartender! Another round of whiskey for me and the fellas.
Bartender: Coming right up bud.

         *Piano playing, cowboys drinking and playing poker.  Women dancing on stage. Everybody having such a great time when all of a sudden the clouds covered the sun, it got dark in an instance, wind started to pick up, visibility was hard to see and strange noises were coming from outside.  Out of curiosity one cowboy walks outside one hand on his gun and yelling out…..

Cowboys2: Who's there!  Wait….what is that….can’t tell….

         *A dark image appears from the cloud of dust
         //Scene shifts back into the saloon.

Cowboys2: AHHH!!!

         * Gun shots are fired….then total silence.  Then more screams are heard and more strange noises appear from nowhere.  People inside the saloon start to panic. Piano stops playing, women stop dancing, the cowboys put their drinks down and pull out their six shooters.

Bartender: What the heck is going on out there.

         * Pulls out his rifle, loads it and stands there…..waiting for that thing to come in, waiting to blast whatever is out there.  Then the ground shakes, tables fall, bottles break and people stumble and a gust of wind blows into the saloon making it hard to see anything.

Demon: HAHAHA….

         *Bartender shoots like crazy towards the sound, the cowboys follow along and start shooting.
         //Scene shifts outside of the bar.
         *All you hear is screams all you can see in the dark is the gun fire. Then everything stops, everything is calm, quiet……the clouds disappear and the sun is back out shining.  Not a single person in town……
Pancho: And that is the story of how the old ghost town became.
         *Its now 1848, Pancho is a shoemaker but he is well known as the town drunk and the man with many stories.  He was telling his ghost town story to a bunch of nearby kids.

Kid1: Has anyone ever tried going back to that town?
Pancho: Oh yes, many have gone back since that incident, but story has it that those who go, never come back, they actually stay and become one of those blood thirsty flesh eating things.
Kid2: OOOH cool story. Can you tell us another one?
Pancho: Sure, let me tell you the story of the wicked witch of the west.

         * At that moment a tall, slim yet athletic young man walks into the shop interrupting Pancho from telling his next story.

Pancho: Well kids I will have to tell you that story at another time. I have a customer to attend to.

         * The kids get up from the floor and run outside to play.

Pancho: Morning Sheriff, what can I do for you?

         *The tall, slim yet athletic young man was no other than Sheriff McCoy. He was beloved by his town.  About a year ago to this same date, McCoy helped save the town from a bunch of outlaws.  He personally handled about a dozen outlaws and every since then he became a famous person in town.  He won the Sheriff election at such a young age thanks to his heroic acts. He is known as Sheriff Clint “HomeTown Hero” McCoy. 

Sheriff: The usual Pancho, I need here these boots to be fixed up. The spurs are missing and its pretty worn out from the tip.
Pancho: Why not get yourself a new pair of boots Sheriff?
Sheriff: Now Pancho, how many times we gonna go over this. I won’t get new boots, them boots right here gots sentimental value.
Pancho: I know, I know. I just keep asking in hopes that one day you will say, “sure Pancho, get me them boots over there”.
Sheriff: HAHA, you are a funny man, but I don’t think that will be happening anytime soon. So the usual wait time?
Pancho: Yep, just give me about three days and I’ll have them looking like new.
Sheriff: Will do. C’ya later.
Pancho: Good day Sheriff.

         *Sheriff walks out and whistles. He stands there waiting.  Then from a far distance you can see something coming so fast but you can’t quite make it out yet, a blurry image leaving a trail of dust behind it. As it gets closer and closer, you are able to make out what the blurry image is. As it gets closer, you can hear the loud heavy breathing like the sound of a tornado, hooves striking the ground with such tremendous force that it feels like the ground is shaking.  It was none other than Old Blue herself.  She gallops and stops right next to the Sheriff.  She stands tall, fitter and faster than any other horse. Her teeth white as pearls and her coat so shiny and so black yet it looks like dark blue when seeing her in different angles. She is the Sheriff’s first and only horse.  He loves his horse so much that he never goes out anywhere without her.  He had her since he was a baby and people say that at three months he was riding like the wind and that he knows how to speak to the horse. Indeed, these two have a special bond that no one can break.

Sheriff: Ahh Ol’ Blue, it’s good to see you girl. Now how about we go home and see if my dear lady has something cooked up for us.

         *Old Blue stands on two legs expressing her joy.

Sheriff: Alright then, let’s get going.

         *Sheriff hops on the horse and rides back home.
End of Act I

         *Sheriff finally arrives to his ranch and walks into his home.

Sheriff: Afternoon my lady.
Peggy: Afternoon handsome, how was your day?

         *Across the kitchen table stood the most beautiful women in town. Perfect height at 5’4”, sexy curves, with beautiful shoulder length red hair, silky smooth skin, pretty freckles on her cheek bone and the cutest dimples ever seen. She makes any guy turn around and give her the second look.  Oh but don’t let her looks deceive you, you see, she is tough like a rock and a fighter by heart (her old man use to be the sheriff of this town, but that’s another story for another time) she can knock out a 6 ft man with a single punch. Many people fear her more than they do with the Sheriff and to top it off she works with her man as the deputy. 

Sheriff: Well honey, as usual just patrolling the town, nothing much. I sure do miss the days when there was something to do.

Peggy: Well if you weren’t so good at what you did, there might still be bandits around to take down.

Sheriff: Yea your right, but oh well, I’m not complaining, life is peaceful now. *Sniffs the air* Mmmm, what smells so good honey.

Peggy: Oh its only your favorite, pork and beans with a side of bread roll.

Sheriff: Mmm, that’s great, I’m pretty hungry.

        *They sit down and have dinner and spend the time by the fire place.....
         //Scene fades out and reappears into the morning.

Peggy: Morning my love, last night was great.
Sheriff: Morning, it sure was.
Peggy: Well its time to get ready for work, I bet Johnny and Clyde are waiting at the office.
Sheriff: Well I’m not sure what their waiting on, we haven’t had much excitement in this town as of lately.
Peggy: Well either way we have to get going.

         * They both get up from bed, shower, dress, and eat their breakfast. They both then hop on their horses and ride off into town.  Mean while, at the town’s bank….

Bandit1: Now, everyone just listen to me and no one gets hurt. All I want, is the money placed into these sacks and we will be on our way.
Teller: Oh your making a big mistake mister, you in the town of our hero….Clint “HomeTown Hero” McCoy.
Bandit2: You, You mean this is his town? Oh, I don’t like this one bit, not one bit.
Bandit1: Look! Get a hold of yourself, they are just saying that to scare us, now help me here so we can get a moving.

         *They finish loading the sack of money onto their horses. They get on and ride away. Teller runs outside and yells.

Teller:  Hey! You just wait, til the Sheriff gets you!! You won’t get away with this!!

         *One of the bandits turns around and shoots only to miss on purpose but to scare the teller. The teller ducks behind a barrel. Then one the customers walks outside of the bank and checks on the teller.

Man:  Look I’ll go and tell the Sheriff while there is still time.
Teller: Please! Thank you.

         *Man gets on a horse and rides to the Sheriff’s office.

Man: Sheriff!! Sheriff!!!          

         *Sheriff walks out.

Sheriff: Why whats with all the commotion out here.
Man: Sheriff!! Some bandits went to the bank and robbed the place.

         *They Sheriff couldn’t believe it, finally….something for him to do.

Sheriff: Peggy! Clyde!! Johnny!! I’m off to catch me some bandits!!

         *He calls for Ol’ Blue and jumps on his horse.

Sheriff: Which way did they go?
Man: That way, towards the mountain!!

         * Sheriff takes off in a blazing speed. The rest comes out but too late, McCoy was out of their sites.
Johnny: What happened? Where’s McCoy and what’s this about bandits?
         *The strange man explains everything to them.
         //Scene fades and reappears showing the blazing speed of Ol’ Blue catching up to the bandits.
         * Sheriff pulls out his six shooter and shoots down the sacks of money. He then shoot the bandits on the arms causing them to fall of the horses.  Sheriff then gets off his horse and runs towards to the bandits.

Sheriff:  Well, well what we got here? Two scums trying to steal from my town.
Bandit2: It, its true….you are the HomeTown Hero!
Sheriff: Yes I am and now, what should I do with you guys…..

         *Ground shakes, clouds appear from nowhere and covers the sun. Everything is dark.

Bandit1: Earthquake!!
Sheriff: Calm Down!!

         *Then a loud explosion comes from the town and the ground stops from shaking.  Sheriff turns around and sees the town burning down in flames.

Sheriff:  No, no, no!! What kind of sick joke is this!!
Bandit1: We don’t know! That wasn’t our idea!! We just went to steal money, we didn’t mean to harm anyone.

         *Sheriff has then furious look on his face, then calls Ol’ Blue and jumps on her and hauls ass towards the town.
         //Scene shifts into the Sheriff’s eyes where you can see the town on fire. Thinking about the town people and thinking about his wife.

Sheriff: Peggy, I hope your ok, I'm coming as fast as I can.

         * He finally reaches the town. Walks in and finds everything in disarray. People dead on the floor and saloons burning in fire. He couldn’t believe what happened. He couldn’t believe what he was looking at. Then he hears noises and pulls out his gun.

Sheriff: Who’s out there!! Show yourself!!
Pancho: Wait! Wait! Don’t shoot sheriff!!

         *From behind the barrels comes out Pancho.

Sheriff: What happened here Pancho, have you seen Peggy!
Pancho: They came sir. They have finally showed up again.
Sheriff: Who?!? Who came Pancho!! There is no time for stories, tell me who came!!

         End of Act II

//Screen reappears
Pancho:  My story Sheriff. The one about the demons who appear every hundred years.
Sheriff: That’s crazy talk, I think the explosion got to your head.

         *A barrel tumbles over from nearby and out comes out what looks like a person but is all gray, skin cut up and blood coming down from his eyes. He opens his mouth showing his sharp black smudged teeth.  He looks at the Sheriff and charges towards him. Sheriff pulls out his six shooters and shoots it down, wasting nearly all his bullets. He stares at the body and notices the stomach moving. It splits open and out crawls a creature.

Pancho: Hurry! Shoot it in the head!

         *Sheriff quickly shoots the thing in the head causing a sudden explosion upon impact.

Sheriff:  Ok, what was that? You have a lot to explain.
Pancho: I told you they are here and if you plan on seeing your wife again we must stock up on weapons. Then I shall explain to you everything on our way to the ghost town.

         *Sheriff stares at Pancho with confusion written all over his face.

Sheriff: Fine, let’s go back to my ranch and grab some weapons.

         *Sheriff whistles for Ol’ Blue and they both hop on the horse and ride back to his ranch.
         Once they reach the ranch, Sheriff goes into the house and grabs his shotgun. He straps it on his back and replaces his six shooters with two powerful magnum revolvers.

Sheriff: My dad gave me these. They are very powerful weapons, they can pretty much take down anything that crosses their path and now I have a chance to test them out.
Pancho: Yea those sure do look nice. I think those will do just fine against those demons and with the shotgun, I think your set.
         *Sheriff gives Pancho a rifle

Pancho: This will do, I don’t need anything else. Let’s get going.

         *As they make their way to the door.

Sheriff: Oh wait! I almost forgot something.

         *Sheriff turns back and looks into his cabinet and grabs his tomahawk. He whispers to his tomahawk….
Sheriff: My dear friend, guide us and protect us on our mission. May your soul rest wherever you are and lend me your strength and power to feed your tomahawk with thousands of bloods from these creatures that have captured my wife and show them no mercy.
         *Sheriff ties the piece to his belt and walks out.

Pancho: I see your also bringing the tomahawk that Little Paw gave you.
Sheriff: Yes, he did mention to take it with me on my biggest challenge ever.
Pancho: Sounds good, I think we should hurry up now.

         *They hop on Ol’ Blue and take off in a blazing speed. Pancho explains Sheriff the entire story as they approach closer to Ghost Town.

End Of Act III

//Screen reappears in front of Ghost Town
         *They finally reach Ghost Town. It is foggy, there is a smell of bad odor roaming the air and the town itself looks dull and gray.

Sheriff: Well here we are I never realized how big this place is.
Pancho: Yes be careful because you can get lost and stay trapped in here. Here take this.

         *Sheriff receives town map.

Sheriff: Hmm, you making me nervous here. I’m starting to wonder about you, you seem to know a little too much.
Pancho: Everything will soon be clearer but now we must go and find your wife before they sacrifice her.
Sheriff:  That’s right, there is no way my wife will give birth to the next demon king and then get killed afterwards.

         *They look at the map, trying to figure out where to go. Then out of the fog comes a long lanky crippled man. He looks similar to the one McCoy shot down previously.

Vetis: There is no need for that map. You are looking for your wife, correct? Hahaha, you two should have stayed away from here.
Sheriff: Who are you! How do you know about my wife?
Vetis: The name is Vetis. I am second in charge and leader of our army.
Sheriff: Army? What for?
Vetis: Haha, to take over this world.
Sheriff: Over my dead body, where’s Peggy!
         *Pulls his magnum and shoots him right on his chest knocking him off his feet. Then he gets right back up.
Vetis: Fool! You cannot harm me with that pathetic weapon of yours haha.
Sheriff: Dammit! This can’t be.
Vetis: But I do must say you have damaged this body and it is now useless.
Pancho: Oh, this is not good.
Sheriff: What you mean?

         *Ground starts to tremble and Vetis kneels down and hunches over. His back rips in half and out comes out a demon creature. He stands up and stretches out his arms and expands his wings.

Sheriff: Oh…I see what you mean. I’m gonna need something bigger than this to take him down.
Vetis: Haha, now you have seen my true form, and now….

         * In one swift move.  He flies over towards McCoy and in one sudden blow he knocks him out…..McCoy finally gains conscience only to find out that Pancho was gone and he was in the middle of the town, lost. He gets up and clears the dirt off his pants. He suddenly hears noises. Out of the fog comes demons charging towards McCoy.

Sheriff: Oh crap!

         *He pulls out his magnums and goes on a shooting frenzy, taking down demons in large numbers. He runs out of bullets and runs towards the nearest saloon and hides inside to reload. He comes back out and starts firing again.

Sheriff: Damn, there are too many of them.

         *He sees a TNT barrel and shoots it down. Big explosion erupts from the barrel killing the demons. Once it clears up, there are no more demons in site.

Sheriff: Great, the blast must have scared them away. Now, where do I go? Where is Pancho, Peggy. Dammit, I guess I’ll just walk straight from here.

         *He walks around looking for a sign. He walks into a saloon and right around the corner he sees a chest. He opens it and finds ammo for his weapons.

Sheriff: Well, isn’t that a coincidence, what are the odds finding exact ammo for my weapons. Well anyways, let me stock up.
         *He walks out and continues to walk.

Sheriff: Man I’m getting nowhere. I need to know where I’m at.

         *He hears noises and hides behind a shed. He takes a peek and sees two demons chasing a mice.

Demon: Mmmm, that’s mine!!

         *McCoy jumps out grabs his shotgun and shoots the nearest demon in his head. Blood splatters everywhere. The other demon charges at him. McCoy blast him on his legs. The demon screams in agony.

Sheriff: I need you tell me where are the others are before I blow your brains out.
Demon: Haha, I won’t say a word.

         *Sheriff pulls out his tomahawk and chops off one of his arms. Demon screams even more.

Demon: Alright! Alright!
Sheriff: Good, now tell me how can I reach them.
Demon: You must enter the torture chamber that is located below the next saloon that you come to. Then make your way across the hall and up the stair to where you will find them locked up. Haha
Sheriff: What you laughing about?
Demon: You won’t make it alive, there are many of us hungry and starving for flesh. You will be skinned alive and eaten. And if somehow you do survive it is probably too late to save the others.  Haha
Sheriff: That’s enough from you!
        *He chops off his other arms and shoves the shotgun in his mouth and blasts his head onto the wall.  He gets up and continues walking.  He finally reaches the next saloon and goes inside. There he finds a shiny skull key and decides to take it with thinking it might come in handy. He walks towards the middle and sees a latch on the floor. He reached down and pulls it open.  Sure enough the demon was telling the truth and McCoy proceeds down the stairs and into the torture room. He sees dead bodies on the table tops dead bodies hanging from ropes.
Sheriff: Boy, it wreaks down here. I can’t believe how big this place is, must have taken them years to construct this place. It’s practically an underground town.
Sheriff: Boy, it wreaks down here.

         *He looks around and sees a door. He walks towards the door and looks around the torture chamber. He sees the number of bodies that have been sacrificed. Men, women and children, these demons show no mercy.  McCoy reaches to the door and opens it and proceeds up the stairs. He opens another door and finds himself inside a bar and walks outside. As he walks out his cover is blown and is spotted by a group of demons.

Sheriff: Here we go again.

         *He pulls out his shotgun and starts blasting away. One demon jump up and swipes his huge claws at him. McCoy dodges and blasts him while still in the air. He gets up, tries to reload but ends up using his shotgun as a club and starts swinging. A demon grabs him from behind lifts him up in the air and throws him towards the barrels.

Sheriff: Ugh! Ok, that hurts. Dammit, there is too many of them.

         *He gets up and sees the huge crowd coming towards him. He pulls out his magnums and charges towards them.

Sheriff: As long as I am still breathing I shall never quit trying….Arrgh!!

         *He shoots from his powerful guns, blowing off heads, limbs, and their wings. But there is just too many and they keep coming and coming. He aims at one nearby and nothing comes out when he pulls the trigger.

Sheriff: Oh crap!
         *Demon comes and punches McCoy right in the stomach and then uppercuts him, knocking him off his feet. He struggles trying to get up.

Demon: Haha! Can’t you see, there is no way you can stop us. There is too many of us for you cowboy. Your time ends now.

Sheriff: I don’t think so.

         *He gets up all wobbly and pulls out his tomahawk.

Sheriff:  (Alright my dear friend. If you can hear me, I need your help. Please help me!)          

         *His tomahawk starts glowing and then an image of Little Paw appears in front of McCoy.

Little Paw: Don’t worry my dear friend. I am here to help you.

         *He disappears and the tomahawk glows with electricity.

Sheriff: I feel so much power….Alright demons, ready for round two?

         *He charges at them.  He lifts the tomahawk in the air and then a lightning bolt strikes down onto the weapon and then he swipes it across sending the electric charge across killing half of the demons.

Demon: Where did he get such powers?

         *Trembling with fear the rest of them surround each other. Confused and not knowing what to do. The ground shakes and a crack forms up between the demons and McCoy. The ground opens, steam is released and out appears Vetis.

Demon:  Haha! Vetis is here, he shall finish this once and for all.
Vetis: You all disgust me.

         * He lifts up his hand, makes a fist, and in an instance all the demons pop like popcorn.

Sheriff: Wow…you are strong. But I have my friend by my side, and together we shall defeat you demon!
Vetis: Yes, I saw what happened and I do must say that is a nice weapon you have. Once I am done with you, I shall gain sole possession of your tomahawk.

         * McCoy grips it hard and charges towards Vetis. He swings and shoots out a lightning bolt. It hits Vetis knocking him back. He gets back up but gets hit by a barrage of lightning bolts. He falls down to his knee.

Sheriff:  There is no stopping me. I am on a mission and this ends right here.
Vetis: Your right this ends now….

         * He strikes himself on his chest and then pulls out a sword.

Vetis: Ahh! Finally I get to use this blade. I never thought it would come down to this.

         *So finally the showdown between a cowboy and the general of the Demon Army had begun.  They swing there mighty weapons, sparks fly when their weapons make contact.

Vetis: Watch this…

         *He lifts his sword up in circular motions stirring up a gust of flames. He then swings and the gust goes towards McCoy.

Sherriff: (If that hits me I’m toast)

         *McCoy swings his tomahawk unleashing a lightning strike against the flames. They make contact and a huge explosion occurs. Vetis charges and swings, McCoy ducks sees an opportunity and slashes Vetis across his stomach.

Vetis: Ugh!

         *He drops his sword and falls to his knees. Blood gushing out like a waterfall.

Vetis: You did well, now you are ready to face the demon king and possibly save ur wife and friends.
Sheriff: Tell me where I can find them.
Vetis: Just go west from here and the next big saloon you see is where they are, but before that I must tell you. Your tomahawk alone will not kill the Demon King. You must be one of us to even stand a chance.
Sherriff: What? What do you mean I must be one of you?
Vetis: Yes, you need to obtain our powers and strength in order to even be able to stand a chance against him; after all he is the Demon King, but I must warn you, you forever shall be a demon until slayed. So the question is, are you willing to sacrifice your life to save the ones you love?

         *McCoy looks at him and without hesitating….

Sheriff: Yes, I am willing to.
Vetis: Very well then, this will be quick and painful.

         *With all the energy Vetis has left, he uses it to lunge himself towards McCoy and bites him on the neck. McCoy yells in agony. He falls to the ground in a fetal position. Grabbing his stomach and yelling. He can fell the transformation rushing through his bloodstream. The pain was too much that it knocked out McCoy.
          A brief moment later, McCoy wakes up and gets onto his feet. He looks around and sees Vetis lying, dead. He picks up a shattered glass from the ground and looks at himself. He notices minor changes, his skin redder with bulging veins. He can feel the strength and power running through his body.

Sheriff: (This is probably just the first stage, I must get going)

         *He takes off running west. He finally reaches the big saloon. He walks in and sees Pancho hanging from the ceiling, his horse locked up in a cage and his wife tied down on a chair.

Sheriff: Peggy!
Peggy: Clint!!

         *McCoy rushes to her aid but then is hit by a table.

Demon King: Haha! Do you think it was going to be that easy?
                 Hhhm, what’s this? You are no longer human.
Sheriff: My appearance might not look like it, but I can still control myself and I am still able to focus on my mission.
Demon King: It will be only a matter of time until the demon blood takes over your body and mind. And since you killed off Vetis, I shall make you my new general.
Sheriff: No thanks.

         *McCoy walks towards his wife. She looks at him.

Peggy: What happened to you?
Sheriff: I did this to save you and the rest. I had no other choice.
Pancho: He is right Peggy. The only way to defeat the Demon King is by becoming a demon and obtaining their powers.
Peggy: But you’ll be ok right?

         *McCoy smiles and brushed his hand on her cheek.

Sheriff: Things will be better once I am done with this monster.
Demon King: Haha! You cannot defeat me! I am the King!!!!
Sheriff: Well let’s check out my new powers.

         * McCoy charges towards the demon and lands a tremendous right jab right across his face knocking him to the wall.

Sheriff: Wow, this is awesome!

         *The demon gets up and rushes towards McCoy. They exchange blows; the demon slashes McCoy with his claws while McCoy cuts him with his tomahawk. They went on back and back, none of them showing any signs of slowing down and none of the two showing any kind of weakness. Then McCoy slips giving the demon an opportunity to grab him and raise him high above his head. He then slams him to the ground, picks him up and gives him a backbreaker before throwing him across the saloon like a rag doll.

Peggy: Nooo!!
         *Any human would have been crippled by that attack, but McCoy gets up and brushes the dirt off his pants.

Sheriff: You knocked off my hat.
         Now you gonna pay.

         *McCoy takes a step and then feels a great pain rushing through his brain.

Demon King: Times up! Haha! The blood has reached to your head and will now take control of your body.
Sheriff: No! Noo!!! Argh!!!
Pancho: Oh…this is not good.

         *McCoy starts to transform once again. His skin peels right off showing nothing but flesh, muscles and veins. He grows a pair of wings and claws. He grows about another two feet taller.

Demon King: Ah…the transformation is done.
                   Arise my new general! And kill these humans and that pathetic horse.

         *McCoy turns around and walks towards Peggy.

Pancho: Nooo! Wait Clint!! Take me instead!!

         *McCoy looks up and flies to Pancho and looks at him in his eyes.

Pancho: Clint….I know you are still there, listen to me. You must fight this!!          

         *McCoy stares him down with confusion.

Pancho: I have done everything I could, the rest lies on you Clint.

         *Pancho closes his eyes knowing what will happen next. McCoy raises his arm and slices his head off with his bare claws.

Peggy: Noo!!

         *McCoy flies down and faces his wife.

Peggy: Please! Don’t….don’t you remember me?

         *They lock eyes and then…

Sheriff: Peegggy?
Peggy: Yes! Yes! Do you remember me?
Demon King: What are you waiting for! Obey my command or suffer!!

         *McCoy looks at the Demon…

Sheriff: You almost had me there, you made me kill my friend but there is no way I am going to kill my wife. I told you I am here on a mission and I must complete it.
Demon King: What? How can this be?
Sheriff: Get ready!!

         *McCoy charges towards the demon, grabs him and takes him up high breaking through the ceiling and into the skies.

Demon King: Let me go!!
Sheriff: Now that I can do.

         *McCoy grabs on tighter and flies straight into the ground. Ground shakes with tremendous force causing a huge crater on the ground. The saloon rumbles and shows signs of breaking down.

Peggy: Noo! I can't free myself
Sheriff: Don’t worry.

         *McCoy runs to her aid and cut the ropes and then frees his horse.

Demon King: I don’t think so….

         *He harpoons a piece wood and strikes Ol’ Blue right in the chest.  The horse falls and dies on sudden impact. McCoy kneels down looks at his horse and picks up the horse by the head. He has flashbacks of all the wonderful times they had together. 

Sheriff: No! Noo!!

         *He lays her head down and gets up.

Sheriff: You will pay for this.
Demon King: Aww, are you upset I killed your stupid horse? Then I shall kill you too, and your wife will carry my child!!
Sheriff: I don’t think so!
         *The demon flies to McCoy. McCoy pulls out the piece of wood from the horse’s chest and lunges it towards the demon, striking him in the stomach.

Sheriff: You shall die by the same piece of wood that you killed my horse with.
Demon King: No, this can’t be. How did I not see this coming?
         * The demon falls to his knees and McCoy dashes and uppercuts him in the face. He grabs the wood and shoves it further in his stomach. He then spots his tomahawk and picks it up.

Sheriff: This ends now. You will no longer torture the lives of others, your reign ends here.
Demon King: Noo! I am the Demon King!! How is it that I am defeated by a mere human?!?!?

         *McCoy raises the tomahawk up above his head and strikes down decapitating the demon king.  He drops the tomahawk and realizes that it is finally over. He had won the war against the demons.

Sheriff: No, there is one more thing.

         *He looks around and finds Pancho’s rifle. He picks it up and hands it to Peggy.

Peggy: Wha, What is this for?
Sheriff: You must kill me.
Peggy: No! I can’t do that!
Sheriff: You have to, sooner or later I will not be able to control this and I will cause havoc in nearby towns. Besides, look at me….there is no way I can blend in. I am a monster and I must be killed.

         *Peggy cries and hugs him. He once had nice smooth skin, but now it was rough and hard like a stone. She looks up at him, he once had a smile that always warmed her heart but now he has this minister grin and horns on his forehead. She steps back and raises the rifle.

Sheriff: Please, don’t hesitate and remember that I will always love you.
Peggy: I love you too Clint.

         *She aims and pulls the trigger blowing off his head. McCoy falls to the ground, his body disintegrates and the wind blows away his ashes.

         -Five years later

         * The town was rebuilt and named after McCoy. Peggy was the new sheriff in town. She stopped by a near saloon.

Peggy: Hey bartender! Glass of water please.
Bartender: Coming right up sheriff.

         *Then a strange man sits next to Peggy and flirts with her.

Man: So how about I take you out for dinner and dancing?
Peggy: Sorry but I already have someone in my life and he should be here shortly if you wanna meet him.

         *They get up and walk outside.

Man: Hmm, I don’t see anyone.
Peggy:  Look over there.

         *She points across the town and the man sees a distorted figure. He wonders who was approaching.

Man: Is it McCoy and Ol’ Blue?
Peggy: Nope.

         *A young 4 year boy arrives with his baby horse.

Peggy: This is our son, Bobby McCoy and his horse Baby Blue.

         *Horse stands up on two feet, Bobby takes off his hat that once belonged to his father and raises it up into the sunlight.

Bobby: Yee Ha!!!

Man: Well what you know, the legacy shall continue……

                                                                        THE END

© Copyright 2008 Fernando J Hernandez (vultron_3229 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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