Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1488155-the-Blood-News
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1488155
This is interview with Bela Lugosi as a vampire, while pretending to be human
The Blood News

“Hello and Welcome to the Blood News.  It’s where the informed Vampire goes to get a taste of what’s going on in the world. I’m Thad Thompson. Tonight I have with us Bela Lugosi. He did the unthinkable he posed as a human and worked among them. Please welcome my guest Bela Lugosi.”

Bela hadn’t aged at all. Tonight how ever he wasn’t in his well known “Vampire attire”, tonight it was a black sweater and jeans.

“Welcome, it is amazing you don’t look a day over a 40.”

“Thank you, but I’m a hundred and twenty-six.” He looked alive except for the bluish skin and dead eyes.

Thad was visibly shaken. God only knows why they hired a human for this job. The Vamps always scared him. But, lately he was contemplating asking one of them to turn him. He didn’t want to lose his health or his California good looks as he got older.

“Well, I hope I look that good when I’m you age.” Bela just looked at him he got the implied message and he wasn’t taking the bait. “Can you tell me when you became one of the undead?”

“Yes, I remember it well. It was the year 1911. I was working in a theater in Budapest. My stage manager and I became great friends. One night after a great operetta, we went out to celebrate. I drank way too much and so did he. He almost killed me. His choice of drink for the night was my blood. Not being able to believe what he did. He crossed me over. That was the beginning.”

“Were you angry with him, did it change your ambitions at all?” Thad was an eager moron. Still he kept his distance.

“No, matter of fact I became much better at what I did. At first though it was hard. There was a new set of rules I had to live by. As time went by though I realized that most of the rules had never been broken and the consequences never tested. I decided to test them and test them I did.” Bela was at ease and his rhythm of speech was hypnotic. He could see that Thad would be easy prey.

“So what did you do?”

“My first real test came in 1916. I joined the military. During that time I lived just like any other soldier except for one thing. When a soldier was alone and about to die I helped him along. I would drink his blood and send him peacefully over to the other side. This also sustained me. I was wounded several times and as you can see I didn’t die. Matter of fact I healed in record time to the amazement of my doctors.”

Thad was in awe. In the back of is mind he knew what he had to do at the end of the show. “No-one caught on?”

“I always drank from an open wound. So, there were no puncture marks. Clever huh? My coloring was explained by a rare family disease.” Bela just smiled unnerving Thad just a little more.

“That’s fascinating. Please continue. I find your tale riveting.” Thad was such a suck up. He was hoping he’d get Bela to make his new wish come true.

“Well that little stint in the military helped me realized that everything I was told about my new life was a lie. So I decided to move to New York in 1921. When I arrived I did a few roles on Broadway. Since most of the plays were done at night my coloring never caused a reaction. Besides, I always wore stage makeup on stage. Eventually I began to wear it all the time. That made moving around in daylight much easier.” Bela winked at Thad in that why that people do when they think you’re sharing a secret.

Thad stammered, He could feel his color rising. Why was he blushing? He was a man, a vampire. “When did you get your role as Dracula?”

“In 1927. I thought it was ironic. Me, playing a vampire. It was amazing. Making movies was definitely a different world. They had researched all the old folk tales and myths. I was playing a role that  was the total opposite of the truth. I requested that I do all my own makeup. So I did the reverse I took my makeup off and everyone on the set thought I was a makeup wiz. Goes to show what humans will allow themselves to see when given a little push.” He was actually laughing at the gullible humans that he had worked with all those years ago.

“Rumor was that you were a drug addict and committed yourself to the State Hospital. Is that true?” Thad was hoping to get the scoop. Some piece of dirt. That would show the Network that he could do the hard interviews. What he didn’t realize was Bela could hear his thoughts. If he only knew.

“Yes and No.” He paused for a minute and then continued. “I was having withdrawal from not having any blood. I had reduced my intake to almost nothing and it showed. So I let everyone think I had a problem. I checked myself into the hospital. I waited until I was considered a has been and quietly disappeared.”

“Well that’s all we have time for. I have truly enjoyed speaking with you.”

“Thank you. I am glad that I finally got to set the record straight.”

The camera cut away from Bela and focused on Thad only. “Thank you for joining us tonight. I hope this has enlightened vampires everywhere. This is Thad Thompson saying Goodnight.”

Bela stood up and headed off stage.

“Sir!” it was Thad. “Sir, I was wondering if I, well if you could turn me. I really want to be a vampire.”

Bela looked at him. He knew the true reasons for Thad wanting to be one of the undead. They were for pure gain. He didn’t give a damn about Vampires and their way of life. So Bela agreed.

“Thad right? Well, meet me in an hour at the Blue Moon.” Bela left the set and waited. Thad would never make it to the Blue Moon.

Thad left the set 20 minutes later. Upon stepping outside he saw Bela. “Bela?”

“Have you changed your mind?” asked Bela.

“No sir. I can’t wait.” His voice was highly excited.

Bela grabbed him and sank his teeth into the soft flesh of Thad's neck. Thad’s eyes opened wide when he realized what was happening. He wasn’t being turned. He was being murdered. Just before he expired he heard Bela say “Don’t underestimate the power of a Vamp.” With that Bela finished him off and let him drop to the ground. Thad hit with a dull thud.  He was right the Network would definitely notice him now.

© Copyright 2008 S.B. George (lauraleelehr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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