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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1487415
A short story based on my World of Warcraft character.
Tales of Obsidion:
A Taste of Betrayal

It had started less than a day ago, just to show how quickly things can escalate in Azeroth.  Those fools from the Alliance had made a raid on Orgrimmar, and though that wasn’t uncommon, this time they had taken prisoners.
Thrall and his soldiers had quickly broken the group of Humans and Night Elves, and so in their desperation they snatched what prisoners they could and quickly fled to the north, towards Ashenvale, and towards the protection of Astranaar.
However, the Horde would not let this be.  In retaliation they attacked Astranaar viciously, burning and plundering, while taking prisoners of their own.
Saedi had come upon them on the road, taking flight while being harried by the last few Astranaar Sentinels.  He had never been one to shirk a fight.  Especially if it was with those loathsome Night Elves, how he hated the abomination they had let themselves become.
The fight had been short and Saedi jumped in towards the end.  Letting his blade sing songs of destruction for the aberrations his kin had become.  The Horde forces had cheered at the sight of a fresh soldier, particularly a skilled Paladin such as he.
He was sorry to dash their hopes, as he was not skilled in the healing arts as many of his brethren in the order.  Yet he helped as he could with the wounded, watching his precious supply of mana potions ebb.
The trip back to Zoram’Gar Strand was without incident.  The beasts and other dangers that lurked the forest path stood aside in the face of the mighty Horde and it’s warriors.
Their camp had been set right outside of Zoram’Gar, he watched as the flickers of candle light in the darkness grew to torches and campfires, blazing defiantly under the night sky.  He had smiled as he heard the flapping of the Horde banners in the wind, and smelled the roasting meats and fish of the dinner fires.
These things promised tents, which promised sleep.  He’d had more difficult days, but he was glad this one was over.  He grew nauseous and light headed from the mana potions he’d used for the healings; he needed rest and a chance to replenish his arcane energies.
His pleasant daydreams of sleep and food were shattered as an arrow thudded violently into the trees beside him.
He swore softly and yelled to the sergeant to continue the march.  He would deal with this one.  He enjoyed his daydreams, and didn’t like them to be interrupted.
As he made his way into the darkness and brush, another arrow skittered harmlessly from his armor.  He jumped down from Martyr’s saddle and took cover behind a stump.  He hoped it would be enough as he chanted the few words necessary to send his mount back to his home plane, leaving only a few short-lived sparkles where it had previously been.
Removing his gauntlet, he ran a nervous hand through his hair.  He thought of his comrades in Obsidion, the guild of Horde warriors he called family.  He had to stifle a giggle as he thought of Mondlowin, an up and coming warrior, she was still wet behind the ears, but she would know what to do here, she wouldn’t be sitting in the mud behind a stump.  He was getting too cautious as his experience grew.  Where was the crazy young Blood Elf he’d once been?
Killish would never let him forget this if he’d known.  Best not to tell him, Saedi decided.
Having decided on a plan of action, he felt lightly along the lines of arcane energy that flowed within him, pulling what was needed and shaping it carefully.  He exhaled the breath he hadn’t known he was holding as he felt strength roll through his body and the nausea leave on the tail of the nervousness he’d felt.  Now was his time, killing time.
He dashed from behind the thrice blasted stump and made for the trees opposite the clearing.  There was a small cliff overlooking the area, if the archer wasn’t an idiot, he’d be up there.
He caught a flash of fur as claws tore at his armor.  With a thought he summoned an aura around himself, promising pain to any that came close enough to attack.  A surprised yelp satisfied him as he pivoted to face his attacker.
The cat quickly renewed it’s attack.  His opponent must be a skilled hunter to command such loyalty from his pet.  However the moment’s hesitation had bought him the time he needed.  His hands flashed through the air, tracing the required sigils in blazing light upon the darkness.
He felt the power of his seal of command fill him with a deadly energy, his reflexes sharpened and his gaze narrowed to his target.
The cat leaped, throwing a volley of claws and teeth towards him.  It’s flesh seared and separated as it lunged through his aura.
His blade tore through bone in a vicious swipe that he knew left the hunter lamenting the loss of his precious pet.  Saedi wasn’t a cruel man.  He would reunite them soon enough.
He backed slowly along the edge of the cliff, letting it overhang and hide him from the hunter’s gaze.  When he was safely out of sight he spared a moment and a few drops of his precious mana to heal what wounds the cat had given him.
Climbing up and around, he came out of the trees in time to catch the hunter in the midst of his ritual to revive his pet.  Saedi immediately decided that this would not do.
Reaching out he grabbed at the lines of power that connected all things, separating those that connected him and the hunter from all else.
He let a blast of arcane energy drift from his mind to the human’s whispering words of repentance and guilt.  The hunter fell silent, his mind fighting for control of it’s own emotions, his ritual destroyed.
Saedi no longer had the patience for this drawn out battle.  He dashed the last few steps letting the power from his seal of command flow from him as a blast of power, knocking the human from his feet. 
Leaping forward at his fallen foe his blade arced through the air, cutting deeply into the man’s arm.  And yet the stubborn human tried to scramble away.
Seeing his victory Saedi let out a last spell, filling himself with the last of his mana, he felt time slow long enough for him to let out one more vicious attack.
The hunter hadn’t even the time to cry out.  His light had been extinguished.
Checking the human’s body Saedi found him to be rather young, as humans go.  Though he had been skilled, he didn’t have the experience to be meddling with a veteran Paladin. 
“Fool,” Saedi said, a smile creasing his lips, “Shouldn’t have been holding out on me.”
Patting his downed foe on the shoulder, he slipped the few precious vials of blue liquid from the satchel the hunter had been carrying.
They were inferior to the ones he carried, but for now he craved arcane energy.  He tossed back a vial and wiped blue droplets from his lips.
Returning to camp he found the sergeant he’d rode in with, a large orc with a chip on his shoulder dwarfed only by the massive great axe he carried.
The Sergeant turned to meet his gaze.  Saedi straightened up and let himself fall into a bit of a haughty strut.
“Anythin’ to report, point-ear?” Asked the Orc, obviously annoyed at Saedi’s arrogant approach.
Saedi smiled viciously, biting back laughter at the warrior’s annoyance.
“Little, I’m afraid,” He said, “We’ve lost an opponent, and they’ve lost a scout.”
The Sergeant’s lips twitched in what Saedi figured was a strained and failed attempt to smile.
“Well then, guess you churchy types aren’t useless.  Least not completely.” The Orc held out a hand and Saedi shook it lightly, “Name’s Groltar.  Now go grab a ration and sit fer a few.  Captain wants to see you. You will be summoned when he’s got time.”
“Zug Zug.” Saedi responded, with a mock salute, and sauntered off before the Sergeant could figure out if he needed to feel insulted.
About a half an hour had passed and Saedi had just begun dozing with a full stomach when he was kicked lightly by a blue tinted foot.
“Wake up mon, joo be comin’ wid me.  We be needan ta talk.”  Said a rather imposing troll with an even more imposing nose.
“What we be needan to talk ab… er… I mean… I’m up.” He said as he stood up groggily and stretched.
“Den get to da followin’.” Said the troll whom Saedi had begun to believe was the Captain.
He walked behind the Captain until they came to a large tent filled with warriors of every race and type.  He slipped back into an arrogant strut and nodded amusedly at the other blood elves, scoffed at the orcs and gazed hungrily at the tauren.
He settled next to a grizzled one-tusked troll who asked him quietly, “How come ya don’t be treatin de trolls like ya be treatin dem orcs and tauren?”
Saedi smiled and suppressed a laugh.
“Because,” He said with a wink, “You have even bigger ears than I do.  So I’m convinced that you must be part elf.  And we Horde elves have to stick together.”
The troll started slightly, not knowing how to respond to that.  But a large tusky smile quickly split his face and he bellowed out a laugh.
“You be alright mon.” The troll snorted through the laughter. “I ain’t never been called no elf before, an I tink dat if anyone else done called me dat, I might havta be layin’ on de hurt. But you be alright.”
And so the two of them made small talk and spoke of adventures and campaigns against the Alliance, until the room was silenced by a gesture from the Captain.
“Now as mosta you be knowin by now dem Fockin’ Alliance done attacked our cities, killed our warriors, and taken our people pris’nah.”  The Captain spoke, stopping to clear his throat before continuing.
“I don’ know ‘bout you, but I won’t be havin’ none of dat shit.  So we done hit dem back, and we hit dem hard.  De Astranaar be burnin’ and we be havin’ pris’nahs of our own,” At this a cheer lit up the room, all races stood together in one loud cry.  The Captain smiled and let it be for a second before gesturing to be quiet again.
And so with this he set out the current situation.  The Alliance had set up a camp just northeast of Astranaar.  They were holding the prisoners there.  The Horde had prisoners as well, set in that very encampment at Zoram’Gar.  A rescue mission had been planned, but they were sure the Alliance would do the same, and so a defensive unit must be set as well.
Saedi stood around with the others, waiting for his name to be called for assignment, and wondering how the hell he’d gotten himself in this mess.  He didn’t remember ever being asked, but it promised battle and so he couldn’t bring himself to refuse.
His name was finally called for the defensive squad, and their orders were laid out for them.  He was called to the side when the orders were done, and found himself facing the Sergeant and the Captain.
“You was de one who pulled back to deal wid dat damn huntah when de pris’nahs was bein brought to de camp, right?” Asked the Captain.
“Yeah.” He said, “That was me.”
“Good work den, de pris’nahs made it to de camp, and we didn’t lose nobody to dose fockin’ arrows.  I be makin’ sure Thrall hears about dat in my report.” Said the Captain.  Sergeant Groltar nodded but didn’t say anything, Saedi thought he might still be pissed about the ‘Zug Zug’ comment.
Saedi bowed gracefully and smiled.
“Well thank you, Captain, I do my best.” He said.
“Well good.  Der be a lot more best doin’ for you tomorrow.  ‘Til den why don’t ya get some sleep.”
Saedi thought this was sound advice, and quickly found himself laying on a bedroll tucked under the stars and moonlight, dreaming peacefully.
His dreams drifted across Azeroth, to his guild mates. To Killish, his friend in the order, he’d been with Saedi since the beginning.  He dreamt of Killish trying to help him through his lessons on healing spells, with Killish’s head inevitably hanging in frustration, his face covered by that silly fishing hat of his.
To Voodoo, their easily distracted shaman and alchemist, an unstoppable force who sewed the seeds of death and life side by side.  He dreamt of mana potions.
To Tewinnin, a young hunter who was still pretty green, but eager to learn and fight.  Another Blood Elf, followed constantly by her pet bear. He dreamt of Shadow Fang Keep and the adventures against the Dark Wizard Arugal, he and Killish fighting side by side with their young companion.
To Mondlowin, a vicious and beautiful fighter, every adventure with her promised to leave him up to his ears in enemies, letting him happily push his abilities to the edge against a never ending torrent of foes.  He dreamt of combat in every location, with Alliance and monsters both falling to their blades.
And to Sujin, the Dark Warchief of Obsidion, a vicious and prideful Shaman, who could always teach Saedi a thing or two about combat.  He dreamt of dueling, stupid Shama….
“Please don’t demote me again….” Saedi mumbled as he was kicked awake.
“What you be talkin’ bout mon?” Asked the Captain, a puzzled look doing crazy things to his eyebrows.
Saedi stretched and sighed. “Nothing, Don’t worry about it.”
The Troll shook his head. “You Blood Elves be strange ones mon.  Get up and get breakfast, de mission be startin’ soon.”
“Uh huh…..” Saedi mumbled sleepily, fighting to keep his eyes open.
The Captain walked away and Saedi spent the next ten minutes coaxing himself out of his bedroll, then another five to talk himself into standing up.
After acquiring said breakfast, which consisted of the same meat and fish there had been yesterday, only colder for some reason, he made his way to the staging area.
The Sergeant in charge of defense was another Paladin, but one much higher in the order.  Peering closely at the insignia on his armor, Saedi determined that he was of the order of Protection.  Respectable, but all too common.
Ignoring the Sergeant and his haughty-order-spouting-ness for a moment, Saedi inspected the prisoners.
A Dranei, blue skinned goat-hoofed creature from space….  He hated them.  They were unnatural, and creepy.  Of course they would side with the Alliance.  Fools.
Next, a Human, greedy and arrogant.  Their endless pride would be their downfall.
And finally a Gnome. She cowered behind the other two weeping and crying, subsiding into a soft whimpering only when an Orc threw a chunk of stone at her.  He had never really hated Gnomes, he’d hated some of them individually, mostly the knife-in-the-dark-while-he-wasn’t-paying-attention-kind.
Her fear upset him a little, touching him somewhere deep in the black mass he referred to as his heart. 
The Orc had gotten none of the laughs or guffaws he had expected from the rest of the group.  He was a young warrior who still had a delight in cruelty.  The rest of the more experienced soldiers scoffed at him, they’d seen their fill of torture and death.
The young Orc was still looking around to see if he’d gotten a reaction from anyone when Saedi put a hand on his shoulder.
The Orc spun quickly to face the Paladin, his eyes widening at the burning malice in Saedi’s eyes.
“Waddaya want point-ear?” The Orc stammered, trying to cover up his nervousness, “You gotta..”
Before he could force out the last few words he found himself lifted by the throat of his mail armor and pinned against a support pole for the Captain’s tent. 
“Wha..” He began, but was quickly cut off.
“You don’t get to talk here.” Said Saedi, his anger rising like the wind through Winterspring, “It’s my turn.”
Saedi spoke quietly, his voice sending chills down the spines of those that beheld him. “As we stand here, ready to risk our very lives to save those prisoners that have been stolen from us, we pray that they are okay.  That those foul alliance fucks have the decency not to torture or maim them.  How then can we in turn torture their women, their civilians, and not be the same sort of villains they are?”
The Paladin punctuated the last few words by slamming the orc’s skull into the pole with each syllable.  The Warrior tried to slide down the pole and curl up, shielding himself from the Paladin’s wrath, but Saedi was too strong for him, and he lifted the Orc back up off the ground, his own armor choking him.
“And so, if you lay one more finger on those prisoners, or if you even think particularly angry thoughts in their direction, I swear to all the gods and demons of Azeroth that I will drag you to the bay and feed you, small piece by small piece to the Hydra and give all that is left of you to the Naga for their foul rituals.” Saedi slammed him once more into the pole; he could feel bones crack with the force of the blow. “Do you fucking understand me?”
The Orc was choking to death on the mail wrapped around his throat as blood trickled from his nose, mouth, and eyes.  His eyes were wide and tears mixed with blood.  He quickly nodded, his mail biting deeper into his neck.  The Paladin tossed him in the sand and turned to face the rest of the soldiers.
“Any of you have a problem with this?” He asked, his eyes glowing brightly as the arcane might within him stirred and boiled with his hatred.
No one said anything, and the crowd parted as he made his way to the officers for his orders.  So he figured they didn’t have a problem.
The other Paladin put a hand on his shoulder and Saedi turned to look at him.  His face was grim but not angry.
“Be careful young one.  We are the newcomers here.  They have their ways, and we have ours.” The Paladin said in a sermonizing voice.
“Chk….” Saedi scoffed. “To hell with their ways.  A delight for cruelty and a taste for torture are the sorts of things that started this mess.  Don’t get me wrong, I will destroy legions of their pitiful soldiers and guards.  I’ll dangle a heal potion just out of reach as I slowly push my sword into their heart.  But I won’t, and will not allow the torture of prisoners and civilians.  Period.  Now take your hand the fuck off me before I take it off of you.”
The other Paladin backed slowly away.  Somewhere deep inside Saedi was glad, this Paladin was much more powerful than he, the fight would probably be short and wouldn’t end the way Saedi would want it to.
“Alright, I’m not here to fight my own kind.  Just choose your battles carefully.  An ally, once lost, may be difficult to regain.”  Spoke the Paladin softly.
“Yeah, Yeah…” Said Saedi as he walked away.
The rest of the morning went smoothly.  The prisoners were moved to a smaller encampment a small way from the main camp, it was set back into the cliff side and more easily defended.
He watched the assault force march and felt momentarily jealous.  But this was a snatch-and-grab mission, not really his style in the first place.  This was a job for the stealthy, naturey types.
The secondary camp was comfortable; there were rations and a small spring to bring water from.  A campfire blazed brightly in the early morning light.  He sat down near the fire and surveyed the area.
There were no major incidents early that morning.  But considering that the Alliance forces probably marched at nearly the same time as their forces did, he figured noon to be the earliest time for an engagement.  And so he took out a sharpening stone and began to hone his blade. 
It was an imposing weapon, nearly as long as he was tall and nearly four inches across.  It had been crafted of mithril and truesilver, sharp enough to rend flesh and scale, and heavy enough to break bone and rock.  It had been a gift from the Warchief, Sujin.  He held it into the air and watched the never ending illusion of blood dripping down the blade, part of a powerful enchantment laid upon it when it was given to him.  The enchantment strengthened him, forcing more power from his body, making the sword even more deadly.  It had served him well.
As he was honing his weapon he saw the young Orc bringing food to the prisoners, probably a punishment for doing something stupid.  As he approached the cage, the Gnome prisoner quickly took her food and stuck out her tongue at the Orc.
The Orc began to pull his fist back to strike the Gnome, but she let out a shriek and pointed away from them.  Following her gesture quickly brought the Orc’s gaze to meet Saedi’s glare, as he continued to sit and sharpen his blade.  It wasn’t long before the warrior tucked tail and ran.
A cry broke the silence of the camp and several figures were spotted running across the beach.  They were spread out quite a bit, forcing the defenders to widen their circle and split up.
The attackers were still outnumbered, but their tactics were sound.  Saedi decided this must be the first wave of enemies.  More would be coming.  It had just begun.
As the rest of the defensive team rushed to meet the attackers, Saedi stuck near the prisoners, waiting for someone to break through the line.
And then someone did, a freezing blast of cold tore across his arm, sending him spinning.
He looked up to see a human Mage standing on the rocks above the camp, his hands blazing with arcane fire.  A look of sadistic glee was spread across his face.
Saedi had seen this spell before and he rushed forward to intercept it.  A torrent of heat and death rushed towards them.  Just before the spell hit the prisoners, the fire parted and spread around them, scorching the earth and burning the campsite to the ground.  As the smoke and flame cleared Saedi stood in the midst of it, wrapped in a shield of conjured divine energy.
The Mage roared in his unfamiliar language, screaming at his plan being foiled.  “Ai Pwn U Nub!”
Saedi didn’t speak their foul language but he was sure whatever had been said wasn’t very nice, so he glared and threw a spell.  There was a flash of light as he conjured his Hammer of Justice, stunning the Mage and knocking him off his feet.
It was unlucky for the Mage, then to be standing on a cliff.  As he plummeted to the earth Saedi drew his sword and let it rend flesh, cloth, and bone.  The mage died before he hit the ground. 
The Paladin didn’t understand it.  How could these monsters be let to live.  The Human didn’t even care if he killed his own people, as long as he got his foe.
Suddenly something grabbed ahold of his leg.  He spun quickly to face the new foe, but was surprised to find the Gnome clinging to his leg, weeping quietly.  She had apparently escaped when the blast damaged the cage around her.  The Dranei and the Human women were both still in the cage, the damage hadn’t been extensive.
They cowered as his sword flashed, surprised when the cage parted and fell to the ground.  He beckoned them from the wreckage of the cage and pulled the gnome from his leg, pointing to a small niche behind a rock.
They nodded their agreement and huddled behind the rock, still weeping in fear and exhaustion.
Saedi looked at his arm and grimaced.  He definitely wished Killish was here.  The flesh was torn and frostbite blue.  He hadn’t even bled, the ice was too cold.
His mana was running low but he knew he should heal himself before drinking another mana potion.  Those potions were hard on the body, so it was better to be at full health before using one.
He began the spell to heal his wounds, but it wasn’t long before he was interrupted yet again.
He felt his mind go numb, but somewhere beneath the curtain of fog that had spread across his senses, he felt cold steel slip between his ribs.  His eyes grew wide as he fell to his knees.
‘Stand up you fool!’ He screamed within his own mind, ‘It’s just a Rogue.  We’ve seen them before, we’ve fought them before.  You just got stupid and let one sneak up on you.’
He knew the Rogue was raising a blade now.  He could feel the poison on the tip, knew the pain it would cause as it liquefied his intestines.
‘Stand up goddammit!’
He rolled forward and spun just in time to miss the dagger that flashed past him.  He felt burning spots on his neck where the poison had dripped.
A Night Elf stood before him.  She didn’t look happy at his quick recovery.
He didn’t like to kill women at the best of times, but then, he didn’t like getting stabbed much either.
She braced herself for a lunge.  He summoned forth an aura of destruction and pain around himself and drew upon holy might to brace him.  His mana supply was gone.  This would be work.
She came in quickly and he blocked what he could, unfortunately he was much slower with his greatsword and she had him on the defensive.
He blocked what he could and took the rest of the blows on his more heavily armored areas like shoulders and wrists.  When he had a moment he tried to slash at her.  But she was skilled; she evaded or parried his slower blows.
Her eyes held malice to match his own.  And she smiled sweetly at him, batting her eyelashes mockingly.
He continued evading, refusing to press the attack too much, only when he had a good opening.  Back and forth they fought through the clearing, her on the offensive and him defending.  He’d developed several small cuts on the places where his armor was the thinnest and the blood flowed freely.
And then he took a step, moving forward faster than she could fathom.  She jigged back to avoid the blow she expected.  A startled cry rolled from her lips as she fell, her ankle caught on the remains of the cage.
Her head struck the rocks of the campfire with a resounding crack and she lay stunned from the blow.  Disbelieving hatred filled her eyes as it dawned on her she’d been outsmarted.  A tear rolled down her cheek as Saedi lowered his sword swiftly.
Saedi drank a mana potion immediately.  Even as he drank it, he could feel it making him sick, arcane energy flowed quickly through his bruised and broken body.  He cast a minor healing spell to brace his body and burn off some of the excess mana.  He felt better after that, but his wounds still had him worried.
He didn’t have time for the healing rituals that would be necessary to bring him back to health.
The small snap of a twig caught his attention and he spun to face the new challenger.
However, the spinning hadn’t been a good idea and his vision blurred.  He staggered and widened his stance to keep himself on his feet and peered through the fog at the approaching opponent.
His sword was quickly batted aside and fell to the ground as he tried to swing it towards the opponent.  He fell to his knees and felt the end draw near.  He had begun to sweat heavily as he reached towards where he’d seen his sword fall.  He wouldn’t go out without a fight.
He opened his eyes a moment later and looked at the other Paladin.
“Umm… thanks.” Saedi said, feeling stupid.
“What in the hell are they teaching you in the order these days?”  Asked the other Blood Elf, “Don’t you recognize the signs of poison?  C’mon, a purify spell was all it took.  This is basic stuff.”
“Yeah, I get it.  So don’t go getting’ all preachy on me.” Saedi huffed, “I’m of the Order of Retribution, not some healing sissy from the Holier-than-thou side of things.  I don’t always remember I have healing spells… or immediately remember how to cast them.”
The Paladin closed his eyes for a moment to calm himself.
“Alright, fine, whatever.  Just get up and let’s get back to watching for Alliance.”  He helped Saedi up and cast a healing spell on his wounds.
“We’ve wiped out most of the first wave, a few escaped, but they’re in no shape to fight unless they’ve got healing potions or a priest with them.  We only lost one, so we’re doing fairly well.  But I expect another wave before too long; I’m also beginning to believe we are outnumbered.”
Saedi looked over at the Paladin with disbelief.
“What makes you think that?” He asked.
“Huh?” The Paladin had apparently stopped paying attention to him. “Oh… well, they tried a direct assault.  These weren’t fast moving stealthed units like we sent.  They had Warriors and Mages.  They believe they have enough of a number advantage to break us.”
“Well…. That sucks.” Saedi responded.
It was the Paladin’s turn to stare in disbelief.  Then he busted out laughing.
“Yes…” He said through teary eyes.  “That certainly does suck.”
After a moment he looked back at Saedi.
“You Retribution types don’t really care about the numbers, and strategy, and tactics, do you?” He asked.
Saedi thought long and hard about that.
“Ummm…… Nope.”  He said.  “We really just kinda channel as much energy as we can and kill whatever moves until the battle is over.”
The Paladin sat down on a rock and leaned back.
“Oh, if only it were that easy for the rest of us.”  He sighed amusedly. “Bet you’ve wished from time to time that you’d been born into a warrior society like the Orcs.”
Saedi cringed, and stammered, “Oh hell no…. then I’d be green… and smelly… and… and… to lose my beautiful hair…. Ewww…”
The Paladin laughed again.
“You are a strange one.” He said.
Saedi smiled, “Oh shit.  The prisoners.” He said.
He ran over to the cliff and checked behind the rock, two of the prisoners were there.  But the Gnome…
“Shit, Fuck, Goddammit!” He cursed loudly.  “You, ummm… Protecty face… C’mere.”
“Did you just call m…” The Paladin began.
“Yeah, I did, deal with it, and stay here, watch these two.  I gotta go find the fuckin’ Gnome.”  Saedi said as he dashed off.
A few minutes later he found himself in the forest searching through the brush and dirt for a sign of the Gnome prisoner.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, why the hell did I end up doing a hunter’s job?”  He asked himself quietly.
Then he found the foot prints, they were small, and he hadn’t seen any Goblins around here lately, so it made them the most sensible option.
And so he found himself running through the forest, following footprints that were nearly impossible to see, dashing into enemy territory, probably to certain death surrounded by legions of enemies.
“Ha ha, and Mond’s gonna miss it.”  He said quietly to himself.
He found her lying in the middle of a clearing.  He started to run over to her and she began making crazy gestures.  Shaking her head back and forth and pointing at him.  As he neared her the gestures became more frantic and she began to squeal.
“Hey!” He said, exasperated, “I don’t speak fuckin’ Gnome, your gestures don’t mean anything to me…”
“I think she was tryin’ to tell ya about us.”  Said a gruff voice from behind him.
Saedi turned to see the Orc from this morning standing there along with a Tauren and a Troll.
“Oh, good.  I thought I was the only one who’d come out after her.  And I’m kinda lost, so I hope you guys know the way back.” Said the Blood Elf.
“We know the way back, point-ear, but you ain’t comin’ back.”  Said the Tauren, a massive shield strapped to his back next to a vicious looking hammer.
“Whadda ya mean, ain’t comin back?” Saedi asked in disbelief, “Did the Captain send you guys to give me more orders?  I’m tired.”
The Orc, beginning to look really annoyed, pulled his blade and said, “Listen, I don’t think you get the point…”
At this point Saedi’s voice broke to a whisper, “Oh, I get the point.”
Cold swept down the Orc’s spine as he glanced at Saedi’s face, his half lidded eyes and lover’s smile, he knew there was something wrong, that something had changed.  He tried to yell, “Atta…”
But he was cut off by a whisper that shook his mind and deafened his soul.  Like a thousand gentle caresses layered one on top of another until pleasure became pain.
“Repent.” Came the sound, like the ghost of a command.
The Orc could see a flash of white and then two blinding flashes of gold through the haze, but when it cleared, all he saw was Saedi, covered in blood like it had been raining the stuff and smiling sweetly.
Fear took him and he wanted to run, but he couldn’t.  He tried to cry out, to pray, but he failed.
He managed a step back from the slowly approaching Blood Elf, and another, until he was pinned between the demon in front of him and a tree behind him.  It was a small tree, but he hadn’t yet regained the focus for such difficult maneuvers as going around things.
He flinched as Saedi placed a hand on each of his shoulders.  He shivered as Saedi leaned slowly towards him; and he began to cry when the Paladin placed his lips as close as a lover’s to his ear, and let out whisper that could have been a kiss.
“I told you to leave the prisoner alone… didn’t I? It’s okay, just nod your head.  See, doesn’t it feel nice to tell the truth?  Aww… no crying.  It’ll all be over soon.”  Came the sweet words as Saedi began to apply gentle pressure to the Orc’s throat with one gauntleted hand.
The Warrior looked up quickly from his sobbing as the pressure began to increase.  The Paladin just smiled happily at him.
He began to struggle violently but he couldn’t break the iron grip on his throat.  He started screaming as the Paladin’s aura flowed across him, and holy energy flowed from him, consecrating the area and searing flesh.
“Shhh….  It’s alright.” Saedi said comfortingly.
The Orc grabbed at his throat and clawed at the Paladin’s gauntlets, but to no avail.
“You know, someone recently told me something.  And I think he was half right.” Saedi whispered. “And so I’m going to tell you what I’ve discovered.”
The Warrior’s eyes bulged and his green skin began to turn blue.
“An ally, once lost,” He whispered as he leaned even closer, “Might fuckin kill you.”
And with that he ripped the Orc’s throat from his mangled and cooked body, rending flesh and letting blood flow down his tabard and armor.
He smiled and let out a sadistic cackle.
He collected the Gnome and made his way back towards the camp.  He didn’t meet any sentries on the way, so he figured where those three had been stationed.
“What the Hell happened to you?” Asked the Protection Paladin.
“Umm… Huh? Oh, another mage.” Saedi said, “Yeah, sorry, little drained from the fight.  Here’s the Gnome.”
But the Gnome wouldn’t let go of his leg, she hugged him with all her strength and smiled up at him, batting her eyelashes.
“Ummm….” Saedi said.
“I think you just got yourself a little Gnomish groupie.” Said the Paladin.
“Chk… Shut up protecty face.” Saedi responded, which only caused the Paladin to laugh.
Before long the assault team had returned with the prisoners, telling tales of victory and heroism.  They had wiped out the original Alliance squad that had attacked Orgrimmar.
And soon after, the Captain was contacted by the Alliance in Astranaar, who wished for a temporary truce and prisoner exchange.  The Captain was feeling generous, and they were offering a lot of gold for the prisoners.  So it was agreed.
Saedi was picked for the team to exchange prisoners, mostly because the Gnome was following him around like a lost puppy.
And so they marched, it only took a few hours and they’d reached the scheduled meeting place.  Gestures were made and things were said.  Saedi didn’t understand any of it, he was pretty sure they were just making shit up at this point.
And then it was time to give up the prisoners, the Dranei and the Human ran to their families, sparing only a quick but appreciative glance his way. The Gnome didn’t want to leave, she hugged his leg with all her strength and wouldn’t let go.
The rest of the Horde had retreated with the gold, leaving Saedi to remove the Gnome from his leg by himself.
Finally, amidst much alliance giggling and the occasional ‘aww-that’s-cute noise’, he managed to get the Gnome away from his leg.  He flashed her a smile and she ran off to her family, waving happily.
He raised his arm to wave back when time suddenly became very still and everything seemed to have a strange echo to it.  His mind began to drift to all the things he had to do.
‘I still have to make those thrice-blasted serpent blades for Ashnak and Tewinnin.’ He thought, ‘And I wonder if Voodoo has any new mana potions?  Mine’re running low, gotta be careful about that.’
‘Gotta duel Killish, and I’m gonna win this time.  I don’t care what it takes.  Where does Voodoo get that super sticky glue?  That might work.’
‘Shit, I promised I would help Mondlowin with her quests in Stranglethorn, I hope she hasn’t left without me.  She’ll be pissed.”
‘Why is the Gnome Crying?  And why do I suddenly feel so very, very cold?’
‘Oh, damn… Sujin’s gonna…’
“Sorry Mond.” He whispered just before the arrow ripped through his chest, leaving a hole that steamed with arcane residue and dripped with blood.
It seemed that at least one of those Alliance Bastards didn’t know the meaning of a cease-fire, and he was paying the price for it.
The last thing he saw before the darkness took him was his little Gnome friend running to embrace him, tears streaming down her face.

“Aww….” Said Saedi, finding himself lying on a stone slab somewhere in Ashenvale. “But…”
“Demoted again.”
Saedi sighed and opened one eye to look up at Sujin. “Nice to see you too Warchief.”
“Let me be askin’ you a question mon.  What would you say if you got a message from de Night Elfs in Astranaar dat said, come git yer Paladin, He done got hisself killed?” Asked Sujin.
“Ummm…” Saedi stammered, “….Demoted?”
“Exactly, mon.  Guess You ain’t a completely useless afta all.” And with that Sujin smiled a big tusky smile and lifted him up to a sitting postion.
“Hey, Mon! What you be thinking?” Came a pretty troll voice, “don’t you think dat dyin’ gonna get you outta your promise to help me.”
“And I’ll be coming along.  We’ve got some dueling to do along the way.”  Said Killish from behind her.
“That’s right mon, and you be needin’ to mine somma dat iron on de way for dem Serpentblades you done promised to Ashnak and Tewinnin.” Said Mondlowin with a big smile.
“Sujin,” Saedi asked, “Can I go back to being dead?”


*I do not own, or claim to own an rights to World of Warcraft, which is owned by Blizzard Entertainment*
© Copyright 2008 Warren Lynx (chaoticshadow at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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