Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1486852-Mr-Perfect
by Tay
Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1486852
This story is about a princess :) trying to find "Mr. Perfect." More to come later!
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is chapter one of my story. My friend and I started it last year and hopefully you'll like it! Please review :)

                                    CHAPTER ONE

    "I can't believe we're having to do this. Can she not find her own husband?"

    "Hey. She can't go by every house to find one. She has 'princess' things to do. 'Princess' duties to fill. That's why her parents sent us. We have no lives, Lou."

    "Ha. We have lives. They just suck."

    Two of the king's men had been sent out to find Riley, the princess of the town of Windshine, two suitors. Her parents wanted Riley to feel as if she had a say in the matter by choosing from two.

    "I'm so tired of this! I swear, Jack, I'm going to pick the next guy who walks in front of me."

    "You mean him?"

    Lou looked to where Jack pointed and saw a tall blonde boy walking out of a carpentry shop. "Oh...We can't use him. He's a carpenter. The king and queen would never go for that."

    "Sure they would." Jack said. "We just have to find another guy that's better, and one that riley will choose over him."

    They looked again at the boy. His hair was long and almost covered his cerulean eyes. He was in good shape, but his hands looked raough, worn from the wood he carpentered.

    "That shouldn't be too hard." Jack said under his breath. Then he yelled out for the young man. "Hey!"

    The boy turned around. He raised his eyebrows as if asking. "Yeah?"

    "Come here!" Loud motioned with his hands.

    They walked towards each other and met in the middle of the street. "Hey. I'm Lou and this is Jack." They shook hands. Surprisingly his hands weren't rough at all. "What's you  name, son?"

    "Jake. Jake McAdams. What do you men need?"

    "We were sent by King Matthew and Queen Jacqueline to find thier daughter, Riley, a suitor. She's seventeen and of proper marrying age."

    "And you need me to help you find one, huh? Yeah, if you just walk up the road a few more blocks, ou'll come to the rich side of town and I'm sure you''ll find one there." Jake turned around to go, but he felt a hand on his shoulder.

    Jack turned him back around, "Ha. No, son. We don't need your help finding one. We've come to ask if you'll be one. The king and queen wish for us to get two so Riley will feel included in the, you know, choosing of her future husband."

    "What? You want me to be a choice for a princess? I'm not a prince. I don't even have to coins ot rub together. I'm just a carpenter."

    "That doesn't matter. We think you'd be a pretty good choice for Riley. You've got a steady job, which you'd give up anyway. But it shows you have good work ethic. And that's what this kingdom needs. You look like you're in decent shape. Which shows you won't keel over anytime soon. I think you're in the clear." Lou said.


    "Ha. Don't mention it."

    "Well I guess it won't hurt anything for me to go."

    "Good! Just meet us at the palace gates early tomorrrow. We'll be waiting for you. Wear something nice, you know? To impress the princess. I'm sure you can conjure up something."

    They walked off with a wave and left Jake standing in the middle of the road, speecheless. how could he impress the princess with his clothes? Or anything else of his for that matter? he had nothing that could compare to anything of hers. Just think, he though, me standing in front of the princess in my tattered rags. She would laugh me out the front door. How is this going to work?

                                          * * *

    After three hours of searching the rest of the town, Lou and Jack sat down on the side of the road. "this is ridiculous. WE're going to need a miracle to find the 'perfect' boy."

    Just hten, as if God heard them, the "perfect" boy walked psast. His short dark hair accentuated his gleaming hazel eyes. His skin; the perfect shade of caramel, his jawbone; perfectly aligned with his mouth, and his face; perfect. Lou and Jack had found the perfect suitor.

    "Found him!" Jack yelled.

    "Are you kidding me? You found the other kid!"

    "Excuse me?! You're the one who said the next one to walk in front of you was yours!"

    "Oh the heck I didn't! You're the one who poin-"

    "Aw, shut up! Who cares! We'll both take the credit! But he's getting away!" Jack and Lou ran after "Mr. Perfect" hoping to find he wasn't already taken. But Mr. P kept going. He was walking faster than Jack and Lou were running. Finally, they caught up with him and almost knocked him down when he stopped in front of his house. It was huge. A mansion. He looked down at them panting in the dirt. They had to take turns talking through breaths.

    "Hey. We were-"

    "-wondering if you-"

    "-would be a-"

    "-suitor for prince-"

    "-cess Riley."

    Mr. P stared at them with gawking eyes, trying to retain the infrmation. "Uh...Why isn't she asking me herself?"

    Jack stood up, after finally catching his breath, "Her parents sent us to find two suitors because Riley has things to do."


    "Yean." Lou chimed in, "her parents want to have a choice."

    "So you want me to come with you so I might have a chance with the princess?"

    "Oh no. You will get the princess. The other guy doesn't stand a chance against you. He's just a carpenter."

    "Ha. I guess you're right. He wouldn't stand a chance against me...Jonathan Bryce Phillips....the third."

    Lou's jaw dropped, "Did you say Jonathan Phillips?"


    "So you're the grandson of Jonathan Phillips the first, and son of Jonathan Phillips the second?"

    "The one and only."

    "So you're royalty basically?"

    "Oh yeah...A Duke." Jonathan realized he sounded a little too proud. "Not that big a deal though, really."

    "Ha! It is a big deal!" Jack yelled, "You have NO competition! It's in the bag! You're in the clear! Who wouldn't pick royalty over a carpenter?! Haha! This is great!" Jack fought back the urge to let go and dance in circles in the street. "Just like the king and queen ordered."

    "What do you mean? Just like the kings and queen ordered?"

    "Well, you can't tell the other guy, but, the king and queen told us to pick two guys. But they also said to...kind of rig the game, you know? Pick a guy that's clearly beter than the other. Just so there won't be any conflict between the girl and her parents."

    "Oh. Ha. I like that."         

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope you guys enjoyed it!!! I know I did writing it. Please review and make suggestions ;)
© Copyright 2008 Tay (taytay218 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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