Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1486051-Alex-and-Yohanna-Chapter-5-PART-ONE
Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1486051
Yohanna's doing anything so her best friend can be hapy even sacrifying her own hapiness.
Chapter 5:


I felt someone’s arms on me, they were strong and they held me as if not wanting to hurt me. I tired opening my eyes but my dream felt so good that I stopped trying.
“It’s time to wake up,” I heard the familiar voice.
“What? Aren’t I dreaming?” I asked the voice.
“You are really weird you know,” Alex said.
“What?” I said opening my eyes.
Alex was there and I was lying in my bed. Had I been dreaming or had he really been here? Maybe I still was.
“I don’t see why you even have a bed you seem to sleep better on your window.”
“That is so not funny, my neck hurts,” I said twisting my head, “what are you doing here?’
“Oh Aunt Clara asked me to wake you up. It’s late already you know.”
“What time is it?” I asked
“You have thirty minutes to get ready before we head of to school,” he said.
It was my second day of school and I already felt like I couldn’t stand school anymore. It was my fourth day in Harbor Springs, Michigan and nothing had happened to me. I wish something happened in this town every time I came, but nothing ever did
“Okay then, I guess you need to get out for me to change,” I said.
He walked out the door but before he could reach the door I asked “why did you move me when you were just going to wake me up?”
“I don’t know exactly,” he replied.
“I mean you were going to wake me up right?”
“No, I was going to set you in your bed and turn your alarm on,” he said smiling at the thought.
“Then I’m glad you woke me up,” I replied.
“Yeah so am I, I heard more than I was suppose to,” he said walking faster.
He was already gone, I knew he had heard me but still he didn’t turn back.
We ate breakfast without a word, not even aunt Clara spoke to us. I washed dishes before leaving to school, it wasn’t my job since I did the cooking but I felt like it.
Our ride was quiet and I felt uncomfortable again, I didn’t even try the deal he had given me last night. We got to school and I saw Jessica rushing to the office, was she in trouble? I hoped she was it would make my day better than the rest. Just then Alex grabbed my hand and rushed to the office too. What was he doing, he knew I didn’t want to even see Jessica? I tried to pull myself away from him.
“Don’t you want to know what character you got?” he asked surprised.
“Yeah, but why are we headed that way,” I looked over to where Jessica was standing, there was more people there. A paper was posted in the office window, it was the theatre parts, “oh I thought, never mind let’s go check.”
“Why did you think I was taking you over there for?” he asked still walking to the office.
“I didn’t get any part why do you want me to go?”
“Just curiosity, you really tried,” he said with a smile.
We walked faster now, I saw Jessica eying both me and Alex. Had she gotten the part, she seemed as if she was happy or was it a fake smile?
“I got what I wanted,” she said turning to Suzy.
“Hey you got Juliet,” Alex said turning to me.
“What, I did?” I said turning to the paper, “I did,” I looked over to Jessica who was now wining something to her sister.
She was really mad she was faking the smile how could I have not known that, I was good with fake facial expressions.
“So what did you get?” I heard Lucy from behind.
“This should make her happy,” I whispered to Alex.
“So you did it for her?” he whispered back.
“Hey Lucy how are you doing, did you get my message last night?” I asked trying not to think about Alex’s question.
“Yes,” she said with a beautiful smile, “thanks Alex it will be great going with you to prom.”
“Yes it will, can we speak for a while?” he asked Lucy, but he was looking at me, “you know about prom.”
“What?” I asked to myself but realized I was talking too loud.
“I know you don’t want to go with Eric, maybe you should tell him you had already planned going with Bruce,” Lucy suggested.
“No I can’t do that. He would get mad at me, plus Bruce is taking ‘Suzy’. I can’t believe I can’t think of anyone else, I’m going to feel weird with him now.”
“Wait I thought you had always wanted to go with him, you know the dream come true,” Lucy said.
“Um, I don’t think we should be discussing this in front of strangers,” I said turning to Alex.
“Oh sorry,” Lucy apologized.
“Are we going to talk or what?” Alex asked Lucy
She turned to me for my permission.
“You don’t have to ask for my permission you know. It’s you life.”
“I don’t want to leave you alone with them around,” she said.
“I can take care of myself,” I said.
“I kind of noticed that yesterday,” she replied with a smile, “see you second period.”
“Yeah sure,” I said
I walked to my class by myself, but not for long.
“I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into,” Suzy said.
“I think I know better than you do,” I turned to her, “why did you tell Bruce all of those lies?” I asked.
“Because he loves me,” she answered
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Whatever I am here to talk about the play,” she said looking frustrated, “I want you to quit.”
“You are so crazy. What makes you think I would do that?” I asked laughing at her.
“I can have Jessica give her spot up in the year book that way you and Lucy can do it together,” she suggested.
“What makes you think I want the position now? Plus Lucy and I have a lot of things to do together.”
“I was just saying so you didn’t have to kiss your best friends date to prom,” she said with a small frown.
I hadn’t thought about the kissing part, but I knew I wasn’t going to let Jessica do it.
“I think Lucy will understand,” I said.
“You seem to want to kiss Alex, I mean you guys spent a lot of time together. Does Lucy know that you and Alex went somewhere together last night?” she asked.
“Are you stalking me?” I asked, “Or Alex? How would you know where we went?”
“So she doesn’t know,” she said with a smile.
“No, but we just went to get my car back,” I said.
I walked faster but I felt something grab my hand tight.
“Let go, I am done talking to you,” I said to Suzy.
“I thought you weren’t mad at me,” Bruce said.
“Sorry,” I apologized turning to face Bruce, “I didn’t know it was you.”
“Who did you think it was?” he asked.
“No one,” I said laughing.
“You’re lying again,” he said hugging me, “why do you do that you know I can tell when you’re lying.”
“I don’t know I can never get used to it.”
“Bruce I need to go to class, I don’t want to be late,” Suzy urged.
“Don’t you have Yohanna for first period?” he asked.
“I don’t know I didn’t notice her yesterday,” she replied.
She was such a liar. How could he see straight through my lies and not hers? I was a better liar than she was.
“I do have her first period,” I said, “I thought you had noticed since you were glaring at me with a weird face the whole time. Maybe you were glaring at Alex who was on the other side.”
“No I was looking at the teacher actually,” she said.
“Oh that must have been difficult since I do sit in the back and the teachers desk is set in the very front of the room,” I laughed at how little sense she was making.
“Yohanna remember the message from yesterday?” Bruce asked looking annoyed, “well can you start that thing you said you would do for me right now.”
Of course I had promised not to be rude, I regretted it then.
“Of course Bruce anything for you,” I said giving Suzy a wicked smile.
“Whatever, let’s go Bruce,” was all Suzy could say, she grabbed his arm and twisted it around hers.
“Come on Yohanna, let’s go,” Bruce said grabbing my arm and twisting around his..
“This feels wrong,” I said with a smile.
“Leave some for us Bruce you’re not the only senior around,” Juan said from behind.
He was cute and out of my league, that was the reason I never even thought about dating him. Juan is one of Bruce’s ‘best friends’ as we girls called them. They have known each other since they were kids.
“Hey Juan,” I said in a flirtatious voice.
“Hey Yo so I heard your back,” he said looking at me.
“Sorry but could you call me Yohanna?” I asked politely.
“Okay,” he said smiling back, “hello Yohanna so I heard your back, and even prettier than before.”
I smiled at him and tried to unhook myself from Bruce’s arm but he was now holding on tight. What is wrong with him? I tried harder but couldn’t, so I just gave him one of my fake smiles. Bruce new when I was lying he would realize how fake my smile was. When he did he still stayed standing there even when Suzy was hurrying him to get to class. I wondered what was wrong with him he looked worried. I turned to Juan and he was still there and behind him I saw Alex coming towards us. Great I thought now I would get caught by Alex flirting with Juan.
“Hey Alex glad you’re here,” Bruce said relieved, “would you walk Yohanna to her class I heard you guys had the same classed.”
Bruce was giving Alex a warning look, and I saw Alex glancing at Juan. What did Bruce mean? I was so confused I didn’t even paid attention to them anymore, whatever was going on they didn’t want me to know. Bruce let me go and I hurried to Juan side, he was even better looking up close. Juan’s Mexican, tall, light skinned, he had the best gray eyes I had ever seen, and his muscles where a little bit bigger than Alex’s.
“Juan would you walk me to class, I don’t like being babysat,” I said looking at both Alex and Bruce.
“NO!” Bruce yelled.
“Bruce what’s wrong dude?” Juan asked.
“You know what's wrong Juan,” Bruce hollered.
“You know what I’m leaving I’m going to be late to class,” I said turning away from all of them.
“Wait I’ll walk you,” Juan called from behind, “I mean if you still want me to.”
“It’s fine I don’t want you and Bruce to get in an argument because of me,” I said looking back at Bruce.
He was shaking his head, there had to be something wrong with him. I turned back to Juan and he had a hand ready for me to twist mine around. I took one last glance backwards and now Alex was at Bruce’s side, Suzy was gone, I could tell Bruce was telling Alex something about Juan because he looked at us. Our gaze met and for a second I could see Alex was worried too. What did Juan do to make them feel the need to protect me? There was nothing that could possibly happen to me now that could effect me more than what had already happened.
“Why is Bruce so mad at you for wanting to take me to class?” I asked Juan now looking at him.
“You will probably not talk to me afterwards,” he said looking at my eyes.
I could fall in love with him right now if I already didn’t feel something stronger for someone else.
“Try me,” I said.
“I have a long history of girls,” he said turning away.
“Is that it?” I asked and when he stayed quiet I kept talking, “my list is probably longer than yours.”
He laughed at my comment, and then turned back to me.
“I don’t know why I never looked at you as more than just a friend, you’re pretty mature.”
“Not many people think that,” I said tilting my head to Alex and Bruce, “they should know better than that, I can take care of myself.”
“So what are you doing this summer?” Juan asked.
“Same thing I always do. Shop and party with Lucy,” I said as if bored.
“You can always kick it with me. Hey isn’t Lucy that one girl who’s like your twin?”
“I think that’s a yes, but we aren’t twins,” I replied.
“I know, but besides the fact that you’re always together she kind of looks like you.”
“So I’ve heard,’ I said looking away.
We were almost in my classroom so I turned to him and asked him for a favor, “Would you take me home after school?”
“Sure why not, you still stay with your aunt don’t you?” he asked.
“Yes I do,” I replied with a smile.
“Then I guess I will see you after school I have to be heading to class,” he said smiling at me while walking a different direction, “what’s your last period?”
“Gym,” I answered.
“See you then,” he said turning back around.
I headed in for English class where most students had already started to do what was written on the board. I hated following directions it made me feel like if I had no other choice. I saw Alex in the other corner of the class he seemed pensive, what was he thinking I thought? It was probably better that I had started to talk to Juan, I didn’t feel comfortable with Eric anymore, and Juan was the only thing that could get me to think of something else besides Alex. I could not hurt Lucy, I had already promised to help her with him so what else could I do? English went like always, boring nothing different happened except for the fact that Suzy didn’t even turn to look at me. The bell rang and as usual I headed for Lucy, she was already waiting for me. It took her less time to get out of her class than it did me.
“You seem mad and happy at the same time,” she said confused, “did I miss something?”
“Yes,” I said turning to make sure Alex heard. I wanted him and Lucy to be together, I wouldn’t be mean to Alex on the contrary I would treat him like he treated me, like a friend. I would be only that to him a friend. I think it made me feel better if I helped Lucy with Alex, it made it seem okay that I wasn’t telling her my secret. Something Alex already knew and I wasn’t even close to him. I would still talk to Alex but more like cousins or maybe like a brother. “I spoke to Juan.”
“What the hot senior? Wow impressive I thought he was out of our league.”
“I know I think I want to go with him to prom,” I said.
“You wouldn’t do that to Eric,” Lucy said.
“Yeah I know but that is not what is stopping me,” I said, now looking at Alex besides Lucy, “what if he already has a date?”
“Doubt it,” Alex relied.
“How would you know?” Lucy asked him
“Bruce told me,” he answered me.
“I would ask him, but Eric will get really mad at me,” I said.
“This is bad you know when you have to choose between two guys,” Lucy complained.
“Try three,” I said turning to Alex.
“Wait who’s the other one?” Lucy now looked curious.
“No one I was just saying,” I answered.
When we got to journalism and the class was full already the bell hadn’t even rang. I saw Jessica look at Alex, and then I remembered she must be waiting his answer to the note.
“I think you need to give someone else the news,” I said glancing at Alex.
“What news?” Lucy asked.
I saw Alex giving me a warning look, but I didn’t know what he wanted so I just kept talking.
“You’re not the only one who wanted to go to prom with Alex,” I said turning to Jessica.
“Oh is that so, okay then lets give her the news.”
“That is not necessary I think I could do it myself,” Alex said.
He hadn’t wanted me to tell Lucy she had asked him. That is why he had given me that look. Oops I thought.
“Hey Jessica, do you have a date for the prom yet?” Lucy asked walking towards Jessica.
“I’m hoping I do,” Jessica replied looking at Alex.
“That’s great, Alex and I are going together,” Lucy said and paused to see Jessica’s reaction, “so who did you ask?”
“No one you may know,” she said turning away.
As much as I hated Jessica this seemed wrong, I could tell she was hurt especially because Alex was there. I looked at Lucy and she seemed satisfied, why did she do it? Did she like Alex so bad?
“Let’s go sit down,” I said dragging Lucy to her seat.
I heard Alex whisper something to Jessica, but I couldn’t tell what it was. I went to sit in my and turned on the computer I was the only one that sat there so I had to turn it on every morning. I couldn’t stop staring at Jessica, she seemed like she was in real pain.
“Class you know what you’re suppose to do so get started,” Mrs. Smith said.
“May I go to the restroom?” Jessica asked.
I stared at her in shock she was crying, not that you could tell only if you were like me. I stared at her and couldn’t help but feel sympathy I had too felt sad at the fact that Lucy was going to prom with Alex. Jessica left fast she didn’t even turn back to look if any one had seen her.
“You must be happy,” I heard Alex behind me.
“Not as much I wish I was,” I answered.
What was the point in lying?
“Are you ready to go?” he asked.
I turned to look for Lucy, maybe she could apologize, but she was gone already.
“I can’t believe what I’m about to do,” I said getting up from my seat, “Mrs. Smith can I go to the restroom before heading of to Harbor Springs middle school?”
“Sure,” Mrs. Smith answered.
I went to the restroom and heard Jessica sobbing. She didn’t even notice me, maybe this was my time to go back to the classroom, and I knocked lightly on the door.
“Who ever it is I don’t feel like talking,” Jessica said.
“I just wanted to see if you were okay,” I said.
“Sure you of all people want to know if I’m okay,” she paused, “I wouldn’t be this surprised if it was Lucy.”
“Well it’s not and she is not with me either,” I said trying to defend my self.
“What do you want?” she asked
“Just wondering if you’re okay,”
“I am so go away,”
“So why are you crying?” I asked
“Like you don’t know? I guess it won’t do me any good to lie now.”
“No it won’t,” I said, “come on Alex is not the only guy in this school there has to be someone else you want to go to prom with,” I said.
“No there wasn’t,” she said coming out of the restroom, “that is why I had asked him.”
“Oh, well you can try someone else,” I suggested.
“It’s not easy for everyone as it is for you,” she said.
“You know I didn’t come here to fight I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” I said ready to leave.
“No wait you’re right but why did you want to know if I was okay?” she asked.
“I know how you feel,” I said.
“I’m not going to ask how, but can you tell me what you do to stop hurting?”
“I’m going to prom with Eric,” I replied.
“It’s weird having this conversation with you my sister would probably get mad,” she said.
“Well then if you don’t want to talk to me then I am leaving.”
“No it’s not that,” she said, “who can I go to prom with?”
“I don’t know do you want to go with anyone else?” I asked.
“Not really I thought Alex would say yes,” she answered.
Just then I thought about Juan, he would want to go with her. Jessica wasn’t ugly; she looked like her sister but her olive skin made her prettier, Suzy was too white. Jessica and I were about the same tone I was a little lighter.
“I have someone, that would want to go with you,” I said smiling.
“Who?” she asked.
“His name is Juan you know Bruce’s best friend?” I said.
“That would be great if only I had the guts to ask him and I was sure he would say yes,” she said looking at me through the mirror, “I’m sure he is out of my league.”
“Yeah well I thought the same thing,” I assured her.
“I thought you would say something like you’re out of his league,” she answered with a smile.
“Why do you think I’m conceded?” I asked.
“I don’t but my sister does,” she answered.
“So why do you talk to me like that?”
“Because Suzy convinced me that you were mean and self centered. I actually thought about becoming your friend but then Suzy gets mad when I talk about you.”
“So you do like me?”
“I guess now I do, except you can tell my sister because she will be mad,” she said.
“Why would I tell your sister? You can’t tell Lucy either she will actually kill me,” I said jokingly.
We laughed at each other; it felt good to know that Suzy was the one who didn’t like me and not Jessica.
“So do you want me to ask Juan for you?” I asked
“Yes why not, there is nothing I could loose,” she sighed.
“Okay then go to the restroom in lunch and I will tell you then what he says,” I said walking to the exit.
“Thanks Yohanna, anything you need you can be sure I will be there to help as long as my sister doesn’t find out.”
I kept walking to the class where I knew Alex would be waiting for me with more than just one question. I was right his expression was more than curious when I was in his sight.
“If you ask me something I will be sure that you regret it for the rest of your life,” I said.
“Let’s go then,” he said.
We went to the middle school I had gone to when I was younger, it still looked the same. There were a lot of kids that looked too short to be in middle school. We got to the office and asked where the kids would be waiting for the interview.
“Aren’t we going to ask for directions to the library?” Alex asked.
“I came here when I was younger,” I said.
“Okay so where to?”
“This way.”
I led him to the library where many other kids were already waiting. All of the students were dressed in tuxedos or going out clothes it’s not like this was very important I thought. We started with the quietest kids, they didn’t seem to give us a hard time. The loudest we waited for last, it wasn’t that they were loud they just spoke more than the rest.
“Do you like her?” the 8th grader named Aaron asked.
“That is not something you can ask us,” I said.
“Film is still rolling,” Alex whispered.
“Sorry,” I replied.
“So how do you feel about heading to high school?” I asked Aaron.
“Oh I think it will be great if I find a beautiful girl like you. Don’t you think so?” he said turning to Alex.
“I think I agree,” Alex answered.
Why did I have to do this with him? It just made it more impossible to let Lucy go out with him.
“What do you hope to accomplish in high school?” I asked trying to focus on the question.
“You two do go out?” Aaron asked annoyed.
“Would you stop asking weird questions if I answer?” I asked.
“Only if the answer is yes,” he replied.
What this kid was probably two years younger than me and he was acting like a little kid.
“Okay then you caught us we are going out, she just doesn’t like telling people,” Alex answered before I could.
“Is that true?” Aaron asked turning to me.
“Yes it’s just that Alex annoys people with his comments and I don’t like for them to know that I date someone annoying,” I answered
“He doesn’t seem annoying to me,” the kid said.
“Okay you said if I answered you would stop, so now stop,” I commanded.
“Okay what else do you need to know?”
“You can start by answering the last question I asked you,” I said with a smile.
Aaron answered all the questions without any interruptions. I was relieved when I noticed he was the last kid in the library, I couldn’t deal with any more 8th graders. Alex followed me to his car, I hadn’t noticed the time and if we didn’t get to class in five minutes we would be late to government.
“Wait,” Alex said, “why are you walking so fast? You know you’re not the one carrying the equipment.”
“Oh for god’s sake it’s not even that heavy,” I said grabbing the camera equipment from his hands.
He was right it was heavy, but I didn’t let him see I was struggling. When we got to class, everyone was there waiting for us. What time is it I thought? Isn’t everyone supposed to be in 3rd period?
“Glad you’re in time we wouldn’t want to miss the video,” Mrs. Smith said.
“What video?” I asked.
“Yours who else would I be waiting for?” Lucy said.
“What video?” Alex repeated my question.
“The one you were suppose to take in Harbor Springs Junior high,” Mrs. Smith stared at us now.
They were going to watch the video now, everyone would watch the video. I thought about the 8th grader who had said all of the stuff the questions that were on the video. I had planned to cut those parts out.
“We don’t have enough time the bell is about to ring.” I said.
“Don’t worry I asked Mr. Gordon gave me 10 extra minutes,” she said winking at Alex and me.
Alex looked at me with the same shocking expression. I turned to Lucy and handed him the video.
“I am so sorry Lucy, we had to say it for the kid to shut up,” I apologized to Lucy as I pulled a chair close to hers.
“For what?” she asked.
“You’ll see.”
“Silence everyone I want to see this,” Mrs. Smith hushed us.
I took one last glance at Alex but he was facing the TV. I hated to have to let everyone watch the movie. That is what it was now a movie everyone would enjoy. The beginning was good the kid hadn’t shown up until the end.
© Copyright 2008 Martha Salas (lovelivelaugh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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