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Dialogue Contest 2007 - Co-Author QueenEve |
Interview with a Werewolf (Dialogue Contest: October 2007) (Co-Author: Queen_Eve) "Oh! What the…?! You scared me. Where are you running to so quickly?" "Woah! I thooought I... nevermind.” ’That’s right. Just a little longer.’ Whooo are you and what are you doooing out here this late?" "My name is Rosyani Kestar. I am on my way to visit a friend. Who might you be?" "Its full moooon tonight…”’And you will be my dinner. But damn, this part sucks.’ "Neat trick.“ ‘I really hate those magic ones that throw it in your face.‘ I know it's the full moon. I asked who you might be though." "I oooooown this land. Looooooore." ’Fuuuck!’ "Lore? That's pretty. What kind of magic makes you do that? Are you a shapeshifter?" ‘No, you stupid woman. What the hell do you think someone changing to wolf during a full moon means???’ "Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooon! Snrfff wurwoooooooooooo." ’God… I gotta get a handle on this speech stuff during moon.’ "What about the moon? Yes I know it's full. It's really lovely when it gets like that. Sometimes I think the moon is magical itself. Don't you think?" "snrrrff. Cooooooooourse." ‘Taking you out of the gene pool will be a favor to others.’ "Well, I suppose I'll be going. I can't be out too late. It's dangerous in the dark. Know what I mean?" ‘Uh, huh. You just now figuring that out?’ "Snrrrrff.. fuuuuuuuuuuud." "Food? I don't have any with me. I wasn't planning on being away from the house too long. I'm sorry." "Noooooooooooooo. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud." "Ummm...I don't quite understand. Is there food around here? And why are you looking at me like that? I really think you should do another trick and change back. You're scaring me." "Yoooooooooooou snnnrrff. Fuuuuuuud." "ME? I'm not food. I really think I should be going now.” ‘Maybe if I just back away slowly…’ "Yooou ruuuuuuuuuuuuun." 'Yes, run. Run as fast as you please. I do so love a good chase with dinner.' "What?? Run? Run where?!?” ’Dang it! All these trees look the same! Where is the exit?!?’ 'I should call the others for this one.' "HawwoooooooooooooooooooooÂooooooooo!" "Wait! What are you doing?" 'Hide.. Gotta find a place to hide…!’ 'You can't hide from my nose.... I will find you.' "Srrnff. Haawooooooooooooooooo!" ‘Aha! Gotcha.’ "Help me! Someone ple......" 'I.. I'm sorry Drache. I shouldn’t have stayed out so late…’ ‘Dont look at me like that Erik. I gave her warning and told her to run. Not my fault she didn’t listen. Really now… chatting away at a werewolf in the middle of moon cycle!' |