Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1485381-Sweet-Dreams
Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1485381
This is a chapter from a novel a began writing while on special assignment for the army.
Chapter 9-Sweet Dreams

Later that night……
The Fire light filled Craig’s living room giving it a warm romantic glow. On the table sat a bottle a cold Campaign and two glasses. Together Caroline and Craig laid side by side on there couch in front of the crackling logs and smoldering ashes that warmed the couple through and through. Simple laughter echoed off the hardwood floors and dissipated into the darkness that consumed the rest of the house. Craig smiled while he looked into to Caroline’s eyes. It is human nature to be drawn in by beauty and splendor, and the eyes are a perfect trap for the imagination. Because unlike skin and hair that ages and looses its silky texture and muscles that loose there tone, one’s eye’s never change. So the incredible green eyes that Caroline was born with are the same perfect eyes that looked into Craig’s now, and will always be hers until her end. Craig was wearing flannel pajama pants and a mismatching olive green IDF shirt that he had since he was a teenager. Despite the lazy attire and his untidy hair, Craig had a rugged appeal that Caroline could not get enough of. She was probably the only woman Craig had ever known that didn’t ever try to change him. Michael believed the reason they where so perfect for each other was because they accepted each other for who they really are. Caroline had always supported Craig in every venture of his life, and in turn Craig had protected her and been passionately faithful to her from the beginning. Together they had a beautiful home, great friends, and the beginning of a wonderful life with there family. What more could anyone ask for. Caroline let her hair down so it rested on her shoulders over the straps of her white tank top and laid her head on Craig’s chest. “I love you, you know” she said to him matter-of-fact-ly. “Oh really” Craig said “and all this time I thought you where using me for my body”. Caroline lifted her head and grinned, “No”, she paused, “ I mean, it’s a great body, but I’m more of a whole package girl”. “What are you trying to say about my package?” Craig jokingly shot back. “Ugh, there is no being serious with you” she said “look, you got me fat so you owe me a few seconds of your time. I just wanted to thank you for being so wonderful and to tell you how great it’s going to be to have another baby with you…” she paused waiting for a smart remark, but it never came. “I love you Darling” Craig said “I’m so glad I have you, because without you I would have been lost along time ago”. Caroline hugged him tightly then crawled up his chest in a slow tempting motion and softly kissed his lips. Then he pulled her into a stronger kiss, followed by another, and soon they where making out like high-school sweethearts at a dance. They were so lost in each other; they rolled right off the couch onto the floor. Before things got to wild Craig heard the pitter patters of little feet coming down the hall. He smiled at Caroline and got up to go meet Randy scurrying down the hall. The moment Randy saw his father’s figure he raced forward and leapt into his father’s arms. Craig scooped him up and carried him over to his mother. “What wrong sweetie” she asked “Did Daddy and I wake you up?” “No” Randy said “Mommy I had a bad dream. There was fire and people crying… I just wanted to be with you and Daddy because I was scared.”. “It’s ok” Craig said holding his son tight. “We’re right here, and we won’t let anything happen to you. Our house is safe, and besides no monster is brave enough to face mommy when she’s grumpy”. Randy giggled and Caroline smacked Craig playfully. Craig carried Randy back to his room and laid him in his bed. He tucked him in tight and kissed his forehead. “Daddy will you tell me a story” Randy asked. “Sure” said Craig, and he began “once upon a time, in the jungles of Vietnam, there were two marine sniper teams and…” he was cut off by Caroline “How about I tell the story tonight since Daddy wants to be a goober”. Randy laughed at his parents. Together they all sat around Randy’s bed listening to Caroline’s fairy-tail until Randy and Craig we’re fast asleep. When Caroline finished her story, she kissed Randy’s cheek, thanked God for another day and for her family, and then she snuggled into Craig’s arms, and fell asleep as well.
© Copyright 2008 Michael Hunter (ty8t at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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