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Rated: E · Other · Fanfiction · #1484846
I invite you to help with my Star Wars and TMNT knowledge so I can write a better story.
First thing's first, I would like to thank you for taking interest in in this project I am working on, and for any insight you can provide, for all are important do me and are imperative to how smoothly this story will be to write and how entertaining and accurate it will become.
Now I ask of you this favor, because both universes that I am blending together are so large and expansive and I only know and remember so much.  I have listed here all the Star Wars and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters, races, weapons vehicles, and even terms that I have matched with eachother and ones l have yet to find or compatable match.  Here is where you come in.
I ask you to please view my list and let me know of three things:
  1.  Any character, races, weapons, vehicles, and/or terms, be it Star Wars (all six episodes mainly, but any ones from the  books or tv  shows, or spinoff movies will help as well) or TMNT (early or new cartoon series's, the movies, the live-action tv show, or the comics), that I have not listed below, and if at all possible, where I would find them in the movies, books, etc.
  2.  Any compatable matches that I have yet to come up with and why you feel it is a good match.
  3.  Any questions as to why l chose certain matches, any suggestions as to better matches for a better story, and why.

Matches l have selected and marked with an asterix (*) over non-negotiable, I have chosen them for a reason, so don't bother trying to change my mind, but if you have questions as to why I made these selections feel free to ask them.

Teenage Alien Jedi Turtles Cast


S.W. Character - TMNT Character - TAJT Character
Luke Skywalker - Leonardo - Leonardo Skywalker *
                      - Raphael - Raphael Skywalker *
                      - Michealangelo - Michaelangelo Skywalker *
                      - Donatello - Donatello Skywalker *
Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker - The Shredder/Oroko Saki - Darth Shredder/Oroko Skywalker *
Princess Leia Organa - April O'Neil - Princess April O'Gana *
Captain Han Solo - Casey Jones - Captain Casey Jono *
C-3PO/R2-D2 - The Fugitoid/Professor Honeycut - FU-G2(Fu-geetoo)/ Professor Honeycut *
Chewbacca - Leatherhead - Leatherhead
Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious - Krang - Emperor Krang/Darth Lobus *
General Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi - Usagi Yojimbo - General Usagi ''Usaf" Yojimbo *
Master Yoda - Master Splinter - Master Splinter *
Jabba the Hutt - The Garbageman - Garba the Hutt
Greedo - Rocksteady - Roksted
          - Be-bop - Beebo
Storm Troopers - Foot-tech Ninja - Foot Troopers
Assajj Ventress - Slash - Slash
Master Mace Windu - The Silver Sentry - Master Mace ''The Silver Sentry" Windu
Jango Fett/Boba Fett - The Ultimate Ninja - Jango Fett/Boba Fett ''The Ultimate Hunter"
Grand Admiral Thrawn - Agent Bishop - Grand Admiral Bishop
Admiral Ackbar - The Ultimate Daimyo - Admiral Daimos
Owen Lars - Hamato Yoshi - Hamato Yoshi
Beru Lars - Shin - Shin Yoshi
Mara Jade - Karai - Karai Jade
The Death Star - The Technodrome - The Technodrome *
Galaxy - Dimension - Dimension *
Imperial Star Destroyers - Federation Starships - Imperial Star Destroyers
Clone Troopers - Foot Soldiers - Clone Soldiers
Captain Wedge Antilles - Ace Duck - Captain Ace Antilles
Emperor's Royal Guard - Shredder's Elite Guard  - Emperor's Elite Guard
Jawas - Uutroms - Jawas
Jar Jar Binks - Mondo Gecko - Mondo Binks
Imperial Logo - Foot Logo - Imperial Logo
Hyperdrive - Ion Burn - Iondrive
Lightsabers - Melee Weapons - Light Blades
Deathstar Canon - Transmaterial Teleporter - Transmaterial Teleporter *
                        - Federation Nuclear Fusion Bomb - Nuclear Fusion Bomb *

Unmatched Star Wars

Lando Calrissian
Mon Mothma
Qui-Gon Jinn
Schmii Skywalker
Padme Amidala
Darth Maul
Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus
General Grievous
Senator Bail Organa
Governor Tarkin

Unmatched TMNT

Genghis Frog
Attila the Toad
Napoleon Bonafrog
Doctor Baxter Stockman(old or new style, but not both)
Dirt Bag
The Soul Survivor
Mister Mortu
Screw Loose
Vernon Fenwick
Chief Sterns
Zakk "The Fifth Turtle"
Venus DiMilo
The Rat King
Maxamillion Winters
Pizza Monsters
The Guardians
General Blank
The Federation
Planet Dahunib
Cidion System
Federation Blasters
Federation Tanks
Alien Master Turtle
Alien Teenage Ninja Rats
Uutrom Batons
Duhanib Sewer Cleaning Robot
Notian Pleasure Gems
Federation Symbol
Triceraton Symbol
Triceraton Cruiser
Comander Mozar
Dahunibian Spicy Cheese Disc
Fedration Soldier Uniforms
Mock Han
Mock Chewie
Dahunibian Speeder
Triceraton Rocket Suit
Turtle Van
Shell Cycle
Triceraton Blaster
Triceraton Starship
Battle Shell
Triceraton Motherships
Enson the Triceraton Soldier
Triceraton Homeworld/Super-Mothership
Prime Leader Zanramon
Triceraton Cruisers
Zanramon's Cruiser
Raz the Triceraton
Zed the Triceraton
Raxam's Yum Stuff
Brutons (unit of distance)
Halic (unit of time)
Master Grool
Triceraton Electrowhip
Federation Fighter Ships
Federation Starships
Federation Docking Ships
Triceraton Transporter
Bonay of the Federation
Uutrom Starship
The Uutrom Navigators
The Oracle Pod Chamber
The Sword of Tengu
Uutrom Symbol

Thank you for your participation and may your dreams guide you!

333rd Legend
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