Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1484793-A-World-Beyond
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1484793
Jack is in a world of faries and is given the task of protecting the world beyond her own.
Chapter 1: New Kids

Hey! My name's Jack. I am a fourteen-year-old girl; not to be confused with a boy, and I would not say teen life is as great as I thought it would be. I am the oldest of three; I have two younger brothers that do not know when to quit. Well this story starts on my first day of high school.
"The teachers here are all so up tight and boring don't ya think?" Came a voice from behind me. "Hey, I'm Mike. You must be a freshman here. Am I right? “Came the voice again.
"Uh... oh yeah I am. Wow how could you tell that just from looking at the back of my head?" I replied sarcastically. I turned around to look at him and I was a little thrown off by his appearance. He sat on the front of his desk right behind me almost as if he were right on my back. His hair was a light reddish brown, with a small tint of black in some small places. It was all over his head and very wild looking.
"Well kid, what's your name?" He said snapping me out of my trance.
"Oh! I am Jack! And yes I know that's a guy’s name." I snap out to avoid that dumb question.
"I got the point when you said your name you didn't have to go that far kid!"
"Um... what year are you in here?"
"I'm a freshman too. What'd ya think I was a senior or something?"
“Uh...well yeah. Sorry I didn't mean any harm..."
"Don't sound all sad kid!" He jumped down from the desk. "No harm, no foul, kid." He snickered.

I don't know what it was but from that day forth Mike and I were inseparable. We had a lot of fun together just doing all sorts of stuff. However, as it always does fortune turned to misfortune, all the same as it would any other day. It was lunch period at school and of all people to bump into it just had to be Bill, the dumb, strong, rude, bully type. He bumped into me and had the nerve to get an attitude with me about it. "Hey! Watch where you're going ya dumb lil brat!" He bellowed in a deep forceful voice. "Or next time I'll grind you up like powder!"
"Ok. I'm sorry and I promise I'll be a lot more careful." I said in a weak but sarcastic voice as so not to invoke him into a fight.
"Yeah! You'd better or you will get this!" he yelled as he shoved me down to the ground with his fist.
"Hey!" Is all I could hear before I saw Mike fly out and punch Bill with what appeared to be his strongest punch, "Get out of here ya dumb ass, or I promise you I'll destroy you!" Mike yells out trying to look brave but looked just as frightened as any kid who tried to stand up to Bill. I can tell he was scared beyond wits end.
"Hmm...I hope you got a lot more to ya then that,” He said as he wiped the blood from his lip, "Cause if not I think I'll destroy you instead." Just then, he looked down at me as if I was the next target. Then back at Mike. "Oh I get it now. You dumb lil freshman all gotta stick together. What is that some kind of code of protection!" He bellowed and laughed loud enough to insight the entire lunchroom into laughter with him. "Well I now see how it will be but I'm an army of soldiers all in one so bring it on." He said smiling and pointed at Mike. And almost instantly after his body was covered in this bright blue light. With the light shining, so bright I was almost blinded. Mike who began to be covered in a light all of his own then snuffed out his light. A bright green light began to cover his body and him and Bill just stood there and looked at one another. Not moving for what seemed like a good ten minutes, was then broken when the two lights disappeared and mike just walked away. Mike just looked at me and smiled.
"Come on. Let's get to class." What the hell did I just miss? What the hell just happened there? Well all I know, that was weird and I need to find out what was going on.

The next day when Mike and I were walking home from school, he got a phone call that seems to really get him bent out of shape. He said repeatedly that it was nothing important, but I could tell from the look on his face and the way he went from happy go lucky to just down right upset. Someone did not have good news to tell him. He didn't even speak at all the rest of the way home. Then the day after that he was even more disturbed than before. He was a little more in a rush than usual. I finally got down to business and started to investigate what was the deal behind Mike and his sudden change of behavior. I have not found any info on him or his past that can be considered viable info that could be used to help me any. Man sitting at this computer searching through file after file to try to come up, or with some kind of background on him can be a bit more boring than I thought. Oh and I know this may look like a weird thing to do, but hey I got no choice but to find out about that damn light that surrounded him a couple days back.

Chapter 2: Mystery Child

It has been four months now. I've been looking into Mike's background and I've found out something strange, so I convinced my mom to let Mike come over for dinner... "Mike, my mom invited you to dinner tomorrow are you coming, well do your parents mind?" I asked already knowing what his response was gonna be.
"Uh... I don't think they will mind." He replied not to sure if he really wanted to say that, hoping not to make me any more suspicious.
"Well I've never met your parents."
"Umm... No you have not. Well you'll meet my mom soon."
We walked home together in complete silence not knowing if we should even take another glance at each other.

When I got home my mom noticed that I was frustrated about something.
"Jack, dear what's wrong?" she started to ask worried about me as usual.
"Not a thing mom! Just hungry that's all."
"Well go get your brothers, Patrick and Ryu."
"Got it mom."
Patrick and Ryu are just like any younger brothers, obnoxious demons in human form. Patrick is a little snobby and stuck up, but Ryu is a complete pain in the ass. They fight a lot and they just started smoking last week just to get on my mom's nerves. Man I was so pissed at them that I beat them after that little incident.

"Hey guys time to eat, now get down here." I yelled to the top of the stairs. "Kay, Jack, be right down." For some strange reason, dinner went by awfully slow. No one really talked much and the conversation was about was about school. This reminded me!
"Mom, Mike's still coming to dinner tomorrow and I was wondering...well...do you think there's any thing weird about Mike?"
"No, why?" she asked in quick response.
"Uh... no reason, I was just wondering."
The thing is that there is nothing weird about him except for the fact that when I was checking his background, I found out that.... umm... Mikes parents have been dead for thirty years...and... So has he.

Chapter 3: The Mystery

Well now I'm stuck with the burning question in my head of whether I should ask him if that is true or should I just try to prove that it's true and cut out the middle man. Cause whether I do or not if there is something wrong with this kid. I had better find out ... I mean he is gonna be in my house with my family and I do not know if this person could be a mass murderer or something. I got no choice but to find out the truth even if I will not like it.

School is going by way to slow for me and I really want to stop pretending that I am ok and I know I'm not. I know snooping on one of your friends is not to glamorous as I thought, but damn it I should be commended for getting as far as I have in the little time that I did. I mean how does someone die and then just pop up out of no where. You know how thinking is normally done at all times, but to think this hard is just plain unusual. Mike was acting even weirder now than ever before. Today in school he was in a rush like before but this time he was a little more frantic and weird than before. I noticed him pacing a couple of times. He was not the same as he was the day I meet him. I tried asking him what was wrong but he just told me repeatedly “just looking”... looking... for what... what is he looking for?

It was time for dinner and for the most part, I could not wait to see if he was going to be the same as before or will he at least act normal. When he showed up I was surprised at who I saw with him at the door. I thought it was just some girl that he was talking to but she seemed too old to be that. She looked like she was in her late thirties but who am I to judge? I forgot my mom was forty-two and I accidentally told her I thought she was fifty. Nevertheless, any way I was surprised when he introduced her as his mom! I figured I could investigate while I had the chance so I tried to ask some questions.
"Well, miss, how are you doing?" I was only asking to buy time while I thought of a better question.
"Well I'm glad to finally meet you Jack. Mike has not really had many friends at his old school and he talks about you as if you are some kind of god or something. But you look like a nice young lady and I am really happy to know he has a friend that's so loyal to stay by him and be there to help him in time of need."
Wow now is that not a weird thing to say or am I just going crazy from tension.
"Hey Jack, um... can I talk to you alone for a moment?"
"Huh..." I really was not paying any attention to him or his question. "Huh... oh yeah. Come with me." I noticed his mom giving him a look and then she nodded to him and he just smiled and turned to my mom.
"Excuse us for a moment miss." He said it so plight that it made me sick to my stomach. We walked up to my room, he stopped on the stairs behind me, and I only noticed because his footsteps stopped for a moment.

He closed the door behind him and jumped at me with a weird blade and I grabbed his arm and kicked him into the closet. Nevertheless, momentarily after he jumped out of the closet and stabbed me through my chest. I felt the warm, wet blood pour down my cold body and as my eyes began to close all I could hear him say was "...Now...now you can know!"
Great ... just great... I'm dying and now he wants to tell me the truth. But just then my whole body began to heat up and return to normal...and I ...I was alive!
"Now look, what I'm about to tell you is both true and I'm not sure that you will believe me."
"Well after that crap you just pulled I'll believe just about anything." At this point, I was actually able to believe anything including the fact that he is supposed to be dead.
"Ok well just to inform you, I know that you were very curious about my life and what I do. I am not a human."
"Hmm...WHAT! NO YOU IDIOT! I'm a faerie you dumb ass."
"A...a...faerie? How in the hell is that possible? Aren't faeries small, and females? You are not tiny at all!"
Well that's because you dumb humans have gone under the assumption that faeries are what pixies actually have become."

Well now I know WHAT he is, but why did he just tell me this? And why in the hell did he just stab me like that? I mean I thought him and me were friends. Why did he attack me, and then I guess kill me? Well, don't think he's lying, how do I know this is even true?

Chapter 4: The Aura Seeker

Now he is trying to explain all of this crap to me and to my surprise, I actually understood all the things he was saying. I can understand why he was hiding in my world now; he is here to find a great warrior who is called the aura seeker to save his world.
"...And I needed to find this guy so he can save us and rid our land of the ruler who controls it now."
"Well how is it that I can help you out? I don't think I know any people who talk about anything like an aura."
"Well guess what? I was looking for you. You're the aura seeker."
"What did you say? I'm just a normal girl! How could that be possible?"
"Well I'm sorry but you can see it and no one else can. We need you."
"What is an aura any way?"
"An aura is a body's spiritual code. Like the barcode on a box of cereal."
"So when can I see this aura that you are talking about."
"When ever you want to. All you got to do is practice at it and you will master the ability and others, that will actually do some damage to anyone and anything."

Just then, I herd a knock on the door. However, it is almost 10:00 at night. "Who is it?" I'm not even caring who it would be...
"It's ya buddy, Jas. What's up kid? Your mom let me in."
Jas is my best friend from next door. My mom is very strict when it comes down to the whole visitors after 8:00. My mom would not go against what she says. In her words, "Rules are rules! So follow them directly." Therefore, who is this guy trying to make himself out to be my friend? So this false person did something that Jas would never do...he begged me to let him in the room.
"Come on Jack! Just open the door and let me in."

Now that is the topper there. He just threw me off my block. Who is this person at the door trying to get in here? Then mike jumped up and headed for the door. Just then, I saw a bright red aura seep under the door.
"MIKE DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR!" I shouted loud enough that mom could possibly hear me down stairs. Nevertheless, to my surprise when he opened the door in popped Jas!

Chapter 5: Friend or Foe

Now I am even more confused than before. This could not be right. Jas has too much pride to let himself stoop as low as to beg for anything and my mom wouldn't let anyone in the house this late at night... THERE! There it...wait it’s gone... I swear I just saw that red aura again. However, this time it was on Jas, but what does that mean...I've seen three different colored auras now, a red one, a blue one, and a green one? Is there a special meaning to all this? The whole color crap and the aura seeker stuff, what does this entire mean. "Uh...hey jack you look a little distracted there."
"Huh...oh no I'm...ok...you said my mom let you in, Jas?"
"Yeah. Why? She said you were up stairs with a friend and that it was ok that I can go up and say hi. But not to come this late again and that this was only a once in a lifetime thing, to come and see you up here with Mike...what are you two doing up here anyway?"
"Uh...Oh we just got through doing homework." Mike already planned that one out and was well prepared to use it. "What are you doing here so late and what do you want?"
"I just wanted to hang with my friend. What are you two doing now?"
"Look that's not a big pressure issue right now. Just explain what it is you are doing here now?" I did not complain with the argument I was curious of that one myself.
"As I said before I want to hang with my friend. Is that a problem?" Forcing at us like a psychotic lunatic.
The silence was long awkward and not a lasting one. We stood in the middle of the room looking at one another not saying a word or moving a muscle. But the silent moment was broken along with Jas' nose. Mike punched Jas and knocked him clean out on the floor.
"Mike what the hell! What was that all about? Why did you hit him?"
"Did you see it?"
"Just tell me you saw it?"
"Saw what you jackass?"
"The aura?"
"Look that's not even close to the situation at hand. First you stab me and I am not even gonna ask how I didn't die. Then you knock out my friend! Who the hell are you and what do you want with me?"
"Look I don't have all the time in the world. Tell me did you see it or not?"
"Ok yes I did! But why did you do that?"
"What was the color of it?"
"What...uh...oh red. Why is that? And what's with the different colors?"

Mike was disturbed now more than ever. "Just as I thought...Jack we have to go now!"
"Where?" He didn't respond...he just ran out my room and down the stairs. I had no idea what was going on and I had no idea what was about to happen. I ran down the stairs only to find my entire family...MURDERED! I could not believe my eyes nor could I take what I saw. I couldn't stand the sight of my mom's blood all over the table and on the floor. Patrick lying on the floor lifeless and...and...wait where is Ryu? Is it possible that he got free or was hiding when all this happened? Maybe he got away!
"Mike! Wait! Do you think it's possible that Ryu got away?"
"That's actually quite possible but we don't have time to go looking for him."
After all this happened, I couldn't hold it back any longer. I broke down into tears and cried up until I could feel Mike put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me to go. I guess it really was time to go.

Chapter 6: The Land Of Chaos

We ran through the field behind my house and as we ran Mike explained to me about a link between our two worlds called "The Tunnel." It is a hole in the Ozone layer that leads straight to his world. Then we finally arrived at this big hole in the field that had a patch of grass missing from it.
Just then when I turned around I could swear my heart stopped and jump-started right back up again. It was Ryu running through the field. Not at all harmed and not a hair out of place. "Hurry up kid; the tunnel won't stay open for much longer" Ok now I know why he was so impatient.
"Where are we going Mike?"
"To meet King Izonai."

Just then a bright light came down all a sudden and us and we started to vanish into the bright light slowly. Just then, when I could feel some heat in the palm of my hand I passed out. I awoke some time later and looked around only to realize I was in a sci-fi geeks biggest dream. I seam to have arrived on a different planet or something. Cars were floating and the animals talked, plus I...was alone. I couldn't find mike or Ryu anywhere.

"Hello! This is King Kaygo Asuri Speaking. I have received a report that the Aura Spotter is currently in our nation boundaries. I want him found and captured. Dead or alive, whichever one comes first. I want this kid taken to my palace and placed in the dungeons. To who ever get him to me first, I will greatly reward. At that exact moment, it happened I could see...the aura of all the towns' folk and animals. It was great that I could finally see it, but it was a very crappy that it was all red auras and that was not good. There was just a bright blasé of red fierce aura like fire surrounding them. Worse of all they were all looking at me. "So..." came a voice from behind me.”You're the fabled warrior who can see a persons aura and use all the same weird powers as king kron? Well that doesn't seem like a lot to go over the hill for...but kings paying a high price so I think I can deal with killing a kid. But you know there's not much to you don't look any older than twelve years of age."

At that moment, I couldn’t think about anything other than what I had to do… run. I didn’t have to even look back to tell that they were still behind me, because I could feel the ferocity of the aura emitting from them. I couldn’t see very much but I could feel one getting closer and then he grabbed me. I tried my hardest to brake free but I could not brake loose. The burning feeling in my hand got worst and it was stronger. The guy would not let go and I feel a build up of heat in my palm getting increasingly uncontrollable. Just then, I let out the flames in my hand and in a big way. The fire in my palm blasted straight from my palm and incinerated every one in its path. In addition, I just did exactly what I could and knew... I ran again. I ran, ran, and ran some more until I could not feel my legs and fell to the ground in astonishment at the marvel that lye before me. I came upon this great, big, giant, wall.

Chapter 7: Escaping the Great Wall

The wall was huge, the biggest I have ever seen. I couldn't even see the top of the thing. I began to think things would have been a lot easier if I had not followed Mike. Then I would have had to deal with the fact that my mom and youngest brother are both dead.
"So you look to escape this pit of hell?"
"What the hells up with this wall?" I have no clue as to who the hell I'm talking to and why they are being nice or pretending to be nice.
"It was created to keep all the people of the village in here."
I am looking around for who could possibly talking to me but saw no one. Then down from the tree jumps a small black and white cat. It was no bigger than a small kitten and it was black with white in his tail and ears.
"WHAT THE HELL! YOU ARE A CAT! Stop talking! Where is your master? I prefer talking to humans!"
"You just incinerated him."
"Oh...wow sorry...but you are still a cat so...argh."
"The wall has a small hole in it that will lead you to the outside...I will take you there but only if you can promise you can take me with you."
"Fine I really don't care as long as I can get out of here. Anyway what's your name?"
"It's Zak. What's yours?"
"You know that-."
"Yes I know I am a female cat. But my master on the other hand...not so bright."

That night I stayed in hiding at the cat, Zak's previous owners' home. She explained where I am and why it is that I am needed here.
"So this king kron is taking over the world using the same powers and abilities that I have but I just need to learn how to use them."
"Yes. He is very powerful and very evil."
"Can I ask you something off subject?"
"Yes what is it you want to ask?"
"Can I please change your name seeing as I am your new owner in all?"
"Sure. I do not mind at all. It might be good to come up with a new name and life."
"Umm...I think I'll name you...uh...Aris!"
"Ok wow that sounds like a great name I love it. Oh crap I think its time to go. The festival will keep all the towns folk distracted and away from the wall and the whole."

We made our way to the farthest wall region at the edge of the city. When we got to the area, that Aris was talking about. However, the problem is that the whole was too small for me to fit through.
"Umm, don't you think I'm a little too big for that hole?"
"Sorry! I kind of forgot that I'm a cat and you can't get to my size easy. I mean I am not a human anymore."
"Anymore... wait you were a human at one point?"
"All animals here were once human. That's why we are able to talk."
What happened how did this come to be? How is it that so many humans become animals?"
"King Kron. He is the one responsible for this."
"What in the world did any of you do to deserve any of this torture?"
"I was a warrior who fought against him in the war of 2010. I was an amazing sorcerer. I could conjure up spells so powerful that even the king couldn't beat. But when he captured me I was turned into this cat form."
"Wow I am so sorry that all this has happened to you."
"It's ok I have no problem with it. In addition, honestly, it is not your fault. I don't blame you for anything that happened. However, I am a little offset that to this day not one person has ever seen his face.”
“Wait you mean to tell me that you fought him and didn’t see his face.”
“He always wears something over his face. During our battle he wore a helmet and didn’t let me see it.” She began to snicker. “What if he looks like a toad you know that would give new meaning to the saying ‘Toad Prince. That reminds me I can still do some magic!”
“Well what spells do you still know?”
“Well there’s the growth spell, the human form spell that I can only do for a month out of the year. Uh… ah the shrinking spell. I can shrink you!”

Just then she turned around and started to mumble something under her breath and the next thing I know and is I’m only as tall as her… being a cat. With that in mind, we left out to the desert and this was not any ordinary desert and that was no ordinary wall. The desert was ten to twenty times as hot on the out side of the wall that is was on the inside. Honestly, I’d rather take my chances in the village.
“HEY! YOU DOWN THERE!” Yelled a voice from a small indent in the wall.
“Oh crap the guard saw us!”
“Oooo, the guard!”
“Are you not afraid he will come down here and chase us?”
“No! That’s Rick he hasn’t left that thing in years. He’s stuck up there. We use to seen up food to him but now there is a designated person form the castle who does it now.”
“Oh!” That was all I could say because I don’t have a clue as to how this world works. So off we went to this city called Osia, a city far out in the desert. Aris said the city was in the center of the desert and that was the most logical place that my brother and Mike could have wound up. Ether there or at the labyrinth city, Korsive.
“Um, Aris?”
“Yeah Jack?”
“When are you going to make me big again?”

Chapter 8: The Arrival and the Dream of the Boxed Room

After a day or so of exouhsting desert travel and devastating heat, we finally arrived at the Desert City Osia. The only problem was the city was completely deserted. “HELLO!” I yelled as loud as physically possible with no response.
“I don’t think any one is here.”
So we did the only thing we could at the time, we walked around for hours looking for any sign of life with no luck. We went from one end of the city to another.
“Is any one even here, in this dead village?”
“Well there are suppose to be tons of villagers every where, but it’s descent.”

After what seemed like hours of searching buildings and houses one after another we found nothing and decided to split up to cover more ground. I was super tired and thirsty so I sat down and decided to take a nap.
This dream… I’ve had it before… I keep seeing the same thing over and over again… this symbol on all walls of this room boxed of from everything else. No doors… and no windows… just candles in all four corners of the box… the symbol is so familiar. I swear I’ve seen it before… the true problem is I seem to be trapped in this box… that’s it that book dad use to have in his study. It had the same symbol on the cover… what does it stand for? What does it mean?

“Huh… Aris what the hell. You almost scared me.”
“Well you know that it’s not the perfect time to sleep and most definitely not the place.”
“Well don’t forget that I can still incinerate you in an instant.”
“I don’t think you even learned how to control it let alone use it yet.”

Just then, a loud explosion went off to the right of me. The blast was loud and it was weird that it would be so close.
“We got to go to some place safe. It’s a desert pirate!” Just then, a small object flew past my face. All I could hear then was Aris yell out frightfully. I look down to see her passed out on the ground with an arrow in the ground right next to her. “I’m truly sorry about that. I don’t want any dead people splattered all over the place.” I look up to the top of the hospital building to see who it was. I couldn’t see who it was due to the sunlight shinning down in my eyes so I can’t see his face.
“Who are you? Why are you trying to kill us?”
“I’m not trying to kill you I’m trying to protect you. Look down to the right of yourself and you will see what I mean.” I looked down and not to my surprise; there was an arrow next to me and a small bomb as well. “I didn’t want you to die before you got to the kings palace.”
“You know king Izonai?”
“Yes! I am his personal adviser.” Just then, he jumped down from the building. He was a little weird looking. He had long blond hair, blue eyes, his skin was a peachy color, and he has long pointy ears. His outfit was almost as unusual as him. He wore a tight brown shirt with a loose red shirt over it and a small golden chest plate over that. The red shirt was tucked into his double-belted brown pants with some green boots. “Are you surprised that I’m a faerie?”
“No! I am not it’s just that you look different than the faerie that I’ve met before.”
“Oh so you did meet Takumi?”
“Takumi? No it was Mike that I was talking about.”
“Yeah I know. Takumi was hiding under that name and body.” Aris finally woke back up and was a little loopy but I figured she’ll be fine.
“Oh not the time to be taking a nap huh?” I said sarcastically.
“Well look here if I hadn’t had arrows shooting at me I wouldn’t have passed out.”
“Ok. I think we need to go before the king sends his guards out to find out what the loud explosion was in this sector. Oh and my name is Chiko Hoshi.”

We walked around to the back of the hospital to see a huge red hovercraft. Chiko said that it was one of the fastest vehicles in this world. It looked like a giant red tank with no wheels and a car like feel. The inside was amazing. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. It was the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen. The control panel was like some kind of hi-tech stuff my brother Ryu would love to look at and the whole statement that this is the fastest vehicle that I have ever been in before. For this thing to look so big and burly it was an extremely fast tank and I really enjoyed the ride and had a really great time. But the trip was a short one. We arrived at this large castle like building.
“This is Mikio Castle!”

Chapter 9: The Legend

We arrived at the castle and I must say I am amazed. The walls were gold and shinier than anything I’ve ever seen in my life. We went into a room full of weapons and armor. “What is this room?” Aris asked
“This is the Hall of Chinatsu. The place for us to get use to our weapons and other things as well.” Chiko responded. “Well look around and pick out a weapon of your choice.”
“I don’t think I quite understand everything that’s going on here. So can some one please fill me in here?”
“I think I can answer that one for you!” Just then, some one walked in through the door to the weapons hall and oh my god he was very hot. He is tall has long purple hair and beautiful orange eyes. A red cape with a giant purple moth on his right shoulder. He wore a light purple outfit that looks like he was some kind of royalty. Right behind him in came Ryu not as scared as I would have thought he would be.
“Hey sis! How’s it going?” Ryu shouted obnoxiously loud.
“Hey Ryu have you ever herd of talking with a low inside voice?”
“Wow you know you really sound like mom?” And almost immediately after his face almost broke with sadness.
“Ryu are you… ok?”
“Yeah!” He responded yes but I know he was completely dead inside.
“Well” The mystery man snapped my attention back to him. “I believe an explanation is in store.” I could tell I was staring at him but I couldn’t stop. “Jack… do you not know who I am even though you should still recognize my voice. I am a knight or solder as you would be more familiar with. But my name is Takumi Narikaru.” Just then, I could feel my face getting redder and redder by the second. All I could do was turn away. “Jack? Are you ok? Your face is red. Did I say something wrong?”
“Uh no I’m fine! Sorry… um I just didn’t recognize you.”
“I know. I get it so don’t worry. Well to explain what is going on I guess I gotta go back to the legend…”

The legend goes… a young warrior is to be born of legendary heritage. This child can not be slain by any weapon. The warrior of the Aura is known as the Aura Seeker. It is generally know that the warrior will have to master all magic and weaponry of all sorts. He/she will be known through out Orin as a legend. This warrior will be needed to save the world on more then one occasion. We need to trust this warrior with all of our lives. The only way for the world to service and last against any evil is to train and work along side the great Aura Seeker. Well at least that’s my shorter and more understandable version of it.

“So then Mike Please tell me how is it that you stabbed me and I didn’t die?”
“Well what happened was I wanted to make sure you were the one so I checked to make sure you are the warrior that I needed to find to bring to our world. I didn’t expect king Kaygo to exact an assault on you and your family while in the human world. I really apologize for what happened and I promise that I will help you to kill the king and stop all his evil plans.” Mike said with a very stern voice.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I hope you are talking to a different Jack, because she can’t kill anything.” Ryu said mimicking.
“Look here I don’t think that this is a matter of discussion.” Responded Aris.
“What! Awesome! A talking cat. How do you do it?”
“Look that’s not what we need to talk about. Prince Takumi we need to train them and fast. So can you se if you can get together a training cycle for the two of them.”
“PRINCE! Mike you’re a prince?”
“Yes. My father is the king of the Mikio Castle. I am the prince of the castle and next in line for the throne.”

Chapter 10: The Ruler of Mikio Castle

The training process was hard and long. We didn’t stop training for hours. It was almost like twelve hours before I caved and passed out. We did push-ups and then we did some practice sword fighting. I hope that I could spend some time with Aris practicing magic spells or practice using my own personal abilities. So far, I’ve done only what they wanted me to do. I wonder if Ryu is having any problems with his training. I went around to his room to see how he was doing. To my surprise he was having an even more horrible time then I was. He had to do some strange and crazy crap. First off, he had to master every weapon and one per hour.

Mike, well I guess I should call him by his real name Takumi; he looks so much different than he use to as the dead kid, Mike. Takumi told me that it was time to meet the king his father. I have to admit I am a little skeptical about meeting him but I have to admit I am not worried at all. I think he should be more honored to see me than me him. I just hope he is not one of those old men who just does not know how to let anyone else talk or state an opinion. The walk down all the halls and through all the rooms was a long boring walk and I wish I could have done it the easy way and just walk straight there, but no the location of the kings’ quarters is not to be known by anyone other than the royal family. Takumi was very different than he was as Mike. He was better defined and more proper and well just to put it simply he is more like a prince than a goofy high school student is.

We arrived at the kings’ quarters and Takumi stopped us and looked a little disturbed as if he had some bad news to tell us.
“I just want to say something before you go in here.” He said as if he had a secret to tell before we go in the throne room.
“What is he disfigured or something?” Ryu joked.
“No the thing is HE is actually a SHE!”
“WAIT! I thought you all said you have a king?”
“Yeah I though only thought men could be kings?” I had to note the obvious without thinking about what I was saying.
“Her name is QUEEN Isis. She took over the throne after my father died.”
“Are you going to sit out in the hall or come in?” came an angelic voice so soft yet so firm that it was a woman’s voice but indeed the voice of a Queen.

We walked in the throne room and there she was. Sitting on her chair in a long pink dress with big beautiful wings on her back. She was holding a diamond scepter and wore lots of jewelry along with it a golden headdress.
“Hello Jack. How are you doing on this fine day, young one?” She said with her queens’ voice.
“Oh… I’m fine your highness. How are you may I ask?” I force myself to talk.
“I am fine my dear. I am honored to be in your great presents at this moment. I hope the trip was not to rough on you my dear?”
“How is all of this real and how do I know I’m not dreaming?”
“This is indeed real and you are not dreaming miss. I am real and so are the rest of the people of this planet.”
“Planet? Wait this is not earth?”
“No this is Orin. It’s a planet 3,000 miles away from earth.”

After learning all this we went to the dinning hall for dinner. The food here is amazing. I can’t remember the last time I ate so much food. I was stuffed. After that we went to our rooms to rest and take a nap. I wound up sleeping for the rest of the night. I could feel someone come in the room but I couldn’t wake up to do anything about it. I guess it was just Ryu making sure I’m ok. Well I guess it’s safe to assume that I am safe here. So I slept the rest of the night through.

Chapter 11: The 1st task

The queen had explained a small test to strengthen our abilities, but it didn’t sound too safe. First was a test of strategy. We went down a hall to a room shrouded in darkness and shut the door behind us. “EEEK!” came a voice from behind me.
“Aris is that you? Are you ok?” I asked trying not to laugh at the scared cat.
“No it was Ryu.” Takumi replied weakly.
“What are we to do in here in the dark?” Ryu asked Frightened like a little baby.
“Oh I almost forgot to turn on the lights.” Takumi said giggling weakly. Just then a large shine of light went on and we could see but I can guarantee that it was a sight we would not soon forget.

In the middle of the room were three large eggs. Each one had a different color and symbol on it. I was amazed at the size of these large eggs and waited for Ryu to ‘crack’ a joke.
“Wow! So what’s the first task … making an omelet?” There it was one of Ryus’ great and hilarious (Not Really) jokes. “Some test of Strategy!”
“Ryu don’t make fun of what you don’t know about yet.” I felt like I had to scold him seeing as how I may be the only adult influence he may have.
“Ok dweeb. Don’t get your panties all bunched up over a dumb egg.”
“Hey! I’m the oldest so you need to listen to me when I tell you something!”
“YOU’RE NOT MY … mom” He said strong and demanding at first and then weak in the end. “I … I’m sorry. I just miss mom. When are we going home?”
That question shocked my heart like a gun to the head. He didn’t know about what happened … was he not there when it happened? I felt so bad about it I couldn’t respond truthfully.
“Soon … ok soon. I will make sure we get home before any could miss us.”

“Ok you will have to find the one way to break the three eggs out on the field. The three of you can use any ability or weapon you want. Just as long as you break the egg. But the only rule I have is they all have to be broken at the same time.” Takumi said to my dismay.
“How in the hell are we going to do that crap?” Ryu yelled out.
“That’s where the strategy comes in.”
“Ok so we need to figure out how to break three big eggs and at the same time at that. Who came up with this crazy idea?”
“Our Program director J. He makes a lot of our tests and trials here at the castle. He is some what of a...”
“Genius!” Came the voice of a young boy from the above lighting fixtures. “Hey! I’m J. How’s it going?” He had a large gadget on his arm that looked like something I never seen before. “Ok let’s start the 1st trial!”

Chapter 12: The trails begins

The idea of the trail was to learn focus. We had to hone our power of spell casting and lift the eggs and smash them together…or at least that’s my idea. So I had Ryu and Aris positioned at the left and right eggs. “Ok! On my command say the incantation and use not only your spirit but your mind and hands. Use your hands as the guide for your spirit and the mind as the focus tool.” I felt like I was in control … for the first time in my life I felt like I had taken over… I am… a leader!

The plan seemed like it had no flaws and it looked perfect. The problem showed its ugly head when Ryu opened his ugly mouth!
“Uhh … Sis … I don’t know how to nor can I use magic.” Ryu said sounding so disappointed in him self. “That’s why I was trained in weapon arts for the hours on end.” He gave a dirty, no scratch that THEE most dirty look to Takumi.
“Hang on I think I’ve got the solution right here.” J sounded off like a little solider … it was kinda cute … wait! Did I just say “Cute”!!! Do I think he is cute … but I thought I liked Takumi? Was I just stunned by a pretty face?

J (Who I do not think is cute) walked over to Ryu and reached into his pocket. “I think it’s around here somewhere … hang on … Ahh! Found it!” and out of his pocket he pulled a small ring.
“Yo … I’m a guy! Do you got some-“
“It’s not for you!” J said angrily. “It’s for Jack!”
“Whoa! Are you gonna propose to my SISTER!!!”
“WHAT!!! NO! NEVER!! I just wanted to give her this cause it’s a ring that I made to modify and boost the users strength. But not only in the physical aspect but also in the way of Spirit Flow.”
“Spirit Flow?” I had to ask knowing he would do as all geeks do and give a long and lengthy explanation. Then do that dumb teacher thing and ask-
“…Any question you might wanna ask Jack? I know you were paying such close attention.” Oh crap I talked through it… just like in school.
“Uhh… Can you repeat that once more for me?”
Then he sighed and explained again. “Spirit Flow is the energy that keeps you alive. It is the constant flow of energy from which you can use to perform the magic that you use to fight and to do whatever it is you do.”
“Oh so that’s what Mi- I mean Takumi was telling me to focus on.”

With this new found knowledge we were able to pass the first task no problem. But I didn’t even have to use the ring. I just think he was hitting on me… ARUGH!!! It’s aggravating being the only girl in this castle to talk to. It’s dumb to sit and talk to your self as I have found myself doing frequently since we got here. OMG! I need a hug.

Chapter 13: The Girl in the Forest

The next day we had a break from training to do stuff around the village or nothing if we choose. I decided to go into the forest and check out the sights the queen talked about when I talked to her earlier today. The trees and the flowers were beautiful. The air was thick with fresh scents of flowers and… and… SMOKE! I rushed towards the scent to find a woman in a white robe with long flowing red hair. She was beautiful! I could not believe my eyes.
“Are you the one?” the woman said blankly.
“The… oh yes I am the chosen one! Is there a problem here?”
“Not at all. You are the one I have looked for and I have found you. My name is Ember. I am the keeper of the fire.”
“Keeper? You keep fire?”
“yes.” She again responded blankly.
“Are you ok? Are you hurt?”
“No. but you…” She said as she rose to her feet. I could see her more clearly now. She was wearing a long white robe with two golden belts and a crystal bracelet. Also she wore a headdress with a large red stone in the front of it. She looked blankly at me like she was in a state of drunken possession or something. “Will DIE!!!” She jumped at me and attacked with a flame on her fist. I was stunned so I could not move.

I did the best I could to get out of the way, but I still got hit on my hip. The burning was dull like she didn’t want to burn me at all. I was afraid at first but now I am not. I’m not scared at all. I ran at her and did the best I could to make my own flame fist, but I know I haven’t learned how to do it yet. So in place of that I stopped and yelled… “MACROFIZIC!*” (*= the spell of Fire Palm.) it was a miracle that it worked the flame danced on the wind as it approached her. But the thing I lack knowledge of is that she is not a normal girl. Her eyes turned bright red for the first time I can see her eyes they are so beautiful. Then the fire vanished. She ran at me and pulled out a sword and prepared to strike. But just then J jumped in the way and used this big glowing shield to block her attack.
“Ember! This is not like you! Stop this instant!” she just stared blankly.
“EMBER!” just then she snapped to and the color in her face returned.
“What…where am I? J what am I doing here?” She responded confused. This is just great. She tries to fight me and then acts like she can’t remember and … just then J and her looked at each other for a good minute and then they kissed!
“Wait! What in the hell is going on here!” I blurted out puzzled by the new info found on the lips of the two lovers.
“Oh! This is my girlfriend, Emb-.”
“I know that much! But what I didn’t know was you have a girlfriend!”
Oh… um… well I am sorry for the confusion.”

I couldn’t do anything but walk away this is not only a shock, but a good thing. Now I know that there is no reason to like him anymore…but I can’t help but feel the empty place where my heart once was. “Well, now I can focus all my attention on the hot, dreamy, sexy, Takumi!” I had to say it aloud so not only my mind knew it, but my body as well. So they can relay the message to the run away heart I once had.

End Part 1
© Copyright 2008 Trace Grant (trace_grant at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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