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Rated: E · Other · Activity · #1483905
Lesson Two
1) Create a new character. It can be any character of any genre- your choice. Do a brief character sketch to get to know your character. You can use the character sketch questions found in the lesson, but you do not have use them all. Give your character a name and general physical appearance.

Name: Evralia Locost

Age: 30

Location: High Desert, Speraticus Tower

Occupation: High Sorceress, Evil

Summary Description: She grew up in a happy household but never felt she fit in. She was always different from her siblings - they were tall and fair, she was shorter and pale complected. She was drawn to magic arts through natural talent that appeared in puberty. Her curiosity became fascination which quickly turned to obsession and gradually developed into the dark arts. She was shunned by her family and community and eventually run out of it. She devoted herself to the arts from that point forward and revenge drives her in a many ways. She loved a boy once but hated him when he rejected her and now hates all men for his betrayal.

Appearance: Short - about 5'3, auburn straight hair, very pale skin (alabaster) from long hours indoors and poor diet, overly thin almost figure less. Bright blue veins can be seen under her pale skin, around her eyes constantly look bruised. Her violet eyes become black when she uses magic. Long fingers, small feet. She would be pretty, even attractive, if she ate and took better care of herself.

What kinds of foods does she like? fruits, vegetables, nuts, rare meats, cheeses, doesn't care for sweets or alcohol

What does she do to unwind? She doesn't feel a need to unwind as she is always in control and rarely gets stressed. She would never allow herself to need to unwind as she is always in control.

Does she have any hobbies? Studying magic, ordering around minions, torturing others

How does she decorate his home? black and red colors, only the finest of clothes - silks mainly. Dark and scary paintings, gargoyle statues.

Any religious or spiritual beliefs? If so, what? She believes that she should be in control over the world, that others are inferior to her. She worships dark magic and the abilities it gives her.

Optimist, pessimist or realist? She's optimistic about her abilities, herself and that she will eventually come to rule. She tends to be realistic when looking at situations, evaluating them in regards to success or failure. A logical thinker.

Does she dress for style or comfort? Both - her robes are well suited to her, flowing and yet sensual.

What irritates her? Failures, both in herself and others, not achieving her purposes, and people who don't obey her immediately.

Is she allergic to anything? No

Easy or hard to embarrass? Almost impossible to embarrass due to her level of self control

Any habits for idle hands? Nail biting, fidgeting, etc? No, she is extremely practiced in self-control and never shows doubt or insecurities, wears her confidence like a cloak around her.

Like to dance, or wild horses couldn't drag her on the dance floor? Wouldn't be bothered, beneath her although she knows how to dance quite well. She just doesn't see a point in doing so.

Any addictions? Her magic is an addition, or an obsession, her whole world revolves around it, without it she would be nothing.

What kinds of things would she take offense to? Disobeying orders, questioning her authority

Any phobias? Losing her magical abilities, dying

Is she sensitive to changes in weather? Not sensitive to it per se but she thrives on the chaos of the destructive sides of nature - storms excite her.

Who does she trust? Why? Only herself, she never lets anyone close enough to earn her trust due to prior betrayals.

What is she like when she gets sick? Tough? Whiny? Since coming into her powers, she's never been ill. She has, in the past, been weakened by overextending her magic but has since built up enough strength and mastery that that doesn't happen often anymore.

What kind of music do they love? hate? She doesn't care about music

What makes them laugh? Ticklish? Dark humor, sarcasm

Does she like kids/animals? She likes reptiles and things that like the dark - snakes, spiders, alligators, vicious animals.

What does she take pride in? Her abilities, her looks

What does she notice about the opposite sex/same sex? Evralia uses men for her own personal pleasures when she notices a man at all. She has to be extremely intrigued to bother with sex and when she does, she is in control, violent even.

What's her sleep schedule/habits like? She prefers to sleep during the day, enjoys the night most.

Do she have a favorite color/item? color - black (soothing), item: staff

Lighting illuminated the black sky as Evralia stared through the window at the raging storm outside. Dark red robes reflected in the window and her pale complexion was broken up by the sliding raindrops on the other side. She stood still, expressionless but inside a rage simmered. Every sacrifice, all the pain she had endured had prepared her for this moment. Those who had betrayed and abandoned her would receive their just rewards.

Her trembling hands clenched into fists at her sides as she turned away. She strode to a nearby table where many aged tomes were stacked and scattered across the surface. A large book lay open and she bent over it to read the small, almost illegible script written there.

A chant rose from deep within her throat, like a growl. Her violet eyes darkened to black as she straightened and lifted her hands toward the ceiling. Chanting louder, her voice rose to a scream as the last words seemed to rip from within her. The storm outside intensified, lightning strikes criss crossing the sky three times in jagged succession. Evralia gasped, her black eyes returned to violet and rolled heavenward as she collapsed to the lush carpet.

(This is, from what I can gather, one of Evralia's first forays into using her dark powers and she overextends herself. In this scene she has just killed her parents and her sister.)
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