Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1483671-Ugh-Why-Me
by Duckie
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Comedy · #1483671
Drama between two rivals.
Meet Marylyn and Mikey Rider. Marylyn and Mikey are your everyday teenage twins.These two have brown hair. Marylyn's hair is a little below her shoulders. While Mikey's hair is is short and shaggy. They both have icy blue eyes and a small figure. The only thing they don't have in common, is their genders. But even so, they enjoy driving people insane. It's their main specialty, I would know.

I am Misa Rider, the two devils older sister. This year I will be going to Northern Gates High as a new Senior. I know, I know. This is the year where I'll be slacking off and just chilling. But I still have one worry, and it has to do with the twins. Marylyn and Mikey will be enrolled to Northern Gates High, like myself. Only that their going as freshman. Which makes my senses go up. Anything could happen when when me, Marylyn, and Mikey are in the same building. And when I say anything, I literally mean, anything. But lets go on with the story shall we?

You were in the hallways of Northern Gates High School. Home of the N.G. Eagles. You looked around not saying a word. All of a sudden, you were in the gym. There were 2 sets of people on opposite sides of the gym with the school mascot in the middle. The mascot raised its flag and brought it down as he walked away from the middle of the gym.The people made their way slowly to the middle of the gym like a face off. You realized that they were all holding some kind of paper. Once the 2 pairs met, the raised the papers and-


"AH!" you screamed as you rolled off your bed.

You groaned as you saw your twins siblings star down at you. Marylyn was wearing a yellow blouse with long puffy sleeves and a black vest. She was also wearing black skinny jeans and yellow and black converse. Mikey was wearing a white polo, plaid shorts, and black converse. Obviously they didn't really plan on dressing up on the first day. Normally they wore something that was more formal-like. Formal clothing was they're style. But it didn't matter what they wore because even if they were wearing something totally hideous, they still would look adorable.

"Hurry up! We're gonna be late for the first day of school!", Marylyn exclaimed.

"Yeah! I really wanna start bugging the teachers! So get up and get dressed, lazy bones!", Mikey yelled as he dragged her to the bathroom.

'Man. At times like this, I wish I was an only child.' you thought bitterly as you walked into the bathroom.

You quickly took a shower and changed into a teal dress with black leggings and teal flats. You quickly got your school items into your backpack and walked to the kitchen where the twins made your toast and eggs. You see, mom and dad were always on a business trip and they were rarely ever home. You also had to move from Maryland to the place you are now, Georgia. Yes, you and the twins missed them so much. But we learned to get used to it since they were only doing this so we can live.

"Hurry up and eat, so you can drive us all to school!", they both exclaimed at the same time.

"Wow, you guys are really pumped for this aren't you?"

"Yup! We're even pumped for Freshman Friday!"

Freshman Friday. They day where all the upper class men get to haze the living day lights out of the freshman's. Knowing how much the upper class men hate your siblings, you knew it wasn't going to end well.

"You two are totally gonna get hazed on Freshman Friday.", you stated bluntly.

"We know, but we have a couple of tricks up our sleeve.", Mikey stated with a smirk plastered on his smug little face.

"You two always have a trick up your sleeve.", you said as you sighed.

The two grinned as you finished breakfast and got your keys. You all walked outside of your house.

"I got shotgun!", Marylyn exclaimed.

"What?! No way! I got shotgun!", Mikey retorted.

"Well, I'm older so I get shotgun!"

"Well, I'm cuter!"

"We're twins!"

You sighed as the twins started arguing. It was then you saw Gary Sinner across the street. You knew Gary ever since kindergarten. Last time you saw him, Gary was the ruler of the school, next to you that was. Back then people keep trying to get you two together, but it doesn't work that way. You two secretly hate each other and there were too many reasons to hate him. He was egotistical, bossy, self centered, and the most evilest person ever! But normally during school he acts like a normal person. When people aren't around you guys are at each others necks, but you guys act like regular acquaintances when people are around.

He looked over at you, so you decided to give him a fake smile and wave at him. He smirked and waved back. Then you realized the twins weren't bickering. You looked at them and saw them smirking at you.

"You never told us you had a boyfriend." Marylyn said.

"Yeah! Since when did you not trust us?" Mikey asked.

"Since you two practically destroyed my last date.", you stated bluntly.

You got back from your so far perfect date with Ryan Garner. He was wearing black skinny jeans, black dress shirt, and a grey beanie. While you were wearing a white tank top followed by black skinny jeans and converse. He was walking you home and was about to plant a kiss on you until...SPLASH!

"Thats what you get for trying to kidnap our sister you punk!", screamed the voice of 13 year old Mikey and Marylyn.

They had dropped a bunch of water balloons on Ryan and he was soaking wet.

"Oh my gosh, Ryan. I'm so sorry! Here let me help."

"No it's ok. I'll just go now."

As he left, you were mentally beating yourself up for not telling your siblings about your date with Ryan.

"That wasn't out fault!", Marylyn defended.

"Yeah! Your the one that left us at home without telling us that you were on a date!", Mikey added

"Yes. I know it was partially my fault. But of all the things you two could have done, you threw water balloons at him!"

"Heheh that was pretty hilarious if you think about it", the twins said as they snickered. You glared at them and they immediately shut up. You pointed to the car.

"Get in, and don't say a word. Oh and by the way, he's not my boyfriend."

You knew they would've said something right there, but they didn't. Luckily, their smart enough to realize that you don't like talking about boys with them, since they always seem to ruin the subject by bringing up their bad qualities. You drove to school and parked somewhere in the parking lot. You grabbed your backpack and made your siblings get out of the car.

"Alright, you two have to go to the front of the gym. There you'll see a list of homerooms and who's in them. Find your names in the list and find the room. If you need me, just try to find me during lunch ok?"

You turned around to see them gone already. You sighed as you scratched the back of your head. 'Typical.'

You went to the front of the cafeteria and found out who your homeroom teacher was. You were about to go to your homeroom until...

"AH!" a chorus of screams erupted through out the whole school. You realized that 2 of the screams came from Marylyn and Mikey. You groaned.

'We haven't even been here for 5 minutes yet and they already got in trouble?!'

You ran to the front of the gym to see Marylyn and Mikey gaping at another pair of twins, who were gaping back at Marylyn and Mikey. The other set of twins had blond hair and tan skin. Think of them as Marylyn and Mikey, blond version. You slapped your forehead.

"Oh my god, another set of twins is NOT what I needed", you mumbled.

"Misa!", your siblings yelled.

"Gary!", the other two yelled.

You sighed and walked over to your siblings as Gary walked over to the other pair of twins.

"Let me guess, these are your siblings.", Gary guessed.

"Unfortunately.", you said bluntly.


You sighed "Meet Marylyn and Mikey."

"Nice to meet you.", Gary said to the twins.

"Your hot.", Marylyn stated, "Misa, you should go for him"

Your eye twitched. "Not you too..."

Gary laughed."That's what everyone used to tell us back in the days. Wasn't it, Misa?"

"Tell me about it"

"So your Misa?", the female twin said behind Gary

"Yup! Why?" you asked them nicely.

"He talks about you a lo-" the male twin said but was interrupted by Gary closing his mouth shut.

"Heheh. I never introduced you to my twins.", he said holding the male twin in a headlock, "This one I'm holding is Dylan and the other one is Lilian"

"Oh well hi there", you said nicely. Right now you were thinking of an evil plan. Befriend Gary's twins. Find a way to get into their house. Totally pull a bunch of pranks on Gary. Mwahahah!

"Hi!", Lilian said happily.

"Your pretty...", Dylan said in a dazed manner.

"Awwww thank you!", you said brightly to Dylan.

You could feel Gary glare behind your back. Obviously he knew what I was planning.

"Hey Lilian! Dylan!", your twins yelled.

The averted their attention to Marylyn and Mikey.

"Looks like we're all in the same homeroom!", Marylyn said.

"Cool!", Dylan exclaimed.

The 2 pairs of twins all went to their homerooms. Leaving you and Gary alone in the hallways. You looked around and realized everyone was already in their homerooms.

"Well, well, well...", Gary's voice said from behind you ,"It's nice to be seeing you again. Looks like we've got a lot of bonding ahead of us. Since our twins are all friends"

"Yeah.", you said simply as you started walking to your homeroom. You could tell he wasn't done talking to you yet, but you wanted to make this conversation with him as short as possible.

"Oh, and by the way...", you turned around, "Good luck with Chase. I hear he's moving here from Maryland also."

"I could say the same for you and Mallory. I hear she found another pet to screw around with. Did I mention that she's my new neighbor?", you told him as you smirked..

You walked back into your homeroom to be greeted with a chorus of wolf calls. You smirked.
'This is going to be an interesting school year...'
© Copyright 2008 Duckie (chasingducks at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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