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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1483492
it's about a boy who discoveres the hidden magical world.
Chapter 1 The dream.

She stood in front of the dog, with her arms stretched and her hands opened. The dog just stood there, it didn’t do anything, it just stood there! Her parent’s was making breakfast in the kitchen, and suddenly they heard something explode from the living room. Her mother hurried into the living room, and then she saw the dog, crushed like a bug in the whole room! The little girl was full of blood, all over her body. The mother screamed, and then…
I woke up. I had been dreaming that dream ever sins we moved into this house, I hate to move. It was the 4. Time we had moved, and every time I got new friends, we moved! My parent’s was working all the time, and if we needed to go to the city, we would need to drive many, many, many miles to come to a little town, where there was no restaurants, no school, no supermarket, well there was a little market, but not much, and no people. All the people where sitting in their living rooms and drank tea and ate muffins or short bread… I hated this place. Wait a minute… you don’t even know what my name is… well… I suppose that I can tell you now… okay. My name is Balthazar Thormwall. I’m 14 years old, and I have a mother and father, but no siblings, I’m the only child. We live on Rhode Island, but right now we live in Greece. Now you know, so… back to the story… “Bal, will you please help me with these boxes?” my mom said. She used to call me Bal, instead of Balthazar, “sure” I said happy, I loved to help my parents, because that was one of the only times I felt they loved me. Then after we had bought the things we needed, I saw a boy that looked like he was on my age.
“Hey” I said to the boy,
“Well, hello there, do you need something?” he said,
“No, I’m just surprised that there are some children, in this town.”
“Huh? What do you mean? There are lots of children in this town.”
“Well, I can’t see anybody, except us two.”
“Ok, maybe you are right, ok you are right, I’m just so lonely, so I made up some friends.”
“You don’t need to make up some friends.”
“Well, I guess, you are my friend now!”
“Yeah, you are right, we are friends. Would you… come over at my house?”
“Yes… I don’t have any better things to do so, why not.”
“Don’t you have to ask your parents before you may go?”
“I should, but, my parents died in an accident.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know”
“It’s all right, I’m fine, and actually I think I’m better without them”
“You do?! Oh! I forgot to ask, what are your name?”
“Andy, my name’s Andy”
“Don’t you have a last name?”
“No, just Andy.”
When we got home we saw Andy, standing, waving to us. Me and Andy played computer, we made lots of stuff together, and before we knew, it was at this time I needed to go to bed.
“Can he stay here mom?” I said,
“Yes, if he can stay for his parents.” My mom said,
“That is no problem Mrs. Thormwall.” Andy said,
“Why is that, Andy?” mom said
“I’m parentless.” Andy said,
“Oh! How terrible, but if you want, you can stay here.” My mom said with a smile.
“Thank you Mrs. Thormwall.” Andy answered.
So Andy and I slept together, but in the middle of the night Andy woke me up and said he had something to show me.

Chapter 2 the ever city

He took me downstairs and outside to the basement door.
“This leads just down to the basement.” I said,
“Look again.” Andy said,
I opened the door and it was not the basement I saw, it was some kind of hall.
“It’s unbelievable!”
“I know, and that’s why you are going down there.”
“Me? Down there? No, forget it; I’m not going down there”
“Oh yes you will. Because if you don’t I will do something that you don’t want to happen!”
“Okay, I’m going down there”
“Fine, oh and by the way, when you see a waterfall just go through it, not left, not right, just through it okay?”
“Okay, huh?”
Andy was gone! I couldn’t believe it! He stood there with me, and then he was gone! I shook my head and began to think clearly. After I had considered the situation, I began to walk down the stairs. I walked and walked, it felt like it was going forever. But when I had walked many hours, at least it felt like hours, I came to a waterfall, and I remembered Andy’s words. I closed my eyes and was ready to get wet, but I never got wet! And when I opened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful little town, and it was shocking. A town, in my basement, it was so unbelievable. I saw Andy standing near the inn.
“Where were you?” I said,
“I was walking with you. Why do you ask?” Andy said,
“You wasn’t walking with me, if you did you must have been a rat, because that was the only thing that was following me.”
“Um, I was the rat”
“You, a rat, you have a really good fantasy my friend!”
“All right I must tell you this, you are in a world called Evershine, it’s a magic world”
“You want me to believe that? Never!”
“Well we don’t have time to talk so let’s get something to eat and then go to bed”
“But what if my mom gets worried?”
“She will never get worried.”
“Because the time in Evershine is not like the time in the real world, when you come back it will be like the time just was put on pause”
“So if I go back now the time will still be 23.29?”
“Correct, but the gate to the ever city closes if the time is just a second over 23.30!”
“The ever city?”
“Yes, the hall like thing you just have passed is called 'the ever city'. Ever because it feels like it goes on forever and city because so many have died down there. If you had turned to a side, you would be dead now.  Take this as a warning; always just go in a straight line.”
And then Andy disappeared in a cloud of smoke. I walked into the inn and the innkeeper asked:
“What are you name?”
“It’s Balthazar” I said.
“Ba… Balthazar?”
“Yes, why?”
“Because, if you really are the Balthazar you are here to stop the evil Samine, from getting the Elements and control Evershine”
“I don’t know anything about that, but can I get a room please?”
“Yes but be warned, dreams may be true.”
He gave me a key with a number on it.
“Number, 7, my lucky number”
I found number 7 , began to read and then, I fell asleep…

Chapter 3 Meeting with Samine

“Samine! Are you all right?”  Her mom said with fear in her voice,
“Yes mommy. I’m all right, but you will be crushed, just like Snowball.” Samine said,
Samine held her hands towards her mom and her mom began to scream.
Her dad hurried into the living room, just like his wife, and saw Samine crushing her mom, like a little bug when you stomp on it.
“Samine what are you doing?” her dad said with panic in his voice,
“I’m crushing every body that stands in, my, WAY!!!” Samine yelled of her dad,
Her hair lifted up and her eyes were filled with darkness, and then, I woke up
“I’m always waking up when it is most exiting, but didn’t the innkeeper tell me something about Samine?”
I looked into the room and saw an armor and a cloak.
“Maybe it’s from Andy?” I said.
“No, this is not from me, it’s from the innkeeper.” Andy said.
“Whoa, stop doing that!”
“Doing what, you mean disappearing and all that?”
“Yes, then will you please stop?”
“I can’t, I need to do it, or I’ll be captured by the organization 13”
“Who’s that?”
“It’s an organization that captures rare humanoids, and makes experiments on them”
“What, wait a minute, rare humanoids, but? you are just a normal, aren’t you?”
“Well, actually, I’m a Metamorphic”
“I ask again, what is that?”
“A Metamorphic can turn themselves into almost everything, they can disappear and some of them can control metal”
“Unbelievable, can you control metal?”
“Actually, I don’t know?”
“But you can try moving that armor over there”
“I, suppose”
Andy stretched his hands, just like Samine in my dream. The armor from the closet began to shake, and then it flew in the room. When it stopped it fell down very slowly and it were putted it on me.
“Hey thanks” I said.
“You welcome” Andy said.
We walked out of the inn, straight into the market. We walked beside humans, witches, wizards, spirits every kind of magic creature I’ve ever seen, but it wasn’t just the people that was amazing. There was this smell, it smelled so good, that I was about to cry, of joy of course. We walked and walked wile we saw creature’s trade, buy and sell stuff like: faire dust, skulls, ectoplasm, monster eyes, many, many, many kinds of stuff from this world. Finally, we got to the market street gate, where two guards with one giant eye, in the middle of the face, that was pure darkness, was guarding the gate.
“Who are those guards?” I said,
“Those are Saburto’s guards, also called >>Hand of Saburto<<”
“Who is Saburto?”
“Saburto is the king of Evershine, he lives in Darkshire. He is the meanest king of them all. And he has this third eye in the middle of the forehead.”
“So, I suppose we have to kill this >>Saburto<< right?”
“NO! Are you insane? We can’t kill him, he is too powerful, and his land, Darkshire, is guarded by ‘The spirits from beyond the grave’.”
“So, you say that it’s impossible to get in?”
“No, not at all, it’s just very hard to get into Darkshire castle.”
We walked towards the guards.
“Hold! No one may pass” one of the guards said,
“But I’m priest Sharahan, let me pass or you will suffer great pain” Andy said,
“But what about the other boy? Who is he?”
“I’m his Apprentice, Geitei.” I said,
A black hooded woman stood beside me and Andy. She saw at me, and she had this necklace that you would remember forever. It was an eye in a crystal, which hang from her neck.
“Welcome, princess. Just go through the gate, and you will…” one of the guards said,
“Yes I know where I’m coming, when I go out through that gate, you fool.” The princess said,
“Yes, of course, Sorry you majesty.”
“You are forgiven”
“Thank you mistress”
Before the lady walked out of the gate, she said.
“Don’t follow me, or else...”
“If you say so” I mumbled.
“Don’t talk back to me, maggot!”
She swiped her hand and a wave of darkness, threw me away. She walked out of the door and disappeared.
“What are you doing there? Get out of this town master priest.” One of the guards said,
Andy and I walked out of the door and came to a long road.
“Hey, Andy?” I said.
“Yes?” he said.
“Where are we actually…” I didn’t even get my sentence done before he answered.
“To The nature’s tree.”
“Okay, you can read minds to?”
“Didn’t I say that?”
“No, look in the text on page 2, chapter 3 it says: ‘A Metamorphic can turn them self into almost everything, they can disappear and some of them can control metal’. Nothing about reading minds.”
“Hey, you’re right, sorry about that.”
“Hey, it’s cool”
We walked up the long road and we saw a running man, with a hood on so you couldn’t see his face.
“I’ll take that!” he said. He sounded just like a 15-16 years old boy.
“He took my pendant! After him!” Andy yelled
Immediately he began to run and I followed.
“Voltario Thundario!” Andy yelled, and a red lightning shot out from his hand. The lightning hit the boy and he felt down on his knees. He couldn’t walk. He tried to crawl away, but we caught him.
“Give me back my pendant now!” Andy yelled. I had never seen him so angry before.
But the boy just laughed and he disappeared in a strange black hole or something. We looked up and there it was. The nature’s tree 

Chapter 4 The Nature’s tree

“WOW! How beautiful!” I said,
“Yes, this is the nature’s tree. It guards the earth element.” Andy said,
“So let’s get up there and get that element!”
“We can’t, it’s guarded by earth avengers. These creatures are deadly so you can’t just… HEY! What are you doing?”
“I’m climbing up to the top.”
“You can’t climb it! You will fall down, and smash into jelly, please come down here”
“No, because you will just turn yourself into a giant pillow, and I’ll be safe.”
“Maybe you right, okay let’s go!”
I climbed the tree, but I fell off many times, but Andy always caught me. When it was dusk, we where standing at the top of the tree.
“All right, we’re here.” I said,
“Yahoo! This is the first time someone has ever climbed to the top! We are the first!” Andy cheered,
We looked around, and saw an Emerald leaf.
“This must be it.” I said,
“Shh! be quiet, I feel like something is starring at us” Andy said with a little fear in his voice,
And he was right, in the room where the element was, sat a giant spider like creature on the ceiling. I walked towards the element, and I got it, but suddenly, the tree began to rotten.
“What is happening!?” I said,
“The tree is beginning to rot.” Andy said,
“And whose fault is this?!” it was the giant spider like creature that was talking. But then, the mysterious black hooded boy, holding a pendant in the left hand, prevented the tree from rotten. Andy looked really angry now. He stretched his hand again and said:
”Explosim Firism!”
A fireball flew through the air and was about to hit the black hooded boy, when it exploded in a rain of fire. The blackhooded boy held the pendant towards the fire and it absorbed all of the fire.
“What just happened?!” I asked while I was a little panicked.
“My pendant can absorb most magic, I should have known”
The black hooded man looked at us, but we couldn’t see his face. He had a very wide, long and sharp blade in the right hand. He threw the blade right at us, but actually I wasn’t nervous for getting hit. I stepped aside and I stretched my hand to the right, and I caught the blade.
“What?! How could you catch my blade? Never mind, I will return and next time I will get you Andy. Oh and by the way, my name is Friido”
The black hooded boy disappeared, again in the black hole, or something, and we began to fight this spider like thing. It wasn’t an easy battle, because Andy wasn’t much help so I got a small wound on my arm, but at last we defeated the spider like thing, and actually it had a cloak on one of the many teeth.
“This must be for you?” I said,
“No, I mean, I can’t take it, just keep it yourself” Andy said,
“C’mon, it is for you and in fact I can’t where it, I all ready have a cloak.”
“All right”
Andy took the cloak on and now, something strange happened. The cloak was magical, it lifted Andy up, high in the air, and then I bright light blinded me. After the light was gone, Andy had not just a cloak; he had a robe, a hat, an amulet and all that magical stuff. He had turned into a wizard. And now we had the first element. We walked to the imperial city of Evershine. Here we found an inn, and we got to bed.

Chapter 5 Air’s peak

She blew up the house and her dad. She walked out of the destroyed house, and began to sing. She held her left hand in front of her self and made a portal to the land of twilight. She walked into the portal and now she was in the land of twilight. She walked to the pools of moonshine and then to the swamp of corpses. And at last, she was in the elemental sanctuary.
“We will meet again Balthazar. And next time I’ll kill you.” And then…
I woke up, but this time it wasn’t at the most exciting place in the dream, this was the scariest. I took my clothes on and I walked out of the inn. I saw this big mountain with a round cloud flying over the peak of the mountain, but that wasn’t the coolest, the coolest was all those dragons, flying around that mountain.
“Are you staring at the dragon mountain, and Air’s peak?” a man said to me,
“Yes… why?” I said to the man,
“Because then you are the famous Balthazar, am I right?”
“Yes I am.”
“Then you need to see a dragon tamer. The only one who can tame a dragon is Amilia” The man said and then he walked away. Andy was sitting at a restaurant and ate breakfast. He was surrounded by eating guards, Saburto’s guards. I told him to go with me, but he didn’t see me. Then out of no were a magical hand came and poked him on the left shoulder. This time he saw me, and he got away.
“Were we going now?” Andy asked me,
“To air’s peek.” I said,
“Okay but… how in the world are we going to do that?” Andy asked.
“A man said that the only one that can tame a dragon is a girl named Amilia.”
“Yes, do you know her?”
“Know her! Everyone does! She’s insane!”
“You can’t just call people insane! That’s rude!”
“But she IS insane! I’m not lying. When she buys something in the store she talks to herself! It’s not normal!”
“No, but we still need to see her. Where does she even live?”
“On Dragon Mountain.”
“Very well then. Let’s go to Dragon Mountain.”
We walked over to a horse trader.
“I said no! No money, no horse, and who are you anyways?” the horse trader said,
“I’m Balthazar, and this is my partner wizard, Andy.” I said,
“You aren’t the real Balthazar, but if you are then you have the magician cloak and the Earth element.”
Andy turned around and showed the trader his cloak. And I showed him the little emerald leaf.
“All right… sorry I didn’t trust you… you can get the finest horses, for free.”
Andy and I got a horse each and we began to ride to Dragon Mountain. It didn’t take long to find her house because it was the only one. We bound our horses to some poles and we walked up to the door. As I were about to knock on it, it opened.
“Yes?” a girl said.
“Amilia?” I asked.
“Yes, of course I’m Amilia, haven’t you heard the rumors?”
“Yes I do but…” she started to look angry. I thought it was at me she looked, but then I saw she was looking at Andy.
“Andy?!” she said.
“Hi Amilia” he said.
“How dare you show your face here!” she yelled.
“We need you to tame a dragon for us” Andy said with a little voice.
“Me?! Tame a dragon for you?! NEVER!” Amilia yelled.
“Get lost!” the air element and Samine will win and Evershine will wither.”
“Please Amilia! I’m sorry!”
“Obidai enturo vangat!” she yelled.
We could hear a dragon roar from not too far away.
“Amilia, I’m Balthazar. Will you please help…” I tried to say.
“NO!” yelled Amilia and slammed the door.
“Now what do we do?” I said.
“Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Now we can’t get the air element and Samine will win and Evershine will wither.” Andy said with anger. I thought he was angry at himself.
“Don’t blame yourself.” I said. “Please tell me what happened”
“Okay… here it comes: for 150 years ago Amilia and I were the best of friends. We played together and made trouble together, you know just small pranks. Everything was just fine until we would make the biggest prank in the history. We would make a chain reaction of pranks from glue the crown to curse some fruit. When we had set up the traps and were about to start, a police officer came and saw us. I refused to have something to do with it so Amilia had to work in the adamant mines up in the hills.” Andy said.
“150 years! How old are you?!”
“I’m 509 next year.” He said.
“Cool, but, how could you do such thing! It’s just plain cruel!” I said.
“I know! But she won’t listen to me!”
“Then ask her on a date, it always works for me.”
“I can’t ask her on a date now!”
“Yes you can. Just say that she shall help you and that you two can go on a date when all this is over.”
“That’s brilliant!”
So, Andy asked Amilia on a date, and she said yes.
“Okay, you can borrow Starbreeze, he’s the easiest to fly on, and he’s so big that you both can sit on him.” Amilia said.
“Thanks Amilia” Andy said
“Obidai enturo vangat!” Amilia said and the dragon came.
Andy and I got up on Starbreeze and it began to hover.
“Okay, now fly them up to air’s peek.” Amilia said to the dragon.
The dragon began to fly, fast very fast. And in about half an hour we were at the air’s peek.
“Ok, the air element. Where is it?” I said,
“Over here, over here!” Andy yelled,
I ran over to Andy and I obtained the air element. Andy and I got up on the dragon and were flying to Fire Mountain. We obtained the fire element and the Water element. Now we were going to the .
“Okay what do we do now? We can’t fly over…” I said,
“We are going to make a quick portal over the hole.” Andy said,
Andy was about to make a portal, but I couldn’t, so Andy and I were combining our powers. The portal was made, and then we were over. We walked to the portal and disappeared into the darkness.

Chapter 6 Saving Evershine

When we came out from there, we saw a land were every thing where twilight. We looked at the map.
“Okay, next stop ‘the unholy star’ then ‘moonshine city’ then ‘the pools of starlight’ then ‘the swamp of corpses’ and at last ‘the elemental sanctuary’.” I said,
“Beware of the unholy star, it is a town in chaos…” a mysterious voice said,
“Who are you?” Andy said,
“I’m the gate keeper of Moonshine. Beware!”
We walked further and got to the city ‘the unholy star’.
“This doesn’t look like a town in chaos, it looks like the most peaceful town in the world” I said,
We walked straight through it and came to the city moonshine. Then the pools of Starlight and we jumped on the dragon and flied over the swamp of corpses. We walked into the elemental sanctuary and saw some incredible stairs. We began to walk them and heard a voice that sounded familiar from far away.
“You will never find me, NEVER!!! Ahh ha ha ha haa”
I held my hands towards the stairs, and then like a thunder, it began to shrink.
“I didn’t know you could magic?” Andy said surprised,
“Nether did I, nether did I”
We walked the shrunken stairs and finally we came to the top of the sanctuary. We saw Samine and a purple-hooded person, holding a crystal ball standing on the other side.
“Get them!” Samine yelled.
“Yes mistress, a girl said.
The girl ran towards us. She had a rapier in her hand, and she began to make some fencing maneuvers at us. While the girl got our attention, Samine turned into a black raven, and flew into the blue sky. The heaven got clearly and we could see the sky again.
“Where did she go?” I said,
“We may never find out..” Andy said,
We flied on the dragon back to the imperial city in Evershine and saw king Saburto walk among his people, but now he didn’t have an eye in the forehead. We flied down there and asked.
“What happened to you third eye?” we asked,
“Oh that, it wasn’t a third eye, it was a curse Samine laid on me.” Saburto said,
“So, you aren’t mean at all?” Andy asked,
“Not at all” Saburto said happy.
We flied to the ever city, said goodbye and I got home. When I got home the clock was still 23.29 I got to bed and I dreamt again.
“This isn’t over Balthazar. I’m coming back and next time I will destroy you!!!”
I woke up and now it was dawn. I saw Andy outside and called him:
“Hey Andy”
“How do you know my name?” Andy said,
“What? Of course I know you name. We fought the evil Samine together, don’t you remember?”
“Who is Samine, and who is you? I don’t even know you” Andy said, and now he walked away, and I began to think that all this just where a dream.

“Thank you Andy” a mysterious woman said.
“It was an honor, my mistress” Andy said.
“Don’t call me mistress, call me Samine”
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