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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1483370
The Story of a warrior and his long awaited battle with his past
The Ice Mountain
              Warrior Life and Death
                  By: LKS III

                   Here on Darcon your sword is your best friend and war is always on the horizon.  Our story starts off many miles up on one of the most tallest and roughest mountains in all of Darcon.  There we will follow a man named Whitelion as he struggles to survive what becomes the worst times of his region.  Whitelion belongs to a highly trained assassin force whose trades and ways of fighting are similar to our Ninjas.  Since his village is so high  up in the mountain they battle extremely cold weather year around and are generally stronger and faster than any other tribe.  Most of this is due to the fact the they train in 5 feet or more of snow,  image taking a ball and running threw 10 feet of snow each step heavier then the last and you will see why they are the way they are.  There are four tribes in which each tribe clams its own land , concoon “tribe of the dessert,” Talla “tribe of the forest,”  Basky “tribe of the jungle,”  and Taskar “tribe of the mountain.”  For years the tribes and surrounding cities have lived the same ,  every city is at war but not one gaining or losing anything with the assassin tribes always equaling the field.  Until A man bond to rule everything started his take over, brutal attacking smaller cities  and that man went by no other name than Zee.

                   Its been many years since my tribe has gotten job I mean not because there not out there we just turn down so many because we are so far away from everything. This time though it sounded like a challenge,  we were given the task of taking down a bandit camp about half of a day up the base of are mountain.  Upon our arrival the camp was quiet with small flickering fires left to burn. We used fire arrow signals and camp fire to signal job completion. During the killing I found a beautiful woman who I took in and trained as my new partner, for my old partner resigned from assassin work. After one week into my training of Valarea we were given a new job  a big one. We were to meet up with the southern king of saron, but not before we have a meeting with the concoon leader Cro. On are way down the mountain we encountered a strange event which was a group of bandits traveling up our secret trail. Each bandit was killed in a hurry wasting no time for questions and then we walked down the mountain at a faster pace. When I was about 9 years old magical weapons were common till some foreigners ruined it. Zee’s parents made him two swords, life and death. In his right hand he held death which had the power to kill anything it touched. In his left hand he held life which had the power to give life to everything dead. Each sword also was affected by its opposite a touch from the sword of life would cause you to explode and anything dead was disgraced. Zee swords were taken by are king and was stole 2 months later. This was when I got my first mission, me and my group of 10 was sent to kill him. I’m 15 now Zee was waiting for us in a cave on the other side of the mountain. Out of my 10 warriors only 3 of us have magical weapons 2 in which didn’t have enough power to even fight one of Zee’s swords. We fought one by one The whole time it was a 4 day battle till it came down to me, Tanor, and Valos my trainer. Valso was the first to fight, his sword with the power of earth. His power wasn’t very good all, it put a Rocky layer around his sword making it two times harder than steel. It didn’t take long for Valos to get slashed by Zee’s Death Sword. Tanor’s sword had the power of lighting, his sword could only shock its objects by touch the longer he held it in that place the more electricity would flow. Again their magical sword was useless for it took to long for the lighting to take effect. It was finally my turn with my sword “ frost bite” with the power of ice,  unlike my allies my sword was much older and more powerful and its effects instant.  As I stood there locking eyes with Zee I could see the frost coming of my frozen sword catching the wind and passing my face.  With no time at all Zee and my sword collided with a powerful crash and with the sound of freezing water Zees sword of death froze solid and dropped to the ground.  Shocked for while Zee watched his sword drop but just as I managed to swing hard for his face he pulled up his sword and blocked it.  This time the force of my blow caused the ice to not only freeze his sword but his whole left arm.  I then made Zee revive my partners and took his sword and sent them off to are leader to destroy.  At this time I managed to finish my story and arrive in the city of Suron were we where to meet up with some more of are clan and the king of suron.  Know in the city we where said to meet the king in the local pub were we spent mostly all day waiting.

King Suron: you have arrived in good health I hope?
Bulluk: of course  we are but are job is more important please tell.
King Suron:  I see well here is what I have my brother Vilos and his kingdom was completely destroyed by a man named Zee as you already know.  What I need from you is to bring me the head of Zee so I may burn his pathetic skull in search for revenge and with that I shall give you enough wealth to start your own kingdom.

Bulluk:  got it let us be on our way.

King Suron: ooo there is one more thing. Zee’s wife Sahairra here life is to be taken as well it is rumored she bares his child.

                   Not a good not to leave on for Sahairra is my sister but she knew what she was getting into when she left the clan.  It took us 3 days to walk to Vilos’s kingdom and the only real plan was to go in kill Zee and my sister and get out much like before but upon our arrival the plan quickly changed.  the City was in ruin and Zee was gone, while we looked around for any clues to the direction in which Zee had gone. About half way through the search a large army of bandits appeared and began picking apart our little army killing us off one by one forced to retreat we all started to run for are lives but out of no were I was hit by something and blacked out.

Broc: Ninja your awake
Whitelion: Yes
Broc: Good why are you here
Whitelion: Kill Zealot and my sister Sahamia
Broc: hmmm, well maybe we can help each other
Whitelion: Oooh! How?
Broc: You help us find Zealot in return we won’t kill you
Whitelion: Don’t see how that can help me if I help you find Zealot then I will use you as a distraction while I kill him,
Broc: Its final we will work together to find Zealot once he’s found them it open field….Deal
Whitelion: Deal

After that Broc showed me around camp ending at his tent. In his tent he had a painting of him and Valera, At first I thought she was using me. So I brought it up.

Whitelion: Who the lucky lady.
Broc: Don’t be stupid that’s my sister…..why?
Whitelion: She is my girl and I was in bed with her 3 weeks ago.
Broc: Save the insults you probably don’t know her name and birthplace she tells no one.
Whitelion: Valeara, wanate, and your parents are mixed.

                   Just then he jump up and ran at me ranting about he was going to kill me unless I told him where she was. He never made it to me for his men held him back. He then challenged me to a dual of swords, then they threw me my sword “frostbite” then laid the victory prizes.  They were simply If I won I go free and if I lose I bring Broc straight to Valera . The fight didn’t last long for when we met swords my sword broke in half and the soul energy pushed both of us back. After that battle my soul and the soul of my sword mixed and gave me the ability to use the ice powers on my self . The ice of my body and sword covers  everything up to 100 feet away. On my way back to Cabal I practiced with my new powers and found that I could freeze anything on  touch and freeze objects half the distance of how far my ice field goes. My first task was simple get my sword repaired and their was only one place for that, the mountains in which I live. On my return valos told me everyone thought I was dead and my mother seemed to take it hard. After making my mother happy by showing her I was alive my father rebuilt my sword. While waiting for it to be fixed I found that I could raise the intensity of my ice with just a thought. I then made my way down the mountain and to the jungle tribes area. When I arrived a warrior  stopped me and asked my name and rank, I gave it just to he grabbed by 4 more and taken to the ultimate warrior.

Tara: Lashamen! This spy was caught outside and clamed to be whitelion.
Lashamen:  Tanor come…..
Tanor: What?
Lashamen: do you know this man
Tanor: white lion? You alive
Lashamen: Let him go
Whitelion: Yea…so bring me up to date
Tanor: Cant do that old friend
Whitelion: then raise my rank
Tanor: you know we can only have the ultimate
Whitelion: No lonestar
Lashaman: Lonestar are you sane
Tanor: Do you really want to be by yourself and lonestars don’t live long
Whitelion: I know, I know just do it
Tanor: Ok, ooh by the way Valaera has a new man.
Whitelion: Was I gone that long?
Tanor: That’s what I thought

After that me and Tanor walked back to camp were Lashaman was holding a meeting tonight. When we got back to camp I told Valaera that I wanted nothing to do with ther then laid down and said.

Whitelion: broc will kill you boy.
Valera: You know my brother?
Whitelion: Yea, we met and fought.
Valaera: did you kill him?
Whitelion: No..he is probably at Suan City looking for Zealot.

Valarea tried to talk to me about her brother but I just fell asleep, Tanor woke me that night for the meeting. The plans are simple the two mountain warriors with head straight at Zees forces  while I stayed behind for clean up and break up any escape plan. My plan was to watch Zee then get to know how to they fight then wait till they get to my snowy region to attack which gave me many advantages. For example weather, incline and a excellent understanding of the land. After saying good luck I left, It took me  a day to get to Kara, when I arrived the town was ruined and I Helped a wound Beautiful woman kill of some left guards.  While we fought them I found that using a lot of energy I could shot on Ice beam two feet wide and up to 50 feet but the energy used knocked me out in the lupe of beautiful Calean. I awoke my hand rested on her chest and a fire was going. I quickly gathered my things and then took Calean into my arms and carried her two days back to the camp then left.

Whitelion: I want two of your woman  to lake Calean straight to my home town.
Loughman: Ok
Whitelion: I am going BACK Zee is on his way here,
Tanor: Ok we will be ready

                   Another day of traveling and I was back to the little town. But to my surprise their were two sets of army tracks going different directions. This meant most likely Zee went for the jungle camp while Sahairria went to my home. It didn’t take long to get up the mountain in fact we beat Zee’s army up here even after the quick fall of the jungle camp. I figured Zee stopped to meet up with Sahairria and rest their troops. My town was abandoned all but the warriors, Vales told me they want to use old farm that sat up a hill miles away that looked down on the town and then made are plan of attack. Zee and his army was in are town by Sun down as we watched him go about his normal activities while we waited for the perfect time to attack. Then it started one by one we picked of his men with arrows, once zee turned his attention to us I singled an attack. Keeping Zee in my sight I tore threw his pathetic men slicing off heads and freezing people every wear till we stood eye to eye. We fought hard for what seemed hours Till I got sliced with his death sword, lucky It didn’t break through my ice armor. Then after awhile I managed to catch him on the arm which frooze his whole left side. With a swift thrust I cut his head off picked up the swords and destroyed them. Saharria did not want to fight me and gave in quickly,  once that was completed I returned to collect my reward. With that I took my money built a castle of ice and started my own kingdom and left the warrior clan.

© Copyright 2008 LKSIII (lksiii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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