Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1482668-erotica
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1482668
passion for a virtual gal.
Barb dug her fingernails deep into the flesh of my shoulder blades! I accepted, expected and felt no discernible pain from this reaction!
    Analogous to a pussycat getting satisfactorily rubbed, scratched and stroked, she (my current pelvic partner dejure and soon to become my betrothed) purred, nibbled and licked upon receiving electrifying clitoral stimulation!
    An out of body experience found me observing how the sharp blood red nail polish matched the trickle of sans droplets doing a sort of corpuscular slalom down the ridges and ruffles of my well-toned upper back muscles before coagulating at the minor crest of a very minimal gluteus maximus!
      Orgiastic climax non-verbally acknowledged vis a vis thru digging dagger like claw deeper into my tender flesh, but also in tandem with primal groans and grunts, especially as her highly charged erogenous zones experienced intense pleasure from being aroused, caressed, excited, stimulated, teased et cetera thru artful techniques to tease out beast within this ordinarily prim and proper lady!
    Just by a fluke, a series of exceedingly fortunate events found both of us shuttered behind closed boudoir expressly reserved weeks in advance so we (both unhappily married) could enjoy those (so called)
verboten fruits even at the expense of being questioned by our respective overly inquisitive spouses at a later date!
    An introductory embrace allowed us to hold each other close and breathe in the fragrance of the other.
      At some arbitrary time, we made eye contact and allowed our slightly opened mouths to blend into a fusion of one oral cavity.
    Teeth accidentally clacked and clicked (like the tappet brothers of car null talk hammering out a piston) against unfamiliar dentifrice while tongues created some playful spur of the moment cat and mouse chase game!
    An excess of saliva spilled back and forth necessitating an intermittent breakaway similar to basketball players dribbling prior to the next ploy!
    In the interim our naked bodies strategically perched atop a Rockaway Mattress slithered into optimal alignment akin to be nestled in cloud sixty- nine!
    Prior to shifting gears to oral mode, an automatic course found me to steer the imaginary wheel toward broward county!
  So...upon one of these occasions, I took liberty (perhaps with just a barely audible objection) to kiss thy brow, cheek and nape of neck. An especial glandular female aroma wafted my nostrils.
    A spontaneous urge arose to nibble (and taste the salt from thine flesh) and found this tongue (of mine) doing some data mining around upper arms and setting sights toward those engorged and ripe breasts!
    The surface of my hand seemed colder and rougher against the silky smooth base of bosom and sent a slight shiver down the fine hairs of your spine!
  Lips gravitated toward these swollen mammary glands. An infantile pang evoked an atavistic impulse per this older guy to suckle like a babe.
    Akin to a newborn, I applied a gentle suction upon first one than the other nipple and also began to describe circular motions atop those supposedly sensitive aureoles of each tricking teat!
    Optimism existed to draw out your milky white substance or a similar facsimile thereof!
    Even though this endeavor appeared to be made in vain, I thence resorted to take lock, stock and barrel and reconnoiter for some other strategy to cause arousal and listen for any discernible vocalization of pleasure!
    Meanwhile my unoccupied hands caressed and rubbed your upper thigh inching ever closer to that sacred triangular hot spot!
    While gently caressing, fondling, petting stroking  the pubic area with one hand, I gently spread your legs with the other. Little or no protest took place!
    Akin to some gravitational pull, my head descended (as if by some preternatural and unstoppable force) upon that fecund, mossy and warm glade.
    At first blush, I tried (ahem) to get the lay of the little landscape!
    Ears got put on high (red) alert and cocked attuned (at the proper frequency) for any audible reaction! If lucky with a certain je nais sais quois stroke of luck, I made a concerted effort to zero in on that particular erogenous zone!
    Although I suffer from myopia, no difficulty in seeing those prismatic visions of your spread legs adrip with milky colored droplets clinging to the fibers of each and every darkly hued pubic hair (akin to beads of ice strung limbs of a tree, where the chromatic splay of light cast a spectrum to form), causes immediate salivation.
    This quizzical countenance (mine) found itself one lickity split second (no pun intended) away from tasting the tangy tendrils from your twat!
    Those monstrous and oversize pulsating labia hovered (like a very microcosmic dam ready to burst) and nearly cling - like some gauzy, grandiose mirage that faintly resembles a peculiar looking spacecraft!
    This movable feast appeared like some culinary inner warring self hypnotized by that ineluctable buffet - one that sustains a built in source of heat!
      A sense of utter disbelief set high voltage zapping thru each and every cell!
    Creative antics include delicate motions (whereby hands and tongue stretch out) to this outstretched hologram reveal your actual being somehow took shape from my overactive imagination!
    Spindles of your coiled coiffed pubic pompadour sashayed across my stunned face! A natural reflex found my two pair of hands reaching around your firm buttocks to edge closer to that electrifying gourmet cuntry cooking savory dish!
    Tongue quickly blended with the pinkish, puckered and slightly acidic arabesques of clitoral tissue! I licked and slipped sharpest blade of tongue across the undulations on the outer labia.
    Every ribbed segment of protruding clitoris scrutinized and tasted! Squeals of primal pleasure vibrated successive taste buds (like some barely seismic temblor) and triggered your sluices to open up to release a gush ala female potion!
    A current of freshly brewed cum cascaded down upon my outstretched tongue!
    Your pungent yet tangy sweet tasting balsamic ginseng tonic that fueled this dormant libido!
    Vigor and vim find me quietly slurping the excess sticky ooze (oiling the massive vulva) and festively devouring harder to reach points of excitement!
    Tongue swam (faster than michael phelps) farther back into the abyss of those vaginal recesses like a spelunker exploring undiscovered caverns in a challenge to complete the length to thy fleshy and squishy diaphragm!
    Said oral appurtenance thrust in and out and took an ambling jaunt within the miniature rills in an attempt to brook sinful delight!
    Increase in cooing and moaning indicated heading closer to the acme of orgasm!
    The tip of my tongue probed, touched and tripped the geyser wire!
    Trials and errors at long helped me cross that whorled nada so wide webbed bridged and brought me to that wind gap (no greater than a single kinky fiber - yet seeming to be an infinite chasm in length) and stings - with one tear shaped droplet upon the tongue with that most supreme genital stew!
    A slight shift in position thenceforth allowed, enabled and provided just the perfect strategic angle to stretch oral appendage across glistening and moist clitoris!
    I oblige this just dessert (of mine) and began to let fingers of each hand carefully and gently pull apart the most prominent or rather pink) print of the labia!
    Mouth smack dab and butted against warm wet features and offered the most advantageous opportunity for tongue to apply just adequate pressure upon hidden crannies and nooks!

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