Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1481010-Shadowblade---Chapter-One
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1481010
Just working out some details for this story, tale of a Rogue, and a girl.
Yava's life was not what it would seem. Yes, she was born to a rather wealthy home; into the lap of luxury as some might say, but she was not pampered and doted as most upperclass children are. On the contrary, she was often neglected and left behind by her peers, and her family. Her mother died when she was only a child, and her father, a merchant, was often away on business.

At a very young age, Yava was sent away to boarding school in the Corian countryside. She rarely saw her father, and being quite shy and frail as a child, failed to make many friends. The only person she considered family, was her very best friend Kimia, who was liken to a sister. Her only friend, and her only companion, all she had.

Until her seventeenth summer, when Yava would find a very different sort of friend, from a most unlikely source.

Chapter First

Three sets of eyes glinted out from the leafy bushes. The thick foliage created the perfect cover for the three Shakar men who found themselves there. Pushing back brambles, they moved forward, pausing and crouching down at a flash of color ahead.

Despite the bright noon-day sun shining down on the forest, the three men were completely concealed in the darkness of the underbrush, watching their target with utmost care.

"Talik, I've seen that girl's glaive before. It's made by a weaponsmith in Skone.", Lander's voice was soft, but dark. A man of quick temper and even quicker assumptions, he made for a rather difficult leader.

The girl he spoke of was sitting just beyond the bushes, on a log by the river. Her delicate face was pale from weariness, and her lips quivered gently as she lifted a gourd of fresh stream-water to her parched mouth. She had obviously been travelling for a while, as her sturdy black boots were well-worn and caked with mud, and her clothes were battered and faded from days beneath the sun. A slender black glaive rested on the ground next to her, it's delicated blade curved in deadly elegance. Anyone could tell by looking at her though, that she was not a fighter.

"If she's from Skone...she might have information concerning Fyrule. We should try and talk to her, Talik.", Zaruk's voice was optimistic, as always. Despite his eighteen years, his dark blue eyes shone with the light of a fun-loving child.

With a deep sigh, the one called Talik finally spoke, his voice grim and serious, "Zaruk, you are the most trustworthy looking. Approach her, find out if she's from Skone. Signal us with the answer."

Nodding gently, Zaruk stood and wandered casually out onto the riverbank, his mop of forest green hair bobbing gently. A friendly smile crossed his face as he spoke to the girl, surprising her for a moment, but soon enticing a smile to light up her delicate face. She lifted on slender hand to brush strand of thick black hair from her face as she replied, her violet eyes twinkling brightly.

After a moment, Zaruk grinned broadly and bobbed his head once, very firmly. Talik and Lander took the cue and descended on girl quickly, the threesome surrounding their target with ease.

"What? What's the meaning of this?", Yava's voice lifted in shock as she stood, her eyes wide at the sudden turn of events. First the one strange young man had appeared from the forest and questioned her origins...now there were two more of them, and they were surrounding her! Her darting gaze quickly made note of the sword-sheaths that rested on their hips, and also the longbow that found its home on the youngest one's back. She also recognized that they were Shakar; their skin tone, dark coloring, and drastically pointed ears were the tell-tale signs.

The tallest of the three spoke to her, his silver-grey eyes shining out from beneath a crop of ill-kept black hair, "We would like some information from you, Miss. Please oblige."

Yava's mouth gaped slightly as she stared at him dumbfoundedly. His deeply tan face sported crimson tribal markings in the form of two triangles on his jaw - the mark of the Bloodbane. The sign of a Rogue. Could he be the one they call...Shadowblade?, her thoughts raced as she considered this possibility.

Bowing low, the pleasant youth who had first approached her now spoke again, "My name is Zaruk, these are my friend Lander and Talik. We are from the western regions of Arcaia. We are seeking a man who finds residence in the town of Skone. We would appreciate any information you can give us."

Despite her un-advantageous position, Yava glared at the three, "I will not tell you anything. There is the mark of the Bloodbane on this man; I will not help him fulfill his assasin's deeds!", she fairly spat the words at them.

With a growl of rage, the third man-called Lander-, grabbed her arm, jerking her close to his lean face, "Listen to me girl, you'll tell us what we want to know, or so help me-"

"Lander!", came the Rogue's firm voice, "No need to lose your temper. The girl will surely help us...once persuaded.", his stormy grey eyes focused on her coldly, sending a shiver down her spine at the haunted look inclosed in those silvery orbs.

A troubled frown crossed Zaruk's face as he picked up Yava's glaive and looked at her, "I had hoped you would be cooperative...", with a sigh, he snapped the slender staff across his knee, then dropped it in the slow-moving waters of the river.

Yava swallowed hard, willing her pale face to not reveal the anxiety she felt surging through her. A gasp escaped her throat as the tall Lander lifted her with ease and draped her across his shoulder, "Hello there now! Put me down!", she squirmed pointlessly, a small frown puckering her delicate lips.

A soft chuckle was Zaruk's response to her girlish idignance, but he merely smiled and walked along beside his comrades until speaking again, "I suppose I ought to go hunt for some food before it gets too dark. I'll catch up with you back at our campsite."

Talik nodded absentmindedly, and Zaruk trotted off into the forest, notching an arrow to his bow as he did so, leaving Yava with the older and much more foreboding members of the threesome.

After several long minutes of walking, Yava sighed in annoyance, "I really am capable of walking on my own, you know."

Lander's voice cut through the air as he retorted, "Just be silent, wench! If I had my way, you'd-"

A sharp glanced from Talik silenced the older man as he spoke, "She may be our captive currently, but there's no need to treat her like a bag of flour. Let her walk, if she so desires."

With a scowl, Lander slowly lowered her back the ground, his rough hands lingering on her wrists for fear she'd bolt. She was, of course, too intelligent for that; she knew they would easily overcome her.

Their travel continued uninterrupted for a while longer, until they broke through the dense forest and came to a small clearing surrounding a lone cave. Blankets, packs, and a few supplies were resting casually by the ashen firepit, making it quite obvious that this was their campsite.

Yava shifted uncomfortably as she watched Lander and Talik warm themselves by the fire. The two men had been ominously quiet during the entire evening, and it was setting her on edge. I didn't help that her hands were bound tightly by thick rope.

Suddenly, there was a rustling in the brush, and the third member of the threesome emerged, carrying a slain deer over his shoulder.

Yava watched Zaruk as he dropped the stag and began to prepare it for eating. He was the only one of the three that did not make her shudder. He was not coarse and repulsive like Lander, and not dark and foreboding like Talik. As such, Yava felt herself drawn to the jovial youth, despite her unwelcome circumstances.

Talik turned to Zaruk, his emotionless gaze intense as he spoke, "Don't you ever get tired of deer meat?

"Maybe," came the reply of the younger man as he turned to look at his companion, "do you ever get tired of wearing that cloak?"

"No. It's quite comfortable.", came the unexpectedly jovial response. Zaruk just laughed at him, and turned back to his work. This moment surprised Yava, as Talik seemed so quiet and foreboding, and yet, he had spoken very amiably. He was a riddle.

A thoughtful expression filled her gaze as she watched the men carefully. Despite their very different personalities, all three of them worked togethor well. Seamlessly starting and finishing tasks in unison, Talik assisting Zaruk in preparing their meal, and Lander collecting more firewood to aid the cooking process. These three men...they had a bond of comradery that was incomprehensible to Yava's mind, especially considering that one of the men was a Rogue.
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