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Rated: ASR · Serial · Comedy · #148099
The Third Episode
The opening comes to a close, as the logo and music fade. The scene fades in as the camera flies low over one of the island's beaches. Looking inwards, the meeting place is in view. Switching cameras, the meeting place is now on screen. Panning to the left, B. Wolf's back comes into view. Listening, he appears to be chuckling evily to himself, and he also appears to be holding something in his paws.

As the camera circles around him, it looks like he is making a crude drawing. Zooming in, it appears to be a cartoonish Jack being inflated by a similarly cartoonish B. Wolf.
"Heh heh! That's right, donkey boy! Your time is now at han..." he rants, suddenly noticing the camera.
With a sweat drop on his face, he quickly stuffs the drawing into his mouth, and swallows it with an audible 'gulp.' Following, he presents a big smile.
"Heh-heh-hi there, folks, and welcome to the third episode of Survivor: The Inflatable Adventure."
Walking to his left, the camera follows him to two unlit torches. Stopping there, he continues.
"Last week, we said good-bye to two contestants, Sgt. Krugger and Garth."
With that, small vignettes of the two's inflations appear on the screen. Following this, the camera returns to B. Wolf.
"Eight contestants now remain, and tonight we bid farewell to two more. However, don't think that those we leave are entirely out of this game, folks. Don't worry, I'll explain later," he adds with a wink.
"One more week has now passed on this tropical island, only we did things in a slightly different way this week. For the first week, we merely left the contestants to their own devices. This week, we decided to tort... I mean, present them with a challenge."
"Now, the prize of this challenge was not immunity, no one is immune from the voting. However, there was a reward, and the competition was fierce."
Walking over to the center of the meeting place, B. Wolf walks next to his TV monitor, remote in paw.
"Now, let's look back at the past week, and the events that have led us here tonight," he says, clicking a button on the remote.
Suddenly, an otter in a sweater comes on screen.
"Now, repeat after me," he says, "I am smart, people like me, and I will crush any who get in my wa."
The scene suddenly changes back to B. Wolf, who appears to be fuming mad.
"Who the heck keeps screwing around with the tapes?!" he bellows, shaking the remote furiously.
Looking left to right, tapping his paw, the crew shoots him fearful looks. With a nod, he clicks a different button, and the screen goes dark.

The screen fades in to the cameraman walking through the contestants' makeshift village a little while past sunrise. On the right, the ocean reflects the multitude of colors the sky has been painted. To the left, we see the three rundown huts housing the male competitors. Sounds of snoring, and the sight of the occasional foot or tail is seen. Moving down the row, Doac's luxurious hut comes into view, along with something peculiar.
It appears to be Juke, crouching down in his blue jeans without a shirt, his green and blue skin partially reflecting the coming sunlight. He appears to be peaking into Doac's hut!
"Ohmygod! She is so hot... oh, she's dressing!" he drools.
Suddenly, young Doac walks up from the beach, wearing her bathing suit, and toweling off her hair. Apparently, she had just completed her morning swim.
She notices young Juke's spying, and slowly walks up behind him.
"Hey, Juke, who are you looking at?" she whispers.
"Doac, man! She is so..." he says, turning around to face a furious Doac.
"YOU PERVERT!" the lioness screams, punching him so hard that the alligator flies through a nearby palm tree. Following, she storms inside.

The scene changes to a one-on-one interview with Doac.
"This guy just doesn't get it! I mean, sure he's cute and all... but he just needs to back off a little. Women like guys to play it cool and just be themselves."
The scene shifts to a one-on-one with Juke.
"I got it! I just have to try a little bit harder with her! Women love it when guys go all out for 'em!" he says with a wink.

Once again, the screen goes dark. When it fades in, all of the remaining survivors are shown in a group on the beach, reading over something.
"It's a letter from B. Wolf," Joseph says, reading it.
"What's he want?" Alagar asks, finishing a set of reps with a large branch.
"Let me see," Joseph says, reading on.
"'Attention contestants, how are you enjoying the island so far? I hope that you all have enough to eat."
With that, sounds of stomach's growling come from nearly all. Mitchell, who had been tapping out a mad beat on his large stomach, even blushed at how loud his was.
"'I thought as much. So, here's what you can do to satiate your guts. Meet me at the North Beach in an hour, and I'll give you all a chance to score a good meal.'"
Everyone's ears perk up, and Mitchell, Cardal, and Buster all tear up slightly, each rubbing their guts.
"Well, we'd better get going if we're gonna make the North Beach in an hour," Alagar said, putting down his branch.
However, by this point in time, Mitchell, Cardal, and Buster were already running as fast as they could north. Exchanging some nervous laughter, the rest followed, with Jack remaining noticably behind them.

"Survivors, welcome. Now, I'm guessing that you're all pretty hungry after the past few days." B. Wolf says.
"What was your first clue?" Jack muttered.
The black wolf, dolphin, and the tubby brown wolf all drool in front of B. Wolf.
"Food? Where food?" they chant mindlessly.
"Back! Back I say!" B. Wolf says, cracking a whip.
As the group settles, he continues.
"Now, here in my paw, you will see a delicious steak dinner complete with cherry pie," he says, revealing said dish in his paw.
"In order to get this meal, you will have to run a bit of an obstacle course. The first one back here gets the dinner. Questions?"
Cardal raises his hand.
"Oh, I'm so glad that you asked that!" B. Wolf says evily.
Moving over to the edge of the beach, he points towards an interesting set of obstacles.
"First, you must all run from the edge of the jungle down the beach," he says, sweeping his hand as he speaks.
"Then, you must leap through one of the tires there," he says pointing to the net of tires.
"Following, over the hurdles. Finally, just avoid the swinging medicine balls, and cross the finish line. Sounds simple enough?"
Looking at each other, they all nod. Even Jack nods, a slightly devlish look in his eye.
"All right, to your places!" B. Wolf calls.
Each survivor stood at the line, hunger propeling them forward. With a crack of B. Wolf's whip, they all leapt forward into the race.
As they crossed the first leg, the lead was indecipherable, all were running quite fast. Even the heavier members of the tribe were keeping up.
As they reached the tire net, Doac and Joseph leapt through them with the greatest of grace. Juke and Alagar reached them next, making their way through slower. Following them was Mitchell, who heaved himself with all his might at the tire in front of him... only to have his fat stomach get him stuck in it! Buster, being slightly thinner, had less trouble. Cardal slowly put one leg, and then the other through the tire.
Reaching the hurdles, the silver fox demonstrated his superior skills as a dancer by quickly clearing them. Doac was not far behind, and surprisingly, neither was Jack, who seemed to come out of nowhere.
Making their way through the swinging medicine balls, Juke stopped to watch Doac dodge them.
"She's like poetry in mo..." he started to say, until one of the medicine balls sent him flying into the water.
Having looked back to see that, Doac slowed, seemingly out of concern.
Looking over, Joseph saw his chance, and he decided to take it. Pouring on the steam, he looked like a silver blur as he raced towards the finish line. Everything looked good for him, until he felt something hit his leg, sending him down into the sand in a tumble.
As he fell, all he could hear was a 'hee-haw' of laughter, and all he could see was the donkey crossing the finish line.
Later, after all had crossed the line, all of them gathered together (with the tire still around Mitchell's waist).
"Well done, Jack. You seem to be the winner." B. Wolf says, less then thrilled.
"No fair, man! He tripped me!" Joseph said indignantly.
"Prove it, ballet-boy!" Jack retorted, clenching a fist.
Starting to seathe with rage, Joseph felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking, it was Alagar, shaking his head.
"He's not worth it, guy."
Calming down, he nodded to the alligator.
"Yeah, I thought so. So, fork over the dinner," Jack said, sticking out his right arm.
B. Wolf dryly handed him the plate.
Jack brayed with laughter as he grabbed the steak with his hand, and gobbled it down.
"Oh, and cherry pie for dessert!" he says, picking up the plate.
"Y'know, why don't you have some, B. Wolf!" he said, smashing the pie into B. Wolf's face.
As the plate slowly slid off of his snout, B. Wolf still looked calm. He merely turned to the others, bowed, and walked off.
With that, the others glared at the donkey as he strutted off, apparently holding a white piece of paper in his left hand.
"That guy's got some attitude," Mitchell said, feeling something odd at his waist.
Looking down, he saw Buster trying to gnaw the tire off of him.
"Hey, Bus... ah, what the heck. I need it off anyway."

The screen goes dark once more, and fades in to see B. Wolf next to the monitor.
"Ah, yes! Wasn't that funny, smashing cherry pie into my face... I laughed very hard... as I shampooed for three days to get that crap out."
Moving away from the TV, the red wolf continues.
"Which brings us up to tonight's vote. Tonight, two more contestants will leave us. Now, let's welcome the survivors!" he says, turning to see them walking in.
As they each stand beside their lit torches, B. Wolf stands in the middle of the semi-circle they form.
"Survivors, you know why we are here." he began.
"Your votes have been totalled, and I hold the results here," he says, holding up one of his envelopes.
The camera pans across the faces of the contestants as B. Wolf opens the envelope and pulls out the first name.
"Cardal, it's your name," he says, looking at the dolphin in the baggy, untucked shirt and jeans.
Cardal looked up, not showing much surprise. Slowly, he walked over to B. Wolf, who was fumbling with one of the hoses.
"Now, according to your profile, you selected a combination of air and fat? I guess, to make you a sort of squishy air balloon?" he asks.
"Kinda," Cardal says.
"Well, we'll do this in two parts then. First, we'll use the fattening agent to plump you up some, and then finish off with the air to balloon you up. That way, the fat will be close to the surface, supported by the air," B. Wolf says, handing him the hose connected to the cannister with the picture of the cookie.
Placing it in his mouth, Cardal nods, placing his left hand on his pudgy gut.
As the flow of chemical began, Cardal's cheeks fattened out. Looking down, his stomach starts to engulf his hand as it expands. Rather quickly, Cardal's stomach grows, rounding out his waistline. His chest begins to swell, and love handles begin to form.
As the dolphin gulps down more and more of the fattening agent, the rest of his body begins to catch up. His arms and thighs grows outwards, in addition to forming a double chin. However, his stomach was what was most impressive, sagging over his jeans.
After a few more seconds, the flow stopped, and B. Wolf removed the fattening hose. Cardal looked obese, with his gray stomach jutting outward and sagging down. He was about the size of an average sumo wrestler.
"Now, the air," B. Wolf says, handing him a hissing hose.
As he inserted the hose into his mouth, Cardal could feel the air passing down his throat, and pushing his stomach outwards.
The others looked on as his sagging stomach began to lift up off his pants, looking like a deflated balloon being blown up. It began to just stick outwards like Sgt. Krugger's had. Slowly, the 'new-inflation' spread throughout his fat body, firming up the flab.
After nearly half-a-minute, B. Wolf stopped the flow and pulled out the hose. The camera pans back to reveal Cardal's new form.
Standing there, the dolphin's gray stomach was enormous! Though, it did not stick completely outwards, it sagged slightly from all the fat in it. The dolphin's arms were large and round, and his thighs nearly rub together.
Reaching a paw over, B. Wolf pokes his hand into Cardal's massive gut. It feels like fat, soft and squishy, but it also has some bounce to it, like an air balloon belly would.
"Well, I'd never thought of it! You're the first fat-air balloon I've ever seen, Cardal! Congratulations!" B. Wolf says, shaking the dolphin's swollen hand.
Suddenly, another hand is poking Cardal's belly, it is Jack. Jack moves over to B. Wolf, bumping into him.
"Oh, sorry man! Just wanted to feel this fat thing over here," he says, snickering at Cardal.
Picking himself up, B. Wolf tries to control his temper.
"Please sit down Jack! And Cardal, if you would wait over there please," the wolf says.
Sitting back down, the donkey chuckles to himself.
Cardal waddles over towards the exit, squeezing his sides, feeling the fat supported by the air in his torso.
"And now, for the final seleciton of tonight," B. Wolf says, looking evily at Jack.
Reaching in, he reads the name aloud.
"The final contestant to be inflated tonight is B. Wolf!" he calls out, grinning.
"What? B. Wolf? But, that's me. This must be a -mmph-" the wolf begins, until a hissing air hose is shoved into his mouth from behind.
While he struggles, B. Wolf's stomach begins to inflate, rounding up to a beach ball.
From behind him comes loud brays of laughter.
"Sorry, Wolf-man! I just thought that you should get some air time!" Jack brayed, twisting the nozzle even farther.
B. Wolf's eyes, and cheeks, bulged as the air flow increased. Quickly, the rest of his body began to swell, making him into a sumo-balloon.
Suddenly, B. Wolf sent his growing arm straight back into Jack, knocking him to the ground, and allowing him to remove the hose and stop the inflation.
Turning to him, B. Wolf sees Jack struggling to breathe, as he is laughing so hard.
"Ha ha ha hee-haw! You look mah-velous B. Wolf! Or should I call you Blimp Wolf!"
Calming himself, B. Wolf looks down at his swollen form. He puts a paw on each side of his balloon belly, swinging it from one side to another. The khaki-clothed sphere was stretchy and bouncy. B. Wolf smiled, and then tried to bend down to pick up the envelope he's dropped, the one that Jack had slipped his own paper into.
However, his inflated torso wouldn't allow him to bend to far, which caused Jack to laugh even harder. Fortunately, Buster walked over and picked up the slip for him.
Handing it to B. Wolf, Buster went back and sat down.
"Jack, your name is on this paper, you were voted off," B. Wolf says, sticking his gut towards Jack in a threatening manner.
"Alright! Alright! I give, I already got my laughs in!" He says, stabilizing himself as he stands.
Walking over, he gives B. Wolf a few pats and squeezes on his large stomach, and opens his mouth.
B. Wolf grins back, and shoves a new hose into Jack's mouth.
Still smiling, the odd green donkey began to expand. Like those who were inflated before him, his cheeks were the first to grow, and then his stomach began to fill out.
His red 'You Don't Know Jack' shirt became stretched against the growing furry balloon. As Jack continued to laugh, he shook his inflating girth as it continued to balloon.
With that, B. Wolf turned the dial a little farther then normal. With the increased air flow, Jack's body increased its inflation, and Jack stopped his laughing.
As his arms started to fill, they were pushed upwards by his rounding torso. His stomach increased its growth, and the rest of his body followed. In a short period of time, Jack was already as large as B. Wolf, and was continuing to expand. B. Wolf merely smiled as Jack shot him dirty looks.
After a little more time, B. Wolf turned off the air flow, and removed the hose from the donkey's mouth. Panning back, the camera took in Jack's large body.
His cheeks were like basketballs, and his neck had been consumed by his inflated torso. His arms stuck straight out, though he could still bend them somewhat. His red shirt was stretched tight against the globe of his stomach, with a waistline that was almost perfectly round. His thighs had been pushed apart as his stomach began to consume them, along with his fat arms.
Looking at him, it was clear that he was slightly larger then the Sarge had been. His hoofs stuck out of the bottom of his large legs, and his fat face stuck out, snickering at B. Wolf.
"Sorry, Jack. Just thought that you might enjoy a little extra air time," B. Wolf says, giving Jack a few light punches into his balloon belly.
"Ha ha, very funny wolf," he says, bumping his stomach into B. Wolf's and turning to walk away.
Starting to laugh to himself, Jack suddenly tripped and landed on his bouncy stomach, rolling over it onto his back.
Looking up, Joseph stood above him.
"Oh, sorry about that," the silver fox said, patting his fat cheeks.
B. Wolf, now himself chuckling, turned to Cardal.
"Cardal, you are a janitor, would you mind sweeping him away?"
"No problem, sir" Cardal said with a laugh, waddling over to the struggling beached-whale of a donkey.
"Hey! Cut it out tuna boy! I mean it! " Jack called as Cardal placed his thick hands onto the donkey's ballooned body, and proceeded to roll him towards the exit.
B. Wolf watched for a little, and then turned back to the remaining contestants.
"Contestants," he says, digging his knuckles into the sides of his stomach," six of you are left. In one week, we will have our final four. And hopefully by then I will be deflated. So, good luck, and be on the lookout for some surprises."
With that, the remaining six filed out, with most expressing joy over Jack being kicked out.
B. Wolf gave his torso a few pats, and turned to watch Cardal continue to roll the angry donkey out of the meeting place. Seeing this, he began to laugh, shaking his belly as he does so.
With that, the scene changes to encompass the whole island, as the sun melts into the ocean. As the logo appears on the screen again, the weird singers start up, and the credits begin to roll.
© Copyright 2001 Blimp Wolf (blimpwolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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